How important is it for your faves to play a part in producing/composing/writing?

  • I was thinking about this the other day. Do you care if your group doesn’t have a big part in the creative process of their music? Does that mean they’re untalented? Personally, I find the ability to do so extremely appealing but not necessary, and stan groups that do so on a consistent basis (Stray Kids for example) and also others who don’t (like Enhypen). I’ve seen some people use it as a superiority factor for their faves, basically calling other groups untalented if they don’t play as big a role in that aspect of their music.

    What do you think? Is it a must?

  • okeechobee

    Changed the title of the thread from “How important is it for your faves to play a part in producing/composing/writing? Is it required for you to consider a group “talented”?” to “How important is it for your faves to play a part in producing/composing/writing?”.
  • For me it would be sweet to know they were making extra money from the royalties and what not and when I listen to songs they have written it gives them more feeling/meaning.

    But I see that as a bonus, it's generally tough for women to get into that in Korea, even most of the top Kpop producers/composer are men with most of the girls being foreigners, so it's more rare for girl groups to compose/produce/wright so when they do I see it as a bonus rather than requirement.

  • For me it would be sweet to know they were making extra money from the royalties and what not and when I listen to songs they have written it gives them more feeling/meaning.

    But I see that as a bonus, it's generally tough for women to get into that in Korea, even most of the top Kpop producers/composer are men with most of the girls being foreigners, so it's more rare for girl groups to compose/produce/wright so when they do I see it as a bonus rather than requirement.

    That’s a good point. I wasn’t even thinking about the fact that it’s much more rare for girl groups.

  • No it's not important because idols are trained to be performers not composers, producers, etc BUT if they happen to be a part of the process, then I find it really cool and I commend them for it!!

    Very true. Their ability to dance, sing, have the whole package performance wise is definitely the most important thing overall. That’s the basis of idols. But I agree, that it’s always so impressive when they happen to be talented on the production side as well.

  • I really don’t care. If the song is good I don’t care who is the producer hell I don’t even care who is the singer Kek. That’s how I consume my music - random Spotify playlists where half the time I don’t know who the artist is let alone if they produced the music.

    Yeah I’m attached to EXO but the attachment comes because I liked them their personality performance etc. For music the only thing that needs to happen is I need to like it. Could not care less who is behind it.

  • Don’t really care. If they helped make the song in some form great, if not then it’s not like going to be docking points for it or enjoy it less so it matters not

  • I don’t expect anything for composing or producing because it takes special skills to do that. But I do expect writing credits because anyone can take a pen and write to express themselves. It doesn’t need any special skills and we all learned writing in schools too. So that’s the minimum I expect my faves to do.

    I honestly can never stan acts who don’t express themselves in their own music. I can casually listen if the music is good but I’ll never stan you

  • I don’t expect anything for composing or producing because it takes special skills to do that. But I do expect writing credits because anyone can take a pen and write to express themselves. It doesn’t need any special skills and we all learned writing in schools too. So that’s the minimum I expect my faves to do.

    I honestly can never stan acts who don’t express themselves in their own music. I can casually listen if the music is good but I’ll never stan you

    Fair conclusion. Do you think it’s possible for groups to express themselves and their feelings even if they’re singing something that was not originally written by them?

  • I care about the quality of the song more than the identity of the producers. If my faves are involved in the production of a song that I love then I'd be impressed and happy about it, if I don't like the song then I won't consider it something to brag about or force myself to like / praise it out of consideration to them.

    At the end of the day I'm only here to enjoy music and have fun.

  • I care about the quality of the song more than the identity of the producers. If my faves are involved in the production of a song that I love then I'd be impressed and happy about it, if I don't like the song then I won't consider it something to brag about or force myself to like / praise it out of consideration to them.

    At the end of the day I'm only here to enjoy music and have fun.

    You spilled


  • Fair conclusion. Do you think it’s possible for groups to express themselves and their feelings even if they’re singing something that was not originally written by them?

    That’s a good question.

    imo I call that acting. That doesn’t mean it’s fake. Just that acting deals with pushing yourself into character and imbibing someone else’s emotions. At the end of the day those are still someone’s words and not your own. Maybe you would have expressed those same feelings differently or in another style to draw more sincerity. After all we are not the same and have different thinking processes.

    I honestly don’t expect you to have credits on every song released since it’s true there are times that it’s hard to write on something you don’t have any experience on. However I expect credits on the bill of your music. And for your personal music or personal stories or something you find personal to share with your fans or songs about you yourself as a musician and an artiste, I expect to see you taking part in that creative process. Because it’s about you

  • That’s a good question.

    imo I call that acting. That doesn’t mean it’s fake. Just that acting deals with pushing yourself into character and imbibing someone else’s emotions. At the end of the day those are still someone’s words and not your own. Maybe you would have expressed those same feelings differently or in another style to draw more sincerity. After all we are not the same and have different thinking processes.

    I honestly don’t expect you to have credits on every song released since it’s true there are times that it’s hard to write on something you don’t have any experience on. However I expect credits on the bill of your music. And for your personal music or personal stories or something you find personal to share with your fans or songs about you yourself as a musician and an artiste, I expect to see you taking part in that creative process. Because it’s about you

    100 percent agree if it’s something personal to you and your life, you should definitely have a hand in the song at a minimum. Thanks for the detailed answer.


  • I feel a group should have song writing capabilities, it can often be the most important part of music. It shows talent in being able to compose a song with good lyrics. I feel if a group wants to sing a song, they should have some ownership in it.

  • I feel a group should have song writing capabilities, it can often be the most important part of music. It shows talent in being able to compose a song with good lyrics. I feel if a group wants to sing a song, they should have some ownership in it.

    Is it important enough to you to be a deciding factor when stanning a group tho? Or do you think of it more as an added bonus?

  • Is it important enough to you to be a deciding factor when stanning a group tho? Or do you think of it more as an added bonus?

    Yes it is, I do expect some of the members to write their own songs especially if it's a solo. I have a background in writing songs myself so expect that of a group rather than having an album that was written by someone else.

  • I'm extremely, extremely proud of them if they did (hence why I made the "Masterlist of Songwriter/Composer Idols" thread in OH to give credit & showcase those who did), but I don't actually *EXPECT* it from K-Pop my opinion I consider it going well "above and beyond" the job description of being an idol and show that they're not just manufactured puppets or robots. I their main job is to be good-looking idols we can idolize & put on a good performance with dancing & hopefully singing or rapping or w/e.

    It's K-Pop idol music, so it's not like we all signed on as fans expecting them to be completely self-made, self-produced singer/songwriters (unless you're one of those fans who only stan idols who do (like BTS, Big Bang, iKON, WINNER, Stray Kids, Seventeen, Block B etc). K-POP after all IS known to be one of the most manufactured genres. Music production skills for me are a bonus, not a requirement.

    2NE1: "We paved the way...for everyone who is paving the way!"

  • I admire and respect idols that produce or trying to and have any other creative imput on their music/performances, but it's not what draws me to them. Some are just better at some things/areas, some at some different things/areas, which is all fine.

    If the idol produce the song it won't make me like it more or less.

  • Talent in dancing/rapping/singing etc. and talent in producing/composing/writing are different things in my mind.

    If a group has one of those areas of skill, then that's great. Most groups do. If they can do all of the above then that's even better.

    Personally I don't care. We can't be good at everything. All I want is some good music/performances, whoever took part in creating them. I do enjoy knowing that idols have written their own songs though. It makes it feel more personal in a way. But it's not an issue for me if they don't either.

  • When groups produce/compose/write I can't help but find them more impressive. I know that they have put thought into what they release and that it's colored by their own personality and ideas, not just the agency's vision for the group. It's more interesting to hear their opinions on their work and the process behind it if they're more hands on involved (doesn't go just for music production). Plus, it takes talent to produce and if I view a group as extra talented I'm more likely to stan. It also feels kinda amazing to see an idol and know they they were the one who created your favorite song.

  • It’s not important for me but it’s great if they take part in composing or producing.

    It’s like there are groups who can produce and write their songs like Skz or Day6. I do have more respect to those groups since they have more hands on creating their music not only performing it.

    But I think there is also nothing wrong with having a song written for them and “just” singing it (I couldn’t sing for the life of me. It can’t be that easy so I don’t get why some people look down on those groups).

    Personally I love Txt and they didn’t touched their songs at all in the beginning until Freeze. They did melodies and writing lyrics before that too but it was never accepted. And it feels like that’s ok too. They practiced with every comeback and they did manage to create lyrics or song which got the thumbs up.

    It’s really great to see them growing and taking more parts in the production. They even showed us melodies what didn’t make the cut (Taehyun played the melodies he wrote for I know I love you) or they read out some of the lyrics what was a failed attempt.

  • AS an artist myself. I think being part of or being entirely responsible for producing your own music be it the soundtrack, lyrics or both. Is a nessacry step to being a better artist. Even if you don't use it in your album productions I believe these skills are required to get better at your craft, because it allows you more creative freedom being able to experiment with Many things and knowing the process of it all, grants you more flexibility, when you continue to recieve songs for you to perform as you knowing how everything works allows you to make confident edits to it so it benefits your style better.

  • The most important thing is to appreciate the song, knowing who composes it or who writes it does not influence it.

    But yes it's a superiority factor. Because it shows that the artist is able to create himself. Art is above all a form of expression, and what could be better than expressing by yourself?

    It is true that the job of idols is not to produce and create songs and that is why Koreans make the distinction between Idols and Artists. But the fact of being involved in the production of the song also shows the fact that you are sensitive to this art and that you know what you are doing.

    This doesn't mean that an artist has to produce all of their songs, but just having produced or written a few of them shows that they have skills and knowledge and are involved in artistic creation.

    "Every winter has its spring."


  • I love when my faves contributed their thoughts and creativity in songs because it feels more authentic and you get to know the artist within. They don’t always parrot what ever given to them (not just songs, I appreciate those who choreographs too) and have their own voice. That’s why I really appreciate acts that have sound clouds with their own original songs and thoughts or have their own channels for dance or paintings or films.

  • To me, it’s not a necessity for me to like a group however, there is something I’d like to address.

    When a group produces their own music, you can really see their growth as artists and not just as performers or idols. Personally, there’s very few things that compare to the feeling of growing alongside an artist that is exploring their musical identity and to me, it’s important that the artist themselves acknowledge that their music has the power to represent their feelings and their thoughts and their identity.

    That’s why I think I’m proud of Stray Kids. Their music feels genuine and sincere and that’s what hits me.

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