doesitneedsaying Suga's gummy smile 💜

  • Female
  • Member since Nov 22nd 2019
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  • Mi stvarno nemamo plazmu???

  • Happy (early) Valentine's Day! I hope you have a great Valentine's Day!

  • hello, i'm making an emblem for the le sserafim guild. would you like to donate some akorns?
    I have 3k rn, need 7k to get the emblem. Hehe thanks :holding-back-tears:

  • Si živa?

    • smorio me forum i nepoštovanje korisnika. jesi li videla da su samo aploudovali aespa badges ne pitavši ništa fanove? i još kao treba da budete zadovoljni.

      nisam još gledala temu, sutra ću, ne mogu sad da se raspravljam.

      evo sad ću da gledam pride and prejudice, hoću da se opustim :P a divni su :holding-back-tears: ovi današnji filmovi su mi užaš. ništa od ovoga neće postati klasika. samo politika, politika, politika. ispiranje mozga. ženski likovi su užasno napisani, negledljivo je sve. pa moram da se vraćam koju dekadu nazad ^^

      nadam se da si dobro :)

    • Iskreno nemam pojma, ne znam ni šta se desilo ni da je bila neka drama oko toga iskreno.

      Forum jeste smor ovih dana, nema nikoga. Nemaš sa kim ni popričati niti imamo o čemu da pričamo.

      Da da opusti se, i ja planiram da gledam nešto ali nikako da se nakanim iskreno. Mislila sam da gledam One Piece seriju ali i to mi je mrsko. Taman se nakanim, ukucam i treba da pustim epizodu i samo izađem. Ubi me ovaj život u pojam, svega mi.

      Ja sam dobro, umorno, ali sam uiva. Nadam se da si i ti dobro! :finger-heart:

  • Ovaj forum postao baš napušten posljednjih par mjeseci,ha?


    • jeste :sweat: evo i ja odgovaram više od 10 dana kasnije :D doduše, bila sam na odmoru na ohridu! bože, kako je bilo divno. bukvalno je more samo bez slanoće. cene fine i divni ljudi. jelo se u resoranu sa kariranim stolnjakom!

      imali smo izlet u albaniji, na draču, i takođe nam je bilo prelepo. dogodine ćemo obrnuto, u albaniju na more i izlet na ohridu! jasno mi je da pričam u množini al nisam išla sama i čudno mi da se držim jednine ^^

      upoznali smo neke ljude iz vukovara, imaju dvoje dece, a mlađi su :skull: bili u leskovcu, svratili na ohrid i zatim idu u paraliju. pitasmo ih zašto nisu išli na more u hrvatsku umesto što idu u grčku, kažu da je preskupo. reče da je večera za njih četvoro, dakle ne prejedanje već da kažu da su jeli, 80 evra. onesvestih se. nas troje potrošismo za 5 dana 500 evra sa sve smeštajem i prevozom (pređosmo 1700km kolima), a jeli smo bogovski. stvarno previše. nisam toliko bogata da idem u hrvatsku :sweat:^^

      jesi li ti negde išao? :)

    • btw izgleda da je opet bio neki skandal sa kinnporsche castom, izgleda isti krivci ^^ izgleda da je lik koji je igrao petea vređao sve žive u privatnim porukama i pritom je i homofob. već smo pričali o ovome, kako možeš da glumiš u bl-u i budeš homofob.

      e sad, ne znam koliko su stare te poruke, ljudi se menjaju. poznajem ljude koji su bili homofobi i više nisu, shvatili su da su bili idioti i gledaju svoja posla. možda je i on jedan od tih, ne znam.

    • Hej hej,late response right back

      Idem u Crikvenicu,ali tek pred kraj mjeseca jer tek tada sam uspio dobiti godišnji :skull:

      Šta znam,sve ovisi gdje točno ideš.

      Činjenica je da su hrvatski ugostitelji vrlo bezobrazni,nabijaju sve veće cijene jer znaju da je turizam jedina stvar koja nam ide lel,ali mislim da su manja mjesta i dalje poprilično priuštiva...s druge strane,u Dubrovniku ćeš dati 2,50 eura za vodu :facepalm: bezobrazluk čisti.

      Nikada nisam bio ni u Makedoniji,ali zvuči super,i uvijek je plus što je blizu :-)Jesi li ikada prije ljetovala u Hrvatskoj?

      Ja slijedeće godine planiram Tunis.Čujem da pred sezonu bude povoljnih ponuda i da je prelijepo tako da ono,na par ratica mislim da bi se dalo otići ^^

  • OMG zašto ne mogu da ti odgovorim?? Ništa, moram ovako.

    I ja ću isto da gledam samo finale. Iskreno glupost mi je što su sve to razvukli na tri dana, smor mi je.

    Nemam pojma ko uopšte učestvuje, samo znam da nastupaju i new Hurricane line up :cryingr: I iskreno nisu mi favoriti, imali smo već Huriccane.

    • Al da im vidiš odeću

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    • Oh maj Gad!!! UŽASSSS :pepewash:

    • Zovu ih mitohondrije, ćelijski organizmi, flora i fauna ^^

    • Ovo je užas, ako njih pošaljemo ja bojkotujem. Nisam iz Srbije. Ne znam tu zemlju. NUGU!

      Ovo je gore od Moje 3 i njihovih cirkus kostima!

  • Gledaš li Beoviziju?

  • Just say hi to you:chicken-dance:

  • I don’t know why I didn’t follow you before, but it’s never to late to start now. :groovins:

  • Helou

    it iz aj,kerot đus

    ic bin a vajl :finger-heart:

    • What happened? I hope you didn't get banned ;(

      Hello, kerit đus, šta znači novi username:D

    • No I just locked myself out boo :holding-back-tears:

      I also did kind of abandon the forum as I lost track of k-pop again,but now I'm back ready to start off the year as a kpoppie once again :finger-heart:

      napfairy...idk it just sounded cute + pretty sure it's a song name iirc lel

      Enivejz,how you been all this time?

    • how does one lock themselves out of the account :sweat:

      it sounds cute :holding-back-tears: i'm terrible at thinking of usernames, knowing myself if i got locked out my new username would be itneedssaying ^^

      good, it was boring anyway. the forum, however, had some interesting time here ^^ a lot of people were banned due to some stuff so if you don't see them anymore that's the reason ^^

      i'm fine, i hope you are too :pepelove1:

    • Yeah I've noticed + heard stuff :eyes: I should probably not ask further questions lol

      Well I'm glad :pepelove1: hopefully this year doesn't suck.

    • yes, don't ask anything, it's for the best :skull:

      yay, let's hope! let's hope new enhypen album will be better, for starters :sweat:^^

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  • :borahae::borahae::borahae::borahae::borahae::borahae::borahae::borahae::borahae::borahae::borahae::borahae:

  • is that a chaewon badge i see? pepe-ooh the bangtan betrayal

    LOL 1
  • Thank u for the akorns :blue-heart::blue-heart: I'll transfer them back if we decide to do the mv scenes, not individual teasers

    • we are going to do mv scenes 100%, i think i need to clarify that in the thread, but teaser footage can be added too if we ask

      if you decide to sign up you don't have to transfer them back. i know that i said i'd help you but i want some back at some point. that was at the time i thought of donating more :D but 100 is fine, keep them :)

    • Hmmm :/ Is there any chance we’ll get their teasers as bonus badges.

    • no idea. ask in the thread!

      people asking me about LE badges; i guarantee you you know more than me ^^

    • Haha oki. Will leave you out of LE questions ^^

    • smart :D i'm interested only in bts le badges. i also have love dive and blessed-cursed badges and soon to have caewon badge. random users who regularly buy le badges know more than me ^^

  • I love you sm :pepelove1::pepe-onions:

  • Hey! Just coming by to say that I think you are a very cool user. Stay that way! :send-love-bunny: :cheer-bunny:

    • hey :)

      i'm tired of all the nonsense. everyone's been talking and complaining about toxicity and people who do that most are toxic themselves. can you all calm down. you are attacking idols who are their colleagues, friends, lovers. they don't hate each other, they support each other. if tae and jennie are indeed together, imagine their faces and feelings when they read vile things we got the "pleasure" to read yesterday. it's sad. how does one get to that point to become that vile? do they want others to treat them like that too? idk. stans in general are so tiring ||

    • you are so right. I understand exactly how you feel. Right now it's really too much. I wish everyone would stop but then this world would be a better place right? Everyone seems to forget that these idols are friends. Lisa and Taehyung were seen together in Paris and I would be more than happy when the rumors about Jennie and Taehyung are true. He seems to be a very good person and is always so nice and respectful. I'm sad that these fandoms hate each other so much.

      I just wanted to tell you that I like your comments and that I like u. :send-love-bunny:

    • :pepelove1:

      everyone just needs to calm down. aren't they tired of negativity? i don't understand tbh :D

  • I love how you displayed all the BTS Proof badges.

  • Ayo :ok-bee:

  • thank you again for your help :pepelove1:

  • 225844-screenshot-2022-07-06-03-48-22-522-com-hybeim-png


    • it's from bts' mobile game, in the seom!

      if you are into these kinds of games


      i recommend!

      plus there's a story. they ended up on the abandoned island, curtesy of rm ^^ and they are trying to fix things and make their stay better until the rescue team comes :)

    • I will need to find that after work :eyes:

    • i'm terrible at actual gaming, i get killed or lost after 5 seconds ^^

      popping bubbles and sorting blocks is my reach ^^

      if you don't count sims, that one i can play lol

    • it is so cute though so I am sure it is worth it!

    • yes, they are cute :) suga is always sleeping lol and when you want to pick him up he says to leave him alone :pepe-joy:

  • I'm sorry if I'm giving you a lot of work, can you give the other 1k akorns to bunnyviolet? If you're done calculating, that is. It's because there might be bonus badges.

    • Oh nvm, the akorns are here

    • i sent you back 3250 akorns

      i didn't understand what you want me to do

      tell me again :)

    • i kept 950 just in case, if we need cannot reach 10 signups i planned to use your akorns if that's okay? we need 10 :(

      so you're saying you want to transfer back 1k?

    • or you want to trasfer them to bunny? just tell me what you did, i need to keep track!

    • it's okay now, she said that there might be bonus badges for the enha cb so I wanted to transfer 1k akorns to her, dw it's good now..

  • doesitneedsaying that you're amazing! :finger-heart:

  • random question but was there ever a daechitwa agust d le badge? :pepelove1:

    • There wasn't! But we can petition for it! I'd ofc buy it :)

    • I just need to figure out how to do that lol

    • oh deffo tag me when that happens lol :pepe-narrow-eyes: maybe initially ask army guild members (make a thread and tag them) if theres any interest for it? like kitty did with the jennie solo one

    • i think ves is planning on doing them

    • i'll ask. but perhaps armys would rather petition for jhope's comeback :pepe-narrow-eyes:

  • Hey do yo uwant to participate to the produce game ?

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    is even the part in 2:35 from ningning lipsync? :pepewash: seriously? am i that used to lipsync

    • it sounds live though :pepe-puddle: i don't want to believe that they even lipsynced on hand held mics and in an american late night show

    • yes, it's all lip syncing. they lip synced on their previous late night performance (forgot who was the host :D), why wouldn't they do it now lol. but this is a ballad, at least for savage they had a choreo. i don't get it :pepe-shrug:

    • ok nvm i think you're right because at 2:44 the sound seems to come out before karina can even open her mouth fully :pepe-shame: this is really annoying ngl :pepe-shame: SM ffs :hazmat-pepe:

    • what about this one?

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    • no wonder they look bored on stage and have no energy. compare their coachella performance and any other tv show performance. why aren't they singing live, i'd like to hear sm's explanation because it doesn't make any sense. groups with weaker vocalists sing live and they don't


  • I was about to respond to you in that thread but it got deleted before I clicked "submit" :cryingr:

    • oh, didn't know that! thank you!

      i was about to reply too :cryingr: i found this gem:


      It's funny reading maknae solo stans and akgaes fight it out 😂


      why did it get deleted :boredr:

    • I posted a screenshot too but for some reason imgur doesn't cooperate :boredr: but I guess you found it. :happyr:

      I had a good laugh skimming through their posts too. There was one saying that they don't mind solo stans as long they're not messy. :pepe-joy:

    • :pepe-joy:

      cosplaying as ot7 when you are akgaes/solo, it must have been hard ;(

  • it would be very kind of you if you could suport the badge-petition for the Japanese group JO1, even if you don't interact with anything at the end, just give me your name on the list by buying it and I'm happy, thank you in advance

  • ćaos

    ima li te

    • evo me, tu sam :)

      šta ima, je l si dobro?

      ja sam prilično down, pikachu_senpai je umrla a baš sam je gotivila :( još je bila član badge tima pa smo bili bliskiji sa njom. al, eto...

      pazario si allkill :groovins:

    • Da,vidio sam,nisam mogao da vjerujem :( zašto se ovakve stvari događaju najboljim ljudima :pepe-sad:

      Ja sam ok.Nedavno započeo novi posao pa je bilo kaotično,prilagodba ovo ono..ali sve je dobro :)

      Ahah ma da,dosad nisam davao pare na ovaj forum al reko aj da se i ja oprobam u pravljenju aesthetica :pepe-hehe:

    • strašno. a bila je divna ;(

      drago mi je da si dobro! :pepelove1:

      i kako ti se čini? :D

      svrati ovde, za vreme akorn vikenda post je 3 akorna


      a inače je 2!

  • Are you ready? Seo Yea Ji's comeback drama starts airing today

    • :pepe-loop::pepe-loop::pepe-loop:

      The queen is back!

      Thanks for letting me know, I'm too busy with badges, i forgot it's today!

      Tbh I'd might even buy her badge but i know it wouldn't be a good look ^^

    • I am still waiting for subs. :excited-bee:

      I think my expectations are too high

      From the comments I have seen people making about the drama, it looks like it is a makjang drama like The penthouse

      We don't have a Seo Yae Ji badge yet

    • didn't watch the penthouse! i know there is more than 1 season and i'm not interested in that.

      i'm waiting for the subs! :pepe-hype: i missed seeing her on screen

      we don't have a badge but i don't think users would support it :eyes:

    • I found subs :uwu-party-bee:

      Do you use Telegram? if you do you can find Ep 1 subbed in the group from this link

    • i have it installed, if that's what using means ^^

      i'll try it! thanks :pepelove1: