MAMA is an award show that outright puts its criteria front and centre - digitals for songs, physicals for albums/combined metrics.
So the strong digital songs winning their respective categories should be no surprise, and the strong boy group with huge album sales winning those categories come as no surprise.
I'm not going to get into the indepth calculation, but it just sounds like you are mad that the biggest songs of the year won? or something?
Like you go on about how Fate didn't deserve to win due to you thinking RV "sung better". Entitled to that view but MAMA have been pretty blatant about how they use charting as a criteria, and Fate ran circles around the other nominees in Korea. Basically the only well known song in Korea on that list.
What you (and others) want is KMA - Korean Music Awards. They use just a panel of judges to judge the "best" ascribing to quality.
What I think you'll find though OP is you won't enjoy the results of the "purely merit" based awards as much as you think you will.
KMA occurs in Feb/March next year, so just be patient and wait for the pure merit based awards to occur.