After somethings I read here and even in others sns regarding NMIXX I thought: why did JYPE debut them with this "weird" concept genre thing when they doesn't fit the said concept that well?? What did JYPE see in these girls in their trainee years that they thought this would be a good direction?
Bc i think to a group "succeed" they need to "embody" the concept, music, style etc and with NMIXX we (in general) can see the girls talent, but not exactly in their songs or to a more casual listener tts. Like i do understand where JYPE are coming from, but they aren't exactly getting the right song to the girls.
Anyways, their last cb did quite good if compared to O.O so let's see if they'll keep improving.
Disclaimer: i do know they have fans etc and I'm not saying the group is a failure etc, but they are a gg from BIG4 and their digital performance wasn't the "standard" to a JYPE gg in their early years. But i have faith that they'll blow up bc talent they have, charisma too to some extent, just a good song and boom, magic happens