How to Size Your Signature and Profile Photo Correctly
Pixel Specs:
Max width: ~ 800px
Max height is 385px for AllKill VIPs and 285px for non-AllKill.
It will smaller on mobile:
Max width: ~ 700px
Max height is 350px for AllKill VIPs and 250px for non-AllKill.
File Size limits for uploading signatures to AllKpop instead of using an image link:
To add an profile photo, first go to the manage your account, then click avatar.
Here you may upload your image. For gifs though, they MUST be 128x128 pixels and under the file size limit it shows on your screen. For non moving images, it will automatically center your image and use the center point as your profile photo. If that is not how you want your profile photo cropped, please be sure to crop it ahead of uploading it, so it will display properly.
First go to your account settings
Click Signature
Click the Upload Button
To insert the image at full size, click Full Image
To insert it at a smaller size click thumbnail and then choose the size you want from the drop down menu
If you would like to preview the size of the signature, click preview, if you are happy with how it looks in the editor, click submit.
Should you choose preview, the editor then will show you both your current signature, and then a preview of your updates. In this case, no updates were made.