2022 Kpop Girl Group Map

  • So I got inspired to make one of these from this thread

    The countries are placed were they are for a reason. If you want to know why I put your group next to another or on an island or whatever let me know. This is only for fun so dont take it too seriously. I forgot to mention that this includes every girl group that is currently active from the 3rd and 4th gen.

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    This is an image of the full world. The current top ten most powerful states are...

    1) Blackpink Republic

    2) Twice Empire

    3) AESPA Empire

    4) Divine Kingdom of (G)IDLE

    5) StayC Kingdom

    6) IVE Kingdom

    7) ITZY Kingdom

    8) Le Sserafim Kingdom

    9) Kep1er Kingdom

    10) Red Velvet Kingdom

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    This is a shot of the east half of the world. The Twice Empire is the biggest power on this continent. The Twice Empire is ruled by 9 Empresses, their word is absolute law in the Twice Empire. They are rivaled by the StayC Kingdom and Kep1er Kingdom. The Twice Empire is allied to the Itzy Kingdom and the Nmixx Kingdom. The Twice Empire is also friendly towards the Oh My Girl Dominion. The Oh My Girl Dominion is only rivals with fromis9. Kep1er is allied with Weekly, Lightsum, Tri.be, and ILY:1. Ke1er has a minor rivalry with the Billie Kingdom and the WJSN Kingdom. StayC and Dreamcatcher are allies and Nmixx is currently challenging StayC, though StayC remains the second strongest on the continent after Twice. Loona and Viviz are minor rivals. Loona used to be a bigger power but has since lost land to the rising Billlie and fromis9 Kingdoms. Viviz used to be the great Gfriend Kingdom. The Gfriend kingdom rivaled the Twice Empire in it's early days for supremacy in the East but it eventually disbanded and the Viviz Duchy is its only remnant.

    Red Velvet is still a powerful force in the north. Red Velvets allies are fromis9 and Billie.

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    What we have here is a snapshot of the Nugu Peninsula. This Peninsula used to belong entirely to AOA but they have lost considerable power to rising groups. It is a bloody region were powers rise and fall. This region could look very different in a years time with groups arriving and disbanding. Right now the dominant powers are Cherry Bullet, Woo!Ah!, DIA, and Rocket Punch. The WJSN Kingdom is a powerful influence in the region and often uses its power to sway the power struggles. Weki Meki is also considered part of the Nugu Peninsula but it is a very close ally to the WJSN Kingdom and thus safe for now.

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    Now we move west. The Kingdoms of IVE and Le Sserafim used to be united under the United Kingdom of Iz*ONE. The powerful Iz*ONE kingdom used to be a formidable kingdom matched only by the Blackpink Republic and the Twice Empire. Now it is gone and the Ive and Le Sserafim Kingdoms has replaced it. The Ive and Le Sserafim Kingdoms are not yet allies but their shared Iz*ONE culture could lead to a close relationship or it could develop into a bloody rivalry. To the south of Ive is Secret number which is a puppet state used by the Blackpink Republic to antagonize IVE. How long will iVE put up with such antagonisms? The main power on the western continent is the Blackpink Republic. It is ruled by a council of four with a rotating president, with the current President being Jennie. The Blackpink Republic is rivaled by the rising Aespa Empire and the formidable Divine Kingdom of (G)IDLE which is ruled by the God Queen Soyeon. The Divine Kingdom of (G)IDLE was on the verge of collapse but it was miraculously saved and has made an amazing comeback. The rising Aespa Empire has surpassed many. Founded by an adventurous lord from the Red Velvet Kingdom, the Aespa Empire is looking to challenge the Blackpink Republic on the Western continent.

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    Finally, between the Divine Kingdom of (G)IDLE, the Blackpink Republic, and the Aespa Empire lies the bloodlands. It is a bloody region where the three major powers of the west ( Aespa, Blackpink, and GIDLE) fight most of their wars. Everglow used to rule this region and even for a time challenged GIDLE for supremacy, but now Everglow's power is fading. In this fading power, several groups have risen such as Dreamnote, Cignature, and Classy to name a few.

  • No Brave Girls, Rolling Quartz, or Redsquare? ;-)

    But those omissions aside, this is some impressive work. Do the colour choices have any significance?

    Brave Girls is 2nd gen I believe but I might add them in an update later if I want. Ive never heard of Rolling Quartz haha. Redsuqare I heard they disbanded and reformed into Irris so I didn't include them yet. The colors dont mean much now but I plan to change they to match the groups later.

  • Brave Girls is 2nd gen I believe but I might add them in an update later if I want. Ive never heard of Rolling Quartz haha. Redsuqare I heard they disbanded and reformed into Irris so I didn't include them yet. The colors dont mean much now but I plan to change they to match the groups later.

    That's fair about Brave Girls, since I don't think there's been agreement on whether they're Second or Third Generation. Now did you consider Purplebeck?

    What's the reasoning behind whether a group is an "Empire" or a "Kingdom" or a "Confederacy" or something else or nothing at all (like Loona)?

    And how did you determine which groups are allied? It makes sense that the JYPE groups are allies, but I don't understand why "Kep1er is allied with Weekly, Lightsum, Tri.be, and ILY:1".

  • That's fair about Brave Girls, since I don't think there's been agreement on whether they're Second or Third Generation. Now did you consider Purplebeck?

    What's the reasoning behind whether a group is an "Empire" or a "Kingdom" or a "Confederacy" or something else or nothing at all (like Loona)?

    And how did you determine which groups are allied? It makes sense that the JYPE groups are allies, but I don't understand why "Kep1er is allied with Weekly, Lightsum, Tri.be, and ILY:1".

    I might add Purplebeck. They haven’t come back since 2020 but I think some that I did have haven’t either. I have a few ideas where I can put them.

    So I had a few reasons with the naming of either kingdom, empire, confederacy and so on. First the Empires are some of the biggest groups, excluding the Blackpink Republic, so that’s why they are empires. Blackpink is a republic because I thought you know a group being the Revolution shouldn’t be some monarchy based gov.

    Now Kingdoms are smaller than Empires but can rival them in power and showcase the potential to get bigger. However, being a kingdom doesn’t mean you are necessarily below and empire as the United Kingdom or Izone was almost on par with Twice and Blackpink

    Only Mamamoo is a confederacy here, I just did that because with some members out of the base company I thought while they were still one group their focus isn’t in group work anymore. So a confederacy which does not have strong central gov bettervrepresents that.

    Next are the Duchy groups which is really just for middling groups that with some growth could become kingdoms.

    Now the ones with no name on then can be for two reasons, they are too small and thus adding Duchy would make the map to clustered, so that’s Loona. I believe Loona and a few others are Duchies but the map was a bit crunched in some areas so I just left it.

    Also the Nugu peninsula is full of city-states which I decided to only used their name for, since their power is just that if a city.

    So some of the Allie’s are just random like Kep1ers and others are more purposeful such as Twice and their label mates ITZY and Nmixx. I kinda just tried to focus on if the groups had shared histories or similar companies and then beyond that proximity and just to build the world more.

  • The fact that you literally put so much thought and effort into this still amazes me in the best way possible.

  • Only Mamamoo is a confederacy here, I just did that because with some members out of the base company I thought while they were still one group their focus isn’t in group work anymore. So a confederacy which does not have strong central gov bettervrepresents that.

    They got one japanese album this year, and they'll make a group comeback too. Please stop talking about groups you don't know. Everyday I read incredible bullshit about Mamamoo :pepe-shame:

    "Every winter has its spring."


  • They got one japanese album this year, and they'll make a group comeback too. Please stop talking about groups you don't know. Everyday I read incredible bullshit about Mamamoo :pepe-shame:

    It’s a map I made dude it’s not that serious and it is a fact they aren’t in the same company anymore at least one member. So that’s why, I’m not trying to hate the group or say they aren’t together or don’t operate at all as a group. Chill out

  • Brave Girls is 2nd gen I believe but I might add them in an update later if I want. Ive never heard of Rolling Quartz haha. Redsuqare I heard they disbanded and reformed into Irris so I didn't include them yet. The colors dont mean much now but I plan to change they to match the groups later.

    great map you made there.

    twice, weekly, loona could be bigger. fromis and billie smaller and red velvet could change with lesserafim.

    A small island for all the unknown unnamed nugugroups could also be added.

    But i have to speak up here for my girls.

    BG is technicaly 2nd gen but all active girls debute in 2016 and are practicaly 3rd gen.

    And why exclude a gen in the first place if its about active groups in 2022? Its understandable for groups like T-ara who arent active daily. but recently bg had been like the most active group next to twice.

    No need to make them super big since they dont have that big fandom but they still havent left melon top 100 for 15 month. So im asking for a summer queendom with a nice beach, dont wanna go into exile now.

  • It’s a map I made dude it’s not that serious and it is a fact they aren’t in the same company anymore at least one member. So that’s why, I’m not trying to hate the group or say they aren’t together or don’t operate at all as a group. Chill out

    You should read my post once again and try to understand, i don't speak about maap or hate. I correct the wrong things you say. And besides they all under the same company, it was only for her solo career that she changed companies.

    "Every winter has its spring."


  • I’ll add BG somewhere, really I didn’t care about generations but it was just so many groups so I wanted to stop somewhere but I can add later

  • I don't have words to applaud your job

    not only maps

    but also descriptions and whole story

    it's just amazing!

    daebak! :borahae:<3

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