What do you think of people who only stan/listen to one gender? Why do they do it?

  • Disclaimer: this isn't about people who naturally gravitate towards bgs or ggs but ones who purposely/make a point of only stanning/listening to one or the other. And this isn't meant to be an attack on the people in question either :pepelove1:

    Honestly, I find it confusing. I don't understand how an entire gender's music just doesn't appeal to someone or that someone just flat out refuses to listen to it. I've never seen it outside of kpop which makes it even more strange for me. As someone who usually prefers gg music and mainly listens to them, I like a lot of bg songs and even stan one too because both genders offer good music. It's not even like disliking an entire genre of music (still strange to me honestly) where you could at least argue that there could be a common enough musical trait for someone to dislike it as a whole. It kind of just comes down to the gender of the singer (and maybe thinking that gender offers something better) and you can even see it through how SOME of the stans hate so hard on the other gender groups

    Even if it's explained as only wanting to stan/interested in people you're attracted to, I find it confusing and frankly a little shallow (ironic because it's the idol industry but whatever). I think regardless of your sexuality, both bgs and ggs have something to offer through music, talent, and/or personality. I admit attractive women might interest me in a group more at first but limiting yourself to only what you're attracted to makes you miss out on a lot. It would be weird to do that in any other form of entertainment like only watching movies/shows with people you're attracted to, only listening to non-idol singers you're attracted to, only watching athletes you're attracted to, etc.

    What do you think of these types of bg/gg stans? And if you're one, give me some insight why you purposely only stan/listen to one gender? I'm going to sleep now.


  • Well, some might happen to find gg music more appealing than bg or vice versa. You can't control what appeals to you.

    I do agree, it can be weird to... just flat out not even listen to a groups music because of their gender, but if someone wants to do that, that's their choice.

    I do think that sometimes one can find male voices more appealing than female voices (or vice versa) so that can be part of why one might be appealing over the other. And I guess with the attraction factor... "shallow" as it may seem, I do think having that interest can motivate you to really invest yourself more into that music and personalities. It might seem bad to just listen to a group just because you're attracted to them, but I think attraction and genuine admiration can intertwine a lot.

    Also, since gg and bg cater to slightly different markets, they tend to have different sounds (not saying that all gg or bg is the same sound. I'm speaking in a more generalish sense), which again, one can appeal more than the other for some.

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  • I’ve been more of a boy group fan in the past but lately I’ve been into girl groups especially since Aespa came along. There’s good music in both, but some like to push their loyalty towards one a little too much imo. Music is music and it’s different strokes for different folks I guess.

  • ok I'll give my opinion which is mine personally...I don't speak for all males and only for myself...

    I like pretty girls...and thus i naturally gravitate towards GG - now that doesn't mean I don't enjoy listening to or watching MVs of BG (everybody and their mothers know that my favourite kpop song is from a BG) but if I'm going to be devoting time and energy to watch additional content and variety shows and interviews and stuff like that then you bet your bottom dollar that it's going to be a GG over a BG

  • I guess 'stan' and 'listen' are different matter. I stan 1 BG means mainly I only spend my money on them, watching their contents, etc.

    But with 'listen', I'm sure majority of us casually listening to music from both genders, and it's not only from the artist who we are stanning.

    It's similar with soccer fans, there're people who love Manchester United, supporting them, buy their merch, etc. But it doesn't mean they won't watch other soccer teams match either.

  • At first I had zero interest for bgs. Because, same as selfmate, I prefer good looking girls over good looking boys. And also because female voices are generally more appealing to me than male voices in pop music.

    With time I learned to appreciate some bg songs. Like, Super Junior 'Black Suit' is a fantastic song (the fact SJ is an older group helps to relate too). More recently I enjoyed quite a lot WEi 'Bye Bye Bye' too.

    But going as far as stanning a bg? I don't know, it just feels weird. Because I'm a man, I have very little interest in the visual aspect of bgs. So buying albums and merch, I don't see the point.

    Ggs, I can view them and cheer for them as the little sisters I never had. Bgs though? No thanks, I have one younger brother and it's enough!

  • I only stan BTS. A boy group.

    I am a casual listener of Twice, IU, TXT, Crush. A GG, a female soloist, a BG, A male OST singer. Don't stan any of them because none of them have any song that can drive me into them as Spring Day but casual listeners as they have beautiful songs.

    It is not stanning one gender's music, it is about stanning a discovery no matter what the gender is.

  • I mainly stan girl groups but I casually listen to some boy groups and my ultimates biases are BTS. The reason is simple : I prefer their music to anyone else as for Korean music. I didn't care about the gender when I began to listen to Kpop but I quickly realized that I was listening to way more girl groups than boy groups because I enjoyed their music more. I usually prefer girl groups because I prefer women's voice in particular for pop and can relate more to them.

    There is another practical consideration : I already spend a lot of time being into Kpop with just girl groups so I couldn't keep up with boy groups too.

  • I prefer listening to GGs. Their music, stages, performances, fancams etc just appeal to me more. I get bored watching BGs on stage. I like a few BG songs but mainly prefer GGs. I know some people irl that strongly prefer listening to one gender (mostly women) because they say women's vocals just sounds better to them. idk how true that is but I wouldn't be surprised. tbh my playlist are 95% made up of music sung by women.

  • I don't think a lot of people understood the question. I put a disclaimer at the top that this isn't about people who naturally gravitate towards either ggs or bgs but are still open to the others music. I myself listen to probably 85%+ ggs (if not more) so I understand liking a lot of songs of one gender and not necessarily having it be about gender

    ok I'll give my opinion which is mine personally...I don't speak for all males and only for myself...

    I like pretty girls...and thus i naturally gravitate towards GG - now that doesn't mean I don't enjoy listening to or watching MVs of BG (everybody and their mothers know that my favourite kpop song is from a BG) but if I'm going to be devoting time and energy to watch additional content and variety shows and interviews and stuff like that then you bet your bottom dollar that it's going to be a GG over a BG

    At first I had zero interest for bgs. Because, same as selfmate, I prefer good looking girls over good looking boys. And also because female voices are generally more appealing to me than male voices in pop music.

    With time I learned to appreciate some bg songs. Like, Super Junior 'Black Suit' is a fantastic song (the fact SJ is an older group helps to relate too). More recently I enjoyed quite a lot WEi 'Bye Bye Bye' too.

    But going as far as stanning a bg? I don't know, it just feels weird. Because I'm a man, I have very little interest in the visual aspect of bgs. So buying albums and merch, I don't see the point.

    Ggs, I can view them and cheer for them as the little sisters I never had. Bgs though? No thanks, I have one younger brother and it's enough!

    Out of curiosity, have you guys ever been hardcore fans of music acts outside of kpop? I'm thinking maybe thats the difference of thinking here because I never had a problem being a fan of a bg but maybe thats because I don't view kpop differently from my other music obsessions. So for me, I don't view it differently from being obsessed with other male acts in the past? Used to be obsessed with Gorillaz like to the point that they were all I listened to and were even my computer screen. That band consists of 2 guys and their ugly cartoon characters (great art, they're designed to be ugly) which gives you an idea on how much attraction plays factor here lol but I would argue I was even more obsessed with them than any gg I've liked despite that

    I'm also the type who doesn't mind appreciating guy's looking good regardless of my lack of attraction, same goes for women who are objectively pretty even if I'm not personally attracted the lady in question. I've always just viewed objective beauty the same as a pretty landscape, painting, plants, etc. which obviously I am not attracted to either. So maybe even how I take in looks-specific content is different because I can just give a thumbs up and agree rather than feel uncomfortable? It's interesting because while I know attraction is a huge part of the industry in general, I just never understood the big deal to the point that it affects who people stan

    It's not a problem for me if other people do as long as they're not doing out of the weirdness I kind of talked about in OP, I just never understood it

  • I think it just has to do with what the person likes. I flat out only listen to girl group music because I find girl groups more interesting. Also I relate to girls more, and sometimes I find boy groups to be too much. I much prefer 2nd gen boy groups for some reason. It's not really a big deal as a lot of kpop fans who listen to both bg and gg music make it out to be, it's just who you like.

  • Out of curiosity, have you guys ever been hardcore fans of music acts outside of kpop?

    lol I've been a metalhead for 25+ years. So if you want me to name a legion of "boy bands" I've listened to over this period of time, no problem.

    In terms of music and looks, I think Guns N Roses would be the ultimate boy group! lol

    Plus their behind the scenes shenanigans, even though stupid as hell, were at least an entertaining trainwreck.


  • I think it’s weird and anyone telling you they don’t like BG music or GG music is without a doubt just ignorant and hasn’t actually tried to listen to/find music they like.

    I mainly listen to BGs, but also have some GG songs/b-sides because they make good music also.

  • In terms of stanning, I think visuals and attraction to the preferred gender do play a large part because that plays a big role into looking into content more than the music just because eye candy.

    In terms of casual listening of music, I feel it can be shallow because gender isn't a genre. There's a huge range unless you are one of the delulu people that say all BG's or GG's sound the same.

  • lol I've been a metalhead for 25+ years. So if you want me to name a legion of "boy bands" I've listened to over this period of time, no problem.

    In terms of music and looks, I think Guns N Roses would be the ultimate boy group! lol

    Plus their behind the scenes shenanigans, even though stupid as hell, were at least an entertaining trainwreck.


    Interesting, what makes you view them differently from guys in kpop? Also good taste on that one :thumbup:

  • Interesting, what makes you view them differently from guys in kpop? Also good taste on that one :thumbup:

    The difference is, in metal it's not about the looks, bar a few acts who develop a particular imagery (Kiss, Ghost, etc). Otherwise it's mostly about the music itself. And the genres are entireley different. You don't go to a metal concert to see a bunch of dudes dancing on stage; metalheads don't care about that. At best the "dancing" happens in the pit but it's less refined than kpop! lol

    So ggs fill in a void that doesn't need to be filled with bgs. When you're tired of loud music performed by sweaty dudes, you can fall back on kpop gg music for an overload of happy melodies and cuteness. It's not easy to find female singers (and musicians) in metal but it's commonplace in pop and kpop.

  • Guys please stop talking about natural gravitation :angryr: I already put a disclaimer at the top that this isn't about that. This is about people who ON PURPOSE only stan/listen to one gender. I understand not reading my long ass OP but it's the first line!

    I do think stan and listen are two entirely separate things entirely since one requres a lot of devotion to look at content outside of music and follow them.

    For those who always make it a point that they are either bg or gg stan and box themselves when given a recommendation (even if just a song), it could be for the following reasons:

    - They don't like boys/girls is a misandrist, misogynistic way

    - They think they have listened to enough of bg/gg music to come to the generalization that it's all the same and therefore won't like it

    Only reasons I can think of honestly

  • At first I had zero interest for bgs. Because, same as selfmate, I prefer good looking girls over good looking boys. And also because female voices are generally more appealing to me than male voices in pop music.

    With time I learned to appreciate some bg songs. Like, Super Junior 'Black Suit' is a fantastic song (the fact SJ is an older group helps to relate too). More recently I enjoyed quite a lot WEi 'Bye Bye Bye' too.

    But going as far as stanning a bg? I don't know, it just feels weird. Because I'm a man, I have very little interest in the visual aspect of bgs. So buying albums and merch, I don't see the point.

    Ggs, I can view them and cheer for them as the little sisters I never had. Bgs though? No thanks, I have one younger brother and it's enough!

    I have a younger brother too...

    get rid of aesthetics and we can be twins... ;-)

  • not groups but soloists...

    growing up Tupac and Eminem were and still are some of my fav artists...because of their music their message which is a completely different reason why I like kpop...

    btw are you a dude or dudette (dude right?)

  • Speaking for myself.

    As for listening, I appreciate the female voice more. So I end up listening more to female singers. But it doesn't mean I don't listen to male singers. Here's my K-pop split on Spotify. The remaining part are soloists, 90% female. Before K-pop I listened to J-pop and my top acts were all female.


    As for staning, the first group I stanned was a male band: The Beatles. But, in K-pop, I don't really feel like stanning a boy group. I feel that they focus too much on the female audience, so it's not appealing to me. I can enjoy their music, but, as for everything else, I couldn't care less about guys. Girl groups, on the other hand, have a more neutral stance. Sometimes they still focus on the female audience - like the fashion videos from aespa and I couldn't care less about watching those. But I enjoy watching their neutral content.

  • I don't only listen to one gender, but I have a preference for the female singing voice in most languages.

    Within K-Pop, I think the ladies in groups and as soloists have been on a roll for years when it comes to song quality and vocal melodies.

    The guys and their teams tend to experiment more without really scrutinizing for quality control or music sensibility. If the fans buy their music anyway, and merch, for who they are or how they look then they can easily get by with minimal effort in music creation.

  • I find BGs song more appealing. It has varieties, unique and just better songs. But I still listen to GGs and a lot of female soloists. Im into ballad. And Korea has tons. IU, Gummy, Baek Yerin. And they are all extremely talented.

    I dont think its a problem (listening to 1 group), but I definitely dont understand it. Well, maybe genre is not the problem and its about the voices that matters to them. I dont even know. I honestly dont think its a problem at all.

  • I personally prefer female voice. It is more pleasing listen to me. I have tried to listen many bg song, but most of time bg songs not suit my taste of music. I normally listen a lot of metal and rock with male singers, but in kpop I just can not get into it.

  • Before I got into kpop, my favorite groups to listen to were GWAR, Rammstein and Gogol Bordello. So naturally very noisy. Even though kpop bgs make far lighter music than rock bands, I just gravitated more to their type of noise cause it's what I was used to - the female acts I listened to the most Lana del Rey, Nina Hagen and t.A.t.U sounded nothing like the ggs I checked, their style of singing were very different. But then there was bgs making this type of music and ofc I fell in love

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    The only ggs i got into at that time was 2ne1 (Can't Nobody, IATB and MTBD), 4minute (Crazy and Hate) and BEG (Sixth Sense).

    After a while noisy music weren't enough and started giving me headache so I opened up to ggs like Loona and RV and fell in love with their music. My playlist is really balanced now, but my taste changed. I only listened to heavy music now when I'm agitated and want to release energy, and the softer ones I listen to on a daily basis or when I'm feeling a different vibe lol.

    Imo people who listen to only one gender either thinks this is some sort of personality trait that define who they are OR they really like one specific thing about gg or bg music that they don't find in the opposite gender, and I won't judge cause that was me once.

    I do believe sexual attraction plays a role on who you prefer to pay attention to and make you check their discography, and that doesn't mean that that kpop stans are thirsty, just that they may be more interested about an artist that they find attractive be in looks or behavior.

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • I gravitate more towards BG’s as a casual listener, but my favorite Group currently is a GG.

    Tbh I listen to whatever, i check out as much as possible. I don’t prefer any gender. But I think it’s funny how a lot try to deny the attraction part…. ¬‿¬

    At least the guys are more honest with it lol.

  • I gravitate more towards BG’s as a casual listener, but my favorite Group currently is a GG.

    Tbh I listen to whatever, i check out as much as possible. I don’t prefer any gender. But I think it’s funny how a lot try to deny the attraction part…. ¬‿¬

    At least the guys are more honest with it lol.

    People deny it, but attraction plays a role for both male and female fans. Of course not for everyone, but for a large chunk it does.

  • I personally prefer female voice. It is more pleasing listen to me. I have tried to listen many bg song, but most of time bg songs not suit my taste of music. I normally listen a lot of metal and rock with male singers, but in kpop I just can not get into it.

    If not already, Day6 might be an exception for you. They have legit Rock appeal that is atypical for most K-Pop.

  • Do you mean people who refuse to listen to or are very biased against a certain gender? I have seen people express such sentiments before but I don't think it's really prominent in comparison to people who naturally gravitate toward a certain gender.

    But anyway I always find it very weird. Why would you limit your music listening experience because of some stupid prejudice?

    Not trying to generalise here but as far as kpop goes, I think this is more prominent with fanboys of girl groups than other fan groups and it most likely has a lot to do with toxic masculinity.

  • If not already, Day6 might be an exception for you. They have legit Rock appeal that is atypical for most K-Pop.

    Even they have pretty soft instrumental songs and I think they focus more on their voices. I prefer instrumentally something like this.

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