I think JYPE made a mistake regarding NMIXX.

  • After somethings I read here and even in others sns regarding NMIXX I thought: why did JYPE debut them with this "weird" concept genre thing when they doesn't fit the said concept that well?? What did JYPE see in these girls in their trainee years that they thought this would be a good direction?

    Bc i think to a group "succeed" they need to "embody" the concept, music, style etc and with NMIXX we (in general) can see the girls talent, but not exactly in their songs or to a more casual listener tts. Like i do understand where JYPE are coming from, but they aren't exactly getting the right song to the girls.

    Anyways, their last cb did quite good if compared to O.O so let's see if they'll keep improving.

    Disclaimer: i do know they have fans etc and I'm not saying the group is a failure etc, but they are a gg from BIG4 and their digital performance wasn't the "standard" to a JYPE gg in their early years. But i have faith that they'll blow up bc talent they have, charisma too to some extent, just a good song and boom, magic happens :iconpepe:

  • This may get heated responses but…

    JYPE honestly doesn’t know what they are doing with their new girl groups. The last girlgroup I like from them is TWICE. He debuts great idols who are all good performers, but the musical direction for both ITZY and NMIXX is generally awful and abrasive. I hate the way he makes them screech their voices in their songs, makes it very unpleasant to listen to.

    To add to that, the songs are absolute catastrophes and give me a headache more than anything.

    The company has truly lost their way and are being carried by twice and stray kids (their 3rd gen groups)

  • They had two ggs that were already active and successful

    They tried to do sth that doesnt overlap

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  • Nmixx is whimsical and Disney-like kind of like Red Velvet, I think they as members embody the Disney or JYPE image well.

    Any idol can do the choreography or sing to the songs, but I think their members actually match it

    But you're right the average person would just be confused and wouldn't think this song is good or this group is really good, they are like Nct they are trying to be revolutionary and they sacrifice some ease of understanding

  • I get your point, but it's more about the songs not fitting the girls than the songs being horrible horrible. Sure some weren't really good, but some were and didn't fit Itzy's vocals. With NMIXX though, yes, the songs weren't good.

    They really don't know or are trying to go in a direction that doesn't match well with the girls.

  • They had two ggs that were already active and successful

    They tried to do sth that doesnt overlap

    We know GGs have more than 2 concepts, the thing is: JYPE are either new to these things and don't know how to manage them well so their fault for having more than 2 ggs if they don't know what to do or they tried something that doesn't fit the girls and this is the problem like imo.

  • Nmixx is whimsical and Disney-like kind of like Red Velvet, I think they as members embody the Disney or JYPE image well.

    Any idol can do the choreography or sing to the songs, but I think their members actually match it

    But you're right the average person would just be confused and wouldn't think this song is good or this group is really good, they are like Nct they are trying to be revolutionary and they sacrifice some ease of understanding

    I agree they are like RV, but RV always felt natural to me with these concepts.

    Yes and mind you i actually love NCT music so i do get what you are saying, but i don't find them as unique as NCT music wise.

  • I think that's the point, there are multiple big 3 groups right now that just released controversial songs and some which have made it their whole philosophy, it is not like the whole team doesn't have ears, but they just don't care about making a song that people like to listen to anymore, and would rather make a unique and revolutionary song*, because either way it will be successful

    Maybe it is some strategy that JYP is already seen as a reliable music company no matter what so they don't need to make that image anymore, and now think it's more important to start building themselves as ambitious and revolutionary to not fall behind SM and Hybe

    Edit: *Which they try to make interesting but it has a big risk of turning out confusing

  • All of this. Alongside their musical direction the concepts have become so confusing. NMIXX and their whole MIXXTOPIA thing which doesn't make sense 90% of the time, ITZY still singing about being different and stuff when they're all nearly adults, it just doesn't make sense to the average person and it's reflecting in their commercial performance.

    It's a bit sad to see their decline because at some point they were known for debuting the best and highest quality GGs. Now it's just....whatever.

  • ITZY still singing about being different and stuff when they're all nearly adults, it just doesn't make sense to the average person and it's reflecting in their commercial performance.

    This point here i 100% agree like they are 3 years into their careers with constant cbs and always having the same message which leads people to boredom like they aren't giving something "new" when they should by now.

  • I have many problems with the actual direction of NMIXX

    1. I love their music but performance wise i don't know there's something not cliking with me

    because their songs isn't 2 songs mixed together but 2 concept mixed together, one is a more girl crush concept and then you go to a more colorful pop sound

    and i guess i kinda have a problem with this because even if Kyujin is a good dancer and performer, i feel that she represent well thee girl crush side of their sound but less the colorful pop sound they have in it

    2. the fact that JYP is pushing this story/universe concept on them but isn't going all in, i liked the whole story that they tell in theeir predebut teaser but i don't really see how dice fit in their universe and theeir ship things, it feel like he gave them an universe concept but didn't know where to go afteer O.O with it

    3. the budget

    O.O MV was so pretty and maybe because it was so pretty i was rreally invested in the mv and wanted to see the next chapter of their story because i expected an other mv as pretty

    But i'm sorry but i just can't with this box invididual shot of each membeer in Dice and the explosion of color it remind me debut of 3rd/ end of 2nd gen MV like "Like by CLC" and other too colorful MV

    such a drasting difference in MV quality really throw me off

    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

  • I agree they are like RV, but RV always felt natural to me with these concepts.

    Yes and mind you i actually love NCT music so i do get what you are saying, but i don't find them as unique as NCT music wise.

    Yes I don't think any NCT title will make you say "It makes no sense and sucks" but Nmixx well, O.O is the kind of song that would make you say that. There are different sections but since they are short and different genres, some people only like one section and think the part they like is too short and incomplete like a demo, and don't like how it switches to the one they don't like, etc.

    But then Dice didn't have those potential problems

  • ITZY still singing about being different and stuff when they're all nearly adults,

    I don't think being adult should preevent them from singing about being differents

    my only probleem with the message of their music, is that if you want to sing about being different from the other and make of this you're whole brand

    then show us something different to thee others people

    and the problem is that we're different worked at their debut when teeen crush wasn't a thing yet in kpop

    so they did stand out and the message maade sense

    butt now that girl crush and teen crush is the norm in Kpop, the message in their songs doesn't make any sense

    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

  • ITZY still singing about being different and stuff when they're all nearly adults, it just doesn't make sense to the average person and it's reflecting in their commercial performance.

    This point here i 100% agree like they are 3 years into their careers with constant cbs and always having the same message which leads people to boredom like they aren't giving something "new" when they should by now.

    They started to sing about love in Not Shy, Mafia, Loco but they only "went back to their roots" in Sneakers and Cheshire

    If you mean they shouldn't go back and do the same thing they did in their younger days I kinda agree, but I don't think its that much repetitive

  • 1 is quite obvious like the music is good (to some, yes they exist like you kkkk) but unfortunately the girls aren't fitting it, literally which leads to either you liking only the song, or liking only the girls or a rare case liking both.

    2 is just them being lazy and actually probably not knowing what they ate doing or finding it difficult to keep going.

    3 interesting and if they start storylines in MVs they should continue bc the audience will obviously like to follow it and even give them more "chance" bc it's interesting.

  • They started to sing about love in Not Shy, Mafia, Loco but they only "went back to their roots" in Sneakers and Cheshire

    If you mean they shouldn't go back and do the same thing they did in their younger days I kinda agree, but I don't think its that much repetitive

    I'm saying this as a blink whose cbs are as rare as BP releasing music :pepe-clown-gear: kkkkkk

    So they do have constant cbs and idk, i think with DD still being their biggest song we kinda have this image they are still being repetitive.

  • 2 is just them being lazy and actually probably not knowing what they ate doing or finding it difficult to keep going

    I think it's just JYP wanted to surf on the wave of storytelling concept

    without thinking aboutt everything it means in term of cconcept, story, content etc....

    and giving the bare minimum to aact like he didn't fucked up, but also not giving everything in the concept because he doesn't know what to do with it

    3 interesting and if they start storylines in MVs they should continue bc the audience will obviously like to follow it and even give them more "chance" bc it's interesting.

    Exactly storytelling MV are so interesting to me that's why i never get tired of watching Aespa mv

    but if JYP want to do this, give me a MV like O.O not a MV who kinda felt hasbeen to me and outdated like Dice

    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

  • They started to sing about love in Not Shy, Mafia, Loco but they only "went back to their roots" in Sneakers and Cheshire

    If you mean they shouldn't go back and do the same thing they did in their younger days I kinda agree, but I don't think its that much repetitive

    well to me Not shy still have this we are different from thee otheer

    with the "Not shy, not me" and the rest of the song

    i interpret thee song as " i'm different from the other girls who are shy about love"

    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

  • I think so too

    to pull off this kind of risky concept and songs you need to look very confident and fierce but nmixx as a group has very soft and delicate vibe so the cute-ish concept wud suit them so much more imo

    i dont think members are lacking or that their songs are as terrible as everyone keeps saying

    but more like the members were picked for a different group and different concept originally

    they just dont match

  • You said it perfectly!

  • They had two ggs that were already active and successful

    They tried to do sth that doesnt overlap

    Yeah, they have too many groups.

    They do not want all to sound like Twice, so they try different things.

  • am i the only one who actually enjoyed dice or..?? also i believe nmixx has great vocalists so if jyp had acknowledged their potentials i think their songs would've been different. idk maybe they thought they can use the skz formula on nmixx too(?) cause i'm pretty sure skz is also an experiment by jyp like he did with twice or it can be he's experimenting nmixx too. Nevertheless I like nmixx's concept in general.

  • am i the only one who actually enjoyed dice or..?? also i believe nmixx has great vocalists so if jyp had acknowledged their potentials i think their songs would've been different. idk maybe they thought they can use the skz formula on nmixx too(?) cause i'm pretty sure skz is also an experiment by jyp like he did with twice or it can be he's experimenting nmixx too. Nevertheless I like nmixx's concept in general.

    No, Dice was actually well received if compared to O.O kkkkk and they are great vocalists which JYPE isn't focusing on and that's the problem like use the strengths of the group instead of wasting their talent.

    They are obviously trying the experimental sound, but with SKZ it works, with NMIXX they lack the charisma or something to really carry the sound.

  • Sound-wise, JYPE need to go back to what they were doing during 2nd and 3rd gen. They were known for safe fun bangers and I don't know what they were thinking when they thought they could be this experimental company when that type of music's not their strong suit. Hopefully in 5th gen they will learn from there mistakes and go back to what they used to do.

    They were amazing in 2nd, 3rd gen and i understand they trying to do something new, but they need idols that actually fit these concepts which isn't exactly NMIXX case.

  • Dice did not make my head hurt after listening to it, so it was a better song than o.o for sure.

  • They had two ggs that were already active and successful

    They tried to do sth that doesnt overlap

    they could go vocal heavy and would be far different from everything other JYP ggs did it

    think about a more teen version of this

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  • No, Dice was actually well received if compared to O.O kkkkk and they are great vocalists which JYPE isn't focusing on and that's the problem like use the strengths of the group instead of wasting their talent.

    They are obviously trying the experimental sound, but with SKZ it works, with NMIXX they lack the charisma or something to really carry the sound.

    true, experimental music doesnt work on every group if they can't pull it off well. Skz could've been an exception in jyp.

  • they could go vocal heavy and would be far different from everything other JYP ggs did it

    think about a more teen version of this

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    i was literally thinking about this while ago. This is how i imagined nmixx would be.

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    I'm personally bored of this kinda sound and i didnt think Dice was that bad, it was a blop not a flop.

    However, the above video is the sound that i thought JYP was gonna use for the group cause it really seems to fit their vocals. Dice and 00 ended up like Itzy/Aespa/Blackpink on steroids and i dont think JYP needed that with Itzy already doing a great job with the girl crush sound (banger after banger except for Loco and Cheshire). A vocal heavy, RnB based group would have offered something different than Twice's colorpop and Itzy's girlcrush.

  • They should've just done school girl concepts for the their first year and then transitioned to their long-term concept.


    "And they escorted her to a prison cell..."


  • The screech in the voice is generally true for JYP GGs including Twice. It’s mostly the genre that is unpalatable rather than the singing itself which I feel is consistent across all JYP GGs.

  • i wonder if the issue is also that they are perceived as being under the JYP company with too much overlap in concept/sound, and the inevitable comparisons

    Maybe if they emphasised the different sub-labels that already exist, the GP would be more accepting of their similarities - sort of like how HYBE sub-labels are well known, but can come together under the HYBE tag for things like the Game Caterers stuff.

  • totally agree

    24 To 25 Just Stay With Me~

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