Posts by OopsEncoreMoi
Happy birthday sweetheart
I can finally say that I'm so old
with a great song (even if it's not for me, I hate when religion is used)
Big collab, famous singers from US and Asia, difficult to make a flop
Personnaly, i never saw someone here in akp that claims all credits so.
Identity is good, Rosé identity is known since debut, but I appreciate every different sound the others are giving to us. Rosé most not Rosé song was the one that blew up the way it did so why stay in your comfort zone just bc it matches you when you can also be considered a diversity artist and be unpredictable?
As long as you release good songs I don't see how this is bad imo. And BP case is so weird like YGE held them back for 7 years, I don't think it's wrong for them to experiment new things and see what they like more. We have yet to see their albums and maybe there it'll be songs that have their "image". And again, what image? Not like they had a solo career enough to stick. Their image in the group is different from their image as soloists, Lisa is by far not just the "tomboy/rapper" blinks like.
Well, that’s exactly what I said… they’re still in the “finding what works for me” phase, and it shows in their album.
You don’t need to lose your essence or style to be versatile. It has nothing to do with image. Image is superficial—anyone can change their image.
Anyway, I’m curious to see their second album and whether it will still be experimental.
And no, I’m not expecting the BP formula. I just thought Jenlisa already had a clear idea of their style before going solo, but apparently, they’re still figuring it out.
We all make a mistake when we were young but I will never reveal mine in public space,lol
versatility, creativity is good but essence and identity are necessary if you want to build a career.
And for the moment only Rosé has found her identity. If someone asked me now what type of songs Lisa and Jennie are doing now... I wouldn't even be able to say it.
Like, we can only recognize Jennie by her voice, and honestly, if I didn’t know Born Again was coming out and it randomly played on the radio, I would never guess it was Lisa.
It’s their first album, and they want to experiment. They might even be searching for their own style, which I totally understand, but I hope they find it asap rather than just trying random things here and there.
I want to listen to a song and say, “Yeah, that’s Jennie,” “That’s Lisa.”
Now about Born Again, I agree, it's a good song better than Moonlight and Rockstar
8. First of all, the employees of this company are alreayd hopeless...