Which songs did you like from 2023? (pick as many or as few as you want) 31
I AM - IVE (13) 42%
Eve, Psyche and the Bluebeards wife - LE SSERAFIM (13) 42%
Super Shy - NewJeans (13) 42%
Queencard - (G)I-DLE (12) 39%
OMG - NewJeans (11) 35%
Drama - aespa (11) 35%
Welcome to MY World - aespa (9) 29%
Love me Like This - NMIXX (8) 26%
I DO - (G)I-DLE (8) 26%
Kitsch - IVE (8) 26%
Perfect Night - LE SSERAFIM (7) 23%
Either Way - IVE (7) 23%
Off the Record - IVE (7) 23%
Better Things - aespa (6) 19%
Teddy Bear - STAYC (6) 19%
MANIAC - VIVIZ (6) 19%
Sweet Juice - PURPLE KISS (5) 16%
Rising - tripleS (5) 16%
Bad News - KISS OF LIFE (5) 16%
Fast Forward - JEON SOMI (4) 13%
Here it is, the Best Girl Group and Female Soloist Songs from 2023 as decided by YOU
Through 12 Monthly Polls I have Tabulated the results and these are the Songs that accrued the most Votes
So if your Favorite Songs this year didn't make the cut, Join the Club, some of my Favorite Songs only got 1 Vote (mine)
Last Year LE SSERAFIM surprised everyone winning this Tournament with ANTIFRAGILE beating out Love Dive and Hype Boy who tied for 2nd Place, can they do it again??
At the bottom of this Post is the overall Results of the 12 Polls this year with all 179 Songs that received at-least 1 Vote
How to Vote on this Poll;
Choose as many Songs as you like in the Poll above
In Addition you can give ONE song an extra vote by commenting it below
So potentially 2 Votes for your favorite song and 1 vote for all the other songs you liked from the Year
Where it is not obvious which Song you chose as your favorite, I will give your bonus vote to the first Song your comment mentions positively
i.e. if you comment "my faves were Song A, Song B, and Song C this Year" your extra vote will go to Song A
whereas if you wrote "Liked Song A, Song B but Song C was the best" your extra vote will go to Song C
Mentions of Songs not in the actual Poll still count as votes as if they were Poll options
hope that's clear, now lets get to the Songs
Queencard - (G)I-DLE
Better Things - aespa
OMG - NewJeans
Teddy Bear - STAYC
Perfect Night - LE SSERAFIM
Kitsch - IVE
Eve, Psyche and the Bluebeards wife - LE SSERAFIM
Drama - aespa
Sweet Juice - PURPLE KISS
Either Way - IVE
Rising - tripleS
Super Shy - NewJeans
Off the Record - IVE
Fast Forward - JEON SOMI
Welcome to MY World - aespa
Final Results from the 12 Monthly Polls
22 Votes (first)
OMG - NewJeans
17 Votes (second)
Kitsch - IVE
16 Votes (third)
Eve, Psyche and the Bluebeards Wife - Le Sserafim
15 Votes (4th-6th)
Shooting Star - XG
Love me like this - NMIXX
14 Votes (7th-8th)
Teddy Bear - STAYC
Wicked Love - Yena
12 Votes (9th-15th)
Rising - TripleS
Sweet Juice - Purple Kiss
Welcome to my World - aespa
Queencard - (G)I-DLE
Unforgiven - Le Sserafim
Perfect Night - Le Sserafim
11 Votes (16th-18th)
Left Right - XG
Better Things - aespa
Fast Forward - Somi
10 Votes (19th-26th)
Stamp on It - GOT the Beat
Moonlight Sunrise - TWICE
CUPID - Fifty Fifty
Spicey - aespa
Super Shy - NewJeans
DRAMA - aespa
BadNews - KissofLife
9 Votes (27th-32nd)
Bon Voyage - Dreamcatcher
Killin me Good - Jihyo
Either Way - IVE
Off the Record - IVE
Maniac - VIVIZ
8 Votes (33rd-41st)
#menow - fromis_9
None of my Business - Itzy
ETA - NewJeans
Bubble - StayC
GODS - NewJeans
7 Votes (42nd-50th)
Poppy - STAYC
Set me Free - TWICE
Knock - Chaeyeon
Allergy - (G)I-DLE
Hate Rodrigo - Yena
Cool With You - NewJeans
Love Lee - AKMU
Nobody Knows - KissofLife
6 Votes (51st-58th)
Reason - Dreamcatcher
Honestly - Limelight
I Want - IVE
I Want That - (G)I-DLE
You & Me - Jennie
Untie - Viviz
5 Votes (59th-74th)
We are young - TRI:BE
Pull Up - VIVIZ
Strange Way to Love - Yeeun
Giddy - Kep1er
Doxa - Secret Number
Roller Coaster - NMIXX
Bet on Me - Itzy
Cake - Itzy
7Heaven - PurpleKiss
Seoul - H1Key
C'mon - JINI
Baddie - IVE
Agassy - Soojin
4 Votes (75th-92nd)
Twinkle Twinkle - ILY:1
Lovve War - yena
Pandora - MAVE
Without You - KARD
My Color - ILY:1
Madeline - Limelight
Girls Capitalism - tripleS
Taxi - Jo Yuri
Sensitive - Loosemble
Galilleo - Kep1er
BYOB - Billlie
Top or Cliff - Sejeong
Vroom Vroom - Weeekly
Sonar - NMIXX
Born to Be - Itzy
3 Votes (93rd-111th)
Big World - Yerin baek
Anywhere but here - Seulgi
Alarm - iChilin
Eunoia - billlie
KARMA - Pixy
Show Down - Alice
Touch - tripleS
Bye my neverland - Kiss of life
GoldGoldGold - Somi
Lets Dance - Chaeyeon
Invincible - tripleS
New Look - tripleS
Chill Kill - Red Velvet
mine - Chaeryeong
Lit - StayC
2 Votes (112th-155th)
Aurora - Cignature
P.O.W - Cherry bullet
Agit - Purple Kiss
Young Dumb Stupid - NMIXX
GGBB - Mamamoo+
Blue - Dreamnote
DND - Apink
Cherry Coke - Yeeun
Zero - NewJeans
Cherry Talk - tripleS
No MoreSadSongs - AmberLiu
Karma - BlackSwan
I'm Unhappy - aespa
Who's Next - Lapillus
Air Force One - Odd Eye Circle
Summer Comes - Oh My Girl
Time to Shine - H1Key
dangdang - Mamamoo+
Boom - RocketPunch
Flirting - mimirose
Hongdae R & B - Bibi
Howl - Chuu
DANG! - Billie
Honey & Spice - Lightsum
In the mood - WheeIn
Heartris - niziU
Algorithym - heejin
Backwards - Weeekly
Stranger - Heize ft 10cm
Yet, But - Yuna
1 Vote (156th-179th)
naked - xooos
Green light - Ryu jihyun
Fuckin new Year - Yerin baek
Play - Primrose
Mood V5 - Apoki
Without U - Yuju
Lemonade - Dreamnote
Eyes on me - Ahri
Autopilot - Purple Kiss
ICHU - Siren
Dream Walking - Kim Doah
Salty & Sweet - aespa
Thirsty - aespa
Love is Dead - Purple Kiss
Twenty - Swan
Kick Start - iChilin
Do Not Touch - MISAMO
Marionette - Lapillus
Fearless - Roling Quartz
OOTD - DreamCatcher
ToX - Taeyeon
Just Do It - tripleS