im not crazy for thinking this take is hot garbage right?

  • since Aespa's concert in Boston ppl have been upset that fans have brought lightsticks from different groups saying it's disrespectful and rude to the girls and that if they dont have their (aespa's) lightstick then they shouldnt bring one at all. Ive seen so many of these same comments being said on twitter that have over 10k+ likes.

    But I think that's complete shit bc if you already have a lightstick then why not just bring that one, how is that disrespectful if ppl are just going to wave it to the beats and shake them around like crazy like they would at any concert ?

    Like concerts are expensive now, its hard for a lot to buy a ticket before resellers grab them and raise the prices. Ive seen nosebleed seats being sold for 900$+ !!? Its insane to think that someone to drop another 60$ on a lightstick if they can't afford it or they can save money buy just bring their own.

    Aespa didnt mind seeing the other lightsticks in Boston when this "controversy" started but people have been turning into fans being spiteful or disrespectful WHEN THEY BOUGHT TICKETS TO GO SEE THEM ? no one is insane to deliberately go to a concert they paid for to be a dick.

    Idk its been annoying to see these last few weeks bc its not that serious

    Pls tell me im not insane for thinking this take is absolutely ridiculous. Especially when there are more disrespectful things that could happen at a kpop concert :/

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    People who think like this is disrespectful to Humanity. You cant be more idiotic

  • It's a non issue and so many idols have said as much. As someone who broke one light stick, left another at home it's really not worth it

    It's a bit funny how there are so many candy bongs but honestly, that's kind of the perfect light stick to take to other concerts, just set the color right



  • I find it disrepectful in a way but i also can understand why people do it

    I understand because lightstick are so expensive so not everybody have the money to buy one

    But i also find it respectful because for me a concert is kinda a football game for example you don't go to a football game of OM vs OL (French club) while wearing a PSG jersey

    Because even if you are attending their concert it doesn't look like you really support them

    It just look like there was a a kpop concert happening and you bought a ticket

    Which i find quite sad because i'm sure some hardcore MY who have their lightstick etc.... couldn't get their ticket because of some of these people

    I'm more on the side of people thinking if you don't have the group lightstick just don't bring any lighstick and just do like they do in western concert just use you camera light, that's a better alternative than showing support to a different groups at some one else concert

    Because actually i think that since aespa talked about other groups lightstick in a previous concert more and more people are just bringing their favs lightstick to aespa concert which wasn't the case before Just as a way to be notice or else

  • Then get a cheaper alternative there are so many available that people have been taking to non kpop concerts since the dawn of time why would you take someone else’s this is just a made up excuse to be obnoxious.

    it's a concert chill ... I used to go festivals and concerts in whatever band T shirt I owned nobody cared it's not that serious

  • it's a concert chill ... I used to go festivals and concerts in whatever band T shirt I owned nobody cared it's not that serious

    Band t shirts are NOT like light sticks. Don’t be silly. Kpop lightsticks are visible with another groups symbol to entire concert hall.

    “It’s not that serious”

    Not it’s just obnoxious and attention seeking.

  • But i also find it respectful because for me a concert is kinda a football game for example you don't go to a football game of OM vs OL (French club) while wearing a PSG jersey

    Thats because soccer fans are violent people with the emotional development of a child. Lol, you really want to see this type of behavior in Kpop fans?

  • Band t shirts are NOT like light sticks. Don’t be silly. Kpop lightsticks are visible with another groups symbol to entire concert hall.

    “It’s not that serious”

    Not it’s just obnoxious and attention seeking.

    the idols don't care and nobody will cherry pick out a tiny light out of thousands of people...

    maybe it's obnoxious for you but a lot of people go to these concerts just to enjoy themselves

  • Also i want to add

    That many groups in the past have spoken highly about one of their biggest moment in their career is see a stadium, a concert arena being illuminate with their official color, and see the ocean of their lightstick as one of their most memorable moment

    I just feel bad that aespa is being robbed from this experience and feeling , because ppl prefer to bring another group lighstick, than just use their phone light or get a lightstick pen etc...

  • the idols don't care and nobody will cherry pick out a tiny light out of thousands of people...

    maybe it's obnoxious for you but a lot of people go to these concerts just to enjoy themselves

    “Idols don’t care” I hope this is a joke. Are they gonna say they don’t care in front of the camera :angryr: :cryingr:

    You can absolutely see the array of different light sticks in the concert hall extremely easily. That’s why this is trending. Because it’s so easy to spot.

    You can do a lot of things to enjoy yourself doesn’t mean some of those things aren’t obnoxious and attention seeking.

  • the idols don't care and nobody will cherry pick out a tiny light out of thousands of people...

    maybe it's obnoxious for you but a lot of people go to these concerts just to enjoy themselves

    are you sure ?

    Because i actually saw the entire interaction of aespa talking about other lightstick

    They acknowledge other groups lightstick and said it was pretty

    But still end up finishing the whole interaction by saying that their lightstick is still the prettiest

    Showing that even if they don't really mind they would still prefer to see their lightstick than other group lightstick

    And i think that actually since this interaction and the fact that it led to more and more people just bringing more different groups lightstick

    Aespa never talked about other group lightstick probably because they thought than doing it in the past made more people do it and aren't as comfortable anymore to see more other group lightstick at their concert than their own

  • I think it's weird to bring a random groups lightstick to someone else's concert. It's like not mandatory to bring a lightstick, u don't need to buy one to attend the concert so why would u bring a different lightstick to a concert that's ridiculous

  • What other people do is really none of my business but in my opinion, there are so many cheap alternatives for lightsticks that I really just don't understand the people who bring another group's lightstick when the whole point of kpop lightsticks is to represent Fandom support for a specific group.

    I mean, you went out of your way to buy a lightstick in the first place for the group you love, so surely you must understand the significance of it, right? Otherwise, why even buy your faves lightstick if literally any other one will do since it doesn't matter?

    And sure, Idols probably wouldn't come out and say it themselves, or wouldn't police the issue, but I'm sure they'd much rather see lightsticks that belong to their group than some rando's waving in the crowd. This is just common sense.

    I mean, if you're a sports fan you wouldn't wear a rival teams Jersey to another's game, would you? I mean, you could, it's technically not illegal or anything, but dont be surprised if other's find it in bad taste. And quite honestly, the excuse that "Well, light sticks are too expensive" just comes off as being too lazy to care imho. The most logical reaction an idol would have seeing this is probably that this is some other group's fan who just happened to have a ticket or this person likes them, but has another group they prefer over them (which is not the kind of messaged I'd want to send to an idol performing on stage).

    If not a cheap alternative, then I'd just go empty handed rather than show up with some other group's lightstick. It's not as if lightsticks are a requirement for concerts anyway.

    Edit: grammar

  • I feel like if you don't have the group's lightstick, just don't bring one. Isn't that hard


    Saves you extra baggage as well

    I think it's weird to bring a random groups lightstick to someone else's concert. It's like not mandatory to bring a lightstick, u don't need to buy one to attend the concert so why would u bring a different lightstick to a concert that's ridiculous

    Facts, seems like people have no common sense

    They prefer to be obnoxious than just try to find a not problematic solution

    And then always go for the " lightstick are expensive"

    Yeah they are expensive , but you all have a phone just use the light of your phone it doesn't cost you anything

    Some people who doesn't have the money to buy a lightstick just use to luminous stick that you can buy in store for 2-3 dollars

    People are just dumb, they know what they are doing

  • if you don't have a group light stick just don't bring one or bring a glow stick thats less than a dollar.

    What purpose does bringing another group lightstick fills?

    I wanna see the beautiful aqua blue ocean of my fandom not some random ass colors in the middle.

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  • it's a concert chill ... I used to go festivals and concerts in whatever band T shirt I owned nobody cared it's not that serious

    Literally this. No normal person cares. Just go to the concert and wave whatever lightstick you have and have a good time.

    Watch the eternally online stans have a problem with it though.

  • Well sounds a bit strange too me to bring an other groups light stick if the other groups name is clearly visble, but if they name of the other group don't show much I can't see the harm.

  • It's a fancy flashlight. Who cares? If I'm an artist, I'm just happy you bought a ticket because a) that means you like my music and b) I earn more from tickets purchased than fancy flashlights sold. There are so many different lightsticks at BTS shows and nobody cares. We're just happy you're having fun with us!

    I've always thought kpop fans are weird af for getting so bent out of shape about light sticks.

  • Not sure where I stand on this... but I think I'm siding with the "it's ok" crowd.

    From a fan point of view, on one hand, I would probably be happy to see people from other fandom enjoying my faves. On the other, they also may not care about the group as you because with the 60-70.00 they had spare to choose a group stick, they choose a different group. There's this feeling of they're not a dedicated fan but of course we're in no right to judge others, we don't know them.

    From an idol point of view, besides the first few rows, idols probably can't make out which lightstick is which. And if you got front row seats, unless you got lucky during the online sale massacre, chances are you'll probably be a big enough fan to have the group sick. So maybe if you're in the front seats, don't bring another groups stick for the sake of the idols.

    For the majority who is not in the front few rows,I think its probably fine. Sure different sick will make a different color but I see same fandom lightsticks go out of sync and not the same as the crowd all the time. Also with the limited income fans have, they managed to squeeze enough to buy a ticket which I think they'll probably prefer you do than to buy a lightstick if you could only choose one.

    Some fans also probably want to make the most out of their purchase. I know when I first bought the stick, I was thinking 70.00.... I'm only going to use this once right?

  • i'm on the whatever idc side but if i were the artist, i would feel a bit sad too. Because I imagine they would want to feel the crowd was there solely for them, bringing other artists' merch or light sticks might give the impressions that you're not actually their fans so... :pepe-shrug:

  • Non-issue. Man, this generation is so bored and fragile they are offended and take issue about every little thing. Must be nice being bubble wrapped since birth


    To add on this, if my favorite artist actually finds such trivial matter to be disrespectful when people have paid a fortune to see them already, I'd actually feel embarrassed stanning them in the first place.

  • I personally get it, maybe all people have is the one and they just wanted to bring it for the lightstick fan experience, as many know or may not know, you can download an app and the concert can make all the lighsticks change colors at the same time etc. So maybe in that sense, they bring what they have to participate in that experience of it.

    I don't know if every lightstick works with the same app, but some of you should consider that as a case of why people bring whatever.

    Second, sure they are expensive, and I go back to my first point, maybe it's for the experience of participating in the app when they control all the lightsticks.

    For that reason above I dont' find it disrespectful to the artist. If that particular artist/concert doesn't have the app and they don't have an experience with the lightsticks, which they do give a heads up for this (i've seen it many times on various artists) then maybe bring a generic one. There's no point in bringing another artist if you don't get that full experience.

    for those who don't know what i mean

    this website gives you an indepth how to for pairing and how it works for Ateez lighstick

    (as an example)


    So yeah...i think some of you are being harsh without considering a big factor of WHY they brought it.

    Second if there's an option to purchase a lighstick at the venue, great, hopefully it doesn't sell out, but there's many second hand markets that sell these cheaper depending on where you live. If you can't afford to pay full price. I have personally purchased two lighsticks and that was BAE173's and Infinite's newest one, I won a giveaway for SF9's and I used Japan Mercari for Bugvel, JO1, and Up10tion's, suprisingly enough i paid like $20-$40 which is quite cheap considering the normal prices.

  • I see the reasoning on both sides

    But I also think lightsticks are the "showing your team colours" of kpop. If you were a sportsfan and went to a football/football/football/basketball/baseball game wearing a jersey of a team thats not even competing in that game, just because "its the only one you owned and jerseys are expensive", people would think it's a little bit odd.

  • If I was in that place (not wanting /having enough money to buy a lightstick of the group I'm going to watch) I would just go empty-handed.

    I find it weird to bring another group's lightstick to a kpop concert, but at the end of the day It is such a first-world-problem, a non-issue that I don't even care If the some people in the crowd are coming with other groups' lightsticks

  • Then get a cheaper alternative there are so many available that people have been taking to non kpop concerts since the dawn of time why would you take someone else’s this is just a made up excuse to be obnoxious.

    What are you talking about? Lightsticks aren't even a thing outside of certain countries. The only way you'd even get one in most places is from a Kpop concert. ^^ They're just a pointless gimmick used to separate more money from people's wallets anyway.

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