Why does Jisoo saying men and women can’t be friends trigger Kpop fans so much?

  • they crazy out there, they gotta talk to a cross or a portrait of jesus to straighten them out. it's not going well for lisa akgaes and the rest of them, who knows at this point it's every multi stan speaking, stan twitter, really a sad place to be!

    they mad at my queen jisoo cause she said she don't want no man up in her business. calling her a pick me? how over used is that term these days, look at what this bad app tik tok has done to our youth, and probably our millennials too! most probably much older, have to go outside and smell grass and pine in air and praise jesus, instead sitting on twitter acting a fool! as usual.


  • While I think men and women can be platonic friends, I think in general, it is a less frequent occurrence that men and women form emotionally close friendships that do not feature some form of latent or unrequited level of attraction, by one side or the other. I think it might be more accurate to say men and women can easily form less emotionally intimate "friendships" given that they do not cross into the realm of closeness generally reserved for partners, spouses, and significant others. Not to say there aren't exceptions out there, but I think they serve to prove the rule rather than dispel it.

    It may be easier to see the truth in such an idea by thinking about how many people you know whose absolute closest friend in their life.... is someone of the opposite sex...that isn't their partner, spouse or significant other.

    I reckon it would be a small number. Generalized across the population I think it's safe to conclude it's by far an uncommon occurrence against the prevailing norm.

    I think this is the idea that such statements are getting at. Perhaps less than they "can't", and more that they "don't" more often than not.

    In any case, Jisoo is best girl. People should leave her alone.

  • EVERY male friend? That doesn’t sound like a trustworthy translation tbqh

    On Lee Youngji’s show I believe she said unless a boy and girl have known each other from childhood and are like brother and sister, there’s always that like unopened door of possible romance.

    I’m not in full agreement with that but I can see where she’s coming from. And maybe being raised in Korea means her experiences are different from someone in, say, the U.S.

  • 'There are no friends between opposite genders'

    This right here is the type of shit that should get someone cancelled. You know how much shit societies deal with because of the reinforcement that men and women can't be friends? How much the fabric and interactions between young people are impacted because of this type of narrative from both sides of the fence? They grow up in a milieu of people spouting this nonsense and it tries it's hardest to become a self-fulfilling prophecy that colours every interaction in the minds of the people who swallow this sort of stuff.

    This is the incel-argument on the ladies side. That every man is out to 'have them'.

    It's a cancer eating away at societal relations, and here we have a big kpop idol reinforcing such a toxic idea.

    Jesus Christ.

  • Well it's her opinion and I don't entirely disagree. She probably doesn't mean male and female can't be on very good/close terms, just that most of the time it's likely one of them can "confuse" the relationship, if not both which is less common in a female friendship for example

  • well korea have the lowest birth rate ever and woman dont wanna marry men for a reason

    have u wondered what is the reason? (hint I write it already)

  • OP can't you find another group to talk about? only blackpink

    well she is talking from her own experience. she probably had hit on by her male friends and didn't respect the boundaries and made her uncomfortable. Keep in mind it's a different society too and Korean men don't have the best reputation either.

    On Lee Youngji’s show I believe she said unless a boy and girl have known each other from childhood and are like brother and sister, there’s always that like unopened door of possible romance.

    I’m not in full agreement with that but I can see where she’s coming from. And maybe being raised in Korea means her experiences are different from someone in, say, the U.S.

    I think she mentioned that men and women can't be friend unless they know each over ten years or something like that she didn't really didn't explain much and then starting joking about something else.

  • But then why doesn’t Lisa have the same problems and her friends are mostly men? Jisoo saying that while her bandmate have the opposite experience is kinda shady.

    Lisa grew up in a different country with a different culture they have different experiences, you can't be this d*mb

    we know you don't care about this you just want to get a reaction out of people....imagine thinking jisoo is shading her friend

  • Kids, just watch the GREATEST MOVIE EVER MADE and you'll have your answer about whether men and women can be friends.

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  • Men and women absolutely can be friends, you just need to find people who are genuinely willing to be friends without it progressing further than that. A lot of the time they don’t have it in them tho and expect the relationship to take a certain turn just bc it’s between people of opposite genders, hence this mistaken belief that men and women cannot ever forge new platonic friendships. It’s definitely hard to find like-minded people who don’t expect romance wherever and whenever, but it’s not like they’re extinct.

    Anyway all this discourse between “the straights” is really funny to witness bc gay folks have been making friendships with people of the gender they’re attracted to for millennia lol it’s not this elusive practice unheard of or impossible to achieve, guys, bc unless you’re a sex addict who can’t keep it in your pants, you absolutely should be able to make friends with people of any gender :pepe-use-head:

  • well korea have the lowest birth rate ever and woman dont wanna marry men for a reason

    have u wondered what is the reason? (hint I write it already)

    Both genders don't want to marry and i guarantee you it's not the narrative you are thinking of and very little to do with it. But is heavily influenced by larger existential crisis that the whole nation faces and are universal to everyone

  • FACTS and this bullshit toxicity gets reinforced not only that we see double standards. People are praising this saying okg yes she said her opinion etc accept it. But the flip side if a man said something similar that idol would be super cancelled and everyone would be refuting what he said instantly

  • The dumb part is, she didn’t even said they can’t be friends at all. She said it’s possible if they knew each other for a long time.

    She was obviously talking from her own experience. To call her a pick me is ridiculous.

    Some people really believe that if one single opinion you have aligns with those of problematic groups, you’re now part of them entirely… some people lack critical thinking and love taking things out of context ;(

  • sounds like someone from a conservative country would say that

    in the West it's pretty normal for men and women to be friends. People are used to hanging out with the opposite sex from childhood on. It depends on the person, but my sister for example has tons of male friends, she's gone on vacation with them, she hangs out at their places, etc. I'm more of a girl's girl, but I also have some guys I consider friends. No expectations or interest on any side.

  • Absolute smooth brains here defending it as a 'personal take'.

    That's the problem. She's had bad interactions or bad experiences - does that mean it applies to everyone across the board, just a flat out general statement?

    If I have a bad interaction with someone from another race, and I entitled to go 'well all of race X is this'.

    When some asshole guy goes 'all ladies are terrible' (language heavily cleaned) after breaking up, do we go 'oh well of course that's right, he's just talking from personal experience'. Of course no-one does.

    Yet here she is doing it no problem. This is the type of debilitating stuff as I mention that gets reinforced time and time again from both the crappy, predator men (Tate etc) who treat every relationship, every interaction as transactional, and a person on the other side who is exactly the same - they're expecting any interaction with a man to be transactional, because they can't be friends.

    Absolutely not surprising at all the type of people defending this stuff. They'd justify anything if their faves said it.

  • I don't agree with Jisoo's reasons why men and women cant be friends, because thats a really childish, immature reasoning.

    BUT I do agree with "men and women in kpop cant be friends" because of the immaturity of knets and kpop fans that even looking at a member of the opposite sex = DaTiNg ScAnDaL!!!

    Its not worth the effort and it absolutely must make genuine friendships awkward af to have idiots think "THEY BOTH WORE A BLACKSHIRT OMG THEY GETTING MARRIED"

  • BUT I do agree with "men and women in kpop cant be friends" because of the immaturity of knets and kpop fans that even looking at a member of the opposite sex = DaTiNg ScAnDaL!!!

    great angle unironically

    Jisoo knows her audience, she’s giving them what they want. People who are trying to read her like they read Noam Chomsky are doing so in obvious bad faith

  • as a person with more male friends than female friends, this is just blatantly untrue and a toxic way to think

    but she thinks like that due to her own experiences and that's fair

    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
    Flower field, that's where I'm at. Open land, that's where I'm at.
    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

  • she's sharing her personal experience, just because you or someone else had a different experience it doesn't make her own invalid or "wrong"

    I mean it's a bit of an extreme statement to make but man it's refreshing to see a BP member actually freely stating their opinions on real shit again (feels like since 2020 they've been alot more closed off)

    what kpop fans really want is a bunch of hollow plastic dolls they can project their own ideals on and then have them parrot those same ideals back at them to feel validated.

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