✨[ACCEPTED] aespa upcoming comeback - 'Girls'💜
How to signup:
- Comment below what badges you want, and you will be added to the list.
- If more people signup after the minimums are met, prices for the badges will go down.
- Transfer your akorns to bunnypiggybank by September 11.
- For more information, check this page or ask in this thread.
Current Badge Prices
Group badges
Girls = 850 akorns
Life's Too Short = 950 akorns
Individual badges
Giselle = 700 akorns
Karina = 660 akorns
Ningning = 650 akorns
Winter = 650 akorns
Duedate: September 11
Transfer akorns to bunnypiggybank
GROUP - FULL-LENGTH BADGES KEY*: RED (10) 950 → ORANGE (11-15) 940-900 → PURPLE (16-20) 890-850 → BLUE (21-25) 850-800 → GREEN (26-30) 790-750
After 10 sign-ups (RED), price decreases by 10 every sign up.
MV: 'Girls' (G GRP)
BADGE TYPE: FULL-LENGTHCURRENT BADGE PRICE: 850 1. bunnyviolet 2. SooYoung 3. @laleria 4. Elbereth 5. Yunathehomegirl 6. Byleth 7. ul1ra 8. kwonjiyong92 9. kittykitka 10. www1717 11. @quarkie 12. @zuzuhhaa 13. @Lizzinx 14. kingkook 15. Minazuki 16. caratnotcarrot 17. thelightoftruth 18. Selynn 19. Yunathehomegirl 20. the101 External Content youtu.beContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.MV: 'Life's Too Short' (LTS GRP)
BADGE TYPE: FULL-LENGTHCURRENT BADGE PRICE: 950 1. bunnyviolet 2. kittykitka 3. @zuzuhhaa 4. ul1ra 5. Rainbowlicious 6. Byleth INDIVIDUAL MEMBER BADGES KEY RED (5) 700 → ORANGE (6-10) 690-650 → PURPLE (11-15) 640-600 → BLUE (16-20) 590-550 → GREEN (21-25) 540-500
After 5 sign-ups (RED), price decreases by 10 every sign up.
*EVERYONE PAYS THE LOWEST PRICE REACHEDMEMBER: Giselle (G) - CURRENT PRICE: 700 MEMBER: Karina (K) - CURRENT PRICE: 660 1. bunnyviolet 1. bunnyviolet 2. WinterStorm1 2. @laleria 3. kittykitka 3. Byleth 4. caratnotcarrot 4. jonginmomo 5. thelightoftruth 5. kittykitka 6. Minazuki 7. thelightoftruth 8. the101 9. bobsyouruncle MEMBER: Winter (W) - CURRENT PRICE: 650 MEMBER: Ningning (N) - CURRENT PRICE: 650 1. bunnyviolet 1. bunnyviolet 2. Byleth 2. jonginmomo 3. kittykitka 3. kittykitka 4. www1717 4. Rainbowlicious 5. Rainbowlicious 5. crimsonice 6. butterbutterfly 6. Selynn 7. Roses-are-Rosie 7. the101 8. thelightoftruth 8. thelightoftruth 9. caratnotcarrot 9. bobsyouruncle 10. @laleria 10. kwonjiyong92 USERNAME AMOUNT PAID SO FAR G GRP (850) G (700) K (660) W (650) N (650) bunnyviolet 3510/3510✅ X X X X X SooYoung 850/850✅ X @laleria 2160/2160✅ X X X Yunathehomegirl 850/850✅ X Byleth 2160/2160✅ X X X WinterStorm1 700/700✅ X ul1ra 850/850✅ X jonginmomo 1310/1310✅ X X kittykitka 3510/3510✅ X X X X X www1717 1500/1500✅ X X @quarkie 850/850✅ X @zuzuhhaa 850/850✅ X @Lizzinx 850/850✅ X Rainbowlicious 1300/1300✅ X X Minazuki 1510/1510✅ X X crimsonice 650/650✅ X Roses-are-Rosie 640/640✅ X Selynn 1460/1500 X X caratnotcarrot 2200/2200✅ X X X thelightoftruth 3510/3510✅ X X X X X Yunathehomegirl 850/850✅ X the101 2220/2160✅ X X X kingkook 850/850✅ X bobsyouruncle 1310/1310✅ X X Elbereth 850/850✅ X butterbutterfly 650/650✅ X kwonjiyong92 1500/1500✅ X X Signup Taglist Copy
Display More[SPOILER] @SooYoung @laleria @Yunathehomegirl @Byleth @WinterStorm1 @ul1ra @jonginmomo @kittykitka @www1717 @quarkie @zuzuhhaa @Lizzinx @Rainbowlicious @Minazuki @crimsonice @Roses-are-Rosie @Selynn @caratnotcarrot @thelightoftruth @yunathehomegirl @the101 @kingkook @bobsyouruncle @elbereth @butterbutterfly @kwonjiyong92 [/SPOILER]
lmk if you want to signup
Sign me for the group badge for the moment
Sign me for the group badge for the moment
Got it
Group badge pls
bunnyviolet i like your Chenle pfp, so cute
Yes his smile is the cutest
So LE's now function more like a pre-order, where you would pre-pay for your badges beforehand, then you would receive them later.
As of now, the group badge costs 950 akorns. You would send your akorns to the organizer aka me. I have a second account to store LE funds ( bunnypiggybank ). For this pre-order, you will send your owed akorns to that account.
I don't have a set due date yet. I was waiting for more people to signup and then polling everyone on their preferred submission date. I think the earliest we can submit this would be August. But we can pick a later month if everyone prefers that. There is some flexibility.
Anyways after you send me your akorns and the commission for the pre-order is accepted, the badges will come out a month later. You will be able to pick up the badges you ordered from the shop for zero akorns since you paid already.
Hope this helps!
Group badge pls
Meee of course
Just tagging people who aren't on the taglist but have aespa badges just in case any of you are interested.
kooxgalaxy itiswhatitisss killthisfenty myblinkmidzy WhimsyLand JustWhatIThink pinksz into-the-new-wor FeLiNa @ellenote veryberrys rosseanne Uni909 HyoeulgiUltra gerrard174 Exo_bunnie Minlix15 BlinkNation bluebird1984 AnthonyReveluv Aeicy Baeggi russianvelvet EjellieBean ghostings Kataphract winniethepb okeechobee potatofruit aznboy-x2 sashay Jae-6 SendFoodPics thelightoftruth alexS Violanah crazydoll86 omnimorphism Minazuki
Meee of course
I'm guessing group + Winter?
I'm guessing group + Winter?
And karina
This can be submitted in August or later. We'll vote on a submission date, but there will be a few weeks or so at least to farm.
Anyways, if you want to signup lmk. Take your time. :)
This can be submitted in August or later. We'll vote on a submission date, but there will be a few weeks or so at least to farm.
Anyways, if you want to signup lmk. Take your time. :)
oh really? Well, I think until then I will have enough. I mean at least 700 akorns and I would like to sign up for Giselle then. Is that possible?
Yup that's fine! I'll put you down for Giselle
Sign me up 4 the group badge, pls
thank u
No me I will send you the akorns
Sign me up for all of them please
Sign me up for all of them please
I want the group badge but my akorns not enough yet
so I'll take winter badge when the time comes and if my akorns still not enough
mmm I haven't picked a date yet (planning on polling everyone), but the earliest this can be submitted is in August, and you're not far off from 950 akorns. So I think you can make it?
Unless your akorns are for something else, and which case, yeah go for the Winter badge if you think that's what's best for you.
mmm I haven't picked a date yet (planning on polling everyone), but the earliest this can be submitted is in August, and you're not far off from 950 akorns. So I think you can make it?
Unless your akorns are for something else, and which case, yeah go for the Winter badge if you think that's what's best for you.
thank you so much
I'm excited what kind of teaser that aespa will drops and will be used as the badges
will it be iconic like Next Level?
mmm I haven't picked a date yet (planning on polling everyone), but the earliest this can be submitted is in August, and you're not far off from 950 akorns. So I think you can make it?
Unless your akorns are for something else, and which case, yeah go for the Winter badge if you think that's what's best for you.
How much is it ?
How much is it ?
3750 akorns! Send it to bunnypiggybank
thank you so much
I'm excited what kind of teaser that aespa will drops and will be used as the badges
will it be iconic like Next Level?
aespa teasers are always so visually stunning. I know we'll get something great
3750 akorns! Send it to bunnypiggybank
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