Blackpink is just around the corner! And it's been more than a year since the other taglist so.....
Time for a new taglist
I've noticed that some disagree on when the taglist can be used, so I'll also be adding a casual taglist for people who want to be tagged in every blackpink related thread. The more official one can then be used for official announcements and stuff like that.
Let me know, if you want to be added to one or both!
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Time for a new taglist
I've noticed that some disagree on when the taglist can be used, so I'll also be adding a casual taglist for people who want to be tagged in every blackpink related thread. The more official one can then be used for official announcements and stuff like that.
Let me know, if you want to be added to one or both!
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(Code, 45 lines)