Stage presence is just a matter of styling and concept

  • It have nothing to do with the performer itself let's be honest, some amazing performer right now

    were consider as fading into the background and not standing up just few years/months ago and it just needed a change of concept and stylism and suddenlly people consider them as some of the beest performer ( which isn't false, because i'm also obsess with some of them right now)

    but let's be honest if it was more about the idol beeing an amazing performer and just standing up thanks to their stage presence they wouldd stand out directly without having to change their image

    and the best example to represent my point of view is Chaewon

    Chaewon during Produce 48 was fading into the background and nobody noticed her, that's why she got so many harsh criticism when the final lineup was announce, because people were saying that she didn't stood out in the performance so they couldn't see how she could end up in the final lineup in comparison of the other members who were more deserving and more popular

    then she debuted with Izone and was never part of the best performer of the group discussion and when talking about stage presence nobody was mentionning her people were more focus on people like chaeyeon, eunbi, wonyoung, yunjin or sakura

    but then she debuted with Lesserafim after going through a drastic change of style and concept and suddenly people have beeen raving about how good she is on stage and how strong is her stage presence

    and i can already sense tons of people ready tto discredit but if stage presence was a "X factor" like some use to think, all of you would have notice performer like Chaewon and Yunjin (lesserafim) during their PD48 days and not after they had to go through major change in style and concept

    it's what make me say that Stage presence is only a matter of stage presence and concept than truly some kind of X factor with which idol are born with

  • This myth kpop stans keep spreading that chaewon is only a good performer now thanks to the style change in lesserafim is so tired not to mention flat out false lol girlie exploded in popularity during fiesta and panorama eras thanks to her fancams going viral literally after people took notice of what a good performer she was, but now yall rewriting history and claiming she had no performing talents in izone or never got acknowledged for it whatsoever? like pls give me a break :pepe-joy: Educate yourself on god before you speak :pepe-pray:

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    Edited 3 times, last by Whi ().

  • This myth kpop stans keep spreading that chaewon is only a good performer now thanks to the style change in lesserafim is so tired not to mention flat out false lol girlie exploded in popularity during fiesta and panorama eras thanks to her fancams going viral after people took notice literally what a good performer she was, and now yall rewriting history as if she had no performing talents in izone or never got acknowledged for it whatsoever? like pls me a break :pepe-joy: Educate yourself on god before you speak :pepe-pray:

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    I think the concept just amplified her other charismas.

    Once (main), Blink & Fearnot

  • This myth kpop stans keep spreading that chaewon is only a good performer now thanks to the style change in lesserafim is so tired not to mention flat out false lol girlie exploded in popularity during fiesta and panorama eras thanks to her fancams going viral after people took notice literally what a good performer she was, and now yall rewriting history as if she had no performing talents in izone or never got acknowledged for it whatsoever? like pls me a break :pepe-joy: Educate yourself on god before you speak :pepe-pray:

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    Was just about to post this lol like why are we acting as if her Panorama fancam didn't outview both Wonyoung & Sakura's which is huge considering she wasn't as popular as them at the time

  • Was just about to post this lol like why are we acting as if her Panorama fancam didn't outview both Wonyoung & Sakura's which is huge considering she wasn't as popular as them at the time

    Yeah chaewon’s 3.5m views fancam was the most watched panorama fancam of all members by far and it went viral precisely bc she’s a very good performer. Same thing happened during fiesta. Don’t know what op is smoking lol

  • I don’t think so. How can you explain aespa then? They have all the best styling and concept but their stage presence are not that great. We used to say it’s because they were rookies but 2022 rookies showed that that’s not a really great excuse.

    I think it’s comes from within and confidence. The right training can instil confidence and for individuals that are naturally with stage presence, will be amplified.

  • I disagree.

    Stage presence will mean different things for different people. Stage presence is an idols ability to draw and command the attention of the audience, this will be different for each individual.

    For me, I really only care for "happy concepts". So facial expressions is extremely important to me and their ability to induce said emotions onto me. For some it might be high energy, sharp dancing, etc.

    I've watched many "cute" performances that has no impact just because they didn't seem that into it. Take for example, I forgot the recent groups that covered Cheer Up, and I felt nothing whereas a good Cheer Up cover will usually bring a smile to my face.

    It's ok if not all idols are able command strong stage presence with all concepts.
    Some idols may only shine in certain concept.

    In Chaewon's case, it may just be that this was the concept that allows her to shine most.

    And then some idols may never have stage presence no matter which concept they are given.
    But either case, it has more to do with the idols than simply just the concept.

    Just like how some actors can play every role, some actors can't play any roles, and some can only play a certain persona but they play that persona damn well.

  • I think I would disagree.

    Styling & concept is not necessarily a factor to command stage presence, rather it’s dependent on how well an idol executes it.

    This ties in with Chaewon not being mentioned when it comes to performance. I believe she has the charisma, except imo others shines or executes the concept better than her. I don’t notice Sakura as much in LSRF but I do in izone - it just means Sakura shines better in that concept.

    Additionally, since it’s dependent on styling & concept, shdn’t Hybe scout the popular members apart from Sakura such as Hye Won? I think the point is that Chaewon is overlooked - she has the ability to be versatile and there’s a presence / factor that Hybe saw & was looking after.

    Once (main), Blink & Fearnot

  • Hell to the nah to the nuhhuh to the no! :skull:

    I do agree on the fact that some idols talents go unnoticed cause they are either outshined or debuted way too early but clothes or concepts do not equal skills or talents. Many idols grow through their career (and get retrained when switching groups) and stage presence can be aquired if you realise your strong points and cultivate your talents and even the talented can be wasted if they (or their company) have no care or will to practise. An idol can have the most trendy concept and most expensive clothes and I still see it when they are fighting fot their lives through the choreography. (And I won't name anyone but the rookies doing each others songs gave a great presentation about that!) Of course fame isn't just about stage presence, so neither is that a great metric.

    * * * * * * •×• * * * * * *

  • Stage presence is literally how compelling an idol can make their performance. The perf is dependent on multiple things related to the idol like energy, facial expressions, movement, visuals, vocals, clothing, etc. Get a high enough grade in several of those categories and people will say you have good stage presence. The trick is excelling in enough of those categories. Usually just 1 or 2 isn't enough.

  • Theres the simple fact of the matter that some artists and performers will captivate and enthrall an audience through sheers charisma, through power of performance, through ability and through that certain something some people have and some don't.

    It's Freddie Mercury, in nothing but jeans and a white tank top absolutely commanding an audience of 72,000 people at Live Aid in 1985, still considered one of the greatest live performances of all time.

    It's a master ballet dancer enthralling an audience on nothing but a bare stage and standard ballet tutu, with only their grace, skill and form.

    It's the kpop idols that make you want to watch THEM and them alone when theres a hundred things going on stage at the same time, even when others in their group are singing. The ones that both distract you from everything else and at the same time stop everything else from distracting you.

    Style and concept can definitely HELP, but they can't carry or cover up someone who just doesn't that charisma, it factor and presence. A lot of it can be trained and practiced, but some performers will never quite get "there". It's not to say they are bad idols or performers or artists. It's not to say they are lacking. Their skills and ability just lie elsewhere.

  • Not styling, but we would've never seen her full potential as a performer if she was just stuck to cute concepts like in Izone. Even the Panaroma fancams people have shown here are nowhere as impressive as her performances with LSFM. I felt the same with Twice until their Fancy era.

    Also not at people dragging Aespa over what OP said. His opinion wasn't even toxic. SMH.

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 ♡ 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 ♡ 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚


  • Not styling, but we would've never seen her full potential as a performer if she was just stuck to cute concepts like in Izone. Even the Panaroma fancams people have shown here are nowhere as impressive as her performances with LSFM. I felt the same with Twice until their Fancy era.

    i agree that chaewon is an even better performer now than she was in izone and she thrives most when the concept isn’t just saccharine sweet, but that’s on her for improving herself and finding her groove along the way, not solely on the concept and style change and nothing else like op insinuated alongside their bogus claim that people never acknowledged chaewon as one of izone’s best performers bc that’s just untrue lol. They could’ve picked any idol to support their argument but they chose chaewon, I can’t :pepe-joy:

    Case in point, this is an izone performance 2 years after their debut with a blatantly cutesy concept, and imo chaewon was even better at embodying and portraying that concept than she was at debut - her execution had more substance and heft by then even when it’s a very simple performance, which means she improved herself as a performer throughout the years and logically could’ve improved even more now years later in lesserafim, but op is acting like she stayed the same level and it’s only the clothes that make her better lol

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    Edited 2 times, last by Whi ().

  • then she debuted with Izone and was never part of the best performer of the group discussion and when talking about stage presence nobody was mentionning her people were more focus on people like chaeyeon, eunbi, wonyoung, yunjin or sakura

    Eh, im sorry but it is not true.

    Even when she was in Izone, she had great views for her fancam and lot people said she was one of the best performer in Izone

  • Watching the Izone fancams, she did have stage presence, but the concept, song and choreography are just nice though. If you are talented you need huge investment into concept, elaborate choreography and good song to shine. Whether you are a good dancer or good vocalilst, without great investment and planning it's in vain in my opinion.

    A masterpiece.

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  • To an extent I agree.

    Concept and the style of music impacts peoples perceptions a lot and subsequently their thoughts on stage presence. Certain concepts also lend themselves to showcasing more elements of what people view as strong stage presence i.e. hyping up the crowd, strong/powerful choreo etc

    Jihyo rarely ever got praise for her stage presence but as soon as Twice went to a slightly more mature concept with more hype such as Fancy she became every non-fans favourite. But Jihyo pretty much always had huge enthusiasm whilst performing whilst being a strong dancer.

    It comes down to firstly preconceptions/prejudice people hold with concepts and secondly prominent aspects of the concept that don't lend itself to doing things people generally view as strong stage presence - the barrier to being seen as having good stage presence is harder to overcome in certain concepts as people are either not as familiar with it or their pre-conceived notions of the concept are one of too weird/too cute/too easy etc.

    It's not a coincidence that a lot of kpop artists that are historically perceived to have the best stage presence have strong hip-hop elements.

  • I think thats bullshit.

    sry, but stage presence is the ability to catch ppls attention by their ability to perform on stage, which has sth to do with facial expressions, the idols confidence on stage and how the idols overall act on stage.

    it has nothing to do with clothes itself, but if the idol doesnt feel confident in their clothes, yes the stage presence might drop. but at the end its not a matter of clothes but a matter on confidence.

    and btw confidence comes from abilities. when your singing and dancing abilities are shit, ofc you have no confidence.

    now we are back to the topic that 4th gen cant sing live.

    e7d1119bd4bbe2a24c5185fd89153163a8e95675.pnj 1c0edef70bd6974f36d15be96d5399a1cfaed76e.gifv c205b019cd8a46c569e9c4e2f04194a2fde39f74.gifv e27eb299e8ce0bafba7649c82fc04d200d42a974.gifv e7d1119bd4bbe2a24c5185fd89153163a8e95675.pnj

    ♦ visit my aesthetic shop here

  • OP what do you have against stage presence :-(

  • Mamamoo have tried many concepts and different sounds over the years without even talking about the styling and they have always be praised for their performances. Same for BTS.

    Just like concepts people also have pre-conceived notions about groups built on what they've done before. Once a group has a label in kpop it sticks for better or worse (I don't think styling is very relevant).

    Even if a group improves to a decent level labels stick and people will unconsciously (or consciously) look for things to reaffirm that opinion. They will always give certain groups the benefit of the doubt depending on what is being judged.

    That's not to say individual ability/skills aren't important, it's one of the most important and a key reason Mamamoo excel in this department. But I don't think using Mamamoo as an example is strong evidence that concept does not matter, their most popular live stage is MAMA 2019 for a reason.

  • That's not to say individual ability/skills aren't important, it's one of the most important and a key reason Mamamoo excel in this department. But I don't think using Mamamoo as an example is strong evidence that concept does not matter, their most popular live stage is MAMA 2019 for a reason.

    Um what? The reason mamamoo’s most watched stage is their 2019 mama performance is bc hip is their biggest hit song internationally, and mama is an event that tends to be most watched annually by kpop stans, that’s it lol. It’s certainly not bc that was the peak of their stage presence or whatnot, bc it wasn’t. You can be the best performer in the world but if no one’s heard of you before your videos ain’t gonna have many views. It’s egregious to look at an artist’s video views to gauge which one has the highest perceived “stage presence”; it doesn’t work like that lol

  • Um what? The reason mamamoo’s most watched stage is their 2019 mama performance is bc hip is their biggest hit song internationally, and mama is an event that tends to be most watched annually by kpop stans, that’s it lol. It’s certainly not bc that was the peak of their stage presence or whatnot, bc it wasn’t. You can be the best performer in the world but if no one’s heard of you before your videos ain’t gonna have many views. It’s egregious to look at an artist’s video views to gauge which one has the highest perceived “stage presence”; it doesn’t work like that lol

    We're not comparing people no-one has heard of, Mamamoo have performed at plenty of MAMAs and were at the forefront of kpop for many years - Hip being their most popular song internationally is a point in itself and why different concepts work with different audiences.

    The fact that it's the song and performance that most enamoured international kpop fans is not a surprise. What Korean or Japanese fans see as stage presence is not going to be the same as western fans for example, which dominates the conversation naturally.

  • We're not comparing people no-one has heard of, Mamamoo have performed at plenty of MAMAs and were at the forefront of kpop for many years - Hip being their most popular song internationally is a point in itself and why different concepts work with different audiences.

    The fact that it's the song and performance that most enamoured international kpop fans is not a surprise. What Korean or Japanese fans see as stage presence is not going to be the same as western fans for example, which dominates the conversation naturally.

    i think you’re muddling things. People like hip partly bc of the concept sure, but mamamoo’s stage presence doesn’t really factor that much into it being a hit - a group worse at performing could’ve still bagged it as a hit with the right marketing and timing and luck. After all the mv isn’t just a stage performance of theirs lol and people didn’t watch it simply for the stage presence, so idk what it has to do here? Ive is the top 4th gen rn and it’s certainly not bc of their stage presence lol. You ignore the fact that the music plays a very important role in making a song a hit, especially songs that are breakout hits (like hip internationally, or rollin, or bboom bboom etc.) and not just riding on the coattail of the group’s reputation after a string of previous hits. Stage presence doesn’t really have much relevance here.

    Also mamamoo has only appeared on mama 3 times (2018-2020), and hip is undoubtedly their biggest song on the international front during those years, so idk what your point is when you said they appeared on mama many times to equate people watching hip’s video the most to people thinking mamamoo reached the highest level of stage presence with hip lol. Their 2018 performance was just on par but doesn’t have as many views. That’s not bc people thought mamamoo improved so much after only 1 year that they watched hip more. Hip is just the bigger song, that’s it lol

  • I'm a J-Hope stan, I can't relate to what you say. He would eat the stage even with a trash bag.

    I was reading OP's comments and I was like . . .

    love and hip hop hollywood GIF by VH1

    Jhope will burn whatever stage he's standing on. He is a quintessence performer. He doesn't need any great costume or styling to draw his crowd in. He walks on stage and he immediately becomes possessed by music and with that, he brings his audience along with him. That my friend, is what stage presence is all about.

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  • Was just about to post this lol like why are we acting as if her Panorama fancam didn't outview both Wonyoung & Sakura's which is huge considering she wasn't as popular as them at the time

    On the contrary, Chaewon is such a talented performer that she sometimes surpasses members who are popular with their visuals. I'm a fan of pretty members, I'm not against it. But even if they dress Chaewon's badly her talent in the will it stand out. She has improved and worked a lot, not only with cute concepts, but also with assertive powerful concepts. I guess you must watch their documentry. You can see how she developed. It has nothing to do with the outfit. Some of Le Sserafim's outfits in their debut were tracksuits. ^^

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  • But I don't think using Mamamoo as an example is strong evidence that concept does not matter, their most popular live stage is MAMA 2019 for a reason.

    For international fan yes, but in korea no. Blue dragon awards was know as "Idol grave" before mamamoo come to perform and goes viral because they had succeeded in entertaining an unreceptive crowd. Same for Immortal Songs idols have gained recognition since Mamamoo won there. Mamamoo have always been known as amazing performers in Korea.

    The youtube views alone don't mean much, because even their performance at MAMA 2018 was highly appreciated and recognized as very good and also went viral.

    "Every winter has its spring."


  • i think you’re muddling things. People like hip partly bc of the concept sure, but mamamoo’s stage presence doesn’t really factor that much into it being a hit - a group worse at performing could’ve still bagged it as a hit with the right marketing and timing and luck. After all the mv isn’t just a stage performance of theirs lol and people didn’t watch it simply for the stage presence, so idk what it has to do here? Ive is the top 4th gen rn and it’s certainly not bc of their stage presence lol. You ignore the fact that the music plays a very important role in making a song a hit, especially songs that are breakout hits (like hip internationally, or rollin, or bboom bboom etc.) and not just riding on the coattail of the group’s reputation after a string of previous hits. Stage presence doesn’t really have much relevance here.

    Also mamamoo has only appeared on mama 3 times (2018-2020), and hip is undoubtedly their biggest song on the international front during those years, so idk what your point is when you said they appeared on mama many times to equate people watching hip’s video the most to people thinking mamamoo reached the highest level of stage presence with hip lol. Their 2018 performance was just on par but doesn’t have as many views. That’s not bc people thought mamamoo improved so much after only 1 year that they watched hip more. Hip is just the bigger song, that’s it lol

    I'm not conflating anything here, if anything you're the one getting confused.

    I didn't say their stage presence is why the song is popular, the stage came out weeks after the song came out. There is no objective measure for stage presence for them to reach the highest, but Mamamoo having the most viewed MAMA 2019 video versus groups more popular than them with songs more popular than Hip is explained how exactly?

    Read my first post in this thread, certain concepts lend themselves to showcasing aspects people popularly associate with strong stage presence. Especially for western fans who will also have pre-conceptions/prejudice against certain concepts from the get-go.

    It is easier to showcase strong stage presence in certain concepts as it's easier to digest. I have no idea what makes you think the Ive point is relevant. A concept encompasses the music, it's literally the biggest part right? I said the song Hip being their most popular song is a point in itself because of its concept (which includes the energy of the song, the choreo, the content etc). Western fans prefer certain concepts jwhich impacts the types of performances the enjoy.

    Groups putting out cute concepts comeback after comebacks are going to have a much harder time being seen as having good stage presence versus a hip-hop/fierce concept orientated group.

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