The Givers CEO Siahn admits to falsifying Credentials

  • At the beginning of the week, a report came out that Ahn Sung-il(Siahn) had never attended the University he had listed on his Linked In

    Two days ago this came out

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  • which guy in the conflict he was again?

    5050 is stuck with shady people

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  • Ikr they trusted this guy. Who stole the song copyright then setup a Warner takeover but aatrakt didn't want no part of but they believed this dude over Their CEO who actually did good by them lol they are done

    both CEO started to fight about who get the bigger peace of the cake after cupid when successfull. While doing so, obviously both didnt care a bit about the groups reputation. We still dont know if any of them did good to them. To me it doesnt look like that at all. But that is something the court, not akp user, will decide about.

    The member said nothing so far, except they wanna get out of this mess. I think we should wait to hear their side of the story first befor making a judgement.

  • I just do not see how this ends well.

    If they lose, how is there going to be trust between the members and CEO

    If they win, will Warner Music Korea even want anything to do with them anymore?

  • Ah.. I pity the girls. They just wanted to live a dream, and now stuck between 2 incompetent CEOs.

    Comments regarding them are pretty nasty ):. A nugu girl group, do they pose that much of a threat? :emotionalpepe:


  • What if the girls ain't on his side and it's actually a three way feud.

    The interesting thing about Siahn is he has done this before with three different artists and one of them was a popular group sechs kies. It's safe to say that he didn't expect that the ceo really ready to fight him and using public against him because other companies before just went silent. And it's hard to not believe the girls are not on his side where they actually released a statement before that Siahn didn't influence them to do this and they also didn't sued him or anything when Keena share for the song went from 6 percent or something to 0.5%. The Swedish songwriter also preparing their lawyer for this case. And the timeline is also perfect where suddenly the parents of the girls file the trademark of fiftyfifty name. That's not something that parents will do without any advice from someone with experience in this industry. Not saying the ceo is an angel or totally innocent but the girls didn't give any valid reason to terminate their contract. No sign of abuse or mistreatment at all like all other idols' cases before.

  • Ah.. I pity the girls. They just wanted to live a dream, and now stuck between 2 incompetent CEOs.

    Comments regarding them are pretty nasty ):. A nugu girl group, do they pose that much of a threat? :emotionalpepe:

    They're on fault too ngl. Not exactly them but their parents for being greedy. They should not involve in this and stay silent which allows them to freely doing their promotion and also still having a good relationship with warner and public. Now they burn all bridges and warner already released a statement to not wanting to have anything with them especially if their contract with Attrakt got terminate. In this case, Siahn actually the real predator. Both ceo and the girls + their parents are all incompetent for believing in him without checking his past and for being tok gullible.

  • I still didn't see the side of JHJ being shitty so far. He's not innocent and also incompetent but he actually didn't do anything bad so far to the girls based on tehir claim.


    I’m SO TIRED, of coming into 50/50 threads and having ppl “both sides” this situation. Do kpop fans just lack critical thinking???

    If 50/50 just stayed with their original company, they would be capitalizing off their success and have a career, BUT they choose to side with a guy attempting to steal them away and illegally break contract, basically tanking their career.

    Siahn and 50/50 are the only bad ppl in this story.

  • I still didn't see the side of JHJ being shitty so far. He's not innocent and also incompetent but he actually didn't do anything bad so far to the girls based on tehir claim.

    Instead of handling this professionally and privately, this man went on a smear campaign to paint them as horribly as possible and manipulate his past to make him the Patron Saint of Managers.

    It already came out that 5050 was right about him withholding documents from them

    My own personal observation after seeing so many situations play out, there's no such thing as a perfect victim. He would not immediately go through such lengths to ruin them beyond repair if he thought the lawsuit was groundless and they weren't going to win. Personal trust between the 2 inside, you don't bury an artist you plan on keeping. There's more than likely a lot more to come out, it's just that one side is using the media and the other is using actual court

    I just can't look at a man with 2 decades of history of incompetence and abuse and suddenly see him as the guy unfairly being screwed



  • They're on fault too ngl. Not exactly them but their parents for being greedy. They should not involve in this and stay silent which allows them to freely doing their promotion and also still having a good relationship with warner and public. Now they burn all bridges and warner already released a statement to not wanting to have anything with them especially if their contract with Attrakt got terminate. In this case, Siahn actually the real predator. Both ceo and the girls + their parents are all incompetent for believing in him without checking his past and for being tok gullible.

    Besides filing a contract termination for their old CEO + asking him to reveal his actual financial report spending on them, I don't think they did anything else. If anything, they stayed silent the entire fiasco. It's their old CEO who aired all of the texts, documents, and anything he wanted on the group. Which should of been only be used in court if he really believe he was framed. He shouldn't have done so publicly, given that the girls actually cannot do anything and has no power. That part irks be really bad.

    As for their parents filing trademarks, I can understand it. If the old CEO aired everything without holding back, who knows what he is going to do next. Protecting the group name is all they can do. As for CEO Siahn, yeah fuck that guy too.

    How often in KPOP have we seen idols been crucified first before concrete evidence came out? My first time witnessing in KPOP where a group is actually being targeted AGAINST a CEO/company. Shits wild.

    Looking back to the likes of Garam, Soojin and LOONA members recently; when everyone's against them, I'd like to be the one to support the fifty fifty members. Because honestly, whatever the court result is, they are essentially unable to pursue their dreams anymore. If the court case is in favor of old CEO, then it wouldn't cost me anything anyhow, but I won't join in to shit on the girls. :flop:


  • They're not filing their contract termination they suing him for contract termination. That's two different things. They can simply paying the fees and get out lol. The ceo actually already revealed the company financial situation to them which led to the the investors saying their investment not fully for them. And the girls thought 100% of that investment are for them. Now what we have here? They also accused him for mistreated them for not letting them rest after Aran's surgery just for them to given fully rest from any schedule since that. That's what you called didn't try to do anything? The girls and their parents tried but they didn't have any evidences apparently.

    And you know, most of the evidences not even aired out by the ceo but others like Dispatch.

    And the trademark thing happen before all this ficaso happens. Their parents didn't even holding backs so why the ceo need to do so? He's the one who losing money, he's the one with no support from big company like Warner and he actually doing a great move for himself. Because people like you exist. You didn't have anything too to point out what evil the ceo doing but already accusing him. What make you different from people that accusing 50/50. At least we talk based on evidence that being leak out to public not based on our weird sympathy to the idols.

    This is not the same with Garam or Soojin. Not at all. This is a solid court case with evidences like Loona. Why do you think everyone side by Loona and Cbx side from the beginning? Because they giving solid reasons and evidences for their case something that 50/50 unable to do.

  • As you said no such things as a perfect victim which make 50/50 is also not really a victim here. What I can say that he's smart for doing this publicly. The past records of Siahns poaching other artists make this situation better to be done publicly. Not gonna explain that but the ceo seems to make sure that if he lost his money maker, everyone need to lose something too. And he already showing the documents to them, the investors said the money is not for them. What we will go from here? Let the court decide. And it's really satisfying to see someone like Siahn finally meet someone who willing to fight him like this. That man get away with this 3 times.

    But yeah, other than his incompetence in this case I didn't see he actually doing anything that terrible. Obviously he is giving huge apartment to 50/50 not like hotshot. Until the girls actually giving any evidences they mistreated them, it's not fair to say he's guilty based on his past only while Siahn being caught red handed lying about things. Their evidence in court also so far didn't revealed anything strong like the ceo side.

  • Originally he kept saying that it was 3rd party putting bad ideas into the girls head, so he wanted to protect the reputation of the members.

    But it got ugly and he went all out with his PR campaign. I bet the members and the CEO trying to steal them did not expect that.

  • Everyone was in favor of the Loona members, the other 2 cases, yes people judged them right away. Bulling is a big issue in Korea, so any rumors are taken seriously unfortunately that can be used as a weapon to bring down famous people.

  • And you know, most of the evidences not even aired out by the ceo but others like Dispatch.

    Let's get serious here, the CEO is the one leaking the info to dispatch. Dude used to work as a PR representative, he knows how to use the media.

  • What I can say that he's smart for doing this publicly. The past records of Siahns poaching other artists make this situation better to be done publicly. Not gonna explain that but the ceo seems to make sure that if he lost his money maker, everyone need to lose something too.


    And he already showing the documents to them, the investors said the money is not for them

    He showed them some of the documents only after the lawsuit and their team is claiming he's still withholding more.

    Interpark said the investment wasn't for 5050 only, Attrackts own lawyers were saying it was.

    But yeah, other than his incompetence in this case I didn't see he actually doing anything that terrible. Obviously he is giving huge apartment to 50/50 not like hotshot. Until the girls actually giving any evidences they mistreated them, it's not fair to say he's guilty based on his past only while Siahn being caught red handed lying about things. Their evidence in court also so far didn't revealed anything strong like the ceo side.

    first of all, those apartments aren't free or a gift. The members are going to have to pay that back and getting them an apartment in one of the most expensive areas in Seoul is not only senseless but an easy way to overcharge them for in relation to their debt.

    2nd, as far as I know, there have only been 2 court dates so far and 5050 have held their side pretty well. Attrackt didn't exactly have as compelling as case in court compared to the confidence they have with the media.

    I'm doing my best to ignore all the mediaplay and focus only one the case where there's a diminished capacity for lying. From where I'm sitting, not sold on his side, which is just a series of excuses

    Originally he kept saying that it was 3rd party putting bad ideas into the girls head, so he wanted to protect the reputation of the members.

    But it got ugly and he went all out with his PR campaign. I bet the members and the CEO trying to steal them did not expect that.

    He was the one making it ugly in the first place?



  • Everyone was in favor of the Loona members, the other 2 cases, yes people judged them right away. Bulling is a big issue in Korea, so any rumors are taken seriously unfortunately that can be used as a weapon to bring down famous people.

    Dispatch ruined their Reputation for me when they sided with BBC against chuu. Thats a major reason i now dont trust anything that comes from them.

  • The whole mess unwittingly helped FF to break itself from Siahn.

    Siahn is shady. Jeon is shady. Both are crooks but Jeon is the bigger crook.

    I don't see the injunction being rejected. Jeon is not showing any docs, blaming Siahn.

    FF members will call themselves with a name like Kewpit, or Qpit, and go their way.

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