guccilia Trainee

  • from Um
  • Member since Dec 31st 2019
  • Last Activity:
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  • See ya around Gush

    • I really miss you Gush

      I hope everything is well with you <3

      With love, Sady.

  • 👍

  • lia-mia? you still there?

  • hoe

  • Visuals, choreos, stunnin' MV & a bop ezgif-4-bdfb4d4e6f4c.gif

    Love 1
  • :pepe-daddy:

    LOL 1
  • i missed you :(

    Love 1
  • Are you opening an anime guild here too :pepelove2:

    Love 1
    • I would love too! I still need to see the requirements

  • which section can I spam?

  • Droppin' :pepelove2: <3s here :3

    Love 1
    • :iloveyoub: 2 !!!

      did u hear about clc?!

      Love 1
    • Elkie's left. Sad af :peperain:

      Sad 1
    • Or you meant Sorn's single? :pepewhat:

      LOL 1
    • ikk im gonna miss her she seemed so sweet.

      OHH YEA I KISTAKED IT AS A GROUP LOL idk how well she will do but I hope its good

      Love 1
    • Me, too TT Hope she does well as an actress.

      Oh yeah, I'm hyped 4 it actually :3 I love Sorn's voice. Fingers crossed 4 an MV, lol.

      Like 1
  • I edited my banner myself btw

    Love 1
  • You should restart the AMC again! :omgr:

    LOL 1 Love 1
  • You are b a c k!

    Love 1
    • yep akp let me log in lol how are u?

  • where have u been

    Love 1
    • I couldn't log into akp on mobile so I gave up LMAO but it works fine now nice to see someone I remember <3

  • omg look who's back!! I don't know if you remember me but I do and you were iconic in the old akp :blushing:

    Love 1
    • I do remember you!! And u were married to easyC if im correct?


      I hope you're doing well

      Did u like kais soli btw? :cutes:

      Love 1
    • yes I was married to her <3

      I loved mmmh and the album, I bought it ofc :pepelove1: and you? Did you like his debut?

      Love 1
    • oooh nice!! I loved the title tbh wish there were more stages tho I didnt finish the album tho

      Love 1
    • ikr? Sadly he didn't perform mmmh that much when we needed more performances. Kai said he's already preparing for another album :claps:

      Love 1
    • I anticipate it cus kai is amazing :danceb:

      Love 1
  • I love my og dp so much bug k wang an aesthetic for now

  • Queen

    Love 1

    • You too! I've been so busy!!

      Love 1
    • I hope you're not to stressed and can enjoy the hopefully warm weather that's coming soon <3 which was ur fav comeback this year?

    • Thanks! I'm actually not stressed out really, I just have lots less free time. This year I would have to say my favorite is No Diggity by OneUs or Beautiful Beautiful by ONF. For GG it would be I'm Not Cool or Odd Eye. Tbh the girl groups have been kinda slacking this year. How about you?

      Love 1
    • I see I see, I have a bit more free time too, well its not rlly free but more time to do what I want ig. Oooh nice I loved sunmi tail tbh

      And yea its almost April and no gg has been that active which is kinda weird maybe the bullying scandals

  • Will u be active? :cursing:

    Love 1
    • ye, the mobile log in seems to work just fine now!! Ice already made some threads

      I missed uuu :blushing:

      Love 1
    • I'll take ur words then!

      Miss u too. I miss my old akp friends :cursing:

      Love 1
    • have u made new friends? :mad: I havnt seen a lot of older ones here weirdly

      Love 1
    • Most of them are not here anymore. Mostly they are in the other forum and discord.

      Yeah I made new ones but some are too young for me to joke with :cursing:

      Sad 1
    • well dw ur resident hag us back here

      Oof yea ikr everyone basically spread, some on disc some on the other place and some that stayed but its hard to find them after a little bit

      U should get disc tho

      Love 1
  • Thanks for the follow! <3

    Love 1
  • YALL I FINALLY GOT BACK IN AKP probs dont remember me tho

    Love 1
    • y where u ded :mad::mad:

      Love 1
    • legit the only reason was cus I couldn't log in :clown: so I gave up, and now it works so ill be active

  • u cow

    Madge at 2x

    Love 1
  • flop profile 0/10

    Angry 1
  • Yeah so much for "be more active here" :cursing:

    LOL 2 Like 1
  • HIII

    Like 1
  • Where you at?

    Like 1
  • Are you gonna make the Weeb Guild?

    Like 1
  • lia ur queendom seems to have gotten a makeover ;(;(;(

    LOL 1
  • Hurry up and be online u flop :cursing::!:

    Angry 1 LOL 1 Sad 1