Bruh, all Twice needs is one song. One freaking song.

  • One Ring to rule them all as great professor once said. It'll erase every flop they had so far.

    I don't get the fucking struggle man. It really shouldn't be that hard thing to do imo. I know not every song is gonna be a hit, but come one, it is doable.

    They should just keep trying. Next comeback. Or in one year. I don't think it'll ever be too late for a group like Twice. And it is applicable to Itzy, to RV, to Mamamoo as well.

  • most of kpopies here may diss it but set me free is a good song aside from the song didn't chart well on charts. The song is very catchy and have a repeated value. It's just that nobody knowns what Koreans like or not sometimes their taste really confuses me.

  • agree

    just one good comeback will erase all their flop release

    this the same feel for me back SNSD multi flop song (at least for me)
    until they release Lion Heart

    all they need one good/ great comeback in the 4th gen era to erase all of their recent failure

  • One Ring to rule them all as great professor once said. It'll erase every flop they had so far.

    I don't get the fucking struggle man. It really shouldn't be that hard thing to do imo. I know not every song is gonna be a hit, but come one, it is doable.

    They should just keep trying. Next comeback. Or in one year. I don't think it'll ever be too late for a group like Twice. And it is applicable to Itzy, to RV, to Mamamoo as well.

    I feel your pain. It seems that Twice stays afloat despite JYP's..... efforts.

    Unpopular opinion: Both JYP AND Twice are to blame. Go back to the time before More and More: CERTAIN members of Twice would look like they were dying inside when it came time to perform a "cute song" or something written by JYP pre-Fancy.

    But let's face it: The big money is in those older Twice songs. I'm not saying that Twice needs to go back to a full on cute concept (dear God, no). I'm saying Twice needs to back and find that magic they once had.

    IMO, they haven't felt the same since Feel Special. Everything since More and More has felt like Twice performing someone else's songs (yes, I know other people write most of their songs but you know what I mean).

    I've said it a thousand times, I'll say it again: If you don't believe me, go watch some concert footage and see how the crowds react when the old Twice songs come on. The roof blows off the place. Twice needs THAT kinda magic again. BUT, ALL the members of Twice have to buy in....

    Kakyoin Cherry Cherry Licking GIF - Kakyoin Cherry Cherry Licking GIFs          JenniesBTCH on Twitter:       Yena and capybara - 9GAG

  • Unpopular opinion: Both JYP AND Twice are to blame. Go back to the time before More and More: CERTAIN members of Twice would look like they were dying inside when it came time to perform a "cute song" or something written by JYP pre-Fancy.

    This is very true. And unfortunately not just for Twice but Kpop girls in general. If you watch any survival, all the girls want to do the badass concept, they all immediately get excited when they get assigned something like that. And the reverse reaction happens with cute concepts.

    That's why I listen more and more to Jpop. Ano - Chu, Kawaikutegomen give me old Twice vibes.

  • One song? They've had multiple in a row that not only haven't anything close to a hit but even have done worse than nugus. Twice is over in Korea, they aren't getting back to the top unless Dr strange erased everyone minds of the last few years.

  • This is very true. And unfortunately not just for Twice but Kpop girls in general. If you watch any survival, all the girls want to do the badass concept, they all immediately get excited when they get assigned something like that. And the reverse reaction happens with cute concepts.

    That's why I listen more and more to Jpop. Ano - Chu, Kawaikutegomen give me old Twice vibes.

    Again, I'm not saying that Twice should return to cute concept but you could take that vibe a lot farther. Twice could actually learn a thing or two from the Beatles and Michael Jackson.

    On paper, MJ, McCartney and Lennon had a LOT of corny songs BUT they had this magic to them. Now, I'm in no way saying that Twice is on their level but those artists could take the most innocent topic and make them hits.

    IMO, twice's strongest attribute is their personalities but we rarely get to see that in their music. I think when they approach their next album, all the members need to be involved in the writing and song making process. Even if their ideas don't get recorded, the vibe is there.

    The greatest artists let their personality shine through. The kicker is that a LOT of those artists struggle trying to find that personality. Twice already has it. Now just put it on wax. Eminem is another person they could learn from.

    Kakyoin Cherry Cherry Licking GIF - Kakyoin Cherry Cherry Licking GIFs          JenniesBTCH on Twitter:       Yena and capybara - 9GAG

  • I think it would be hard for Twice to get that one song.

    For Twice, who is practically a legacy act at this point, to be pulling numbers like Scientist and Set Me Free is weird.

    I didn't like Set Me Free, but I know it's a good song. It's not bad even though for the 1st time I agree with Once and think the rap actually took from the song in a big way. Scientist isn't bad either, so for both of them to flop with a legacy like Twice is weird.

    If they are flopping with actually good songs, then that means that it's not a question of them releasing a "good" song, but the "right" song. And I don't know if Twice's team knows what that is anymore in terms of charting with the GP. TTT did okay, but wasn't what I'd call a hit. The last song that Twice had that came close to that was Alcohol Free.

    But either way, I care less about how they chart and more about them releasing songs I like, which they still do.



  • One Ring to rule them all as great professor once said. It'll erase every flop they had so far.

    I don't get the fucking struggle man. It really shouldn't be that hard thing to do imo. I know not every song is gonna be a hit, but come one, it is doable.

    They should just keep trying. Next comeback. Or in one year. I don't think it'll ever be too late for a group like Twice. And it is applicable to Itzy, to RV, to Mamamoo as well.


    "We're always with InSomnia, we can spend more time, beyond limits together!"

  • I'm baffed at your opinions. They're the nations gg, solid fandom across the world about to go on the biggest world tour any kpop gg has been on. All their titles songs are bops and their quality is insane, especially for the MVs and stages. They might not be hitting Newjeans and Ive viral, but they are very very solid in what they do.

  • Most consider me to be one of the "stuck in the past" Onces.

    I readily admit I do not connect with the 2nd half of their library.

    And often this is seen as someone like me not liking that they have "matured" their sound.

    But it is more that I think TWICE music has lost much of it's warmth and idealism in feeling.

    Their new songs do not touch that warmth that they was so prevalent in the songs like Like a Fool or 1 to 10 that I hold so dear.

    Bringing this back to song choice.

    I've always seen SNSD's Indestructible as a template for the kind of music that TWICE could do as adult women that still retains that warm feeling.

    IF they were to release a song like this. I would be right back into connecting with their music once again.

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  • They had a PERFECT song that gave us those old Twice vibes.

    Scientist. It is literally a retro version of DTNA/WIL/Heartshaker/YOY/LOA/Knock Knock

    Yet, everyone hated it. AKP hated it, I fans hated it, Korea hated it.

    It's not about the songs anymore, at least in Korea. It's about trendiness. Korea just decides that a GG is over and once that happens, it's over. Happened to Gfriend (their best song did nothing (Mago) and they were finished), Mamamoo, Brave Girls, Momoland, and potentially Oh My Girl. Only RV and BP have managed to resist this curse so far among veteran 3rd gen groups.

  • Hmm. Is this a major consensus among Once, that Scientist and Set Me Free are underrated top hits, better songs than for example AF or The Feels? :/

    Maybe I should give all TWICE's title tracks of the past years a re-listen, but those songs didn't feel like top hit potentials, not like a lot of TWICE's former songs or songs like The Feels felt like top hit material.

    At least to me, but I agree that the top charting songs won't necessarily be the greatest songs around - a lot of factors can play a role in having a song chart high (or not)

    But I'll give their songs of the past years a re-listen, it wouldn't be the first time that a song hits differently after some time has passed or perspective has changed.

    It's not about the songs anymore, at least in Korea. It's about trendiness. Korea just decides that a GG is over and once that happens, it's over. Happened to Gfriend (their best song did nothing (Mago) and they were finished), Mamamoo, Brave Girls, Momoland, and potentially Oh My Girl. Only RV and BP have managed to resist this curse so far among veteran 3rd gen groups.

    I'm doubtful about whether a song quality or catchiness doesn't play a role at all anymore in how a song charts - some of IVE's and NJ's high charting songs really do have that catchiness as many would agree to.

    But yes, GFriend's Mago is a perfect example that it's not only song quality and catchiness that determines whether a song hits big or fails on the charts: Mago was liked by many, just like a number of songs that did chart high were. Still, it bombed.

    We'll never know, but I feel like if Mago would've been released in GFriend's peak years or by another group that the public currently likes, it would've gotten the success it deserved.

  • There is something poetic about TWICE not charting well with Set Me Free.

    For thier first 7 years, TWICE has been restrained by expectation from Korean Media, Public and Fans where they could only do exceptionally well with each comeback. Of course, TWICE's members' themselves held the same expectations which became a burden when their "streak" lasted so long.

    Set Me Free is a literal meaning of wanting to break out of that cycle of expectations and starting anew somewhere else.

    If South Korea has become their restraint then it's quite ironic that America is the land of the "Free"

  • Like what I've been saying it's not about the songs. They had good songs like scientist and set me free. It's just that the GP has given up on them. Simple as that :cursing: :cursing:

    You couldn't be more wrong, my feline friend. There's no way you sell a million copies and grow in concert audience 7 years in and have the "general public (which isn't a thing BTW, trust me, I'm a wrestling fan)" give up on you.

    Twice is literally one song away. They're in a position most artists would kill for. So what's the problem? That's the million dollar question and IMO, Twice has the answer.

    Kakyoin Cherry Cherry Licking GIF - Kakyoin Cherry Cherry Licking GIFs          JenniesBTCH on Twitter:       Yena and capybara - 9GAG

  • The greats break trends or create them. Now, looks like the time for Twice to be great.

    Kakyoin Cherry Cherry Licking GIF - Kakyoin Cherry Cherry Licking GIFs          JenniesBTCH on Twitter:       Yena and capybara - 9GAG

  • You couldn't be more wrong, my feline friend. There's no way you sell a million copies and grow in concert audience 7 years in and have the "general public (which isn't a thing BTW, trust me, I'm a wrestling fan)" give up on you.

    Twice is literally one song away. They're in a position most artists would kill for. So what's the problem? That's the million dollar question and IMO, Twice has the answer.

    You could call "gp" the non fans or the casual fans. Causal fans listen to groups even if they're not a fan, that's what I meant by support from the gp and there's no reason for that because they have good songs like I mentioned so it doesn't make sense :cursing: :cursing:

    :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing:
    ✴✴✴✴✴ KIM JISOO'S HUSBANDO ✴✴✴✴✴

  • Set me free is not catchy at all :pepe-sad:

    You can compare 'set me set me set me free' part and 'I'm like TT, just like TT' part for example or other Twice's old songs. One feel really bland and one actually glued on your mind.

  • then you better get in a recording booth and start working on a demo for them! maybe you can save twice....just maaaybe. :/

  • Set Me Free is a bop and the only people who retort to this tried narrative are success stans.

    Or some people just don't like it? It's subjective and not everyone is going to like it.. For me I thought Talk that Talk was really good but this song is just kinda meh, and their success has nothing to do with that (considering they both aren't doing too well on the charts)

  • I mean I like twice just as much as any other once but

    your title can literally be applied to any group

    "bruh all [insert kpop group here] needs is one song one freaking song"

  • i actually really prefer their newer stuff 🤷🏻‍♀️

    i think it needs a chance to connect with listeners beyond the fans and JYP isn't doing this. made the weird split single choice which always tanks streaming, not promoting to radio, just the usual frontloaded promo period then silence.

    not paying attention to what's trendy in Korea, i'm talking globally and especially in the US, where they have potential to have a hit.

  • Feel Special was their first official chart "flop". It didn't actually flop, but it was their first comeback single since LOA to not spend a full week in Melon's top ten. Feel Special was treated as if it was a huge blunder (despite still doing well lol) because the Korean GP wasn't as interested in it. Koreans had already decided by 2019 that Twice had to have a certain look or sound and if they didn't, they weren't going to be interested in them.

    Twice got older, they moved their music forward and away from what made them popular in Korea, it is what it is. In fact, I'm personally very glad for it because Fancy onwards as eras needed to happen. I can only see Twice being Korean chart darlings again if their relevance in the US is such that Koreans reclaim them and do the whole "Twice are our national pride"

    The reason for Twice decline is not only moving from their music. Their famous encore stage tarnished their reputation and there was SOOO MUCH internet slander towards them.

    Everyone here knows how Stan behaviour in Kpop can get real bad. And, if actually impacted Twice's career in a tangible way.

    List of rumors that messed up their reputation:

    1.Chaeyoung secretly hates being in Twice and wanted to leave to be a soloist? A narrative pushed by other fandoms through "rumors".

    2. Mina abortion bµllsh!t.

    3. Fandoms actively trending that Twice had scammed sales which made Circle literally investigate them, to find they hadn't scammed anything.

    4 People actively lying about Jihyo being in the Burning Sun videos which made he actually fucking cry on camera

    . All of this severely chronically online slander behaviour started from 2019-2020 onwards, mainly pushed by...certain people...and it genuinely impacted Twice's career and their mental health as individuals. It's fµcked up and it annoys the hell out of me.

  • Fancy was their last popular song imo, after that they moved into a region of music where they shared the space with so many other groups. Their songs were no longer unique enough, they lost their trademark signature moves or the signature moves were small or underwhelming, nothing like TT or Fancy.

    They're not quite girl crush and not quite cute, they are somewhere in the middle, they don't go dark enough, when they did with Cry for Me it was amazing but they wasted it. I noticed they said Moonlight Sunrise was done in the same vein as Cry for Me, but I disagree it was still to light, their lyrics were a bit more "mature" but it didn't have the same angst as Cry for Me and it was full of smiles and its meaning was pretty much polar opposite.

    Their releases are perfectly fine, but they are lacking the special touch. I'll continue supporting them most of the time I prefer their B-sides now. They can keep going in this direction and hope they get a song that is as addicting as their old songs, but Scientist and Set me Free isn't that.


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