Posts by HwaGoose

    Updates as of 07.26.24

    I guess that when I was new to kpop and kdramas as a teen, I kinda had thoughts like this.

    And was also thinking stuff like "I wish I lived in South Korea".

    I think that I sometimes watched some videos that were like "South Korea has this cool thing." and then wishing that my country also had that stuff or something.

    And based on some stuff, it seemed like a "kpop and kdrama paradise"

    I think there might be people too, who think that Japan might be some cool country and "anime paradise".

    But well... no country is a paradise.

    And imagine having high expectations of a country and then feeling disappointed, when that country is not like how you imagined it.

    I have heard that some students from my country had been in Tokyo for a trip and complained about the city being too "village-like". (not sure what they meant by that...)

    I don't know if they maybe had some high expectations before going.

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    Mingi posted this on his Instagram story and I noticed a familiar name...

    Well... it seems like Hugo Helmig is also popular in South Korea.

    Or maybe his song "Champagne Problems" is popular there?

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    I actually am not that familiar with Hugo Helmig's songs because I feel like I don't listen to Danish music that much anymore.

    He was the son of a singer Thomas Helmig, who is also a popular singer. (I know the song "Den jeg elsker, elsker jeg", which is a song that features Thomas)

    Unfortunately, in 2022, Hugo Helmig passed away, being only 24 years old. (the cause of his death is unknown)

    I once watched an episode of a series where people with disabilities interview famous people.

    And in that one episode, they were interviewing Thomas Helmig.

    Some of the questions were about Hugo.

    When asked about he missed the most about Hugo, he responded with that he misses everything about him.

    Updates as of 07.25.24

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    I don't know how I didn't discover this song until now...

    But as someone, who enjoys listening to the genre "city pop", I also enjoy Say Something.

    I feel like it is the kind of song that I would listen to while drawing or something else.

    The title reminds me of that one song that goes "Say something, I'm giving up on you" lol

    I sometimes feel like they might have fans that can't tell the difference between romantic fantasies and reality.

    It reminds me a bit of when I was younger, and some guys maybe flirted with me.

    I remember thinking that maybe some of them had feelings for me, but actually they were just playing.

    I feel like Seonghwa is kinda the same way, being flirty sometimes with fans.

    But at least I know that he doesn't have feelings for me and never will date me. (because of course he doesn't even know me)

    I do kinda like it though when he is being flirty :nervousk:

    Did MHJ actually use the Korean equivalent of the R-word?

    Well... I dislike it when people use disabilities as insults. (even though I know that some people often say stuff like "It's just a word. Just because they use that word, it doesn't mean that they have anything against people with disabilities.")

    I guess that one bad thing about being multilingual is probably struggling in multiple languages.

    "What is this called in English?"

    "What is the German word for it?"

    "What was it called in Danish?"

    "What is it called in my native language?"

    "What is this called in any language?"