Do you think Gfriend left because they didn't like Hybe Management ?

  • Do you think Gfriend might have left because they didn't like the new Image Hybe was trying to push them to do with their recent comeback by focusing on trend who would attract ifans ?

    I honestly kinda felt that Yuju wouldn't renew

    but i thought that all the other girls would renew and continue as a 5 members GG for maybe 2 or 3 years

    plus they have always been very close to the Source Music staff and didn't seem mad with their management before

    So it really surprise me that all the members suddenly decided to not renew when usually there's always 1 or 2 members who stay in the agency even if the others don't want to renew

    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

  • I'm not sure about Hybe's management but I feel like maybe they all left because they didn't want to continue without even a single member. Gfriend members always seemed really close with one another so I feel like maybe they thought that without someone, Gfriend wouldn't be Gfriend.

  • I'm not sure about Hybe's management but I feel like maybe they all left because they didn't want to continue without even a single member. Gfriend members always seemed really close with one another so I feel like maybe they thought that without someone, Gfriend wouldn't be Gfriend.

    That could be a true as well. Maybe one or few them wanted to leave but all of them want to be together. I am not sure about this but apparently in interviews they appeared tired and were overworked.

  • Do you think Gfriend might have left because they didn't like the new Image Hybe was trying to push them to do with their recent comeback by focusing on trend who would attract ifans ?

    Where does that come from? What makes you think that?

    I don't know what were their reasons for leaving but I highly doubt it is that. I don't really know why you assumed it's solely Hybe that was pushing them for a new image. They released Fever before Hybe's aquisition and this song was already associated with a different image for instance. Fingertip was also a different concept so it's not like they had never tried other concepts before Hybe aquisition.

  • I don't think image was their main concern. I know for a fact Eunha even wanted to try sexy and she actually did a stage for one of their concerts. Umji on the other hand expressed insecurity about their concept change during Apple. Maybe they didn't want others members to be forced to do concepts they didn't like and decided not to renew.

    There is still much to know about this issue. Umji talked in a video about a renewal so I keep thinking they may have known they wouldn't have much more time as a group or maybe it was in talks for long time and the decision was already made. What I don't understand is how soumu dealt with it. It is if that they didn't even knew when it was going to happen.

  • What I don't understand is how soumu dealt with it. It is if that they didn't even knew when it was going to happen.

    This. I sounds like Source was blind sided. Usually contract renewals get leaked (probably by agencies) to put pressure on groups. Got7 not resigning leaked way before JYP said anything. Mamamoo contract negotiations leaked even saying 3 members had resigned but not the 4th (i forgot who it was but they even knew who signed and who didn’t yet).

    So it makes no sense how nothing leaked and Source seemed to scramble to put together a statement.

    My guess is, Gfriend decided they were gonna leave no matter what (kinda like Got7) which shows how shitty Source was as a company and why i worry for BigHit’s GG if they are learning from that company.

  • Where does that come from? What makes you think that?

    I don't know what were their reasons for leaving but I highly doubt it is that. I don't really know why you assumed it's solely Hybe that was pushing them for a new image. They released Fever before Hybe's aquisition and this song was already associated with a different image for instance. Fingertip was also a different concept so it's not like they had never tried other concepts before Hybe aquisition.

    Fever was a new song but still had some hint of Gfriend sound like sunrise etc....

    and even Gfriend said it that Gfriend was still a new sound but still have hint of their sound

    and crossroads too because it was the last cb where source music was still fully in charge and BH didn't have his entire word to say

    it started with Apple, when HB influence started

    and Gfriend always said in the past that they like Gfriend typical sound and they want to make it evolve while still keeping their sound

    here's what they had to say during fever release "We felt that it fit our age and concept well. We’re growing up, so it doesn’t seem right if we go with the same style and we don’t grow up in our songs. It’s a little new, but we’re trying not to lose too much of our [original image]"

    meanwhile Apple and Mago were a 180 twist to gfriend image and everybody agreed non fans and buddies

    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

  • Source music managed them still though

    Not hybe

    source music manage them

    but hybe is the one who started to take more importance in how their sound should sound, with bang participating in all their Title tracks etc....

    and HYBE was also the one who manage their concept because even Bang said that he wanted to take gfriend concept to a new direction when it was leaked that HB acquired Source

    and they even confirmed that apple cb was made under the guidance of Bang and Hybe

    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

  • I think there's two possibilities here:

    1. Mistreatment = they had enough, probably didn't get paid well for their success, new contract was a joke so they all left together and disbanded.

    2. They'd had enough of being idols = we all know they were worked to the bone before debut, 6 years in they might have actually made some good money to the point they thought this life is no longer for me.

    I think it may be 1. as if you wanted to relax a bit more you could simply dial down the comebacks but stay with the company as you'd still be selling 100k albums and getting CFs.

    What I'd like to know is were HYBE informed of this, did they join any discussions and try to intervene or did they leave it all to Source Media? If I'd bought Source with GFriend as the main earner I'd be totally involved in something as critical as contract renewal surely...


    1. They are young people trying their best in a competitive industry.

    2. You don't know what other pressures they are under, company mistreatment, diet, lack of success, not earning, long hard hours, family problems etc.

    3. They have worked for years towards a dream to entertain us and offer it up pretty much free if you factor in streaming, Youtube MVs, reality shows.

    4. We all know what can happen in extreme cases, mental health problems and even suicide (Sulli)

  • I don't find Fever similar to sunrise at all but well that's your opinion. But what about Labyrinth? They promoted at the same time as Crossroads and it was a new image for them as well and source was still in charge according to what you said.

    I also don't understand why you imply BH made them completely change their sound when several b-sides from Walpurgis Night and pretty much all b-sides from Song of sirens could be classified as their "old sound".

  • This. I sounds like Source was blind sided. Usually contract renewals get leaked (probably by agencies) to put pressure on groups. Got7 not resigning leaked way before JYP said anything. Mamamoo contract negotiations leaked even saying 3 members had resigned but not the 4th (i forgot who it was but they even knew who signed and who didn’t yet).

    So it makes no sense how nothing leaked and Source seemed to scramble to put together a statement.

    My guess is, Gfriend decided they were gonna leave no matter what (kinda like Got7) which shows how shitty Source was as a company and why i worry for BigHit’s GG if they are learning from that company.

    Mamamoo contract negotiations weren't leaked they were fully announced by the company.

    Got7's contract was about to be up and we had stories of them looking for other agencies since December so there was lots of attention on groups set to re-sign this year. People kept writing articles comparing the re-signing situation between Got7 and MMM so when Got7 left the attention got too much to bear for RBW. Since MMM had a bunch of pre-releases before debut people thought their contract was up in January when it was actually up in June so fans, the GP and other companies kept pressuring the girls and the company for answers so they just announced that it was up in June, 2 had re-signed and another 2 members were in negotiations but it was very favourable, partially to get everyone to shut up about it. Since then we have since had Hwasa re-signing confirmed and now we are just waiting to hear news from Wheein.

    I honestly think source likely delayed negotiations mega late thinking since the company got bought by HYBE (they and everyone else) though there was no way they wouldn't re-sign, so didn't think it was worth the bother of starting negotiations early and tempting them with bonus' to continue with them. I heard someone mention the CEO got mega big headed and dismissive in his attitude to the girls, especially since HYBE bought them, so it wouldn't be that surprising really.

    HYBE probably thought the had another year to to negotiate and by the time they realised the girls contract was up and told source to get on that sh*t it was too late. With how sudden it was I don't doubt they likely only recently started negotiations and source were trying to lowball them (due to the HYBE connection). The company likely thought the girls would agree not matter the terms and didn't even consider them leaving (hence the hurried announcement and cancelled schedules etc) and the girls realised the company was taking them for granted so started to look towards the end ages ago with all the social media posts.

    Honestly I would love to be a fly on the wall in that meeting. Just to see the CEO's face when Gfriend was like, 'naw take your contracts and shove it where the sun don't shine, we are done with you and your rubbish'. And can you imagine being that CEO and having to go tell bighit that they lost their only money maker and the entire reason that company bought your company? AND then have to go, yeah our employees are also quitting? Then having to answer the phone when HYBE is calling mad because their stock price took a dive? If that isn't a classy but sweeeeet revenge for all they put Gfriend and buddies through I don't know what is but that source CEO's days are number I swear. HYBE has got to be mega mad at the way this whole thing went down, and no way is he going to keep his job.

  • When will you guys understand that hybe has nothing to do with their music, concept and management.. All they do is give source money. Please educate yourself on these topics before you come say something stupid on that forum

    Before saying to people to educate themself and saying that people are saying stupid things

    you should be the one to educate yourself before saying stupid things -_-

    Bang and pdogg who are know to be the producer in HYBE took part in Gfriend comeback

    Bang himself said that he took part in gfriend album production

    Gfriend also confirm that HYBE producer and visual director are the one who took part in their Song and photos

    they also confirm that Bang took participated in the music performance and content for their promotions

    Bang also confirmed that HYBE took part in the storytelling of their concept

    so before saying BS like "Hybe just gave them money they didn't nothing else " you should check your information because Bang have been involve in every aspect of their latest comeback -_-

    the only one here uneducated and who doesn't have a clue of what you're talking is you -_-

    Embarrassing that you try to act like you know everything when you obviously know nothing, and that even Gfriend and Bang confirmed all this things, or maybe you know better than them what's happening behind the scene

    SOOOOOO EMBARASSING !!!!! :ak_irenesip::ak_irenesip::ak_irenesip:

    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

  • op, you seem very desperate to try to push this on hybe in some way.... honestly, gfriend's run as a group was very tumultuous. they started from humble beginning in a small entertainment company and rose to instant success overnight bc of a viral clip of one of the members falling on stage multiple times. despite or bc of their sudden fame, they gain an anti following too and were relentlessly called ugly and insulted in many other way. they had a good few years of being the hot new group to watch but the second they changed their concept it was downhill and they could never regain what they had at their peak. this is a frustrating af story for anyone and the members are still fairly young. being an idol sucks, there are too many other groups that can swoop in and steal everything from you in a moment and if you arent actually passionate about music the awe wears off quick. its the reason why momoland completely fell apart at their peak.

    idk why people don't just want to say gfriend was prob just sick of it. bc i would be if i was in their place.

  • Calm down first, if you try to get your point across by yelling and acting so childish you've already lost the argument - an advice you might need in life.

    Okay, hybe was involved in ONE comeback. As much as I'm aware gfriend didn't have only one comeback after they got acquired. Do you seriously think the girls would quit just because of ONE comeback? And do you seriously think source is that dumb and naive to do whatever hybe wants without proper discussion and agreement between the ceos? In the end of this my point stands - source are the ones who fucked up if they decided to go on with hybe's idea despite the girls expressing their discomfort (if that's the case). Stop trying to find the villain in the story - the girls didn't want to renew due to their own reasons and if someone fucked up then it's that damn source company that kept overoworking them, not handling the scandals properly and not promoting them well

  • Calm down first, if you try to get your point across by yelling and acting so childish you've already lost the argument - an advice you might need in life.

    Okay, hybe was involved in ONE comeback. As much as I'm aware gfriend didn't have only one comeback after they got acquired. Do you seriously think the girls would quit just because of ONE comeback? And do you seriously think source is that dumb and naive to do whatever hybe wants without proper discussion and agreement between the ceos? In the end of this my point stands - source are the ones who fucked up if they decided to go on with hybe's idea despite the girls expressing their discomfort (if that's the case). Stop trying to find the villain in the story - the girls didn't want to renew due to their own reasons and if someone fucked up then it's that damn source company that kept overoworking them, not handling the scandals properly and not promoting them well

    HYBE took part In mango and Apple comeback which was more than half of the cb they did since source was acquire

    they didn't have much to say on Crossroads because crossroads was already in the work with Gfriend old team

    and they didn't want a big twist in their image -_-

    and girl i'm calm so stop criticizing people for being childish etc...when you are the one telling to people that they are stupid etc... when you did absolutely no research

    So funny you're attacking people for your lack of research and informations

    but when people clap back at you the same way you talked to them you complain, I see someone who wanted to be all "i know things better than you " and then when people prove them that all they said was dumb they suddenly start to play the victim who's attack -_-

    Do you seriously think the girls would quit just because of ONE comeback?

    It was two cb

    and the girls always said in the past that they wanted to improve while still keeping the image that they always had and didn't lost everything who make what gfriend is after so many years of work

    And do you seriously think source is that dumb and naive to do whatever hybe wants without proper discussion and agreement between the ceos?

    you clearly don't know a lot of think about business :|

    Hybe acquire Source which means Hybe become the principal shareholder of Source, which means HYBE are the one who took the decision at the end

    even if Source didn't agree , principal shareholder are the one who take the decision at the end whatever what other people think

    before talking and trying to have a discussion at least learn how it work -_-

    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

    Edited once, last by SooYoung ().

  • well you're saying stupid things even after you've done your research..

    Don't tell me what I know about business and what I don't when that's what I'm studying. In source and bighit's case it's more than business because the ceos are friends. They put friendship before thinking rationally and that was their mistake.

    Hybe can't force any idea on source and they won't attempt to - do you see them getting involved in pledis's management somehow? Or in zico's? Or in any other sub label they acquired? Hybe is getting involved because Source let them. Either because of that friendship or because source believed that what hybe has on mind is something useful and helpful. That's why they went on with their ideas. Hybe didn't point a gun at them and forced them to do that, stop being naive.

    No artist quits because of concept change, especially no artist that is close to the staff and has a good relationship with them. Hasn't one of the members even said she wants to try sexier concept? Mago was that. It seems like they were open to experiments after all.

    Maybe for a moment try thinking if their scandals and loss of international support on top of korea don't paying attention anymore isn't the actual reason they quit because it's more realistic than your hybe villain story

  • I think Source were acquired to become HYBE's 'girl group division' so to speak. That said I would find it hard to believe that GFriend would suddenly disband and walk away without zero input whatsoever from HYBE it just seems strange. Unless HYBE were totally blindsided (which could be the case as GFriend looked rock solid to go on for years like APink).

    Even if the contract talks went completely sour and GFriend made it clear they were going to walk away, how could HYBE be completely unaware? I think s**t went badly south, Source probably advised HYBE, HYBE entered into discussions but could not reach an agreement and RIP Gfriend.


    1. They are young people trying their best in a competitive industry.

    2. You don't know what other pressures they are under, company mistreatment, diet, lack of success, not earning, long hard hours, family problems etc.

    3. They have worked for years towards a dream to entertain us and offer it up pretty much free if you factor in streaming, Youtube MVs, reality shows.

    4. We all know what can happen in extreme cases, mental health problems and even suicide (Sulli)

  • Bringing this back after announcement of gfriend 3 membered group

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  • Edit: I just realized this is an older thread but I'll leave this here anyway because it'll probably come up again.

    Hybe is the holding company and companies under it operate independently. An example of this is Alphabet and Google. When Google has issues nobody goes, "oh it's Alphabet's fault!" because that wouldn't make sense. The problem is with Google. Bang PD and Pdogg are not acting as Hybe producers because Hybe itself doesn't have producers. Hybe is an entertainment lifestyle company- a holding company for everything under its umbrella. Now, there is cross-label cooperation but each individual label is going to have final say over decisions pertaining to its own artists.

    Basically, blaming Hybe for whatever happened at Source is illogical and I know I'm not the first person to explain this but people still seem to be confused and looking for an easy target to direct their anger at even if it doesn't make sense.

  • Edit: I just realized this is an older thread but I'll leave this here anyway because it'll probably come up again.

    Hybe is the holding company and companies under it operate independently. An example of this is Alphabet and Google. When Google has issues nobody goes, "oh it's Alphabet's fault!" because that wouldn't make sense. The problem is with Google. Bang PD and Pdogg are not acting as Hybe producers because Hybe itself doesn't have producers. Hybe is an entertainment lifestyle company- a holding company for everything under its umbrella. Now, there is cross-label cooperation but each individual label is going to have final say over decisions pertaining to its own artists.

    Basically, blaming Hybe for whatever happened at Source is illogical and I know I'm not the first person to explain this but people still seem to be confused and looking for an easy target to direct their anger at even if it doesn't make sense.

    i guarantee you that is only the case because google is a far bigger house hold name than alphabet inc. in fact i assure you must people dont even know what alphabet is compare to google. google and alphabet literally have the same ceo and cfo so it more than fair and makes sense to blame alphabet for googles problems.

  • I think there is some drama between members, they didn't all join the same company.

  • i guarantee you that is only the case because google is a far bigger house hold name than alphabet inc. in fact i assure you must people dont even know what alphabet is compare to google. google and alphabet literally have the same ceo and cfo so it more than fair and makes sense to blame alphabet for googles problems.

    No it really doesn't. I have no interest in debating with you though. Facts are facts and your interpretation and assumptions do not equate to facts. Sorry! I won't be answering further.

  • From what we've seen so far looks like there's something iffy about hybe and ggs. I liked gfriend much better after hybe bought them, but their historic with ggs so far has not been great. I remember people's reactions when bighit announced another bg (txt) to debut instead a gg. Why would they even do that when bts was doing so well and the hype for a girl group was far bigger? Hopefully their upcoming gg will be fine.

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • The fact that they’re redebuting as a trio makes me think that there were disagreements within the group with half of them wanting to continue in the group and the other half wanting to do their own thing.

  • I am most surprised about Yuju, maybe she wanted a solo career.

    I can see Sowon preferring acting, or Yerin going for TV shows, but Yuju I am sure wanted to continue singing, just not in a group I guess.

  • No it really doesn't. I have no interest in debating with you though. Facts are facts and your interpretation and assumptions do not equate to facts. Sorry! I won't be answering further.

    yes facts are the ceo and cfo of alphabet are the same as google. the people who make major decisions for google are the same as alphabet so yes you could blame alphabet for googles problem but as i said before most wont because google is the more identifiable brand

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