Posts by YamaChwan

    they weren't much of a dance crew. tae was the only one who could dance well. but they were always great live when I got a chance to see them. I'd put them in the top three with shinee and exo for me.

    That was part of their charm for me.

    I lived for TOP not doing anything remotely resembling choreo and just ad libbing on stage and doing his own thing

    You could've just stopped there but you went on about your reasoning, talking about the demographic they are targeted towards and making it your main point. That is what people are taking a problem with.

    I mean it's just a fact.

    These are the conversations executives and creative directors have behind the scenes. It's not amoral or bigoted to acknowledge how that factors into why so many guys are willing fanboys of BigBang.

    People can have a problem, but it won't change the facts.

    That's not my fucking problem, and you should touch grass if that really bothers you enough to cry.

    Go make a pro BTS thread if you're going to lose sleep over it.

    But from what I've seen, you lack the requisite skillset to get the same engagement I get.

    Btw I must say you have a talent to make hit threads.. who knew BIGBANG would still be such a hot topic :violinist-pepe:

    Like them, hate them, they are still pretty present in everybody's minds!! Fresh :meme-mmm-tea:

    That's because true K-Pop royalty is eternal. No matter how much time passes, or how many scandals come and go, the public remain obsessed with Big Bang.

    THE boy group of all times

    Don't give me the whataboutism, I believe HYBE is just as bad as you do. The problem occurs when Min Heejin stans still support her despite all the relevations about her. And no, the chats are still not officially confirmed to be fake. Twisted maybe, but some of the stuff she said cannot be refuted as innocent no matter the context.

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    Hey moderators, can I have permission to unleash a little bit on the insecure mental midget users who get in their feelings over an opinion like this individual here? Please? I really want to smack them down like the annoying gnats they are.

    Because I would like this gnat in particular to find the part of my OP where I mentioned BTS in any way or in any subsequent responses.

    In fact, barely ANYONE mentioned BTS.

    You're just mad people AREN'T mentioning them

    Which is why I said I found your reasoning for liking BigBang was weird. I am allowed to think you are weird that "not fitting inside the intended audience" gets in your way for liking a musical artist. Do you think it would acceptable if a straight person said they don't prefer listening to music from gay artists because they don't find it relatable? I mean that person is not obliged to like gay artists but that person's reasoning is tacky just like yours.

    Yeah, moving from virtue signaling to straw manning isn't cute either

    I don't care how you feel about my reasoning, but you're not going to implicitly accuse me of internalized homophobia just because I, like many male fans, might be more drawn to a group that isn't designed from the ground up to appeal to a completely different demographic.

    How you go from that to "don't wanna look gay lol" is just beyond common sense or logic.

    Guys find Big Bang cool. It's that simple. Stop trying to extract other insidious implications that don't exist, and stop projecting these ignorant mindsets on to me. I will not be your willing subject matter for a case study on men who don't want to support gay artists.

    It's not about "getting in my way of liking" an artist either. I've named multiple boy groups I enjoy. It's about why Big Bang appeals to me and other men the most.

    Stop being ridiculous.

    Women can also suffer from internalized misogyny. And again like I said before, most of the employees at Ador probably don't know her at a personal level. They probably don't know that an employee was sexually harrassed at the company before or maybe do but don't care about the case.

    There are so many possibilities, so it's better to take the Ador employees' support at face value similar to alleged SM employee on Korean blind.

    It will also be interesting to see how the NewJeans members themselves will react to how MHJ talks about them. If the chats turn out to real, will they still dismiss it and continue to support her?

    Please leave your fake concern at the door.

    It's already been confirmed that the worst of those chats were, big shocker, twisted by HYBE and further misconstrued by the mindless drones in the international community, as they were almost all directed at BSH and NOT NewJeans.

    These texts are not new. I don't know why so many people are waiting for some hypothetical scathing response from NewJeans or their parents, when they have been ten toes down in support of Min Heejin regardless of HYBE's mud slinging.

    While jobless HYBE stans are here concern trolling over how NewJeans could be reacting to these doctored texts, they were literally out enjoying a meal with MHJ and their staff not even a day after Dispatch re-published said texts.

    Why the hell are we obsessing over these texts more than HYBE leaking pre-debut footage of minors and their medical history just to swing public opinion in their favor? By the way, it didn't work.

    Why do you care so much who they are marketed towards? You can enjoy the art without thinking about who the group is catering to.

    Because I'm the consumer and I have the ability to assess whether a product was conceptualized and marketed towards me or not? Why do you care so much that I'm cognizant of that? It doesn't harm you in any way, and I can consume art however I see fit. Being aware of its intended audience doesn't mean I can't appreciate the art itself. Just because I know Frozen wasn't written and animated and directed with adult men as their primary audience, doesn't mean I can't still love the movie.

    You are making a huge deal out of a no deal. Stop it. And I can use my own standards to judge for myself what I do and don't like in the market that is K-Pop.

    Stop virtue signaling me. It's not cute.

    I wouldn't have thousands of posts on a K-Pop forum, previously run a K-Pop YouTube channel and proudly worn my fandom on my sleeve when out in the public, if social stigmas attached to men who love K-Pop was something I really cared about, but I can just objectively ascertain exactly why one group may naturally appeal to me more than others.

    Male gaze and female gaze are a social construct. A lot of men in my country would consider BigBang to be just as gay as any other kpop boygroup, like BTS, EXO or Seventeen. Only kpop stans have a different thought on this.

    No kidding. Every aspect of modern society is a construct. What's your point? I never said anything about homosexuality, so don't project that view on to me just because I said that a group not aggressively marketed towards a female demographic is naturally more popular with men and accumulated a lot of male fans.

    My second favorite group is Shinee. I have mentioned other boy groups I enjoy, even BTS.

    Big Bang is just the cream of the crop. The best of the rest. The pinnacle. The zenith. The inflection point.

    The Legends. The Leaders.

    I don't care how much SVEZ and those rabid EXO-Ls cope and seethe over the true kings of K-Pop being recognized for their royal lineage.

    Big Bang is a once in a LIFETIME group.

    Male kpop stans have a very weird way to explain as to why they think BigBang is their fav kpop boygroup. For atleast half of them, the major reason is that BigBang is the only kpop boygroup that they can proudly express their admiration for without feeling gay. And it comes of as cringe when they openly state it like OP.

    It's not weird and stop making this a bigger deal than it needs to be.

    There is intentional marketing and strategy behind every group. Just look at all the dirt being dug up on Source and HYBE for an easy example

    99.9% of boy groups are not conceptualized in a way that would appeal to male viewers or listeners. That's just a fact.

    Big Bang is a huge exception to that rule. Instead, they appealed to the rule of cool. And guys can vibe to that all day.

    It is what is is!

    Yama is actually originally yg stan, how did you not know this! His love for 2nd gen yg and hate for bp is literally textbook behavior of OG yg stan!

    I just know who the true leaders are

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    Don't you DARE come for the Fantastic Baby era.

    As a young Kpopper, this aesthetic was what captured my attention immediately.

    The FB MV was one of the first I was ever shown with Taeyang looking like Ed from Fullmetal Alchemist, Daesung looking like Light from Death Note and GD looking like Beetlejuice

    And he had the 4 star Dragonball tattoo and did a Kamehameha Wave gesture in the actual MV?

    No boy group is pulling this off like Big Bang. They've been my boys ever since


    Can't be number 1 when BigBang couldn't even penetrate or gain any traction in the US. They were cringey as fuck and one of the reasons why 2nd gen is the worst gen in all of kpop history.

    Who gives a shit? It's KOREAN pop. Big Bang have an unassailable, massive legendary career regardless of not making any desperate and forced attempts at breaking through in the West.

    When they toured here, was it to a bunch of sold out arenas? Yeah? Then mission accomplished for a group that debuted in 2007.

    How many younger boy groups could've debuted back then and risen to the top like Big Bang?

    None is the answer.

    You ended this awful opinion with an all time bad mic flop moment too. Imagine coming for the 2nd generation and thinking it doesn't instantly invalidate your credibility


    The fact even anonymous HYBE employees are leaving harsh criticisms against HYBE and in support of MHJ speaks volumes.

    Lateris is in here imploring for everyone to think of the poor employees and their families, meanwhile said employees are on Blind posting "our company's leadership is dumb as hell"


    Big Bang sucks.

    Except Taeyang, Daesung on variety, Top's voice, Haru Haru and Lies.


    Big Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang


    I don't think BB most popular but they are most well known Korean group. They are not internet gen for group and song promotion. Their M. A. D. E. albums had the best songs released.

    BB got the best song composition for concert performance and no one can beat them. Fans usually think that Fantastic Baby is the great and BBB is good song since its the follow up of FB. Longtime kpop fans would recognize and also include other songs such as

    Lies, Blue, Bad boy, Monster, Tonight, Haru, Loser, Sober and more

    Don't forget about Last Farewell

    "I don't wanna be without you, girl!" :pepe-dj:
