Itzy and Nmixx are non existent globally in the current landscape of girl groups

  • This could seems as beating a dead horse over and over, and it could be a little, but I can't help to notice how bad itzy and nmixx situation is after analyzing the billboard global 200 charting of the most notorious 4th and 5th gen girl groups. Itzy last 3 singles: cheshire, cake, untouchable didn't make the chart. Nmixx 3 last singles didn't make the chart either: love me like this, party o'clock and dash. The last time any of them made into billboard global 200 was 2 years ago on 2022 when pretty much the 4th gen girl groups took the scenario by force, and they miss it.

    That's a proof how atrocious of a company jyp is, because even a group from a nugu company like kiss of life managed to make it into that chart that represents the global success of song. Sad reality for those 2 groups is they are totally irrelevant in the current scenario of kpop girl groups, I must be one of the few chart analysts that mention those groups when talking about girl groups.

    And as a once makes me realize that twice can easily end in the same situation, one spark was the closest twice was of not making into the top 100 of billboard global 200 and despite i got you debuting on top 40 it dropped immediately after one week, twice has only survived this trash company because they were meant to be a legendary kpop group. Itzy and nmixx couldn't help it, they are on the hands of the awful jyp management and their shitty decisions, but twice that is on their 2nd contract and close to renew a 3rd one, allowing those incompetent bums to run their legendary careers to the ground is crazy, being too humble and too docile has clearly backfired on them. Can't help but pray a miracle happens and they wake before is really the end.

  • In terms of global charts, are any JYP groups existent?

  • How to describe itzy and Nmixx ??

    They are giving new toys but with old vibe, i don't know how to describe it

    We all know they are a pretty young group, we all know they exist but their image and sound give me end of 3rd gen vibe

    Image wise and concept wise they don't feel as fresh than current top 4th gen gg like nj, aespa, ive,lsrf or gidle

    Neither they look as fresh concept wise than some mone "nugu" gg like Kiss of Life or TripleS

    At this point itzy and nmixx need a total rebrand

    Because they are big 4 gg and they are currently being outcharted by a nugu gg like triple S who couldn't enter melon top 100 last comeback

  • In terms of global charts, are any JYP groups existent?

    Except few occasions, outside hybe fraudulent girl groups, twice has charted better on billboard global 200 than all 4th gen girl groups, like aespa has never make into billboard global 200 top 30 at all and gidle only made into the top 50 with queencard, being one of the few exceptions I mentioned before. So yes, twice is existent on global charts and higher than 98% of kpop groups.

  • Tbh Itzy has been making great music :!: Untouchable and Mr vampire are some of my fav releases this year :borahae: I feel bad for Nmixx though as they haven’t had any hits yet and are clearly one of the most talented and deserving groups in 4th/ 5th gen.

    I haven’t liked a single title track from them so far. I wish JYP gave them MissA or even twice cute concepts :oops:

  • As someone who stan KOL, a true "nugu group" (no Big 4 privilege) as people like to say, I would be more than grateful to get what Itzy got during their so-called "non-existente " era.

    Big 4 is definitely built differently



    I'm just saying it's not the end for Itzy.

    people just don't want to look far and stop thinking after top 5.

    If we made a top 10 for 4gen, Itzy is still there


    🥀 Partner in Crime🩸

    Edited once, last by OopsEncoreMoi ().

  • As someone who stan KOL, a true "nugu group" (no Big 4 privilege) as people like to say, I would be more than grateful to get what Itzy got during their so-called "non-existente " era.

    If KOL can establish themselves as StayC has, that would be great for a non B4 group.

    Reaching IVE/G-IDLE levels, that would be above anyone in that companies dreams.

  • Of course their nonexistent, JYP is a somewhat okay company they just have no clue how to make a girl group appeal to the west. The music they choose for their girlgroups is terrible. Nobody wants to listen to Itzy, their sadly washed up and boring to the public, Nmixx also came out releasing terrible music and that turned people off from them.

    Nmixx have a chance right now because their newer, but they have to stop putting out terrible ballads and slow songs, they need to continue to release upbeat and fun music akin to aespa or new jeans. JYP is not outsmarting their competition, their letting them win. They need to stop choosing trainees that are boring. That's why Riize is doing so well and Xdinary Hereos are 'flops' or 'nugu' by today's standards.

    Nobody at that company is actually thinking, that's why they keep having Stray Kids preform that horrid song S-class and not Lalala, they have no good objective music taste.

  • Of course their nonexistent, JYP is a somewhat okay company they just have no clue how to make a girl group appeal to the west. The music they choose for their girlgroups is terrible. Nobody wants to listen to Itzy, their sadly washed up and boring to the public, Nmixx also came out releasing terrible music and that turned people off from them.

    Nmixx have a chance right now because their newer, but they have to stop putting out terrible ballads and slow songs, they need to continue to release upbeat and fun music akin to aespa or new jeans. JYP is not outsmarting their competition, their letting them win. They need to stop choosing trainees that are boring. That's why Riize is doing so well and Xdinary Hereos are 'flops' or 'nugu' by today's standards.

    Nobody at that company is actually thinking, that's why they keep having Stray Kids preform that horrid song S-class and not Lalala, they have no good objective music taste.

    Nmixx release was quite good. I don’t really think for Nmixx the problem is music quality. They have some good music. I do think promotion and lack of creativity in said promotion is the problem. I also completely disagree about boring trainees. I think JYP artists are some of the more interesting idols in terms of personality. I’m sorry but some of these 4th gen groups don’t have nearly the personality as 3rd or 2nd gen groups. I do agree when it comes to ITZY and in a sense Stray Kids their releases are like old Kpop. JYP is still making Kpop songs like it’s 2016 and not adapting. It is hurting them in the public eyes. Though I would say international Kpop is just at a weak point right now. BTS and BP are both inactive and Twice is going on 10 years now and are bound to decrease in popularity.

  • Nmixx music is too difficult for children, it's more adult music. That's why many people don't like her, but that doesn't make her bad, and they form a strong fandom that will always support her. They have absolutely unique creativity, while some always float in criticism for plagiarism, nmixx just want new cool tracks. You are too focused on the charts, Magnetic is an absolutely stupid song for TikTok in all your top charts, the reason being HYBE bought autoplay.

  • Nmixx music is too difficult for children, it's more adult music. That's why many people don't like her, but that doesn't make her bad, and they form a strong fandom that will always support her. They have absolutely unique creativity, while some always float in criticism for plagiarism, nmixx just want new cool tracks. You are too focused on the charts, Magnetic is an absolutely stupid song for TikTok in all your top charts, the reason being HYBE bought autoplay.

    JYP ruined NMIXX from the start. They never recovered. Magnetic is 100000x better than 00 and better than anything NMIXX has released since then including their best songs like Sonar and Love Me Like This. And NMIXX just has no It Girl type members that stand out.

  • Sullyoon literally exists. One of the prettiest idols ever.

    Haewon too can get very popular with right promotions.

    Sullyoon is like Tzuyu though. Everyone loves their visuals but nobody has said a single word about their charisma, personality, or ability to make an impact on the GP. They just dont have the personality it seems to attract folks outside of their limited fanbase.

    I think JYP put too much emphasis on "talent" when they put out NMIXX. The girl that stood out the most Jinny was let go. So now they're left with trying to engineer fake viral moments like the one at the uni festival where the backtrack "suddenly" went out and the girls were "forced" to sing live without backtracks.

    Now dont get me wrong, NMIXX arent complete flops or anything. They did have a few top 20 type hits. They do have a reliable fanbase that will buy 1M albums.

    They're just not an impact group, they are 9th among 4th gen groups, and they are in danger of being overtaken yet again by 4.75 gen groups like Baemon and Kiss of Life (IIIIT has already overtaken them with just their debut).

  • I think JYP put too much emphasis on "talent" when they put out NMIXX. The girl that stood out the most Jinny was let go. So now they're left with trying to engineer fake viral moments like the one at the uni festival where the backtrack "suddenly" went out and the girls were "forced" to sing live without backtracks.

    So you accuse jyp of planning all that for nmixx instead of being just a thing that usually happen and they managed amazingly because of their talents... and somehow my takes are the most outrageous in this forum. You people give jyp too much credit, they don't enough about anyone of their groups except stray kids to even care to move a finger.

  • So you accuse jyp of planning all that for nmixx instead of being just a thing that usually happen and they managed amazingly because of their talents... and somehow my takes are the most outrageous in this forum. You people give jyp too much credit, they don't enough about anyone of their groups except stray kids to even care to move a finger.

    Fair enough. I saw the video though the girls didnt even flinch like they knew it was coming. :pepe-shrug:

  • Getting what Stayc gets isn't that difficult for KOL.

    Charisma, stage presence, skills and even songs.

    The only thing they need is more visibility, which is what B4 is good at.

    They are more popular than Stayc internationally and will def tour better. They are lacking album sales compared to them and some hits but that will also change with Waterbomb in July.

    I do agree that KOL has the potential to be bigger than StayC, but my point is that that is their next step.

    StayC is popular overseas, they had successful World tours with capacities similar to G-Idle, Aespa and Itzy. They also chart on the melon 100 every time, that is not easy for nonB4.

    StayC is in a spot where they are more popular than groups like Everglow or Dreamchatcher, and just below groups like Itzy or Red Velvet.

    KOL has 3 English speaking members, that should help them when they start touring or going to shows in the west.

  • ITZY it's mainly a song problem, they have too few really good songs and too many boring ones. A bit similar to Aespa, even if Aespa have made a strong comeback now. And maybe ITZY lacks a bit of star quality among the member.

  • Actually i think in korea StayC is above itzy and i would put them as #6 top 4th gen gg in korea

    They have been consistent in having top 10 hits for years

    Run 2 U and teddy bear had a really good stability

    Even songs that everybody thought would flop like bubble end up reaching top 10 and stay there for weeks

    I think people just underestimate StayC in korea cuz they are not from a big company

    But their charting speak for itself, stayc is one of these groups koreans trust when they release a song

    Their only flop have been stereotype and their other song i don't remember the name

    But for the past 1-2 years they have been on a top 10 streak

  • Arguably that can be true.

    On circle/Gaon their last 4 Korean singles

    StayC 44, 19, 4, 11

    Itzy 5, 89, 22, 93

    Itzy has struggled to get to the top 50 in half of their last comebacks, while StayC has reached top 50 in all 4.

    But itzy does slightly better in the billboard world chart and they both have reached #3 on the Japanese charts with their Japanese releases (Itzy 3 times vs StayC 1 time)

    Sales I will ignore, because of the B4 advantage, even NMIXX outsells StayC with hardly ever breaking into the Gaon/Cirlce top 100 with their releases, JYP groups just have bigger fandoms.

    For KOL selling over 100K per comeback would be a huge accomplishment.

  • JYP ruined NMIXX from the start. They never recovered. Magnetic is 100000x better than 00 and better than anything NMIXX has released since then including their best songs like Sonar and Love Me Like This. And NMIXX just has no It Girl type members that stand out.

    Magnetic is better if you are 13 years old and your goals in life are to make faces in front of the camera while recording another video on TikTok. The only advantage of Magnetic is that it is shoved into Spotify autoplay; this track is not capable of anything more. If it was a good track, it wouldn't need payola, it would eventually trend like Supernova, which is a really good trending track. illit will never be able to perform a single nmixx track in their life, while Sullyoon for the first time in her life performed Magnetic better than the original group

  • Isn't ITZY busy going on their world tours like what does the chart even matter when you can hold concerts around the world that seems indicative enough that they are doing well

    Kpop fans are claiming twice having the 3rd biggest tour in kpop history is a shameful argument of twice relevancy, success and popularity so I will assume itzy tour that is several times smaller doesn't make the cut either to prove they are doing well

  • Kpop fans are claiming twice having the 3rd biggest tour in kpop history is a shameful argument of twice relevancy, success and popularity so I will assume itzy tour that is several times smaller doesn't make the cut either to prove they are doing well

    They only say that since their faves touring fell apart when China kicked them out and now their faves have 0 value to their company so they claim selling out stadiums on 3 continents is a massive flop when their faves won't ever even dream of doing it I guess.

  • They only say that since their faves touring fell apart when China kicked them out and now their faves have 0 value to their company so they claim selling out stadiums on 3 continents is a massive flop when their faves won't ever even dream of doing it I guess.

    1.6M of tickets sold and $170M in revenue and twice are irrelevant but 5k listeners to get #1 on bugs is the ultimate proof of success, I just can't take kpop stans seriously.

  • Magnetic is better if you are 13 years old and your goals in life are to make faces in front of the camera while recording another video on TikTok. The only advantage of Magnetic is that it is shoved into Spotify autoplay; this track is not capable of anything more. If it was a good track, it wouldn't need payola, it would eventually trend like Supernova, which is a really good trending track. illit will never be able to perform a single nmixx track in their life, while Sullyoon for the first time in her life performed Magnetic better than the original group

    Bro, NOBODY cares about this. Nobody in the real world at least, only weirdo Kpop stans make pop music into some crazy high school talent contest.

    NMIXX could be Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston combined and they still would be relatively nugu.

    It's about SONGS, it's about group or member POPULARITY and IT GIRL status, it's about VIRALITY and TIMING/LUCK.

    Chungha dominated the Korean pop scene a few years back. Now she's nowhere to be found....did she suddenly forget how to sing or dance?

  • What kind of popularity are we talking about? I doubt any fourth generation group can pull off a Twice/BP tour these days, even with the incredible popularity of their hits. I'm ready to listen to their tracks on the way to work, but I'm not ready to support someone just because they released some hit. I don’t even want to listen to the album, I only liked one track, which is at the top of the charts. And considering that these hits are being pushed everywhere on YouTube, shorts, Instagram, Tik Tok, over time.

    If it’s really interesting, American pop stars have been building up their fandoms for 10 years, while K-pop fans expect that in 2-3 years of releasing hits their fandom will be at the same level - no.

    It's getting boring. Nmixx has developed a long term strategy to build a fandom, it may be slow but I am confident that this group will last for over 7 years.

  • Magnetic is better if you are 13 years old and your goals in life are to make faces in front of the camera while recording another video on TikTok.

    Let's not kid anyone, 13 year olds have always been the main audience for any pop music.

    Tiktok trends is just the new thing that they do.

  • Hey don't undersell it a number 1 on bugs can pay the bills right?

    I mean remember last year when Fromis fans manipulated Bugs to steal wins from Nayeon...that made their group bank right?

    Fromis has fans?


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