[UPDATE] it seems like knetz have had enough with Mina....

  • Article: Kwon Mina, boyfriend and ex-girlfriend DM revealed "I'm sorry.. I will issue a statement" 

    Source: Star News

    Former AOA member Mina has released contents of an apology sent to her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend.

    On the 4th, Mina posted on her IG and wrote, "I haven't publicly made an apology yet but I sent an apology to the ex-girlfriend first through DM."

    She then shared a photo of a DM exchange between her and the ex where Mina says to A, "There is something that has been under investigation for a long time so once this is sorted out to some extent, the parts that I honestly heard, parts that I misunderstood, parts that I did wrong, parts that weren't true, parts that XX (boyfriend) did wrong, I will organize it accurately and issue a statement."

    She apologized writing, "I'm sorry that I listened to XX (boyfriend) without asking what the truth was. As a public figure, I will keep promises I made. Once again, I'm sorry and will release this publicly."


    Mina then explained, "the last photo is the ex-girlfriend's answer saying "yes, I understand." I got permission and when I upload a video soon, I'll only talk about this incident and admit my mistake and the stories that you nor the ex-girlfriend knew. I also want to summarize it and apologize properly."


    She added, "As for other stories and incidents, I decided that my fault for this incident and my sincere apology would come first so I'll try to fix wrong parts of the other incidents once this incident is sorted out to some extent. I sincerely thank ex-girlfriend. Even now, I'm sorry. I'm just sorry. I'm sorry to have caused all this from DM and for sending a long paragraph (to netizen) separately about this incident."

    This post has since been deleted.

    UPDATE: 07.04.2021 10:45pm KST

    Hours later after first post that was deleted, in a report by Xports News, Mina posted another lengthy post on IG apologizing to the ex-girlfriend once again and admitted to the cheating scandal.

    She also admitted that "there were no such words as "wh*re" in the text messages from the ex's father and clarified that she never said that she got that message directly from him but rather what she had heard and thought it included her."

    She also revealed that her and Yoo have since parted ways writing, "I sincerely apologize. In the case of Yoo and his ex, I was the obvious perpetrator and I was too late to judge and acted foolishly. Of course, I would like to admit my mistake and sincerely bow my head and apologize to the victim, the ex."

    "I am currently separated from Yoo. After today, I will only receive your support and will not reply. I will also cut off all contact with the fans I have been in contact with. I feel really guilty for being so free-spirited and acting my way. I'm sorry. I'm also very sorry for disappointing many people."

    "I also want to address mentions of Jimin. Why do so many people keep mentioning it. It has absolutely nothing to do with this case and I also don't want to mention it. So, please don't even try to make me a perpetrator with false information. In the case of Shin Jimin, I am a huge victim."

    "I'm sorry for creating fuss with this incident, I apologize once again to the victims and promise this will never happen in the future. I'll live with more responsibility in my words and actions so that there are no victims. I hope you understand."


    1. [+2,244, -80] I honestly believed she was a victim of bullying at first and felt sorry for her but looking at it now, I think she's a psychopath
    2. [+918, -11] Just stop you crazy b*tch. If you did it to ruin AOA, your revenge was successful. Go on and live your life, it'll be worse for you if keep coming out. No one feels sorry for you anymore.
    3. [+624, -8] Now that she knows we're aware of the facts, I don't think she'll come out with any more revelations. At least the ex-girlfriend is now aware of the boyfriend's true character and sees that she dodged a bullet and begins a new life.
    4. [+552, -11] Quit Instagram and go to the hospital and get treatment. What are you doing?
    5. [+248, -1] Looks like she took her own pain and tried to scratch other people with it so that they felt the same pain and hurt she was feeling
    6. [+145, -11] Mina? nugu? No one cares anymore..
    7. [+73, -0] This just goes to show the power the media and public opinion has over someone's life. In the end, she ended up burning herself with all that power she had. She should've been more careful with her words and actions...
    8. [+44, -2] I felt sorry for her at first but now I think she's just a weirdo..
    9. [+36, -5] Ok. Stop coming out now unless you're asking to get hate. Didn't you see what happened to Han Ye Seul? That can happen to you too so just stop now..
    10. [+33, -1] Keep AOA out of your mouth!!! I used to feel sorry for you but now I think you're just living in your delusions that you created yourself.

    Article: "There was no bullying," AOA Gallery's statement 1 year after Kwon Mina's revelations

    Source: Chosun Ilbo

    DC Inside AOA Gallery has released a statement one year after Mina alleged bullying within AOA.

    In a statement posted on the 3rd, they responded to allegations that Jimin prevented Mina from going to visit her father on his deathbed and stated, "Mina commented on her live IG broadcast on March 2021 that she was with her father when he passed and that although her manager drove her to her family residence, which was 5 minutes from her father's hospital, she decided not to see her father, in case the visit would have an impact on her next day's schedule."

    Regarding claims that Mina was bullied within the team, they stated, "Mina mentioned several times through IG that she enjoyed being a member of AOA and that she got along with all AOA members."

    They also clarified that "Jimin's exit from the entertainment industry wasn't an acknowledgement that she bullied Mina but rather an apology for being a poor leader that she didn't' take good care of Mina."

    Here is the link to the original statement posted on Pann and DC Inside.

    You can read their full translated statement below.


    1. [+5,816, -198] What authority does the gallery have to make announcements like this?
    2. [+2,798, -125] Mina-ya, please go to the hospital and get treatment. It's not just once or twice that you've cut up your wrists, abused nurses and posted self harm photos on SNS ㅡㅡ
    3. [+1,633, -81] I don't know if Jimin or Seolhyun are any better but she's got mental issues for sure..
    4. [+981, -145] She's just an attention wh*re. I knew a girl like her that would put up a good act pretending to be a victim of bullying only to backstab me and disappear
    5. [+847, -165] We've got our answer already. We can tell what kind of b*tch she is with how she seduced and stole someone else's man a few days ago.
    6. [+473, -63] Didn't she say she thought of suicide because of Jimin? So that wasn't the case?
    7. [+473, -15] Mina is a liar. Just like she lied about receiving insulting texts from the ex girlfriend's father when they were sent to the boyfriend and not her. She's the type of person that thinks being in the victim's position makes her right. I can't trust her after seeing her write up that post like the ex's father cursed her directly when those texts were made up and not even intended for her.
    8. [+288, -8] She basically used suicide as a weapon to block the mouths of her agency and the members. They had no choice but to keep quiet or else the public would think they were out to kill her.
    9. [+135, -23] One person ruined the group
  • For people saying the bullying incident is unrelated: you have to admit that this controversy has proven that Mina has a victim complex. She does things that piss people off and wonders why they get mad at her. So if you end up doing more research regarding the AOA incident, you'll learn that there are many provable lies and exaggerations in her story. Plus, people were already starting to doubt her before this mess happened because of her numerous illogical meltdowns regarding Jimin.

  • In this "boyfriend" case the only victim is the ex gf and as much as the boyfriend who should be loyal, Mina also did super wrong knowing that he had a gf, she was low too. And thankfully the ex gf had proofs and friends who stood up for her.

    About the bullying case, i don't see why people are trying to connect both.. it's illogical.

    I think it might have to do with how she is making claims without solid proof both times. I watched this video and I think it explains it a little more.

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  • I think it might have to do with how she is making claims without solid proof both times. I watched this video and I think it explains it a little more.

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    I'm saying in the sense of: she had issues with Jimin and to me her mental health was affected bc of these events so while she could be exaggerating i don't think she was lying about the whole thing and bringing an issue as sensitive as this where she did try to k herself and mixing up to another totally unrelated makes no sense rather it seems more like victim blaming. Bullying and cheating are totally different.

    • Official Post

    I don't want to be that person but it's only a matter of time before something horrible happens to her. She needs someone to take her phone away because it's making everything worse, I'm not a doctor but it's pretty clear that something is wrong. Where are her family and friends?

    But I do agree that bringing up Jimin is weird especially since the bullying could be the entire reason Mina is acting this way.

  • I'm saying in the sense of: she had issues with Jimin and to me her mental health was affected bc of these events so while she could be exaggerating i don't think she was lying about the whole thing and bringing an issue as sensitive as this where she did try to k herself and mixing up to another totally unrelated makes no sense rather it seems more like victim blaming. Bullying and cheating are totally different.

    I know but some people think she is lying both times so that is why. Plus that video has some......... interesting tea.

  • It's pretty obvious the last few months that her mental health has deteriorated very rapidly. It just doesn't seem right to me to take her behavior now when she's obviously in a very unstable state of mind and retroactively apply it to everything she's ever said or done. She wasn't always like this and how she's acting now doesn't redefine how she was in the past

  • I know but some people think she is lying both times so that is why. Plus that video has some......... interesting tea.

    I think she could have developed some traumas, complex which she sees herself as the victim and that everybody is trying to take her down or something like that. To me she is in an unstable situation and "normal people" are trying to use it as a victim blaming party.... I still believe in her in the sense of: she was bullied by Jimin.

  • For people saying the bullying incident is unrelated: you have to admit that this controversy has proven that Mina has a victim complex. She does things that piss people off and wonders why they get mad at her. So if you end up doing more research regarding the AOA incident, you'll learn that there are many provable lies and exaggerations in her story. Plus, people were already starting to doubt her before this mess happened because of her numerous illogical meltdowns regarding Jimin.

    Jimin wouldnt have basically retired if there was 0 truth to this story the company would have also fought back much harder so I dont buy this shit at all.

  • Jimin wouldnt have basically retired if there was 0 truth to this story the company would have also fought back much harder so I dont buy this shit at all.

    Let me offer a different perspective (Trigger Warning: suicide)

    Mina has been posting suicidal tendencies publicly. Are you going to be more concerned about clearing your image or are you going to try and make sure she doesn't kill herself. A moral person is going to chose the 2nd option. Also, Jimin and FNC could have released the perfect response to this incident, but people still wouldn't believe them, no matter what. At the time everyone was on Mina's side so anything they said to try and save face or explain their side of the story, people would say they're just trying to protect their image, which is low. Plus, anything that they did say could have pushed Mina overboard, so they chose to be silent.

    If somebody is about to jump off a building and was screaming "you made me do this, I'm gonna jump" are you going to have an argument with that person and say "you're overreacting, I never bullied you" or are you going to apologize to try and convince them to come down?

    Plus if FNC did fight back against Mina it would look like the April situation. Guess who the public has sided with and who they have turned against?

  • The April situation is not similar at all they are clearly lying lmfao.

    They never sided with April or FNC since the start and its pretty clear why.

  • k-netz need to be very careful with how they are talking with Mina. She has openly talked about having depression and now we see her mental health deteriorating. k-netz need to take this seriously since none of them wouldn’t want this to be on their conscience.

    Until Mina’s mind and health is in a good place and she’s in the right state of mind then we can have a better discussion on her issues and her forming her words right because she’s a mess and anyone can see she isn’t okay.



    Edited once, last by Park_Oppa ().

  • They never sided with April or FNC since the start and its pretty clear why.

    Ma'am this is my point exactly. You just said "why didn't they make a statement?" and now you're saying "the public never sided with them and it's clear why." YES! No matter what people would believe Mina, even if she was lying. So why would FNC bother making a statement, one that could result in Mina making a terrible decision.

    Also, I bring up April's situation because that is an example where the company diddefend the group. Look what happened, no sympathy for the members whatsoever. Every statement they make causes more people to believe Hyunjoo. So, yeah that's why FNC didn't launch a campaign to prove Mina is lying. Whether April is guilty or not is irrelevant to the point I was making.

  • I don't want to be that person but it's only a matter of time before something horrible happens to her. She needs someone to take her phone away because it's making everything worse, I'm not a doctor but it's pretty clear that something is wrong. Where are her family and friends?

    But I do agree that bringing up Jimin is weird especially since the bullying could be the entire reason Mina is acting this way.

    Honestly regardless of which side people are on, it's obvious Mina does have serious mental health issues and someone needs to intervene STAT because she honestly seems like she's spiraling....

    ~ ω

  • She needs help immediately. She already showed her belly that had an alarming amount of scars. What rubs me in the wrong way is that 1) she has a whole management and surrounding (she is even friends with other celebrities openly) that cannot get her the appropriate amount of help needed (and that as a celebrity) 2) that she uses her mental health as an excuse or even blackmail while doing harm to others that could mentally damage them in long term (e.g. bringing the ex gf into the public eyes, lying about essential facts, rebutting damaging statements and when called out using her mental health as a way to blackmail)

    3) that she still has a social media account and wasn’t reported by instagram is mindblowing to me. She literally posted pictures that go against the rules.

    I am all for mental health awareness and it would be different if we saw a change in heart and behavior but she constantly makes it worse for her. Mental health is a very sensitive taboo topic in Korea and instead of bringing light to it, she acts like the stereotypical mentally ill person that uses it as an advantage in order to not face the consequences

  • I’ve been ignoring Mina’s scandal because it’s hard to watch but k-netz need to be very careful with how they are talking with Mina. She has openly talked about having depression and now we see her mental health deteriorating. k-netz need to take this seriously since none of them wouldn’t want this to be on their conscience.

    Until Mina’s mind and health is in a good place and she’s in the right state of mind then we can have a better discussion on her issues and her forming her words right because she’s a mess and anyone can see she isn’t okay.

    I would agree with you a few weeks back but she definitely crossed a line when she started to drag private people into the public. Being mentally ill is okay and understandable but when you are not getting better and starting to harm others it‘s a point where talking nicely and cautiously isn’t going to help. She needs to get her phone taken away and getting to face the consequences. It’s not like she isn’t accountable for her doings. Most netizens are not even hating on her. It is a lot of civil and just criticism that you read under her instagram posts.

  • I’ve been ignoring Mina’s scandal because it’s hard to watch but k-netz need to be very careful with how they are talking with Mina. She has openly talked about having depression and now we see her mental health deteriorating. k-netz need to take this seriously since none of them wouldn’t want this to be on their conscience.

    Until Mina’s mind and health is in a good place and she’s in the right state of mind then we can have a better discussion on her issues and her forming her words right because she’s a mess and anyone can see she isn’t okay.

    Look....we all know where this is going to go, it just a matter of when.

    Everyone always talks about mental illness being taboo and how we need to be more open about it, but it seems no one ever thought what it would be like to actually see it.

  • Is there no process in Korea to involuntarily commit someone for psychiatric treatment when they're seemingly too ill to make very good decisions and may be a danger to themselves?

  • Mina: I'm sorry about everything regarding the cheating incident

    Also Mina: SHIN JIMIN

    The thing about people bringing up AOA's incident is because Mina has shown time after time that she lies about multiple stuff, and that's why people are suspicious about the truth behind the entire AOA scandal. She literally lied and say that "The ex-girlfriend’s father is sending me some extremely threatening messages. Her father sent me extremely shocking text messages. He threatened me like, ‘If you don’t delete the post(s) in 10 minutes, I’ll…’ And I’m trying to understand."

    Also, just because you have mental issues doesn't mean you can use it as an excuse for the bad things you did. You don't get to use the "I'm in a dark place" card every time something goes wrong.

  • I feel so bad for Mina but I'm glad she sees through the boyfriends lies and she even said she'd get off social media! I hope she finds some happiness.

    I wish people would stop with the aoa conspiracy theories until there's solid proof. Its better to wait for aoa, fnc or mina herself.

    I think it might have to do with how she is making claims without solid proof both times. I watched this video and I think it explains it a little more.

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    That youtuber isn't a reliable source they have lied and misreported both in this and other videos. That cutting hand part from a Russian site is untrue mina had uploaded it first. Ig we have to take it with a grain of salt.


  • k-netz need to be very careful with how they are talking with Mina. She has openly talked about having depression and now we see her mental health deteriorating. k-netz need to take this seriously since none of them wouldn’t want this to be on their conscience.

    Until Mina’s mind and health is in a good place and she’s in the right state of mind then we can have a better discussion on her issues and her forming her words right because she’s a mess and anyone can see she isn’t okay.



  • I wish people would stop with the aoa conspiracy theories until there's solid proof. Its better to wait for aoa, fnc or mina herself

    The thing about these AOA conspiracy theories is that everything and I mean everything about Jimin and AOA drama all came from Mina's mouth.

    Like compared to April's situation where the police was actually involved and there are defamation suits going on, back then Mina rejected police involvement so there isn't any evidence to actually even prove that anything is true. And no Jimin leaving the industry isn't 'proof of guilt'.

    The reason why people are doubting her now is because her story about AOA are filled with holes and also this recent drama with the bf/ex-gf also showed that she made up a lot of stuff. And that got people suspecting if she was being totally truthful back then, and that is really important because everything about the AOA scandal literally all came from Mina's mouth. The police said nothing because they weren't involved. The members said nothing because they probably don't want to worsen her situation considering she isn't in her best mental state. Jimin apologised for not being the best leader she could be and chose to leave the industry (which I repeat isn't a definitive proof of guilt). I'm not saying Mina is straight up lying about everything because I don't know the truth, but the truth is that she hasn't been truthful about everything.

    Everyone chose to stay silent about it, probably not to make things worse for Mina knowing she isn't well mentally, but she is the one constantly going off about AOA and everything else.

    AOA and FNC probably won't say anything because if anything were to happen to Mina (she threatened suicide every/most times) it would be even worse for them.

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