fortuna A-List Star

  • Member since Dec 30th 2016
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  • Haus?

  • You have the most amazing aesthetic on AKP

    Love 1
    • Thank you, I appreciate the compliment. Glad you like it !

  • :iconpepe::iconpepe::iconpepe:

  • If you were a Transformer you'd be Optimus Fine!

    LOL 2
    • I spit out my drink

      Thanks for making me smile today ^^

      Sending love your way :borahae:

    • not you laughing at my very serious pickup line

  • hii

    • Hey there ! How are ya? :pepelove1:

    • I'm good, hbu?

    • I'm oKay just a bit tired.

      Let us both hold on for a bit longer :borahae:

    • Yes we should.

      Btw what should I call you?

    • anything you want ~ :finger-heart::borahae:

      Sorry I just saw your msg

    • Aww you're a sweetheart :borahae:

      How are you doing love ?

    • I am a wee sleepy this week but well. I hope you are not taking what happened too hard :borahae:

      If you need I will send more hugs! :send-love-bunny:

    • Nice that you're doing well. Is your week busy? Remember sleep is important and I'm doing okay. Thanks for the hugs :excited-bee:

    • Yes it has been very very busy. I got some sleeps last night, though. :finger-heart::borahae: And I always got a abundance of hugs :excited-bee:

  • :iloveyoub:

  • buy me a badge

    LOL 1
  • Great job catching and closing the call-out thread!

    Like 1
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    • This is harassment

      Where are the mods


    • The mods can't help you now :mooning:

  • ChickenDrip at 3x

    • External Content
      Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.
      Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

  • Hi, i just noticed you closed the Lizkook thread. I hope it wasnt because of my post :-( . I was just joking about reporting the other user who called me "successhouse", i wasnt offended at all lol.

  • Are you and Ibby the same person? :whatb:

    • what makes you think that ?

      if you don't mind me asking

  • <3

    Love 1
  • 57220-5969-standing-lookingu-50-1-gif

    Love 1
  • fortuna more like fortunea, donate some.

    LOL 1
  • Why you move my thread? Do you know how much a U-Haul cost these days? :mad:

    (Spoiler: I know why you moved my thread LOL JK)

    LOL 1
  • I was about to tag you to close that monstrosity of a thread. 😂 Thank you

    LOL 1
  • You are over here closing alt accounts making bait threads left and right today :claps:

    LOL 1
  • I was first but whatever

    Like 1

  • Did you name yourself the Roman goddess fortuna, or does it mean smth else? :whatb:

  • I noticed your moderator tag - congratulations 🥳

  • Hey congrats!!!

    Just realised that you have moderator under ya username... ;-)

  • why r u under my bed...

  • stay away from my bed :pepe-cross:

    • it's too late for that

      I already got a whole crib beneath it


      LOL 1