Everybody knows that Itzy is one of the most experimental girl groups in the kpop scene; you'd never know what to expect from them. Their music style proved to be fresh, eclectic and unique. "Loco" is layered with exciting orchestration and insistent claps and the song perfectly complements the zany, young, magnetic energy of ITZY, holding a listener’s attention till the very end and becoming a triumphant introduction to the album.
In celebration of Itzy's first full album, AKP offers you 6 badges: 1 group badge and 5 individuals. Please enjoy the Loco Badge and 5 Crazy In Love individual badges for each member!
[1000 akorns]
[1000 akorns]
Or get bundle deal of all 6 limited badges in 1 package for 5000 akorns!
Available for 48 hours in the shop.
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