Posts by ZestyMochi

    I am also losing interest. Still love my faves but I feel no motivation to listen to other music. Back when I first started in 2017 I was always listening to kpop even groups that I didn't stan because it all sounded so good. But none of these new groups interest me enough to even check out more than one song from them.

    I'll just stick to nostalgia/faves until 5th or maybe 6th gen impresses me again.

    This thread made me go through memory lane, these are just a small sliver of my faves

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    The issue Pink is having is the same that I am. I've logged out, in, and out, multiple times from the main website and this one. I changed my password, deleted cookies, cleared cache, the new comment system doesn't allow certain people to log in at all.

    Hello, please note the forum and the news section are separate and as a result staff here don't have any access to the other side. That being said by scrolling down an article to the comment section and clicking log in from there I was able to gain access to the comments. Hopefully that works for you. pasted-from-clipboard.png.

    I don't see the value because the complaints mods get now would continue and be the same as we can't leave the section unmoderated. The crux of the issue is users want to post vile things towards other users without consequences. Sure that does get activity but users will still inevitably leave because they find akp hostile. Eventually the forums is no longer a fun place with discussion but a bullying fest and mostly trolls remain. We need a way to meet in the middle, tbh I think akp just needs some advertising for new users or something to draw more people in. There were a lot of people who joined for (G)idle Q&A for example. We don't need something big like that, but just more awareness of the place to replace the users who have left.

    Thanks. I am wondering that the user who said "you can just close it if it gets toxic" realizes that a majority would never be approved then. As it was, many got rejected and then users would just keep trying to post the toxic stuff and get mad - guess at who - when their toxic anon threads weren't approved. And with that, we're back at "biased" mods with no transparency.

    Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

    This! We used to have mods names showing when we closed a thread on anons and it was the worst. Then we finally made ourselves anonymous but it still didn't stop us from getting targeted. They would see every post approved as a mod agreeing with it and giving it validation when we didn't even make the content. Users need to be responsible for all their own posts.

    Late to the anon topic but: My biggest problem was approving posts. Mods would constantly get blamed for approving certain post users didn't like or not approving their posts. I don't want the responsibility of posting crazy stuff, that's not my job. I'm a moderator that deals with the aftermath of that posting. It was also used to troll mods and say some extremely vile stuff towards us and we couldn't stop it because there's no way to ban or warn users there. Anons are so anonymous even mods don't know who users are and that is a big problem imo.

    Yeah I don't think people realize it's not easy being a moderator especially on forums. I was a moderator on a sports forum and everyone always felt like I was being biased to the fans of the team I support. You can never win.

    It is the staff's responsibility to make sure they are not being biased. But it is also the member's responsibility to trust the staff and hope they make the right decisions. The only thing that's in your hands is to use the report button. How to work on the reports is on the staff. And you as a member should respect the decisions. Be it against yourself.

    Exactly. Its always going to feel person when a moderator gives you a warning but I wish people would realize majority of mods just want peace and civility on the forums. Its a great day when there are no reports to worry about.

    Also as a side note, just talk politely to staff and you can sometimes work something out. I for one am never against reconciliation and finding a way to move forward.

    Moderating is like a scale that will never get balanced. Every time you try one thing someone complains and then you try another thing and it still isn't right. People feel we restrict people's freedoms and then people feel they are being bullied and we're not punishing people hard enough. In a perfect world everyone would be satisfied. :peperain:

    Mod here: Please keep things civil here. There are a lot of differing opinions but nothing about this situation requires you to call people names, insult them or just in general give people a hard time for their opinions. Nobody is right or wrong here, just continue to discuss and if you can't reply to someone in a civil manner then its not necessary to reply at all.

    I dont disagree but people aren't changing their perception or opinions they are just sliding narratives to continue their old ones. Mhj is constantly seen has this cunning manipulative women while simultaneously a stupid emotional narcissistic that let's pride cloud her judgment. It's same thing seen with conspiracy theories.

    Narratives are in the news and media, its all people have to go on right now while more information is slowly being revealed in small chunks. As more information is revealed on both sides it will naturally change someone beliefs. I mean that is what both companies are trying to do: convince the public they are in the right and the other is in the wrong. While people believe those narratives you mention people also believe MHJ is being wronged by HYBE and that is also narrative. I'm not saying you have agree with them or like them but my point is we don't really have a ton of facts and people are trying too hard to argue against opinions about someone they don't know either.

    Its not selective just from the press con alone people went from mhj is so stupid and emotional. This is going to ruin her so unprofessional shes so unhinge this is why she cant be ceo.

    Than they saw positive reaction and switched to omg she's so manipulative. She's a sly fox who intentionally put on a sad act to fool people into supporting her our of pity.

    I saw many people felt she was manipulative since the press conference but honestly its just perception and opinions which can change and rarely set in stone. I'm sure the same has happened for BSH as well and the truth is nobody knows MHJ irl so no matter what we say its all speculated whether you like her or not we are all just imagining how she's feels, how she thinks, all of it.