Why kpop stans are more Okay to criticize dance skills than vocal ?

  • this is my takes after the whole surging hate that Giselle is facing for her dance skills

    after seeing all the people calling her a bad dancer, midselle for her danceskills etc... i notice one thing, everybody was hiding their critics behind the " it's not hating, it's objective and constructive criticism because she's really bad"

    and i don't doubt that some people might be genuine behind their comment but i doubt all of them was.

    and what i notice ? is that it's much more acceptable overall to accept it's construtive criticism when kpop stan are lashing out and bashing the dance skills of an idol

    meanwhile when it's about the vocal it's directly means that it's pure hate

    let's take the example of one of the idol who got a lot of bad comment for her vocal skills, Momo.

    if you remember during Dance the night away momo got a lot of critics for her bad vocals, and people directly categorize it as pure hate against her

    when a lot of people comment was about puting her in a rap position and not vocal because she's a bad vocalist, or how bad she is and trolling her which is pretty much the same comment that giselle is getting right now.

    but meanwhile Momo got a lot of support and a lot of hate for her bad vocal and people defending her, giselle seems to get a lot more hate

    other takes on this, why an idol like giselle is getting drag left and right for her dance skills and everyone consider the hate she's getting acceptable because she's very lacking

    but idols with very bad vocal doesn't get the same energy even if they are as weak than giselle is in dancing in term of vocal

    i'm not saying that these weak idol should receive the same amount of hate

    but what i want to know is why kpop stans seems to have more energy to drag weak dancer than they seem to have to drag bad vocalist even if at the end they are same ??

    and Kpop stans seems to be even more defensive about their idols being drag for their vocals ?

    i mean you can easily see the difference in energy when watching threads of giselle being drag for her dance and compare it to previous thread talking about an idol weak vocal

  • kpop fans are aware that idols are bad singers and are insecure about it

    unlike dancing where idols can stand out a lot for not being good since many idols are really good dancers

    u r m o m g a y


  • When it's too obvious for vocals, they do drag them left and right. Not always you can tell if an idol is a bad vocalist unless you get to see them perform live or are a fan, you can spot a bad dancer or lacking skills easier.

  • oh please stop that with the victim mentality.

    your example is so ridiculous, MOMO and the entire group got dragged through the sewage for that vocal incident, and giselle barely get a tip of that hate. Not that I agree either girls deserve anything coming their way but don't pretend like Giselle got it worse than Momo because she didn't. don't be disrespectful.

    since you so brave to use momo as an example, at least Momo is a very strong dancer. All Kpop idols must at least know how to dance, but there are plenty of bad dancer idol out there. Giselle isn't a bad dancer, she make choreography "mistakes". I'm sure the girl has her reason, but making mistake over and over again is way worse than being a "bad" dancer.

    So no, it's not acceptable to be a bad vocal than bad dancer. It's not acceptable to constantly making obvious mistakes on stage. being bad and being wrong are totally different.

  • Your title is not true at all

    And why is twice even used as an example?

    Hating on those girls singing was as normal as praising your faves at one point

    Saying that they just cant sing or mocking them particularly MOMO is not the constructive criticism you think it is

    But I'll answer the question about why dancing is perhaps criticized more often these days

    it's because more and more groups are lip syncing so kpop fans can only criticize the music,performance and dance nowadays

  • Lol what is this revisionist history 💀 twice got dragged to hell and heaven for their vocal skills, the vitriol hate they receive can wipe the floor what you call the hate giselle seemingly gets. Heck even jennie was dragged way worse for her “lazy dancing” than what giselle’s got so far. All these behaviours are deplorable but let’s not rewrite history and act like giselle is the biggest victim here

  • I don't think it's dance vs vocals. Momo went through hell for her bad vocals. Most onces accept she is a weak vocalist. However, she is one of the top dancer. Giselle is a terrible dancer and not great at anything else. She doesn't have anything else to fall back on.

    If Giselle was one of the top vocalist like Momo is at dancing, then a lot more people would be accepting of Giselle's terrible dancing.

  • i mean vocals are vocals, momo/twice got insane hate for the encore stage, but its more of just lack of ability.

    lia got hate when she was rough with special stages for her dancing, as they went hard af

    and tbh, for a non special stage, fresh comeback choreo, she shouldnt be fucking up as bad as she is






  • Kpop fans care more about dancing than singing you can see the idols who make it in survival shows are known for dancing or have a story. But using momo for comparing is wrong. She gets lot of negative comments for her vocals. There are lot of idols with little singing skills who dont get any much hate like momo. It depends on how much hate a group gets like aespa is already hated so the hate against giselle is bigger. Like twice in 2020 was targeted.

  • imma just reply to your title because


    but so


    I think people are just as disconnected in knowing the reality of dancing and singing when criticizing them but they also have a better intuitive sense of motion ( we move every day, but we don't sing every day) so they might be more apt to be confident in their criticisms when in reality they haven't authority in either.

  • anyway yeah not sure why op is acting all dramatic when momo/twice got far more hate for their vocals than giselle did for her dancing. but to answer the question the bar is in hell for vocals in kpop so no one really expected much from that...while kpop has become a more performance oriented genre so if you're showing signs of not being up to par you're gonna get dragged

  • Giselle isn't a bad dancer. The reason I critize her and aespa for dance is because they make choreography mistakes and its obvious in a four member group. Giselle misses most of the choreography and no one can deny it.

    Performance standards have increased in 4th gen. It stand out a lot more.

  • You probably feel Giselle got criticised worse than Momo because you are following Giselle and more invested in her. Those who follows Momo would feel the opposite. It’s a matter of perspective. I feel both are being used as fodder for antis to downplay and bash the artists. Antis love to latch on one thing and milk it dry. It’s the Kpop way of life.

    I personally would pick this as the best answer ^^

  • an SM stan saying that



    edit: about giselle tho, I don't think she gets more hate for her dance (I wasn't even aware) than the entire group get for their lack of stage presence... at least stage presence is something you can get better at even if you suck at dancing

  • You’re back <3 <3

  • Also, I don't meant this as a drag I promise, but there is no vocal to critique if there isn't any live singing

    In fact, Giselle has been praised for her coachella performance because they performed live.

    If you sing live I think people are more ok with you making mistakes during your dance. Like you can afford to "skip steps" to engage the audience. It's all impromptu.

    But if it's a lipsync performance, people expect perfection.

  • make sense

  • make sense

    Like ima use my faves as an example.

    Recently I've been watching a lot of Brave Girls performances because a lot of clips of their performances pop up from their recent concert.

    I'll admit, they aren't the best dancers, and I don't think all of the performances are fully live as well. Their "angles" or whatever you call it or precision for the choreo aren't top tier and their dances are very simple.

    But throughout the entire concert they are constantly waving to fans, blowing kisses. At times when it isn't their part, they are smiling to each other, engaging fans. All these make up for the "lack of precision", in fact, it is way more enjoyable to watch because it doesn't feel like a "choreographed presentation" of a song, it feels like an actual performance where they are actually enjoying themselves

    For many 4th gen idols and stages, it's all about being precise and flawless. Explains all the lipsyncing as well because they want perfection. Like idols would burst into tears for like a slight mistake in choreography that may make the entire performance seem off just for 1 second.

  • I want this post on a banner on a truck sent to SM



  • I disagree with this thread, and the reason is very straightforward

    - People critize dance because this is what is left to criticize, as groups no longer sing live, even the ones who sing decently (NCT for instance)

    Twice was so constantly and blatantly criticized by their vocals that I feel it left a lasting impact on kpop, as if companies were afraid to let their idols sing and be dragged because of it

    I also feel dancing is a skill that you can practice until you get acceptable. Vocals are also a skill, but seems to be much harder to produce an okay vocalist than a okay dancer, specially because vocals are very dependent on natural tone, Momo can't change her voice no matter how much she practices singing, what can be done it training enough to be stable while dancing (like Itzy), but they will never be a stronghold in vocals no matter how much they practice

    Bad and out of sync dancing, specially in smaller groups, is almost impossible to hide. With vocals you can use loud backtrack and stand will pretend is 100% live, so here you have the perfect situation where bad vocals get free pass while bad dancing get tons of lashing out comments

  • Just my opinion, I think dancing is become an obligation for an idol nowadays, I never knew singer have to dance perfectly. I guess that what most people expect when it comes to KPOP. I'm grateful if there are idols that doesn't give a lot of damn about it and think dancing is just a choice for their performance, because if dancing is more important than vocal then why not just become a dancer instead of idol if you ended up lipsync from the start till the end of your career.

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