Posts by harambelives
Listening. I used to also enjoy talking about kpop (and some fan fighting hehe) but since almost all the group's I was into are gone there's not much for me to talk about lol.
If they're really friends then status shouldn't matter at all. If members can put with other members who are much more popular then I'm sure they can put with less/more popular idols from other groups.
On a side note SNSD mentioned something related a few times. When they were the big dogs and went on music shows a lot of times other groups would simply just bow and not even talk to them because they were intimated by SNSD and their status. A little tradition was for newer groups was to go to seniors dressing rooms to greet them and give them a copy of the latest album, something even SNSD did as rookies and as seniors, but newer groups didn't do it and stayed clear. So SNSD felt because of their perceived status by others they couldn't really make friends with younger groups.
I mean ITNW is a 14 year old song that new trainees learn, been covered a lot by idols and more importantly it's branched out to become a song of change for societal issues like sexism, LGBT pride and even getting rid of corruption.
As a song cheer up is still bigger but as a message or idea ITNW is another level beyond the scope of kpop
Do you know what a TV is?
Sure I'll eat
glass -
Just picking on an observation. Demon's Souls is on par with Dark Souls for most of people who started with Demon's Souls and in some aspects better while in others worse. It's just a different beast all considering. It's not like DS2 or DS3 which has a more of a consensus that were not as good as Dark Souls and it's easier to make a direct comparison. Maybe some Dark Souls late adopters fanboys may think it, but usually most of the key members of the community would put all three in similar pedestal.
Anyway this remake seems to change up some stuff enough for more hardcore fans of the series. Probably not enough to convince non-hardcore fans of souls series to get a PS5.
I've seen the opposite. Most people who've played Dark Souls series don't rate demon's souls (at least the original) at the same level with possible exception of dark souls 2. DS3 Vs DS1 is closer with fans liking either one better than the other but DS1 being the more important almost genre defining game.
But I think everyone agrees Bloodborne is still From Softwares best game.
I'm holding off getting ps5 simply because there isn't really any big must have game on there yet. Miles Morales is available on PS4 and while demon souls looks good, it's a remake of an older game, which in many fans eyes isn't as good as creators later efforts like dark souls or Bloodborne.
And from possible games this year the standout ones are going to be God of war and Horizon but neither are confirmed for this year. With the pandemic still causing havoc they may come out very late 2021 or even pushed back to next year.
However if God of war Ragnarok is released this year then I'm straight away getting one, loved the first one. Btw you have to play it, it's one of the greatest games ever. It's like a fairytale mixed with a movie mixed to a really fun combat game
Well considering they're hardly any talk or buzz about I think the answer is a big no. I think I've heard about her dad more than I have of her lol
They do? Other groups have had drastic or very contrasting changes and in some cases found greater success than previous iterations
Girls day started of cute then did sexy and exploded in popularity and some with sistar helped shift kpop into a sexy phase
Apink were once THE cute gg but in recent times have revamped themselves
WG became an actual band
SNSD changed concept more or less every CB to the point that became their overall concept
But like most of that stuff seems like common in interviewing different types of celebs. Like you wouldn't invite a famous footballer and ask him deep questions about the meaning of life or how gravity works? Youd mainly stick to what they know best ie football
The only odd things are futures (I guess they company holds that fate so can't do much about that) and taking about other artists. Dating is obviously a sensitive issue considering they're deemed scandals and can affect careers