[Exclusive] “BTS Suga, only slept during military training” Witness account...Additional civil complaint filed with Military Manpower Administration

  • [Exclusive] “BTS Suga, only slept during military training” Witness account...Additional civil complaint filed with Military Manpower Administration

    Witnessing Unfaithful Education in Social Service Community, Additional Complaints Raised

    Military Manpower Administration Begins Investigation into Previous 'Duty Negligence Suspicion' Civil Complaint

    The drunk driving incident involving BTS member Suga (Min Yoongi) is causing a stir. Following a petition to investigate Suga's dereliction of duty while serving as an alternative military service member, additional petitions followed as eyewitness accounts emerged that Suga was negligent in his social service.

    The suspicion of Suga's insincere social service came from the social service-related application 'Public Interest Human'. A social service worker with the nickname 'Pyeongbal Election Commission' gave an eyewitness account of receiving basic service training with Suga last November. It is said that Suga did not properly participate in the class even though he was the team leader.

    The social worker said, "Suga never participated in class (educational time) for 4 nights and 5 days," and "The instructor must have thought it was too much because he even scolded him. He woke up one day, nodded without knowing what was going on, looked at his phone, and went back to sleep." Due to this behavior of Suga, the group leader, the group participation rate was the lowest, and he said, "He felt like a mediocre bully at the beginning of the semester when I was in school."

    The basic military training that Suga participated in was the 35th class in 2023, and Dawn was in the same class. It took place at the Social Service Training Center in Boeun-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do. In the social service community related to the class, there were many eyewitness accounts such as, "Suga was in charge of the division of work" and "Unlike Dawn, Suga did not sign autographs." According to an official at the Social Service Training Center, the 35th class in 2023 received basic military training from November 20 to 24 last year.

    In the case of a squad leader, an applicant is selected and appointed if the social service workers in the squad agree to it. It is usually a similar role to a squad leader in active service. If the squad leader completes his duties, he is awarded a commendation and sometimes even given a special vacation. However, in the case of Suga, it is not confirmed whether he received a commendation for completing his squad.

    The suspicion of Suga's dereliction of duty spread beyond the app to online communities late last year, and was pointed out at the time. In addition to the weekday drunk driving incident, additional complaints were filed after a petition was filed to investigate the suspicion of dereliction of duty.

    Person A, who filed the additional complaint, said, “Suga’s drunk driving was the result of his ‘insincere work attitude,’ and the Military Manpower Administration should ‘investigate his actual service status by checking the CCTV of the service institution.”

    In addition, he said, “We ask that you thoroughly investigate the ‘service agency’s service management status’ and ‘Sugar’s service management status’ while he is serving as a social service agent in accordance with other military service laws, and we strongly urge that you take strict measures, such as reporting him to the investigative authorities, if any illegal activities are discovered.”

    This complaint has also been assigned to the Seoul Regional Military Manpower Administration, and the related investigation is expected to continue. It has been confirmed that the complaint regarding Suga’s negligence of duty filed earlier was also assigned to the same office, and that an investigation has currently begun.

    At around 11:27 PM on the 6th, Suga was found fallen alone while riding an electric scooter on a street in Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul. A nearby police officer helped him up and handed him over, and the breathalyzer test results showed his blood alcohol content level at 0.227%, which is considered intoxicated.


  • and what does this have to do with anything :skull:

    Because of of his DUI, there will be news or rumor questioning his character.

    Regarding this issue, there are post about him last year buying food and water for his teammate when he was their leader.

    Anyway the reporter has a history of doing this to other celebrities so I'll take this as a rumor.

  • I would sleep through the entirety of my forced military duty tbh.

    I would too. But as a Korean man I know doing that would result in serious consequences, so I didn't. I hope yoongi didn't do this and it's just people being mad and making stuff up. But if it's true then yes he'd be a disgrace and will face some serious consequences. Falting your duty is a guarantee career killer nobody has ever survived that. The last idol that did that not only was kicked but even got exiled from the country where he spent 25yrs crying about coming home taking 3 un requests for him being allowed back in . The Korean government finally became not petty enough to let him in

  • Not like he's the only one sleeping... these classrm training sessions are mind-numbing. You just count the days.

    True they are but when you have that fame and reputation you have to be perfect. You'd be a hypocrite if you said it's okay to slack off, because fans demand idols be perfect. If he showed the slightest part of him being human especially if that being human was something you didn't agree with, you'd have a problem with him. So let's not act different

  • What pissed me off? Hybe. Notice how they immediately takes action suing and taking down articles about bang when he's exposed. But when it's new jeans? BTS or their other idols dealing with saseangs etc they do NOTHING. But will jump at the second the CEO sees a inconvenience

    Hybe is useless. Not only that they didn't handle the issue properly, they made it worse. I can understand suga's statement, artists can mess up and be stupid but their company should know what it's doing. But hybe doesn't. And we are talking about of one of the guys that made that company. They only care about bsh, as for their artists, let them struggle. And when hybe stans defend hybe and him :clown: How can anyone defend that man is boyend me.

  • I would too. But as a Korean man I know doing that would result in serious consequences, so I didn't. I hope yoongi didn't do this and it's just people being mad and making stuff up. But if it's true then yes he'd be a disgrace and will face some serious consequences. Falting your duty is a guarantee career killer nobody has ever survived that. The last idol that did that not only was kicked but even got exiled from the country where he spent 25yrs crying about coming home taking 3 un requests for him being allowed back in . The Korean government finally became not petty enough to let him in

    I'm so confused. Why are you comparing this situation to the idol who was exiled for giving up his korean citizenship for an american one when the date for his enlistment got closer after repeated saying he will serve.

  • Hybe is useless. Not only that they didn't handle the issue properly, they made it worse. I can understand suga's statement, artists can mess up and be stupid but their company should know what it's doing. But hybe doesn't. And we are talking about of one of the guys that made that company. They only care about bsh, as for their artists, let them struggle. And when hybe stans defend hybe and him :clown: How can anyone defend that man is boyend me.

    Not only is HYBE useless but BangPD has been shady as well. I remember seeing a video of one of his interview and I swear I felt like he was bitter because he wouldn't even credit the success of his artist to them. Like he was downplaying it.

  • Not only is HYBE useless but BangPD has been shady as well. I remember seeing a video of one of his interview and I swear I felt like he was bitter because he wouldn't even credit the success of his artist to them. Like he was downplaying it.

    I'm sad they renewed their contract but that was their choice and there's nothing to say about it.

    BSH would be nothing without bts, hybe wouldn't even exists, and he cannot do a bare minimum and protect their artists. Ugh, it's so frustrating.

  • I'm sad they renewed their contract but that was their choice and there's nothing to say about it.

    BSH would be nothing without bts, hybe wouldn't even exists, and he cannot do a bare minimum and protect their artists. Ugh, it's so frustrating.

    BangPD and BigHit created BTS, what are you even talking about, without them there would be no BTS. They became popular not because 7 represent something, but because Bang raised their price.

  • Well if it's true it looks like this guy have very bad manner and no principles in life

    He woke up one day, nodded without knowing what was going on, looked at his phone, and went back to sleep.

    But this make me confuse , they can't have a phone in military so how could suga have his phone and look at it in front of his superior ?

  • BangPD and BigHit created BTS, what are you even talking about, without them there would be no BTS. They became popular not because 7 represent something, but because Bang raised their price.

    Exactly a hard pill fans don't want to swallow. BTS was his idea. If there was no bighit entertainment,there never would have been a BTS ever. The members at the time were in different companies and a few who were not in anything were scouted and auditioned. Example jimin if I recall was in kq he would have been an ateez member. And when BTS was was starting out and faced alot of hardships it was bang that stuck by them and sacrificed all his finances. He could have easily given up and BTS would have been done before it got started. Hate that fans try to be little or erase the efforts of others. There's a reason the members had a very high level of respect for him and thought of him as family, it wasn't for nothing.

  • Just like how the media keeps producing articles to change the story of what really happened including blood alcohol level and whether he was passed out at home or got caught before he reached home citing themselves and their own investigators as sources.

    We will keep seeing articles created solely to tear him down calling for more investigations.

    When it's just some bitter chump who wishes to use this to destroy his career.

    Know that the police has stated that they cannot confirm anything regarding the DUI except the distance he traveled because they are currently doing their own investigation and that they themselves stated it was an electric kickboard at first. Yet we have so many articles confirming what happened and all the ways in which he lied. One even stated he was driving a car.

    K-pop stans will continue to bite like they always do. But they will never win.

  • True they are but when you have that fame and reputation you have to be perfect. You'd be a hypocrite if you said it's okay to slack off, because fans demand idols be perfect. If he showed the slightest part of him being human especially if that being human was something you didn't agree with, you'd have a problem with him. So let's not act different

    They are past the Kpop idol stage. They are more than 10 years into their career and military service is good break to come back as kpop singers not idols. I don't think they have this perfection mindset anymore unlike at rookie idol stage where they have to walk on eggshells. Those fans who demand perfection should leave.

  • I would too. But as a Korean man I know doing that would result in serious consequences, so I didn't. I hope yoongi didn't do this and it's just people being mad and making stuff up. But if it's true then yes he'd be a disgrace and will face some serious consequences. Falting your duty is a guarantee career killer nobody has ever survived that. The last idol that did that not only was kicked but even got exiled from the country where he spent 25yrs crying about coming home taking 3 un requests for him being allowed back in . The Korean government finally became not petty enough to let him in

    But he is nor avoiding military, he is literally IN military currently. I am not sure why are we comparing these cases, he wouldn't be the forst nor last lerson and celebrity to slack off.

    ~ Retired exol, don't ask me about that group. ~

  • He is a BTS member, he should not even be there, let the boy sleep all he wants.

    Just blast videos of him sleeping to North Korea to help the peace process.

  • Exactly a hard pill fans don't want to swallow. BTS was his idea. If there was no bighit entertainment,there never would have been a BTS ever. The members at the time were in different companies and a few who were not in anything were scouted and auditioned. Example jimin if I recall was in kq he would have been an ateez member. And when BTS was was starting out and faced alot of hardships it was bang that stuck by them and sacrificed all his finances. He could have easily given up and BTS would have been done before it got started. Hate that fans try to be little or erase the efforts of others. There's a reason the members had a very high level of respect for him and thought of him as family, it wasn't for nothing.

    i think this an issue similar to "what was first, the chicken or the egg".

    if bang wouldn´t give them the chance, there would be no bts. But he could have given the same change to another set of members...do you think they would had had the same results?

    and there are so many groups with the same situation, look at yg. The artists stay because they think no other company can make them great, but then they get the dungeon, or new groups don`t have the same success...

    my opinion is what makes a group great, that the conection that each member of a group has with the public. And the company can work, twitch, cut, push, paint, teach...whatever. But it is how the idol is percieved by the audience. And sometimes my friend, can`t be bought

    did blackpink release a new album today?'s tweet - "#LALISA ACAB, aquí solo  respetamos a la POLISA " - TrendsmapID BI****S


  • It's not just the members of a group it's the staff and agency behind them. Would big bang be as big if handled by SM or jyp at the time? Likely not, yg pushed big bang. they also had autonomy when it came to image and music, something jyp and sm didn't have. So besides the members connection it's the agency and staff behind them too. If we went back to 2010 we and started over would things still have turned out the same?

  • I would too. But as a Korean man I know doing that would result in serious consequences, so I didn't. I hope yoongi didn't do this and it's just people being mad and making stuff up. But if it's true then yes he'd be a disgrace and will face some serious consequences. Falting your duty is a guarantee career killer nobody has ever survived that. The last idol that did that not only was kicked but even got exiled from the country where he spent 25yrs crying about coming home taking 3 un requests for him being allowed back in . The Korean government finally became not petty enough to let him in

    Very damn true.

    Folks may question the veracity of my opinions on Korean culture because i left there when i was a kid and naturalized here many many years ago.

    But i feel very confident in reiterating everything said in this post.

    99 percent of what we Kpoppies like to argue about, whether it's LSRFM vocal scandal, NJ-Hybe scandal, Snowdrop scandal, Karina BF scandal, Wonyoung-Leeseo lipsync scandal, etc etc, has absolutely no relevance to the actual GP in Korea. Regular Mr and Mrs Kim dont care about none of that, if they like the song, they'll like the song.

    But this military stuff is extremely sensitive. Extremely.

    If he used his status to shirk his responsibilities in any way, it could result in a legit boycott of BTS in Korea and permanently damage them - there will be headlines EVERYWHERE and even 90 year old grammies who've never watched a single Kpop video will know of it. Especially since folks will already be biased against him for getting the special service exemption no matter how legitimate his reason for getting one was.

    I am praying this isnt true for Suga's sake.

  • I think that it is rumour or set up!

    But if it is true his career is really over in SK!

    You don’t mess with military in any country and especially in SK! Military service is very sensitive topic in SK and people who avoid military or break rules are considered as men with no pride and will be outcasted by any means by public!

    So I hope it is not true!!!

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