I. Introduction
LOOΠΔ was a 12 Member Girl group from a company Called BlockBerry Creative with LOOΠΔ as their only current group
they where an experimental group that spanned over 18 Months for debut they each Had a Solo and a B-Side on their solo Album, as they each had a physical copy made from HeeJin as the first and Olivia Hye being the last. Each member has a Color, Animal, and some have a special Location, some have special powers, and some have special fruits, and every girl (except the Maknae Yeojin ;-;) has a Sub Unit. On November 25th Loona Member Chuu had been removed from LOOΠΔ and wrongfully acused by BBC of "Mistreating staff by being verbally abusive to them". Later on 9 Members of LOOΠΔ had filed for contract injunction (Minus Hyunjin and ViVi) As of January 13th members Heejin, KimLip, JinSoul, and Choerry had won their lawsuit against BBC, however members HaSeul, Yeojin, Yves, GoWon and Olivia Hye has lost since the court didn't find their contracts to be unfair, On February 3rd Hyunjin and ViVi had Filed for Contract injunction their cases are still pending in court. As Of June 16th the remaining 5 members of Loona had won their ruling in court due to no consent of their Japanese contracts, All 12 Loona members are officially free of the company
First Member revealed
Birthday: October 19th, 2000
Western Sign: Libra
Chinese Zodiac: Dragon
Solo: ViViD
Color: Hot Pink
Animal: Rabbit
Location/ where MV Took place: Paris, France (and earth)
2nd Member revealed
Birthday: November 15th, 2000
Western Zodiac: Scorpio
Chinese Zodiac: Dragon
Solo: Around You
Color: Yellow
Animal: Cat
Sub -Unit: 1/3
Location/ Where MV took place: Tokyo, Japan (and earth)
3rd Member revealed
Birthday: August 18th 1997
Western Zodiac: Leo
Chinese Zodiac: Ox
Solo: Let Me In
Color: Green
Animal: White Bird
Sub- Unit: Leader of 1/3 and Leader of LOOΠΔ
Location/ Where MV was filmed: Iceland (and Earth)
(She had been on Hiatus through # and 12:00, she Returned for "&" and now Following up with Fl!p That)
4th Member revealed and Maknae of the Group
Birthday: November 11th, 2002
Western Zodiac: Scorpio
Chinese Zodiac: Horse
Solo: Kiss Later
Color: Orange
Animal: Frog
Not in any Sub-Unit cause she was too young at the time and was in High School (but BBC stated she is the / of 1/3)
Location/ Where MV was filmed: Thailand (and earth)
5th Member Revealed
Only Foreign member and is the oldest (she is from Hong Kong)
Birthday: December 9th, 1996
Western Zodiac: Sagittarius
Chinese Zodiac: Rat
Solo: Everyday I Love You
Color: Pastel Pink
Animal: Deer
Sub- Unit: 1/3
Location/ where the MV was filmed: Seoul, Korea (and Earth)
SubUnit: 1/3
their Unit tile track and name was called Love and Live [MV] 이달의 소녀 1/3 (LOONA 1/3) "지금, 좋아해(Love&Live)" - YouTube and came out with a repackage called Love and Evil with the Lead track Sonatine [MV] 이달의 소녀 1/3 (LOONA 1/3) "알 수 없는 비밀(Sonatine)" - YouTube
6th member revealed
Birthday: February 10th 1999
Western Zodiac: Aquarius
Chinese Zodiac: Tiger
Solo: Eclipse
Color: Red
Animal: Owl
Sub-Unit: Leader of ODD EYE CIRCLE (OEC)
Super Power: Superspeed/ ODD EYE in her Left
Location: Middle earth
7th Member revealed
Birthday: June 13th 1997
Western Zodiac: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac: Ox
Solo: Singing In The Rain
Color: Blue
Animal: Blue Betta Fish
Sub- Unit: OEC
Super Power: Teleportation/ ODD EYE in her Left Eye
Location: Middle Earth
8th Member revealed
Birthday: June 4th 2001
Western Zodiac: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac: Snake
Solo: Love Cherry Motion
Color: Purple
Animal: Fruit Bat
Fruit: Cherry
Sub-Unit: OEC
Super Power: Time travel through Mirrors/ ODD EYE in her Right Eye
Location: Middle earth
Sub-Unit: ODD EYE CIRLCE they filmed their MV Girl front [MV] 이달의 소녀 오드아이써클 (LOONA/ODD EYE CIRCLE) "Girl Front" - YouTube In L.A California USA and the album was called Mix and Match then the repackage album called Max and Match with Lead Track Sweet Crazy Love [MV] 이달의 소녀 오드아이써클 (LOONA/ODD EYE CIRCLE) "Sweet Crazy Love" - YouTube and an English version of Loonatic [MV] LOONA/ODD EYE CIRCLE "LOONATIC (Official Lyric Video)” - YouTube
9th Member Revealed
Birthday: May 24th 1997
Western Zodiac: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac: Ox
Solo: New
Color: Burgundy Red
Animal: Swan
Fruit: Apple
Sub-Unit: Leader Of YYXY
Location: Eden
Chuu (Former but Forever Member)
10th Member revealed
Birthday: October 20th 1999
Western Zodiac: Libra
Chinese Zodiac: Rabbit
Solo: Heart Attack
Color: Peach
Animal: Penguin
Fruit: Strawberry
Sub-Unit: YYXY
Location: Eden
Go Won
11th member revealed
Birthday: November 19th 2000
Western Zodiac: Scorpio
Chinese Zodiac: Dragon
Solo: One and Only
Color: Eden Green
Animal: Butterfly
Fruit: Pineapple
Sub- Unit: YYXY
Location: Eden
Olivia Hye
12th/ last member revealed
Birthday: November 13th 2001
Western Zodiac: Scorpio
Chinese Zodiac: Snake
Solo: Egoist
Color: Silver
Animal: Wolf
Fruit: Blood Plum
Sub- Unit: YYXY
Location: Eden
Sub Unit: YYXY They filmed their MV in Hungary and teamed up with Grimes for their lead Track Love4Eva[MV] 이달의 소녀 yyxy (LOONA/yyxy) "love4eva (feat. Grimes)" - YouTube, their album was called Beauty and the Beat but for some reason had no repackage
II. Discography
Hi High
Perfect Love
Where you at
Oh (Yes I am)
Ding Ding Dong
Fall again
Hide and Seek
Paint The Town (PTT)
Be Honest
Dance on My Own
Different Night
Fl!p That
The Journey
Fl!p That
Need U
Pale Blue Dot
LOOΠΔ The Origin Album [0]
B.U.R.N (Be U Right Now)
Their former creative Director was Jaden Jeong, Had Left the Company after the XX Era was complete, taking every song he worked on for B#rn and scrapped them as well as LOOΠΔTheBallad
for as great as LOOΠΔ's Discographies are, BBC's Biggest Issue is how they handel their Line distribution, every Orbit in the Fandom knows that ViVi, YeoJin, HyunJin, HaSeul, and GoWon get mistreated with Lines and that Heejin, KimLip, Yves(sometimes), and Chuu get alot of Lines
On November 25th of 2022, BBC had Kicked out Chuu From Loona and alleged that she was verbally abusive to Staff, But Member Hyunjin, Other Idols such as Sunmi, BBC Staff and companies came to Chuu's defense proving BBC's statement false. Just a few days Later 9 out of 11 Loona members (Hyunjin on schedules and Vivi being a non-Korean citizen would have Visa issues) filed for Contract injunction (Termination) from BBC for they felt that their trust was broken with their Company. BBC is now forcing Loona to comeback with LOOΠΔ The Origin album, Orbits have taken action to boycott the comeback in order to help Free Loona from BBC. 4 LOONA MEMBERS HAVE WON THE LAWSUIT AGAINST BBC! KEEP SHOWING THE GIRLS LOTS OF LOVE SO THAT WAY THEY KNOW WE ARE HERE FOR THEM AND CAN MAKE IT OUT OF BBC!
"&" was the 1st OT12 comeback Since XX era and Now Fl!p That follows it as the 2nd
The Members also do LOOΠΔ TV (and now LOOΠΔ Note) to keep the fan's updated and to show behind the scene's as well
The Maknae Lineup consists of: GoWon, Choerry, Olivia Hye, and Yeojin
The Unnies Line up consists of: ViVi, Yves, Jinsoul, and HaSeul
The Middle Unit consists of: KimLip, Chuu, HeeJin, and HyunJin
The Not Friends Unit consists of: Heejin, KimLip, Jinsoul, & Yves
The Tell Me Now Unit consists of: Heejin, Choerry, Yves, Olivia Hye and Eunji ( Brave Girls)
The Sun and Moon Unit consists of: HaSeul, Kimlip, Jinsoul, Chuu, Chaehyun and Yeongeun ( of Kep1er)
The Triplets lineup consists of: Hyunjin, Choerry, and Olivia Hye
Loona Members, Yeojin, Choerry, GoWon, and Olivia Hye teamed up with CoComong Collabs for Yum Yum and Yummy Yummy
Yum Yum:
Yummy Yummy:
Loona Members HeeJin, Jinsoul, Yves, and KimLip are part of the Collaboration with Ryan Jhuan for the song " Not Friends"
(please let me know down Below if there is anything if you want to be added here)
Comments 8
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i love my girls but i always get them mixed up...thanks bae

no Problemo!
Heres the trick, recognize their Eyes, faces, smiles and learn them by their sub unit

break them apart into 4's (by their sub unit)
and then it will get easier!
I've cleaned this up a bit, but it still needs work in terms of sections and a table of contents.
Anyone can edit and submit changes, so please do so and we will approve it.
Thank you very much!

im not the best at this!
that helped alot!
Should i change the descritption?
Yea put the members profile in the description, not in the members section
i fixed that