Posts by harambelives

    Morbius has the answer

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    After about 12 years being into Kpop ive lost interest since the last year. My faves SNSD are inactive on indefinite hiatus, I don't know anything about any of the 4G groups, haven't listened to any songs (outside the occasional Taeyeon release), haven't watched any Idol TV shows, haven't even kept with big news stories - I don't even have a clue what happened with hybe and new jeans lol. The only recent news in aware of is Hyuna is marrying a guy associated with burning sun which is messed up, oof. Hell the last conversation I remember having on this site was last year when I was talking about how addicted I was to Zelda lol.

    How supportive are Muslim countries really to Palestinian? The way they keep Palestinian refugees out of their countries is a case in point. To them, Israel is there to keep a check on Palestine. Here you are commenting about East Asians on the other side of the world???!

    As the biggest supporter of israel why doesn't USA take in israeli refugees who want to get away from danger and bombings?

    I think going after idols/celebs in general for this kind of thing achieves nothing. Unless he's got ulterior motives for the posts at the end of the day he and other celebs are doing it for a pay check and little else. It's their job basically and unfortunately sometimes people may do shitty things for money. I mean you could find an idol promoting a any other product that is associated with other shit around the world like Nestlé which steals water. For the average person we are no different, we regularly use stuff that is associated with companies complicit in genocide like phones, websites, food, drink, household products etc.

    However celebs who go out of their way to justify/endorse killing kids like Jamie Lee Curtis, Bieber, Gal gdot etc who do so even without any sponsorship or anything and fully deserved to be called out or cancelled

    First a correction

    SNSD had a great run from 2009 to 2015. Every title track from Gee to Party was #1 AKA a hit. I don't know why you consider number 1 songs as underperforming as that makes no sense, they still achieved the highest ranking possible on the charts. That's a success by any definition. Lion heart was the end of their #1s but still did well, LH was top 10 for weeks (RIP You Think).

    Counting all those hits in that time period that's 10 #1 in a row. If you only count Gaon certified then it's 8 which is still respectable but that ends up ignoring Genie and freaking Gee because they came out before Gaon was introduced. Discounting either of those 2 songs as hits due to a technicality would show up any so called Kpop fan as a complete noob.

    Now onto the meat and potatoes.

    Twice had more digital stats on their side true but that's because Twice are from the digital age, I bet many ggs from 3G and 4G including outside big 4 have equal or better digital feats like most listeners, most days spent on chart than SNSD and every other 2G gg. There's a thread saying NJ now is the most streamed gg album ever. So is NJ the greatest gg in Kpop history already? I doubt anyone would say yes. SNSD used to be one of the biggest album sellers, male or female in Kpop at the time but now with how readily available albums are internationally and the rise of China many ggs have totally crushed SNSD once historic numbers. Does that mean they are all above SNSD? Again no.

    That's why it's hard to compare 1 to 1 when it comes to different periods. It's fairer to compare how well they fared within their active eras against their peers and come to a conclusion from that. So let's do that briefly.

    SNSD in their era were one of the strongest ggs digitally despite some people trying rewrite history calling them weak, with only really 2NE1 consistently being stronger (others had their time to shine like T-ara or WG who at times beat both SNSD and 2NE1 but didn't have a long reign at the top for various reasons) but slowed down after 2015 which makes sense given it's 8 years since debut and members focused more on individual projects. Every single other metric was SNSD without question from albums to CF to touring to TV. They were undisputably the biggest gg of Kpop in their time.

    Twice early was successful enough to be the NGG but after only 3-4 years of their dominance they completely fell off a cliff on the charts. Their counterparts BP RV MMM still carried on having success that matched or exceeded Twice and by the early introduction of 4G ggs like IVE and NJ Twice were a complete non factor on the charts, they struggled to stay top 100 at times which is laughable for a top group. BP blew up everywhere and overtook Twice in almost every metric whether it's digital, album, touring, international popularity etc.

    So if we're comparing their performance in their eras SNSD was more dominant for almost the entire 2G vs Twice who massively fell off for the latter half of 3G through early 4G where BP took over. There is no logic for you to say SNSD weren't that dominant in their time whereas Twice were when it's plain as day to see Twice seceded to BP and were regularly beaten in charts by every gg under the sun including rookies. That is far from what id call domination, more like capitulation.

    To really hammer it home 2022 was an all star gg battle royale during spring and summer. A semi retired 15 yo fish out of water SNSD got #5 for a couple weeks in a row against current heavy hitters BP, IVE and NJ. Meanwhile Twice I think peaked around 20-30 or something like that with Talk That Talk and dropped like a rock usual. If Twice better digital stats are the determining factor over SNSD to show who's more dominant then surely Twice should've easily blitzed SNSD off the earth right? In the end SNSD was beloved enough by the public to keep pace with the current trendiest ggs. That summer battle was the nail in the coffin on who was the bigger gg between the ggs.

    Gotta be SNSD.

    The string of massive hits, their total domination of Korean media (music, drama, variety shows, face of Olympics coverage etc), the popularity of members, endorsed every type of product under the sun from usual makeup to family homeware, pushed kpop world wide, the media regularly called them national/cultural icons, represented Korea at international events, popularised large ggs, the gold standard and inspiration/role models for many ggs and idols (including Twice and BP), the list goes on.

    SNSD at the time was Korea pop culture and the face of Kpop.

    ik him mentioning snsd was going to hurt you

    Twice outsells and outtours snsd in every aspect and the difference isn't even minimal

    if you really want to compare digitals to that monstrous feat then go ahead

    plus Twice never kicked out any members, jessica says hi!

    Doesn't detract from being unable to stay in the top 100. Not even nugus struggle that hard while Twice is supposed to be NGG.

    snsd vocal line with jessica was great

    but lets not be oblivious to the fact that yonna, yuri , hyoyeon and then sooyoung could not hold a single note,

    why do you think the line distribution in snsd dsongs were always so terrible?

    because they couldn't sing, hyoyeonwould always get about 3 secs at best

    SM was smart, they knew there dance line couldn't hold a note, so they gave them little lines = no bad encores

    Dunno what crack your own but SNSD dance line were more than capable in their early years, the weakest like Hyoyeon or Yoona were actually able to sing live, while dancing too. Dance line have improved ever since and all can easily sing on their own without issue, Sooyoung has done a dew SNSD songs like ITNW on her own. Meanwhile Twice years after debuting and experience still couldn't sing live includingduring mutiple encore across multiple years.

    You gonna ignore the last few years where Twice struggle to stay in the top 100 mutiple times?