fdblink 🌟IGBAS Cult Leader🌟

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  • Member since Dec 27th 2019
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  • I'm gonna be a star literally my fave twice stage. Chaeyoung pride shirt, Momo green satin shorts, Dahyun eagle dance, Jeongyeons "all the oppars and the unnieeeeeeeeeees".

    Wow 1
    • You have excellent taste, a true intellectual :siptear:

  • Original content from my Toronto Day 1 seat I thought you might enjoy


    Love 1
    • omg that's so cute :holding-back-tears:

      How did you like the concert?

    • It was SO good! They said they're coming back to Canada and if they do I will be there.

      If I knew I knew I was going to be stuck in Toronto an extra day I would've went to day 2 as well.

    • that's great to hear!

      It was the best concert (the Chicago ones) I've been to so far. I can't wait for next time :iconpepe:

    • StelloMomoDay how much was your ticket?

    • Face value was $250 I believe and around $300 after fees. That picture is from the video screen and not a direct shot of Nayeon. I wish I was that close. The seat was still pretty decent. Only a couple of rows back from VIP. Here is the video I made that the screenshot was taken from. I go back and forth between the screen and stage

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  • :claps: hii

  • Nayeon is such a cutie pie in your sig and profile gif. She reminds me of an early 2000's pop star

    • yes she is! I love it so much I don't think I can change sigs until she have a comeback lol

  • Nayeon has the best teeth my bruh :pepe-onions:

  • :pepe-high-five:

  • IT'S HERE FD!!

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  • Hey can I ask you something?

    • of course

    • So I wanted to kind of copy the thing you and youchan are doing where you share songs of your faves but with P1harmony so I could promote them more in the main I guess and have an excuse to talk about their music. I wasn't sure what to title it. I was thinking about working their fandom name in (P1ece aka piece), so at first I thought "A p1ece of music a day" and then Youchan said I should shorten it to "A P1ece of Music" or "Music for P1ece". Do you think these work or do you have better suggestions?

      It's fine if you don't. You can also ignore me. I don't want to be a bother ^^;

    • That's sounds like a great idea! Umm as to the name, that's really personal taste, I think "A p1ece a day" sounded fine but YouChan suggestion also work.

      You can also try something like, daily p1ece and harmony. P1harmony, one p1ece at a time. Iono lol I'm not the best at names

    • Ah yeah I see.

      I want to make it clear that this is a "daily" music thing so I might go with one of Youchan's suggestions, but I like those ideas too hmm :melon_think:

  • I just noticed that your profile is from Yena's Smiley MV lol

    • Yes! lol I loved Yena's smiley so much....Even though my entire aesthetics is Nayeon, I love Yena enough where she gets a dedicated profile pic.

    • Yes, me too! I'm soo excited for her new song Smartphone, are u?

    • Yes I can't wait! The teaser looks beautiful, there's so much colors, and weird characters and a lot going on in the scenes it seems. I love things like that.

    • Yes, me too! Can't wait, if it gets released, let's tell each other how we like it!

    • sounds good!

  • Hey my bro and associate :finger-heart:

  • give akorns pls :pepe-beg:

  • hii

  • Thanks :pepe-onions:

    Like 1
  • Nayeon is just perfect :yesr:

    uWu 1
  • I take it Nayeon's your bias? I love your badges

    • :yesr::yesr::yesr:

      thank you, i need all the badges to make it clear Im Nayeon biased lol

    • My bias changes so much but the very first member I fell in love with was Momo!

      My original bias

      but my current bias is Jeongyeon

    • Nice, what made you stan Momo in the first place and what caused you to switch to Jeongyeon?

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      She was servin!!

      and Jeongyeon's high notes in Up No More made me stan!!

    • Yes, I need more Jeognyeon high notes...

      It must be tough as a Jeongyeon stans lately with the health issues and concerns. Hoping you're staying strong.

  • thanks for following back Nayeon-akgae ;-)

  • please support my Rolling Quartz badge petition for a mere 10 akorns here:

    Rolling Quartz Petition

    tysm! :finger-heart:

  • Thank you so much :pepe-sad::pepelove1::pepelove:

    uWu 1
  • could u give me akorns for en le badges?

  • where is the gif in your sig from?

    • It's from Yena's solo debut.

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  • Hi, can you please vote for me here?


    Thank you! :sana1:

  • Hello. Do you like Tuk tok?

    • Hi :shake-it:

    • Is there a possibility that you'd create an "I'm gonna be a star cult" with taglist and all? Just curious...

    • lol possibly :pepe-smug:

      Jk prob not, lol I don't want to annoy the Onces

    • Oh, I just wanted you to know that I'd join.

      +Those who'd be annoyed would be tasteless .

    • Yes...we will take over...I will form the cult when they least expect it...they wont see it coming :pepe-devil:

  • the ritual is not complete... a wall conversation actually involves a conversation...

    now i know why you followed me so tell me something about yourself

    • Mmmm.....outside of kpop, I spend my free time on cars, photography, and exploring nature areas.

    • how did you get into those hobbies?

    • Cars I got into after I got my license. I just like going fast and after I bought my first car, I was a broke high school student which means I had to figure out how to fix it if anything went wrong because I didn't have money to bring it to a mechanic.

      I've always felt at peace in nature. I've also done some pretty intense hikes like Mt LeConte in the Smoky Mountains and Rocky Mountains to name a few I don't think I can think of any feeling that can beat the high I get after a 20 mile hike to summit.

      Photography I picked up because I didn't want my out door adventures to just be in memory. Memory is a finicky thing and false memory is a huge issue for people. I use phtography as a way to capture memories and feeling the best I can so that when I look through them in the future, I can some how relive those special and important moments.

    • so you're a car enthusiast then? can you fix cars and the like?

      are you at uni now or working

      nice..never been a hiker myself but from what other people say it can be exhilarating...by the locations you mentioned you would be in the US?

      exactly...which is why I have taken a picture a day of my son's relatively short 3.5years life lol

    • Yeah I would probably consider myself an enthusiast. I mod cars and I attend far meets, etc.

      I'm working full time now but I still fix cars with my group of friends, it's still cheaper to just fix the car myself unless I just don't think I can do it. Nowadays you can figure almost anything out on YouTube.

      I never thought I was a hiker before either but after I started doing it, I found out it's one of the things I found most happiness doing.

      You definitely want pictures of your kid, they change a lot at younger age, visually but wow a pic a day for 3.5 years?

  • HI <3

    If you haven’t already can you vote for ONCE CULT in our outfit thread?~

    Like 1
    • I already voted. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to. I don't even see any pictures lol and the conversation in the thread is confusing.

    • omg just you wait until you see our outfits!!! I HOPE WE MAKE THE GUILD PROUD!


    • Even if it looks like a hobo in rags, it's getting my vote :smirks:

    • LOL <3 Have you seen the outfits?~

    • I have not...where can I see it. It wasn't on the thread...

  • Nayeon is bomb af in ur sig

    Love 1
    • All credits to her. Looking this gorgeous is so effortless for her. I can post almost anything of her in sig and it'll look bomb af LOL

    • Perfect World and Fake & True are my favorite Nayeon looks

      TWICE Fake & True MV but it's just when Nayeon gets a solo or focus screen  time - YouTube

      perfect world on Tumblr

    • When I first started stanning Nayeon, I really liked her baby cutesy looks

      NAYEON FY!» — © heartlipped | do not edit.

      But she has proven that age doesn't affect her because as she's older now, she has this very sexy and mature look that I love just as much.Pin on twice

  • hello fellow once :froghype: how did you get the guilds emblem, asking for a friend on this ;(

    Like 1
    • You can buy it from the shop at 100 akorns each. Once you purchase it, you'll get a chat thing from Ves asking which version you want, 1 or 2.

  • You are very close to 1000 akorns, hyung


    Love 1
    • There will be no doubt I will have enough :-) Now the question is...are they going to release 2 badges lol

    • Oh noo.... I guess I will only choose one of them....


    Love 1 LOL 1
    • :smirks: Don't underestimate my dedication. However, I do appreciate the offer :omgr:
      We shall see what happens in the coming hours :flying: