Posts by Disevidence

    Lmao at People uncritically swallowing either side's story.

    Taking allegations as outright proof.

    Hybe apparently knowing the full story or talking to the press despite the Audit only starting that day - how do Hybe know the results of the Audit before the Audit's even completed?

    MHJ for her part has made claims that are hard to prove as well.

    Just rolling my eyes at how many credulous people in this thread taking every dripfeed of allegations as outright fact. No wonder media disinformation is so effective in the real world. 90% of people lack any critical thinking skills.

    And then there is Idle's main vocal struggling like crazy with her non choreo live performance.

    - OST so doesn't practice the song often (or at all).

    - Was between 2 events that day

    - Had an offtune performance and immediately apologised for it.

    - The OST is also a vocal song, properly vocal and has a higher degree of difficult then a standard Kpop song.

    So.. circumstances completely different.

    Miyeon's had 8 years of great live singing behind her. (She was on tour with Urban Zakapa, a respected outfit, prior to debut). An anomaly isn't going to change that.

    But I'll give you a 'you tried' sticker. 4/10 from you.

    Here's the thing: it's not viral enough for Bighit to do anything that would involve a lot of money. When you look at other b-sides that have gone viral in the last few years (Dolphin, Fate, Eve Psyche, etc.), they were already cracking millions of streams and views on social media, then they shot up the charts in Korea. This was before their respective companies decided to release special performance or music videos.

    ISYTT has just barely cracked the top 100 of Melon and hasn't trended very high on Youtube's daily chart; with the opening tour date on the horizon, I doubt Bighit will spend any significant money to further promote the song. Playlisting, TV broadcasts, and radio spins require money to be spent.

    Before money can be spent, board meetings have to happen to see if they have a budget and if they do, how long can they afford to push the song? They've probably invested hundreds of thousands into all aspects of the tour so ISYTT's small trending status right now isn't a priority.

    Not quite sure I agree with that.

    You're bang on for Dolphin and Fate. Dolphin was top 10, and Fate was number 3 before they got their MVs/special videos and extra promo.

    However, Eve was only 101 on Melon daily (23/05/2023) when it's MV dropped - it was less a b-side and more of a second single that propelled it into the Top 100 and rising up the charts.

    Given the TXT song is more or less in a similar situation on Melon and in Korea in general, I think the TXT fans have a point about it to be quite honest.

    urm hello copied directly ? do u even read my post ?

    You know that re-arranging sentence structure and changing a few words is still plagiarism right, in the general sense.

    Everytime I come here I see you blatantly taking a post from Reddit, changing some words in the sentences a little, and posting here.

    Your post is framed from a first person perspective - it's not even your opinion!

    Since you're American, isn't English your native language?

    I'm American?

    Wow, that's news to me. All this time here I never knew I was an American. Amazing.

    Yeah I'm pretty terrible at my there and thens, 100% guilty. But American? Wherever did you get that idea.

    Since you pay attention to my English in fine detail, I've actually given you what countries I am possibly from, and America is not amongst them.

    What is hilarious is that haters don't get that when people have their hateful opinion, other people can also have their opinion about their hateful opinion. And that includes laughing when a website full of hate is down.

    Never said they couldn't laugh. I welcome them having their say and opinion. I'm also welcome to point out the dangerous pathway that leads towards. We can do this all day. I'm not the one of the side of 'remove all their comments and silence all critics; - they are.

    I simply pointed out where their thinking leads to. How quickly people are just willing to discard certain things because their 'slay yaaas queen fav' had some negative comments made at them.

    And one thing I have noticed is that it's always the Trump supporters who love blasting their hate, but then scream "Free Speech!!!" when all someone else does is have an opinion about their hate. So, you got it exactly the wrong way around

    Trump supports and right wingers use the disingenuous argument you use all time - it's why I despise them and their ilk.

    They'll yell free speech - but only if it's their speech. The moment they had people that disagreed or that had opinions they didn't like - shut em down. You see what some of the legislation some of them enact? Exactly what the people I criticized were doing - the EXACT same thinking.

    Here in my country, you know who brings all the 'defamation' lawsuits? - massive corporations and rich people trying to silence truthful reporting. The latest high profile case was Murdoch (Fox news CEO) suing an independent journalism outfit for pointing out the effect Fox News and their like have in disrupting democracy. Luckily, for my country and justice system, most of those fail, but that's massive time and money last.

    And people like the first 9-10 commenters would happily sell it down the river. They're exactly the type of people to vote for a politician that goes 'oh we'll stop your faves having negative comments' - they'd be the first cheerleaders in line. Children with stars in their eyes.

    I see exactly how 'defamation' is used all the time. As a weapon.

    Exactly how the first commenters reacted.

    They have a right to say it, and I have a right to point out how dystopian that kind of thinking is. People that have a slavishness to corporate products they'll lose all perspective.

    People who spend all their time being anti's are dumb. People whose posting focuses entirely on posting negative memes, or make comments - they're stupid people. I've no doubt there's some unsavoury shit said. And if you wholeheartedly cheer that all negative opinions, all criticism should be silenced - that's Brave New World esque thinking. Your worse then those idiots. Grow up and think of the ramifications.

    What a load of horseshit. Imagine shooting for pannchoa of all things to act all high and mighty lmao

    That's just the thing.

    It's the shitty places that really draw into distinction the right to speech. Everyone's all happy and agreeable when it's nice speech. Where people show their true colours are the controversial and negative places.

    I don't like Pannchoa. God knows all they say about repost about my group is the negative takes on them. But it's precisely when speech you don't like is on the line that people's convictions come out.

    I don't like say, a right-winger's commentary, or the fact that christians say people like myself are going to hell no matter what. But it's their right to say it, just as it's my right to pushback and give my opinion on them.

    Same here - where it really matters, is when it's the places no-one wants to defend. That's exactly why I made that comment. I'm not going to shed a tear over Pannchoa per se, but people's rabid glee in silencing any opinions they don't like rubs me the wrong way. It should rub you the wrong way too.

    Is free speech absolute? Where is the line between what is free speech and what is defamation?

    It's certainly not defamation to say 'I don't think this group sings very well' or 'what an awful performance', despite now much the stans wish it so.

    There's very little that reaches to the level of defamation, and that's mostly the stuff where they create fictitious accounts or events. Like I can't call someone a criminal if they aren't a criminal, for example. But I can say 'I think they're a person to avoid' and that's not defamation.

    Kpop's view on defamation is skewed by the terrible Korean defamation laws. A unique system implemented in a top down society to keep it a top down society. Half the laws on the books in Korea are from their dictator era, but you'll see kpop stans defend them with fervor.

    People trying to equate tweets mocking or calling out any idol to being on the level of defamatory, or worthy of having their opinions deleted are no better then the anti's they hate to be honest.

    Incredible to me how quickly kpop stans want to censor speech.

    People are criticising groups and you think the right idea is for all those opinions to be removed?

    I'm not defending Pannchoa or Twitter as bastions of free speech or anything, but how quickly some jump to 'any negative opinions should be removed' is hilarious.

    Future Qanon/Trump supporters from the like first 9 commenters in this thread. Chilling how quickly people will jump to authoritarianism at the first sign of disagreement.

    I'm far too self aware for that, friend.

    No-one with any actual sense of self awareness brags about their self awareness.

    That's top of the list in proof someone doesn't have self-reflection.

    I wish for you to achieve this state of mental acuity yourself one day and to stop taking everything so seriously literally all the time,

    Thank you for your kind words. However, it's not my ultimate goal to rule the roost of a niche forum full of big 4 label stans, so, unlike yourself, I couldn't really care less if I'm judged as humourless or not. Someone has to inject some reality into the circlejerk that goes on around here.

    But you keep on keeping on.

    Trying to say NJ is 5 superstar idols and say it was all them instead of 250 and MHJ is the cleanest, purest, most distilled copium I've ever seen.

    The earth could have centuries of free energy from the spinning required to create some of these narratives.

    Talking about idols wanting people to audition and being child stars. Wasn't there someone from Stayc who was a child star? Half the ex-yg trainees had their pick of the companies back in the day (and chose poorly). There's plenty of idols up and down the success line who share a similar lineage to the NJ girls.

    Wonder what makes them different :pepe-use-head:

    But it is strange how 50k ULs was enough for it to get on melon daily on Sunday yet it's gained over 5k since then and is stuck in the 101-102nd position for 4 days now.

    Is It?

    Sunday is the weakest day of the week. All songs have their lowest day of the cycle on a Sunday, and then drivetime listeners start bringing up the songs massively

    The top songs often gain something in the effect of 20-30k rolling daily uls in the first 2 hours of Monday peak time.

    So having a strong Sunday but only rising by 4k for the week is probably not enough to stay with the general increase in UL's during a weekday period.

    BlackPink - "Lovesick Girls" and BTS "Dynamite"?

    Nah Shutdown

    Above is a link. On page 569 or thereabouts. Killingtime, who posts frequently in here, was losing their marbles because they couldn't comprehend Shut Down being number 1 on Genie Hourly wasn't translating to number 1 Genie Daily.

    The simple answer is the same as Magnetic - ratios. Certain people (as you'll see in the link) basically take offense if you explain certain things, because they must perceive it as a slight or something


    • Song A has 110 listeners per hour, and 950 listeners per day. It has more people who stream the song multiple times a day.
    • Song B has 100 listeners per hour, and 1000 listeners per day. It has more people who listen to the song overall, but less who stream it multiple times a day

    IF you'll look at the charts, Song A is 10% ahead of song B on the hourly, and only 5% behind on the daily, so the algorithm will put it at number 1 on the hourly.

    But because Song B has more listeners overall for the day, it stays as number 1 on the daily.

    Anyway, lots of people here over the years have failed to grasp concepts like that. So everytime this behaviour occurs people need to re-explain it.

    The last two days it has been one at almost every hour on the realtime Genie chart so it's probably downloads

    Magnetic is above Fate on the download chart. It's not downloads.

    It's just simply the division between hourly and daily. People have spoken at length at the ratio that Magnetic has. They have consistent hourly UL's to stay at number 1 but that's because they have far more repeat listeners, whereas their daily uls is not quite enough to get number 1 from Fate (who has more daily uls but they don't stream as frequently).

    Idle is also strongest on the Genie chart.

    This is no different to the situation a few years back where I think one of the BP's songs were number 1 on the hourly for 2-3 days straight, but not number 1 on the daily. It comes down to the the daily uls and the frequency of the listeners.