do you guys believe in GHOST and BLACK MAGIC ? any real life experience story to share ?
No, I hardly believe in the supernatural.
yes, I do but more in black magic
Slavery was a real deal. History classes teach that
I wish they would be real because I want a ghost as my friend
i believe in ghosts my house is high-key haunted
i also am a pagan so yes i believe in black magic
i'll share 2 stories of my encounters w/ ghosts
1.) so my siblings and i were finishing cleaning the kitchen everything seems fine but as i'm leaving this can of baking spray (it's standing upright btw) slides across the counter. i look at it and it stops so i say to my brother "did you see that?" he said yeah. we're all looking at it and it goes closer to the edge and back to where it originally was.
2) i cleaned my altar a couple nights ago and left up some mint because the deities love the mint
so i'm laying in bed around 3 in the morning and i see this black outline in front of it. and i think it's my cat because his brother came the night before and started eating my offerings; so i go to yell at him but when i sit up the outline disappeared so im like "ok its not the cat" so i lay black down and the black outline appears again but by my window and starts moving around the room. so i just rolled over and went back to sleep because my family and i dont think we should be messing with the ghost in our house.
the ghosts don't do anything super weird or scary they just move stuff and take stuff
I don't know if black magic exist but i'd be so down to try it but i'm too lazy too look up for it
Don’t believe in anything supernatural. Gods, magic, superstition or ghosts. Still waited for my Hogwarts letter on my 11th birthday ofc!
What is real black magic? I know it's not summoning fireballs like in games. But I don't know what it is.
Black magic, no. If it did exist you'd think there'd be a lot of spells and shit that could kill or harm people instead of relying on swords and guns.
Ghosts, not sure. I mean we're still trying to understand the universe around us and with the talk of different dimensions, multiverses and realities and of course we don't definitely know what happens to people when they die. So who knows if ghosts do exist in a different plane of existent.
I've had freaky stuff happen to me but ion feel like going into detail
however there had been a rumor that one of my aunties thats into brujeria(black magic) had cursed my dad cause she thought he stole from her
and I mean the timeline fits
his mental and financial deterioration from when she supposedly cursed him
when my mom and him finally separated is when my mom, my siblings and I finally were able to have some stability
could all just be coincidence tho
im just glad we're doing good now :>
I don't want to believe and logically I don't believe, but I am still a superstitious person. This happened in my previous workplace. Two different people said they felt a spirit near my working desk (they don't know each other and have never spoken to each other. Person A who told me that she felt a spirit lingering around was transferred to a different department before person B came to work with me. Person B then told me the same thing). They can't see spirits but both of them can feel them. When person A told me that she felt a spirit in the room I didn't believe her but the next colleague who told me the exact same thing kinda spooked me. I left that workplace shortly after.
Also had one co worker who claimed the 7th floor toilet was haunted and that someone choked her in the toilet while she was taking a shit. I heard rumors that if you work OT on the 7th floor of the building sometimes you can hear the scanner and printer running in the printing room even though the room is locked. Some people claimed to hear someone stapling things inside. I don't believe but still I avoided these areas.
I'm rather materialistic but once I saw poltergeist myself. My family and parents friends were at our country house and late at night when we had dinner somebody started to jump and make loud noises in the attic. My father and other men went there to check who is it, but there was nothing. These noises started several times but each time they checked it they didn't find animals of whatever else what could make the noise. My grandma said "Ah the domovoy (home spirts in slavic countries) just didn't like the guests" casually like it was something normal.
In fact it was a really creepy experience.
I haven't come across one myself but, these are actual news reports.
- After 1 am, to a radio station in Chiangmai, it was a live phone call. It was the voice of woman. She started her story in a voice similar to typical ghosts' voices in horror films, "I worked a night job thus I finished my work very late in the night. I rode a motorbike to my home in Doi Saket as per usual," (zzzzz). Her signal was weak thus, her storytelling was often interrupted. She continued saying someone was following her and she scared. She started to whine. The DJ assistant shouted "This call is wack. You better hang up." The caller continued saying they caught her up and killed her and cried historically. The call was hung up.
On the next day, the body of a woman was found on the way to Doi Saket. She and her motorbike fell by the street and her purse was missing. She died of head trauma as her head hit the ground hard. The police officer assumed the culprit(s) followed her with a motorbike and kicked a side of her motorbike so she and her motorbike fell, the culprit(s) likely did so for the money in her purse. The deceased was a sale clerk at the Night Bazaar and usually finished her work shortly after midnight.
- A man ran to the house of his in-law sister living in the same village to tell his wife (her sister) had died of electric shock while trying to fix a broken light switch by herself. The in-law sister and her husband rushed to the scene and saw the body of the wife lying before an opened light switch, 2 fingers on her right hand had burnt marks. The police officer was called and the case was concluded as accident.
The family of the wife decided a 7-days wake before a cremation. On the 5th day of the wake, an attendee, the middle school niece of the deceased wife, shook and passed out. When she woke up, she said in a different tone of voice, the tone of an aged woman similarly to the deceased, that she was the dead wife who came to earth to tell that she was killed by her husband.
The funeral was postponed. The parent of the deceased wife reported the police and asked for an autopsy. The result came out that the wife died of suffocation, not electric shock. The husband was prosecuted and later confessed he killed her as she found out about his affair, he pressed the pillow onto her face. Knowing it was a broken light switch in the kitchen, he faked an electric shock. He moved her body out of the bedroom to the kitchen, unmasked the light switch and pressed her fingers onto the opened switch.
What is real black magic? I know it's not summoning fireballs like in games. But I don't know what it is.
From what I've heard, they are 2 types of black magic commonly performed
1) mind control, the one under the spell will either
- blindly obey or fall in love with the spell caster or,
- lose sanity
2) prescribed death, the one under the spell will fall terminally ill and no doctor can diagnose the illness.
Once the spell is revoked from the casted, it will return to the caster. The one using black magic so much will turn into a devil.
I used to live and work in a building for 4 years where people died and I lived for 1 year on a floor where in the room next to me someone died. People rumored that it was said this building was haunted and I can't blame them for this thoughts cause we have a lot regional storys and each town/city has their own myths and Germany is really really full of scary stories so people had a lot weird thoughts as the first one told the new people that they think that place would be haunted. I was one of the few people who stayed over the weekend and so people asked me if I saw creepy stuff cause they asumed that when almost nobody is home they would have it easier to catch to see a ghost. Actually even tho so many people died in this building I never saw a ghost in there.
I also used to live for half a year next to a graveyard and someone tried to make the joke he had seen ghosts in the middle of the night when he looked out of the window and at the graveyard but I never saw a ghost in the time I ever looked out of the window at night.
I actually never saw a ghost tho so I am not sure if thats even real
What I said about the stories we have in Germany. It depends from town to town how many there are. Most places have these stories. The town I grew up had a story of a church. Apparently as I was told in the middle ages someone tried to walk up the stairs in the church's tower and than fell down the stairs and died. It was said that you can hear each night footsteps on the stairs cause the ghost of this person tries to walk up the stairs andit was said the ghost will only go away if he finally menages it to go up the stairs but the ghost would allways slip and fall back at the same step he died
My school was in a town as I was in 4th grade where we heard a lot weird storys and the guid who told us about them had so much to say that most of us were awake at night in the hostel we stayed at to look out of the window just to see if the ghost of a person who was cut into 4 pieces would apear outside but nobody say anything and as we walked trought the city at night everyone really closed their eyes as we passed a stair that goes to a church because there was a story of a girl who died in sadness cause her fiance cheated on her and so you would see a ghost of a crying woman on the stairs at night and it was said that if you are a female virgin or not married than the ghost would kill you if you look at the stairs and see the ghost crying. Another story from the city involved a person who got murdered by the king as that town was their own little kingdom in the middle ages and people said if they walk trought the woods when it's fogy outside than you might see ghosts of a king and a knight and see how the king will murder the knight. And the last story of that town was of a woman who's daughter died and the woman who was washing her clothes in a fountain it was said that the fountain was over 600 years old and each sunday you could see a woman going to the fountain to wash clothes and people say it would be the ghost of the mother and people say the ghost will not talk to you or move if you try to aproach it and just washes her clothes in the water aparently after the daughter died who was sick the mother felt so lonly that she killed herself at the fountain and thats why the ghost would apear there it was said and a few people we met while we stood in front of the fountain said they really saw a woman in a old brown dress going to the fountain wearing no shoes and she would wash a piece of white clothe and than dissapear when finished
There are lot more such stories and there is also a YT-channel who talks a lot about such weird and scary stories that happen in Germany
Yeah i believe in both since I believe that God created everything - things we can see & we cant see. It easy for people who never see both to say things like "it doesnt exist, etc". People who never experience this are sooo lucky imo.
1. Ghost - exist but i would say it is a Devil that disguised themselves as human or anything to scare and mislead human being. There are too many stories that i dont even know where to begin (either my own experience, or my family & friends) - the only thing i would say, this "ghost" can look either normal or they didnt look...beautiful. But most of times they didnt look beautiful.
2. Black magic - you guys wonder why you never see people using spell etc? Of course you cant since that is not smthing that you can learn by watching video on youtube/or listening to people mumbling gibberish. It also not like in anime where there is sparkle when you cast the spell. Black magic is evil because it also use devil. People used it due to their jealousy, hatred & wanted revenged.
In conclusion both = devil.
I don't believe in either but I do believe that there are people out there who believe in it and try to use black magic to harm others. I have familiy members who experienced it while living in rural areas. Leaving your laundry outside to dry during the night only to find drops of blood on your shirt in the morning and things like that
I don't believe in it but I find the act disturbing regardless. Not because I believe in black magic but because it makes me realize that there are people out there who wish me and my family harm despite having done nothing to them
I believe that humans have some kind of energy that can be used to affect others or can be affected. And if spirits exist, it is their energy that stayed behind.
When I come from people believe in the evil eye and black magic, although the latter is no longer a popular practice. I have heard about a lot of incidents that made me think that there is possible a lot of truth there.
well ive been told black magic exists by my mom
Oh, it has to be true then. Thanks for your precious input.
Oh, it has to be true then. Thanks for your precious input.
is this sarcasm
I believe in it.
the bible never said its okay to have slaves lmao.
I do believe in ghosts and the paranormal and the afterlife. I don't have any ghost stories, but I do believe both my parents are watching over me and have had signs that they're around even if they're only subtle.
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