Is lip-syncing a bad thing?

  • Is Lip sync a bad thing? 64

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    As you all know by now, Lip sync is a norm in KPOP industry (Especially Music shows).

    I personally think its not a bad thing. Theres literally nothing wrong with it. Because its not easy to get a stable voice when you are constantly dancing and moving. But I have noticed a lot of fans think its a bad thing and proceeds to claim their group never lip sync. Your oppas and unnies are human beings, they get tired. All these performance are never one take. Why do the fans think they have the stamina to last till the very end without feeling tired or out of breath? Like, its honestly a weird behavior, living in denial.

    Just happened. I was watching a groups video and there was a split second the group gave it away that they were lip syncing. So, I commented on the video when they are claiming its Live. And people were denying me and even insulted me. And then I showed them the moment they gave it away, the fans started to go silence, some still denying and some started insulting me and going crazy. Why is this a thing? I was just stating something so that the fans are not fooled. I honestly dont understand.

    The video I watched was a 'Live' performance. But the vocals were pre recorded (theres element to make it sound like a Live). if its a concert. I prefer it Live if they are able to. If not, Its all fine.

    Thank God they didnt call me "ObSesSed" for literally watching one video. The only thing I am obsessed with is weed. :pepestare:

    For legal reasons: many of the things I say are said jokingly, take them as such :starec:

  • Lip synch is commonplace only because groups are more performance based than before.

    (G)I-DLE are often criticized for their lacking choreos and they happen to be one of the few groups who live sing on music shows everytime. Coincidence? I don't think so. There's only so much legit singing you can do while you're dancing. For more live singing, choreos would have to been toned down.

    I don't mind lip synching on music shows tbh, especially for rookie groups. Music shows are free so there's not much complaining to have about them. Now if I pay for a concert, I obviously expect the groups to sing live.

  • I voted no but it honestly depends.

    If an artist is presenting a ballad and doesn't have to dance then they'd better be singing live. Just standing in front of a microphone and waving your arms around a little is silly.

    But if a group is performing on a music show and dancing vigorously? Then the emphasis (at least for me) is on the dancing and the choreography and that's when I'm 100% fine with lipsynching.

    Lipsynching during concerts is not OK for me.

  • Something I always wondered about: from what I understand, each music show records multiple performances of the same song by each group.

    If that music show then uses scenes and videoclips of multiple performances, while only using the full audio of 1 performance - won't it always happen that parts of the performance are not 100% in sync with the audio, due to those clips being from different performances than the full audio was taken from? :/

  • Not really, I think it depends on how often you do it. I can understand when they use full playback if they have to dance to a choreography that takes a lot of their energy.

    I find lip-syncing more problematic if it’s used on slow Songs or ballads.

    Also I would like if concerts can be live as much as possible.

  • I think the most irritating in this is the double standards that are being used by a lot of (biased) K-pop fans.

    There are K-pop fans, netizens and ifans alike, that claim practically all their bias' performances are live and that all the performances of groups they dislike are 100% lipsync - and then go completely ballistic when it's pointed out that in a lot of their bias' performances, they're lipsyncing too, or they completely ignore and 'forget' it when groups and artists they dislike are very clearly singing live.

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    So you knew it would upset them yet commented anyway? I just don't go outta my way to rile people up. But to each their own.

  • I agree with all of this.

    If it's a song with no choreography I expect it to be live. How can you consider yourselves "singers" if you lip sync?

    But let's be honest, you can't perform the likes of ON, Fake Love etc (sorry I stan BTS only and casually listen to other groups so I can't comment haha) and be stable. It's humanly impossible. So of course lip sync makes sense. It's about a performance, not really vocals. We know they (any group) can sing so it's ok if they focus on the performance. But during a ballad no way. I'd feel cheated.

    I understand that if people pay for a concert they want it truly live, but 20-ish songs with choreography in most of them? They'd be dead before 30 :pepe-sad:

  • Lip sync argument has died in 3rd generation

    All these live "performances" fans claim are only partially somewhat live over a loud backtrack which plays missing certain parts only for the artist to sing..

    The actual live singing performance are this level .. this is what actual live is

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    So yeah it does not really matter to me especially in music shows and award functions..

    For concerts I would prefer live vocals but even snsd didnt do full length live concerts afterwards too lol...

    all kpop artists are using backtrack for live concerts now so yeah it is what it is..

    if not a full live concert I would love a part of it to be live and creative filled with medleys and stuff that is actually more fun and more real

  • It depends on the performance and how often they do it but personally I find it extremely boring. I didn't come to watch a dance team.

    I find that people who sing live have a different type of stage presence. Like they fully own the stage. But maybe that's just me.

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    Changed the title of the thread from “Lip-syncing is a bad thing.” to “Is lip-syncing a bad thing?”.
  • I was britney spears fan. Never cared lol

    If i have to hear live singing all the time, i will go to Adele's or celine dion concert

    But for performance based artists, it is fine to me.

  • The actual live singing performance are this level .. this is what actual live is

    Try this my friend, it's a rookie group :pepelove1:

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    "Every winter has its spring."


  • context is important nothing is ever bad or good on it's own...

    for example is all murder wrong? no...there's self-defense, defense of others, law enforcement and even war where murder might be justified...

    thus ALL lip syncing might not be bad depending on the context...maybe it's a really intense choreography and thus the need to lip sync...

    maybe there are other specific reasons of why...

    it only becomes an issue if the public/audience was expecting that the artist to be real singing and not lip syncing...

  • Those unplugged instruments :pepe-cringe:

    Every music show performance needs to be set up like this. Live instruments + live vocals

    You know at least Day6 is lucky enough to have money to have like at least 1 or 2 performances properly set up (thanks to JYPE even though we complain a lot) compared to other bands who don't even really get the chance

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  • Lip-synch is only cringe when it's blatantly obvious.

    Like some are doing bare minimum with choreo and don't even attempt to look like they are singing live. Just a lazy vibe. Groups that are reliant on it for the majority of performances and only show their vocals once in a blue moon to "prove" they can sing is not the one for me. Not a great experience imo.

    But then sometimes they have no choice , the company prefers them doing it so they can seem perfect. Couldn't possibly have their precious perfect idols sound out of breath or sing off once in a while like an imperfect human and performer.


  • Yes mostly. Idols are singers first and foremost so it should be expected they sing live for most of their perfs especially during special events like guest appearance or one off perf and certainly concerts that people pay to see idols sing live

    The only time I think syncing can be excused Or even encouraged is during the ridiculous music show schedules where they get up early, record for hours, go to their next schedules, get a free hours of sleep then repeat for the next few days straight. That shit is hard to maintain so it's understandable to sync in those cases.

  • It's bad but unfortunate there's nothing we can do about it. It became a norm in kpop and many performances people claim to be live are just other more sneaky variations of lipsynching.

    But for many kpop fans it seems like lipsynching is only bad when artists they don't like do it, otherwise there are always excuses for their faves (not to mention delusions)

  • So you're saying that lipsynching is not bad when the performers are good enough at deceiving people into thinking they're actually singing live? Lol if anything I find that even more low and unworthy of respect. That's why I dislike prerecorded vocals even more than casual lipsynching. In the former they go the extra mile to cover the fact they're actually lipsynching. It's pure deceit.

  • So you're saying that lipsynching is not bad when the performers are good enough at deceiving people into thinking they're actually singing live? Lol if anything I find that even more low and unworthy of respect. That's why I dislike prerecorded vocals even more than casual lipsynching. In the former they go the extra mile to cover the fact they're actually lipsynching. It's pure deceit.

    Lol. No.

    Lip synch can be helpful depending on choreo etc. But as I said it's ONLY CRINGE when they suck at it and it's blatantly obvious. If you have to lipsynch put in the effort, may aswell not move your mouth if that's the case.

    Obviously no lip-synch is superior imo.

    The rest is your dramatics and addition to my statement.

  • "dramatics" lol how unnecessarily aggressive.

  • "dramatics" lol how unnecessarily aggressive.

    lmaoo ya'll throw around the word aggressive and bullying like it's confetti. My goodness that was not meant to be aggressive in the slightest. Espesh in comparison to your response lol but whatevs. :-)

    I come in peace etc. etc. Good day.

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