Disclaimer: I truly ask you all to stay civil and discuss properly if it's the case. This is just my opinion at the moment and please don't take it personally.
We all know that it's already stablished on general Kpop fans' mind that Stray Kids' music is noisy. Not only that, but from what I've noticed, according to Kpop fans' mindset, they are the reference of this kind of sound among recent Kpop acts and releases.
Every group that brings this hard-hitting EDM concept on their main title tracks are compared somehow to Stray Kids (or their name ends up getting mentioned in whatever topic about this so controversial Boygroup music sound).
It's important to mention that a sheer amount of people who dislike these groups' music never took proper time to listen to their discography and b-sides, but throwing the same tantrum on their music is convenient anyway.
And also, whenever Kpop fans want to dimish Stray Kids' music, the terms "noisy" and "noise" comes right next - their album NOEASY, a pun for NOISY, received this name for a reason.
By saying multiple times that their music is noisy - or calling it "Noise Pop", a derogatory term for EDM-leaning Kpop acts' music -, they end up creating unconsciously a new genre within the Kpop umbrella.
Of course that for the general Kpop non-fan it doesn't matter if the song in question is noisy or not, it's just Korean Music/EDM-pop music, but that's not the point of this thread.
Stays know that Stray Kids have a dream to create their own sound, being reference on their music and, if it's possible, change somehow the Kpop scene with their music by bringing something new or different to the game.
Korean media started calling them as the "Mala Taste genre pioneers", but for the lack of consistency on what exactly is Mala Taste as a genre since it's a more like concept than a music genre itself, people don't call it the way it is and just say that everything they release is just "Noisy".
The point I want to reach is, whether these Kpop fans like it or not, this "Noise Kpop" genre is in fact what Stray Kids want to sing and perform and whenever they mention its existence and associate it with Stray Kids music, they stablish even more the concept that Stray Kids always wanted to reach: being reference on their genre.
All of it in a very - bringing a word Kpop fans love - "organic" way.
I'm not saying that any "noisy" act want to make what Stray Kids do, they're all unique on their own ways, but the fact that Stray Kids are trashed by many Kpop fans for their music and they still get referenced whenever the Boygroup hard-hitting EDM sound is mentioned, does tell me something about the general opinion on this same genre and how Stray Kids are perceived as some sort of groundbreakers.
It was a great move to see Stray Kids embracing the term and then many critics and journalists complimenting them for how far they reached music wise and popularity wise with their so-called Noisy Music.
I can't wait to see how far they're gonna reach musically and as influential seniors.
