Me and a teacher had the exact same name (first and last names) so my friends spread the rumour that I was his son. Eventually it got to the point where kids I didn't know/not in my classes made fun for having a teacher as a parent because they genuinely believed it was true lol.
Posts by harambelives
Yes that's what I mean. Not really being smacked on the leg (like in your case) but spanking, caning, slapping (really anything that would leave a mark), threatening and more harmful stuff. It seems like a lot of people dismiss it as discipline.
In that case then like I said it differs from person to person. Some people think absolutely no hitting, some like my parents smacked me and nothing more, and some go full on with weapons and shit. Often it comes down to culture or simply my parents beat me so I will beat my kids. I have heard stories of friends whose parents beat them hard.
I had a friend whose dad literally got up and smacked him during a parent teacher evening at school because the teacher said his grades were very poor our teacher day there with a oh god what am I supposed to do look lol. Later he told us that it was common in his house and a smack was getting off light, he normally got hit with dad's shoes. He said he was used to it and felt it wasn't abuse but admitted was a bit excessive (though if I'm being honest the he was at times a dickhead in school and not surprised he was disciplined a lot at home where I assume he was worse).
No? I mean I never really seen child abuse brought up and people shrug it off, it's a pretty open and shut case of its wrong.
The only time I've seen abuse of sorts validatd is hitting as a means of discipline which differs from people opinions especially with their up bringing. I was smacked on my leg if I did something really bad or dangerous (like hitting my sister with telephone lol) and that was teach me not be a shithead rather than purely to harm me.
Drake in America? He's set a few records in recent times especially streaming wise
Adele is basically the 2nd queen of the UK any time she releases music, her hype is massive here
The only thing I know about technicals of singing is what others say reach singers ranges are lol. In almost all rankings like that Ailee is the best around.
But at the end of the day that's only 1 aspect of singing and doesn't tell the full story. There are subjective things you can't really quantify like tone, emotion, music style etc.
IMO Taeyeon is unmatched by anyone when it comes to overall package. She's got great technique sure but she is so much more: she can pull off any and every music style, her voice is very pleasant to many, she's great at conveying emotion especially during ballads, tons of charisma even when she's just standing in one spot and so on.
The legendary HyoTae in SNSD lol.
Probably video games still lol
Who knows tbh. Kpop is more and more accessible so it's easier to buy albums and we've seen a big shift to where even smaller ggs can still 100k no issue when that figure was only for the biggest ggs. Everyone used to think SNSD selling a million was the biggest a gg could get and that was almost a decade ago, 5 years can change a ton of things especially with a new gen emerging
What??? Someone spill, I’m begging you!!
On a different form, onehallyu, teshub still had a thing for Irene. There was one time San E was a bit touchy with irene on some show or something and she looked a bit uncomfortable. Teshub made a thread literally threatening to find and attack him or something along those lines. Mods banned him for inciting hate against idols lol
I played all the Zelda games as it's my fave series but I just can't bring myself to like Zelda 2 because it's far too removed from it's foundations and subsequent entires.
Zelda 1 was new and fresh because it brought adventure with the top down view and puzzles. You had to use your brains as much as your gaming skills. That was genre defining in games and in a broad sense the Zelda series is still the only big name series that does this type of game.
But 2 took that away it was more simplistic as a result. What's worse is that mechanically it wasn't as refined as the ton of other side scroll platformers like mario, metroid, contra, castlevania, mega man etc. Take away what made Zelda stand out and as game that others series do better and well it's easy to see why many Zelda fans don't like it
Ooh this is interesting even if I don't like maths lol
Good effort and it helps recontextualise things but this still doesn't provide the full picture because there are a lot more variables than just more music shows these days: shows have used different scoring systems, some shows had very sus or broken criteria (music banks infamous broadcast score), some shows arbitrarily not giving out awards (music core didn't used to give awards, inki at one point stopped giving awards), some show banned certain artists and so on.
A e s t h e t i c
You know when you're at a bus stop and if there's like 1 or 2 people there you stick your hand out to let the driver know to stop? Well I never stock my hand out and a few times the driver never stopped lol.
At first i used to have subconscious thoughts what if the bus doesn't slow down in time and cuts my arm off? Then one time I did it but my outstretched arm had my wallet in it and i accidentally dropped it on the road...... Then the bus drove over it. So I couldn't get it until the bus moved forward and I ended up looking like an idiot
Now I just stand right next to the sign without sticking my arm out lol
As in like body switch thing? What a weird question lol.