Illit is actually the most disrespectful and insulting GG in history

  • Hybe: Congrats on your success with NewJeans. No one expected this to be this big. Not even us.

    MHJ: Thank you. I tried to tell everyone I carried SM for decades and now I'm gonna take over and...

    Hybe: Pause right there. Actually we called this meeting to inform you that we will be stealing..I mean borrowing every single thing you have done with NJ and we will be applying it to our own new GG. Not only that but now that means NJ won't be able to come back for a while as to not interfere with our debut. In the meantime send the girls to fashion shows and modeling to pass the time like Blackpink.

    MHJ: But now is the time to strike while the group is young and hot...ouch that didn't come out right. You know what I mean. We can't afford to waste time. The world is waiting.

    Hybe: Well they won't be waiting much longer cause Illit is coming. No one will know the difference trust us. We can just release a Illit Magnetic dance practice and label it as NewJeans covering Magnetic. It will be fine.

    MHJ: So you're stealing my concept, my music style, my choreography style, my girls hairstyles, my comeback period...need I go on?

    Hybe: Yes. Go back to work and come up with something else cool we can steal.

    True story.

  • Newjeans entire success comes from hybe payola, as long as hybe keep giving them payola mhj shouldn't get mad about hybe stealing everything from her. And hybe unlike other dumb companies may not sabotage newjeans but have both group doing great at the same time, any other case newjeans and mhj should start praying.

    And this one made me chuckle :boompepe:

    MHJ: But now is the time to strike while the group is young and hot...ouch that didn't come out right. You know what I mean. We can't afford to waste time. The world is waiting.

  • It seems like the man in the industry, weither it sm or hybe, like to steal/use MHJs ideas and talent and pass her genius as their own to receive all the recognition and acclaims themselves and cast her away like used socks :pepe-tea: .

    At some point they might even start to believe that THEY were the genius in the first place :pepe-clown-gear: . It's seems that there is something with their rich korean man fragile ego that can't accept that a women might be smarter and more talented than them :pepe-shrug: .

    But whenever MHJ goes, she takes her talent with her, and with the right opportunities and connections, she is always bound to succed :iconpepe: .

  • And I totally agree with your post by the way. The existence of Illit as of today is not only an insult, it's outrageous and completely disrespectful of MHJ and Ador.

    Let each and every sub label have his own identity and image. What's the point of having sub labels if they're all going to have the same concept and all at the same time :pepefacepalm: .

    NewJeans little sisters are gonna come out when the time will be needed by the sub label which originally made them, aka Ador. Bang pd belift or whatever just make your own gg and stop this ridiculous parody of NJ :clown:.

    Or at last if you wanna prove that you can pee higher, then wait the right moment for that, let your oppoenent have his turn first :eyes::eyes: . No respect whatsoever.

    I hope MHJ becomes powerful enough one day, in Hybe or whatever so nobody will dare to insult her like that ever again :pepe-shrug: .

  • It seems like the man in the industry, weither it sm or hybe, like to steal/use MHJs ideas and talent and pass her genius as their own to receive all the recognition and acclaims themselves and cast her away like used socks :pepe-tea: .

    At some point they might even start to believe that THEY were the genius in the first place :pepe-clown-gear: . It's seems that there is something with their rich korean man fragile ego that can't accept that a women might be smarter and more talented than them :pepe-shrug: .

    But whenever MHJ goes, she takes her talent with her, and with the right opportunities and connections, she is always bound to succed :iconpepe: .

    Min Heejin??? It is an HONOR to have you replying in my thread! Huge fan of your work with f(x)!

    I can not believe this is happening!!!! Wait till I tell all my friends!

  • I've been saying this since I saw evil group Illit's concept photos, like HYBE really finessed MHJ and she couldn't do anything about it :skull: they stole everything and then walked away laughing :skull:

    They can’t steal her TASTE :pepe-shrug: .

    If they keep on desrespecting her like that, they will only end up losing her :iconpepe: . She will walk away rich, sucessful, with connections and most importantly her GENIUS.

  • It seems like the man in the industry, weither it sm or hybe, like to steal/use MHJs ideas and talent and pass her genius as their own to receive all the recognition and acclaims themselves and cast her away like used socks :pepe-tea: .

    At some point they might even start to believe that THEY were the genius in the first place :pepe-clown-gear: . It's seems that there is something with their rich korean man fragile ego that can't accept that a women might be smarter and more talented than them :pepe-shrug: .

    But whenever MHJ goes, she takes her talent with her, and with the right opportunities and connections, she is always bound to succed :iconpepe: .

    so dramatic. hybe gave mhj a total independence that sm never gave her. hybe lets her do her thing /funded her despite disagreeing with her idea even before nj became a success. they let her be for wtv reason- hybe board gambled. that's business acumen- the higher the risk, the higher the ret of investment . she succeeded and i salute her for that! in return, hybe gave her stocks in ador as part of her's a win win!

    But lets not pretend hybe did not help in making nj phenomenal, while they started as gp sweethearts, they had a ready made fd at least 1% ( that's a lot!) of all hybe bgs probably like them and bought their albums.

    and so what if hybe creates a gg slightly similar to them. but tbh, i dont see so much similarity. it's not as obvious as bm copying bp. Illit has much younger/innocent concept that nj. I think mhj is also trying to make nj now more sophisticated for brand endorsements and to lure bigger fd to watch their con. why will any adult want to pay and watch anyone dance in elementary songs? 😭

    i dont know if u all work in corporation but if ur a good businessman u wont let only one product line be the ultimate source of your profit. as u grow, u venture into different things. while mhj is a great leader, she is just one of many people that can do that in hybe. Hybe is already hybe before she enters it.😂

  • so dramatic. hybe gave mhj a total independence that sm never gave her. hybe lets her do her thing /funded her despite disagreeing with her idea even before nj became a success. they let her be for wtv reason- hybe board gambled. that's business acumen- the higher the risk, the higher the ret of investment . she succeeded and i salute her for that! in return, hybe gave her stocks in ador as part of her's a win win!

    wait a minute, i thought she baught 18% of Ador becoming the 2 actionnaire of the brand. Nothing was just freely 'given' 🤨.

    moreover yes bang is stealing/using all her tactics+uses his connections to mass promote illit in ways he never promoted any gg before while cloning MHJs still very young ggs. what's that then is not a pathetic tentative to cockblock her and get all the rewards out of other peoples ideas and vision??

  • i dont know if u all work in corporation but if ur a good businessman u wont let only one product line be the ultimate source of your profit. as u grow, u venture into different things. while mhj is a great leader, she is just one of many people that can do that in hybe. Hybe is already hybe before she enters it.😂

    The difference is market for these two groups are pretty small if not nonexistent. I think Bang is just too scared that NJ/MHJ will get too big. Maybe even bigger than him. So he cockblocks them in their growth.

    I don’t know if you have forgotten, but 2 years mark is also a sensitive one, most 4gen gg lose their relevence at that stage. Basically as a 2 years old gg, NJ should be in a boundless expansive stage. If they want another big name like BTS in Hybe that could continue the legacy of Hybes relevance and market brand value.

    It's not really another gg debut the problem. It's a group that has too much resseblance at last in apparence with NJ and that are literally performing a parodie of NJs history right in the face of a 2 years old gg and at the expanse of the one who literaly crafter the gg. It's not okay man.

    If bang really wanted money and sucess that much, he will not be ignoring or cockblocking NJs ascension like he is doing.

    Yes he wants success and money, but BY and FOR him. Even at the expanse of Hybes future.

  • wait a minute, i thought she baught 18% of Ador becoming the 2 actionnaire of the brand. Nothing was just freely 'given' 🤨.

    moreover yes bang is stealing/using all her tactics+uses his connections to mass promote illit in ways he never promoted any gg before while cloning MHJs still very young ggs. what's that then is not a pathetic tentative to cockblock her and get all the rewards out of other peoples ideas and vision??

    nj will never be nj if it was debuted in another label. 🤷‍♀️ pt is hybe gave mhj the power. as u said nothing is free, its a payment for her services, gave means hybe doesnt really need to sell it to mhj. they allowed it to be sold to her bec they recognized her's not out of the goodness of their hearts but its a tactic to keep the creativity flowing.😂 nothing is more inspiring than thinking ur in control. as a corp , hybe actually has a good reward system. they also have the best history in women employment unlike SM. also, while mhj is a great employee , she did not make hybe. hybe gave her money/ opportunity to create nj banking on hybe's reputation and financing. thats why they used the media play of bts little sisters when they are starting... some hybe stans prefer them over le ssera bec ador used to be 100% owned by hybe..., they called them full-blooded sisters. and its not like nj never had a massive playlisting for ditto as well. while le ssera mgt opted for more guestings in local tv/varierty . 😂each labels have their own tactics. its not a bad thing tbh than be stuck in stone age . mhj tactic is basically just like what yg did with bp except the music genre. less music, less guestings, more endorsements, fashion influencers. nothing is unique in kpop tbh , mhj just did it better.though it is yet to be seen if they can beat bp super ips and massive influence in fashion ( see emv below)IMG_7020.jpeg

  • young and hot is crazy

  • They can’t steal her TASTE :pepe-shrug: .

    If they keep on desrespecting her like that, they will only end up losing her :iconpepe: . She will walk away rich, sucessful, with connections and most importantly her GENIUS.

    Her genius without lot of millions is worth nothing, let her direct weki meki or purple kiss and watch her flop tremendously. Hybe proved with illit that newjeans success is 75% hybe, 20% mhj and 5% the newjeans members, you can replace them with Wooah members and the result would barely vary, the painful truth.

  • Her genius without lot of millions is worth nothing, let her direct weki meki or purple kiss and watch her flop tremendously. Hybe proved with illit that newjeans success is 75% hybe, 20% mhj and 5% the newjeans members, you can replace them with Wooah members and the result would barely vary, the painful truth.

    You could do the same with Twice.

    What's with these idiot stans acting like most K-Pop groups aren't heavily reliant on their creative teams and management? Lmao.

    You could rotate plenty of would be JYP idols that weren't into Twice's roster and they wouldn't miss a beat.

    You could NOT do the same for groups like GIDLE or Mamamoo, neither of which you stan, which means you're full of shit as usual.

    Every time you cry about Hybe payola, the K-Pop Gods bestow another Billboard Hot 100 debut onto the Hybe girl group of their choosing.

    Let the salt flow :boompepe:

  • Stop pitting queens against queens!

    Anyhow, it's funny how a certain user is pretending that the company isn't the main reason 99% of kpop groups become popular. Did Twice (as much as I like them) write any of their early hits? Did they decide their own concepts, styling, choreography or stage design? Nope, that's not even the point of idol groups. And being from a big company is already starting way ahead of the competition.

    It's just how the industry works. IDK why Newjeans brings out this nonsensical animosity in some of you (actually I know why, it's because they're successful).

    Besides, kpop following trends isn't anything new. Are you old enough to remember Abracadabra by Brown Eyed Girls and how it triggered a trend of girl groups going dark and edgy? It also was not long ago when BlackPink laid down the template for modern girl crush. Kpop is inherently trend-chasing and moves at the speed of light.

  • Try again clown, you can cry all you want and it won't change that newjeans and illit members are meaningless and their success is almost completely based on hybe money. Twice creative team is everything but creative and their management has always being lackluster, twice success is mostly due their members charms and luck, with a bit of jyp when they do things right.

    Mamamoo is so below twice in popularity and achievements that they are barely successful in comparison, pointless to this discussion, gidle are a little more successful than them but still nothing compared to twice.

  • twice success is mostly due their members charms and luck


    I didn't realize Twice were moonlighting as the producer duo Black-Eyed Pilseung, who were responsible for literally all their early hits

    Right right.

    Anyone could be in NewJeans, but the Twice members are completely irreplaceable. The group totally couldn't function without those 9 endless wells of talent.



    GTFO with that nonsense

    Twice, like almost all K-Pop groups, are manufactured and produced and carefully tailored by the creatives and CEOs behind them, and if all 9 members debuted under a nugu label, you wouldn't even be stanning them.


    You're full of shit.

  • YamaChwan we cannot let hybe get away with the blatant disrespect they have shown to newjeans and mhj. Prepare the trucks

  • :cryingr:

  • Well they have different number of members right?

    One has 6 and the other has 5.


  • Twice creative team is everything but creative and their management has always being lackluster, twice success is mostly due their members charms and luck, with a bit of jyp when they do things right.

    Twice can only dream that JYP will actually write good songs and promote them. Most of their songs since 2020 are shit and doesn't chart well. Keep crying, they are no longer relevant.

  • Twice can only dream that JYP will actually write good songs and promote them.

    Well, he's been a bit busy as a Christian preacher lately, which I didn't know but somehow got an IG ad for lmao

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  • Just your usual argumentative diarrhea saying nothing worth of reading. Newjeans success depends so much of hybe because if you take the payola, today's top hits and the other tricks their company uses on them most of their streams and achievements vanish immediately. Jyp never moved a finger for twice like hybe does for newjeans, that's the point loser, mhj creative direction is meaningless, without hybe millions rigging the game in their favor newjeans wouldn't be where they are. Twice never had a company using payola for them and not even a good management or creative direction and they are still one of the most successful kpop acts on history mostly of the charms of their members that attract fans and non fans.

    Twice can only dream that JYP will actually write good songs and promote them. Most of their songs since 2020 are shit and doesn't chart well. Keep crying, they are no longer relevant.

    You are so dumb that you mentioned how jyp don't promote twice, one of the biggest reasons they struggle harder than other groups and even with that they are still one of the most streamed, most viewed and best selling acts today 9 years after their debut, just proving my point, twice don't depend on their company unlike newjeans and illit.

  • nothing worth of reading.

    Couldn't have said it better myself, randcopestan. I find it comical you even wasted your time typing up another shitpost, when your last one got flushed so violently down the toilet, like the rest of your rancid takes.

    Twice was literally formed through a god damn JYP trainee reality competition show, and the girls are just as replaceable as any other idols in any other idol group, using your idiotic criteria.

    "BuT tHe MeMbErS hAvE cHaRm AnD lUck"

    Complete nonsense. I could probably find trainees from SIXTEEN and slot them right into Twice no problem, let alone all the incredibly talented and pretty idols out there.

    Have a seat and stay seated.

  • Her genius without lot of millions is worth nothing, let her direct weki meki or purple kiss and watch her flop tremendously. Hybe proved with illit that newjeans success is 75% hybe, 20% mhj and 5% the newjeans members, you can replace them with Wooah members and the result would barely vary, the painful truth.

    LOL, mhj with her past credentials and her project can get her millions almost anywhere really. And she already said it, Hybe were not the only one offering her investment. They really hit the jackpot with her and they should be thankful.

    Honestly, apart of NJ none of their acts were that big post 2022. They all gonna do well, mostly because whoever Hybe debuts at this point and mass promotes specially IS gonna do well, MHJ or not. BUT you have to give her justice because it's HER farmula that worked so well with Illit, not Bangs :pepe-shrug: .

    Without her vision, they've just gonna be stuck in Ssera/TXT typa sucess. Without vision you can't go anywhere. And trends are ever changing. Bang just follows them, MHJ starts them. So she's always gonna be ahead.

    And if some nugu producer like the one who made 50 50 could get that much success with a mostly mediocre group, im sure MHJ could have just done well or hit really big even if she went with kakao. Bang specially isn't even using his connections to promot or push NJ, he only care about HIS own projects.

    And still, nobody is gonna be NJ, and nobody is gonna impact the music industry or the culture like Ador/MHJ can and did.

    Illit is too soon to talk really, give them a comback or two to see how it really goes. One mass promoted hit aint turning them into NJ typa success or impact :pepe-joy:.

    Moreover it's yet to soon to say that Bang could recreate NJs success when we haven't even seen NJs full potential yet. They're barely 2 years old. And they've been thrown away into a dungeon to allows bangs act to dominate this year. Which is a heinous crime because he tried to replace them by copycates. 😠

    If he wants competiton, then let's them compete fair and see who is gonna be the winner. Give them the same amount of promo, LET NJ comback, and then wait and see :pepe-shrug: . Im thrilled really!

    And indeed I said with the "right opportunities and connections", i never said ALL BY HERSEF. Read again :eyeroll-pepe: .

    Neither Ssera not NJ's debut were promoted like Illit's debut on spotify and globale straming services so you should really all calm down with the baseless debut numbers comparaisons pfff.

    It's not ALL about numbers. Getting a 1,5 billion streams due to mass promo or getting a promoted still yet more organic 700millions streams and critical acclaim and a grammy while making a real cultural impact is worth far far more.

    Also NJ/Ador oppened and developped their specific market, Bang starved them of NJ and then threw mass promoted copycates into it. That’s NOT recreating NJ. Lol.

    And if your last claims about the members were true, why do none of the Illit members have even the tenth of the impact ANY really NJ members did and does? Weither it's in korea or internationally?????? Please enlighten me :pepe-just-smile::pepe-just-smile: .

    If you don't even understand the importance of picking members, specially for MHJ, then you don’t really get anything.

    A major part why some groups are legendary and others not even with a big compagnies support has a LOT to do with the members. Some groups just can’t be recreated. You can’t recreate SNSD, or BTS, even BP and NJ is a one is a blue moon typa group as well.

    NOBODY can recreate their copycates, even MHJ is gonna add somehting different to the next gg she is gonna debut.

    The problem is that in this gen, Hybe is not allowing NJs to grow in peace and show their full potential. Their not even 2 years old that Hybe/bang is already trying to replace them while locking them away in a dungeon. Ridiculous really.

    Anyway the copycates pale in comparaison to NJ, weither it's the members, the music, the vibes, the concept or the aestehtics, and no spotify deal is gonna change that :pepe-shrug:.

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