You ever notice something about most of the people nitpicking encores and vocals?

  • Most of them are very vocal fans of groups who had crappy encore stages too, have mid vocals at best, or members with very minimal vocal talent

    I keep looking around for all the NMIXX, Purple Kiss, aespa, Mamamoo and Red Velvet fans here but I can't seem to spot them in these threads and comments :pepe-magnify:

    This is some serious "my favs get shit on for bad vocals so yours have to suffer too" energy ;judgingpepe:

  • During the thid generation when BTS, Blackpink or Twice were targeted for their "bad vocals" it was mostly by said stans of vocal groups (SM stans to be fair). It was obvious that the hate was out of jealousy because of these three groups success and some stans living in the past. I even made a thread about that during the old AKP period and no one denied it.

    To be honest, I don't consider myself a SM stan though I usually prefer RBW, SM, FNC and IST girl groups. I do gravitate a lot toward vocal-oriented groups and I refuse to stan some groups with good music if I don't find them talented enough in vocals, rap or songs' production. I do find most Kpop fans too lenient and unconcerned by some of these groups lack of talent. Even worse, sometimes I feel like some of them prefer visuals and three good facial expressions that they call stage presence to real talent. Yet, I recognize the hate that these groups are receiving for their encores is exaggerated. Some Kpop fans are quick to judge a group or an idol based on a two minutes clip. I have heard decent and lovely vocal moments from Momo for example but she kinda became the mascot for idols who can't sing because of this More&More encore.

    I don't think that it's secretly about "my faves are bad at singing too". It's about the fandoms' competition and this Kpop "the winner takes it all" mentality. Thye could not care less if a group can sing live or not, it's just an easy way to jump on the bandwagon because how dare them come after my faves achievements ?

  • I'm fine with people saying my preferred idols groups can't sing live. You can say what you want, it won't change my opinion on the group. It's when you compare groups, I don't care if your group are stable and can sing live keep that to yourself. Cause most of the time ya'll groups don't even get a chance to perform encores.

  • When hybe and YG Stan’s have a vocal talent face off


    How do you think I feel as an OG MooMoo? :pepe-cringe:

    What you on about yama the only other mamaoo stan on akp made the LSF thread >_>

    I forgot about him. Oops. :pepe-shame: I'm so used to being the most vocal MooMoo that I forget my era is over now

    During the thid generation when BTS, Blackpink or Twice were targeted for their "bad vocals" it was mostly by said stans of vocal groups (SM stans to be fair). It was obvious that the hate was out of jealousy because of these three groups success and some stans living in the past. I even made a thread about that during the old AKP period and no one denied it.

    To be honest, I don't consider myself a SM stan though I usually prefer RBW, SM, FNC and IST girl groups. I do gravitate a lot toward vocal-oriented groups and I refuse to stan some groups with good music if I don't find them talented enough in vocals, rap or songs' production. I do find most Kpop fans too lenient and unconcerned by some of these groups lack of talent. Even worse, sometimes I feel like some of them prefer visuals and three good facial expressions that they call stage presence to real talent. Yet, I recognize the hate that these groups are receiving for their encores is exaggerated. Some Kpop fans are quick to judge a group or an idol based on a two minutes clip. I have heard decent and lovely vocal moments from Momo for example but she kinda became the mascot for idols who can't sing because of this More&More encore.

    I don't think that it's secretly about "my faves are bad at singing too". It's about the fandoms' competition and this Kpop "the winner takes it all" mentality. Thye could not care less if a group can sing live or not, it's just an easy way to jump on the bandwagon because how dare them come after my faves achievements ?

    All I ask for is a little self awareness! I see the flairs and signatures from some of the people relentlessly roasting encore stages and weak vocals and my side eye intensifies

  • Nah ppl who are paid to sing should be shamed for not singing well idc

    Okay, but I doubt you'd keep that same energy if someone went after the vocals of the weakest vocalists in IVE.

    They're Korean pop stars, but it seems like everyone expects other idols to sound like a group of Cristina Aguileras, when their own favorite groups have a couple Britney Spears.

    It's giving me:

    Spider Man GIF - Spider Man GIFs

  • Basically stans of groups that flop globally.

    Active Girl Groups most recent Spotify Global results

    1. New Jeans Super Shy - #4 - Day 14 - 4,726,910 (filtered)

    *2. Illit Magnetic - #14 - Day 8 - 3,373,829 (filtered)

    3. Lsf Easy - #52 - Day 4 - 2,122,349 (filtered)

    *4. BabyMonster Sheesh - #69 - Day 2 - 1,769,138 (filtered)

    5. Aespa Drama - #71 - Day 2 — 1,607,616 (filtered)

    6. Twice I Got You - #130 - Day 1 - 1,481,182 (filtered)

    * 7. Kiss of Life - did not chart - Day 1 - 970,212 (15 hrs unfiltered)

    8. Gidle Super Lady - did not chart - Day 2 - 1,115,268 (unfiltered)

    9. Ive Baddie - did not chart - Day 4 - 987,194 (unfiltered)

  • You don't. But it be the fans of groups full of Sakuras calling out other groups full of Sakuras with the confidence of fans of groups actually full of Wendys!


    I'm afraid you'll have to start naming names :pepe-shades:



  • I keep looking around for all the NMIXX, Purple Kiss, aespa, Mamamoo and Red Velvet fans here but I can't seem to spot them in these threads and comments :pepe-magnify:

    Because we have better things to do, like building prayer circles asking for Wheein's, Moonbyul's and Hwasa's teams to book a date even vaguely near europe and praying they don't announce said dates at the same time as Beyonce's rumoured CC tour or I'll be a new level of broke :emotionalpepe:

  • Ive is 100% safe

    Not only have their vocals in encores been praised but also their live singing in concerts. Not to mention Liz is easily one of the top 4th gen singers. I know my stuff, so there's nothing to be insecure about Ive's vocals. I don't stan mediocrity

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • Ive is 100% safe

    Not only have their vocals in encores been praised but also their live singing in concerts. Not to mention Liz is easily one of the top 4th gen singers. I know my stuff, so there's nothing to be insecure about Ive's vocals. I don't stan mediocrity

    Outside of Liz and Yujin, the others could be pointlessly critiqued just like other idols in other groups.

    Which is why I find it silly, because MOST groups have one or two really solid vocalists.

    ILLIT got attacked, but everyone ignored how Minju and Yuna (I think I got their names right) were stable AF.

    LSF got destroyed during Easy promo, but Yunjin and Chaewon have proven numerous times they can SANG

    NJ has Hanni, Danielle and Hyein. The first eats CDs, the second only sang the soundtrack to The Little Mermaid and the third wowed IU so much she got featured on her next album.

    aespa has both Ningning and Winter, and in typical SM girl group fashion, those girls have immaculate vocals.

    I mean, I know miserable kpop stans will use anything to hate on groups they're jealous of, but so many of them live in glass houses.

    They know who they are. DaisyTheGenuine I don't even need to name names. One already self reported their group LOL

  • Nah don't compare Ive to groups that had embarrassing encores when Ive ate in all of theirs. Also in aespa everyone can SING, not just nn and winter. If you like mediocrity just say it but don't invent reasons as if others are supposed to enjoy that shit too.

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • Nah don't compare Ive to groups that had embarrassing encores when Ive ate in all of theirs. Also in aespa everyone can SING, not just nn and winter. If you like mediocrity just say it but don't invent reasons as if others are supposed to enjoy that shit too.

    We already did this. We listened to IVE's encores. They have two good vocalists. The rest are, at best, at par.

    I don't care enough to listen to their encores again, and you're such an illogical human being that you miss the point of a thread even when it's explicitly laid out for you.

    You live your life like this?

    I'm about to drop some expletives if you don't come correct like I'm not a god damn MAMAMOO FAN OF TEN YEARS, and you're actually trying to act like I don't know or appreciate good vocals?

    GTFO with that nonsense ;judgingpepe:

  • Im fine with my faves having bad encores and being criticize for that. So, why i cant critizice a group when they have bad encores when others does the same? Im just playing the game.

    As long as you're aware it's a two way street.

    But I laugh when I see people coming a step short of saying certain idols don't even belong in their profession, like idols from their favorite groups don't have a dark history of bad encores and questionable vocals too.

    I'm not naming any names.

  • NewJeans is an Ador girl group, why you always got to force them into Hybes nonsense :pepe-no-sign:



  • If you are so proud of mamamoo vocals then you shouldn't be so mad about ppl calling out those that can't hold a note. Looks like you always give a pass for them only bc they're successful, then you claim to not be a token stan lmao. you expect ppl to shut up when they stan groups that don't pass your success criteria even when these groups are obviously more skilled. Criticizing ppl that criticize ppl that are shit at their jobs make no sense to me. Should I stfu bc I think Gwyneth Paltrow is a terrible actress only bc she won an Oscar and Glenn close didn't?

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • What you on about yama the only other mamaoo stan on akp made the LSF thread >_>

    1st: I'm not the only other MMM stan, there are a lot of others.

    2nd: I wasn't even the first who opened a thread about LSF's lazy performance, I only did it, because someone else did it, and I saw their performance there. 🤣 And it's not like that was their first time, they did that multiple times and not only on a Music Show.

    Lastly: At least, I can say that my faves can sing, or if not, they are not lazy.

    I forgot about him. Oops. :pepe-shame: I'm so used to being the most vocal MooMoo that I forget my era is over now

    Your era is over, because you're not promoting Mamamoo anymore, you care more about NewPanties.

    That's why you don't make new vids on your channel, either. Do you have a NewJeans YT channel?🤣

    Nah ppl who are paid to sing should be shamed for not singing well idc


    They're Korean pop stars, but it seems like everyone expects other idols to sound like a group of Cristina Aguileras, when their own favorite groups have a couple Britney Spears.

    I don't, all I ask from every Idol is AVERAGE or don't be LAZY! If they want to be lazy, they should sing at least like Mamamoo, EXID, EXO, Apink etc on a concert and other important live shows! Obviously, Music Shows are not important!

    I don't think you need to stan a group full of Wendys to call out a group full of Sakuras

    This is your best comment so far. 🤣 I'm proud of you.

    Mamamoo Solar GIF - Mamamoo Solar Solarsido GIFs

    You people argue about it all you want, all I know my faves don't have any issues with encores :cursing: :cursing:

    Which faves are you talking about? Babymonster? They didn't do any encores, because they didn't win anything yet.

    If you wanna talk about Blackpink, I don't even want to go there. :violinist-pepe:

  • NewJeans is an Ador girl group, why you always got to force them into Hybes nonsense :pepe-no-sign:

    I just listed all the top girl groups who get targeted the most. The NewJeans slander is silly, because they don't even have a bad encore stage. When they won with Super Shy, they dead-ass did the entire choreo again and sang live with hand mics, and that's not even mentioning Lollapalooza, which we all know I was there in person for :pepe-shrug:

    If you are so proud of mamamoo vocals then you shouldn't be so mad about ppl calling out those that can't hold a note. Looks like you always give a pass for them only bc they're successful, then you claim to not be a token stan lmao. you expect ppl to shut up when they stan groups that don't pass your success criteria even when these groups are obviously more skilled. Criticizing ppl that criticize ppl that are shit at their jobs make no sense to me. Should I stfu bc I think Gwyneth Paltrow is a terrible actress only bc she won an Oscar and Glenn close didn't?

    Lol. "If", like there is a possibility I WOULDN'T be proud of the best overall vocals in girl group history. And who's mad? I'm laughing my ass off. YOU'RE the one who got triggered by the mere mention of IVE per usual and started melting down ranting about their encores, like we all don't know Liz and Yunjin are BY FAR the best vocalists in the group.

    Hate to break it to you, but they're no different from all the other girl groups who have one or two stand out vocalists and the rest hopefully break even aka aren't horrible vocalists.

    And it's usually fans of groups with members who DON'T break even that talk the most shit. That's all I'm saying.

    And laughing at. I'm not mad over K-Pop stan idiocy. Come on now.

  • Blah blah blah like I said if u stan shitty singers it's fine but I'll keep criticizing if I want and the fact that you think we can't criticize groups just bc they are successful only shows how little u care about talent and how much you are invested as long as they're successful

    Quite sad

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • Blah blah blah like I said if u stan shitty singers it's fine but I'll keep criticizing if I want and the fact that you think we can't criticize groups just bc they are successful only shows how little u care about talent and how much you are invested as long as they're successful

    Quite sad

    That has nothing to do with any of the words used in this thread. You are so divorced from any semblance of coherence that all of those words would be wasted on you regardless, so that's not necessarily a bad thing.

    You are SO bad at critical thinking that I actually pity you sometimes. You're just a little less toxic that that Blink who got banned, but have the same energy.

    I'll wrap up the assessment of your personality traits and simply say that nothing I said has anything to do with success. I never even said people can't be critical of vocals. If that's your conclusion after reading what I said, you're a lost cause.

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