TWICE's NAYEON has won a 600 million won debt lawsuit against her mother's ex-boyfriend

  • TWICE's NAYEON has won a 600 million won debt lawsuit against her mother's ex-boyfriend.

    Nayeon's mother's ex-boyfriend 'A' filed a lawsuit against Nayeon, saying, "Pay back the borrowed 600 million," but lost.

    The court acknowledged that Nayeon and her mother received 600 million won worth of support from 'A' for 12 years (2004 to 2016), but did not acknowledge 'A' claim that he "lended it".

    The court said: "considering the number of money transactions, period, amount, and circumstances, it's difficult to determine that 'A' and Nayeon had an agreement to return the money. Also considering the fact that 'A' and Nayeon’s mother were in a romantic relationship at that time, it could not be considered a loan. It can be seen that the money was spent on living expenses such as monthly rent, telecommunications and tuition".

    'A' did not appeal after losing.


    bypannchoaSeptember 18, 2023

    Nayeon (28, real name Lim Na-yeon), a member of the girl group TWICE, has won a 600 million won "debt (default on obligation)" lawsuit. Nayeon's mother's former lover, Mr. A, filed a lawsuit to "repay 600 million won borrowed from Nayeon's side," but lost.

    On the 19th, the Seoul Eastern District Court's 13th Civil Division (Chief Judge Choi Yong-ho) ruled against Mr. A in a loan suit against Nayeon and Nayeon's mother, according to legal reports. The court admitted that Mr. A had transferred over 500 million won to Nayeon for 12 years, but determined that there was insufficient evidence to recognize it as a loan.

    original post: here

    1. 500 million won from an ex-lover...??

    2. Wow f*ck, it's so hard to be a celebrity, even things like this are all getting exposed to the public

    3. So he lent her money because they were lovers and wanted her to repay him once she became successful?

    4. I just read the full article and he lent her money so she can pay for her living expenses

    5. This is too much... do we need to write articles about artists' private lives like this?...

    6. Why drag Nayeon into this?

    7. I don't know the details, and I won't comment more on it since it says that he lost the case, but 500 million is too much not to repay no?

    8. So they're not repaying him 600 million won???? Seriously, I hate people who borrow money from others and never repay them back. The borrowing people are completely out for blood

    9. If you look at the full article, it's more detailed, but it seems like it was money spent on living expenses that were used together. Things like rent, tuition fees, communications, loan repayment..

    10. Hul... 500 million won in 12 years is a lot of money... It's written "lovers" but I wonder if they were not actually married?

    11. If they all used the money, there's no way that Nayeon wouldn't get dragged into this too

    12. The court is way too harsh... he paid close to 600 million won in living expenses

    13. Kids, Nayeon used that money too

    14. The article says "The report also found that Nayeon and her mother made purchases of 115.61 million won on a credit card in A's name over a six-year period from March 2009 to February 2015." so I don't think that Nayeon is unrelated to this? I'm guessing they used it for living expenses, but she's successful now so she should pay him back....

    15. Read the article properly, the money went to both Nayeon and her mother

    16. If he's paying them to live, they should repay him back. It's all thanks to him that they didn't live in poverty.

    17. If she's been using his money from an young age, she should pay it back. Sigh... I don't know if they were all living together though

    18. Wow... 600 million....

    19. It doesn't matter if they are married or not. Any relationship should be treated the same. Is this really the right ruling?

    20. But they used the money altogether since it was for their living expenses

  • Yeah, this is ambiguous.

    As her mother's lover, if you decided to help support both her and Nayeon, that was a choice you made as an adult man.

    If you intended for them to pay you back, you should have gotten it in writing. Even text messages could have worked in your favor.

    600 million won is a lot of fucking money. So, this guy must have been well-off. If you guys were all living together, and you were the one supporting everyone, that doesn't give the interpretation you expected to be paid back.

    Only reason he's probably even asking for the money back now is because they broke-up.



  • This is just food for the incel culture that is Korea these days. Nayeon was a kid for most of that period so yeah she ain’t responsible paying any of that back. And it’s obvious the man wasn’t forced to pay that shit he did it of his own choice.

  • interesting

    I didn't know this case even existed...

    hmmm...I guess in terms of the classic asian cultural perspective parents see their children as an investment for their own old age - they raise and take care of all their children's needs and wants when young and in turn the child takes care of them when they are old

    and thus I think this "A" thought the same thing as potentially nayeon's step-dad?

    but blood is thicker than water lol

  • He’s a grown man, he’s responsible for his money and if he chose to give it to Nayeon and her mom for whatever reason then that’s on him. She was a kid at the time and I really don’t know how her and her mom are getting “dragged” for this.

    It just sounds like he’s petty and wanted to sue now. If he did it of his own violation, he has no right to act like they stole money from him lol



  • He should have put a ring on it.

  • I am confused as to how her mother had an affair with a boyfriend in the first place. There are just too many questions before jumping into conclusions.

    wait where did you get "affair" from?

    He should have put a ring on it.

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  • This win is not a win. At least among Koreans, she won't be forgiven

    things are not looking good for nayeon tho as for now.. knetz and haters are taking advantage of this situation

    Yep ;( . Korea can be extreme about this stuff, remember social status and reputation are EVERYTHING in Korean culture, my 883 year old mom STILL cares what rando strangers think of her ffs.

    500k USD is a HUGE sum of money, that is a lifetime of savings for most people. I can easily see most Koreans saying that even if the dude gave the money to her and her mom with no expectation of a payback, that the "honorable" thing to do would be to pay back that money, even over time if necessary, ESPECIALLY since Nayeon is hugely successful and given how huge that sum is. If it was just a 1000 dollar loan or if he gave them an old car to use to take her to lessons or whatever, nobody would probably care much.

    I am hopeful that there is much more to this than meets the eye. First of all, i'm hoping that the dude is a gazillionaire and actually doesnt need that money, if he's poorer than Nayeon, it wont look good. Secondly, i'm hoping that the dude was an effing scum/asshole that cheated on the mom or treated her badly. I know it might sound terrible to hope for that, but that would GO A LONG WAY to support Nayeon's side of the public relations battle, and whatever trauma may have happened is in the past - we are talking about Nayeon's livelihood for the rest of her life ;( .

    Third - i am hoping that i am just overreacting here and this 'scandal' will all just go away like all the other fake scandals of the past .

  • wait where did you get "affair" from?

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    If she already has a child, why whould she be in a relationship with a "boyfriend"?

    Divorced? Affair? Have a child before marriage? Idk


    ThinkAbouTzu, Tuwuice:pleading::pleading::pleading:

  • 3. So he lent her money because they were lovers and wanted her to repay him once she became successful?

    Shoulda invested in AMZN instead of someone's daughter. Better return on investment.

    4. I just read the full article and he lent her money so she can pay for her living expenses

    A loan involves an expectation of the sum to be repaid back. At which point would he had realized he wasn't going to get it back. 1 year later? 3 year later? Surely by the 5 year mark, you knew the money wasn't coming back if it was really a loan. He continued loaning for 7 more years after? He clearly wasn't expecting the money to be repaid, thus it was not a loan, its charity at that point.

    7. I don't know the details, and I won't comment more on it since it says that he lost the case, but 500 million is too much not to repay no?

    Nobody commenting knows the details. You know who knows? The judge with all the details presented to him or her. The ruling went in Nayeons favor because there simply wasn't enough evidence to suggest a loan agreement had taken place.

    8. So they're not repaying him 600 million won???? Seriously, I hate people who borrow money from others and never repay them back. The borrowing people are completely out for blood

    That's assuming it was a loan. Can you imagine if I met a random girl who needed help, offered to pay her credit card off, and if things between us dont go my way, then I be like so, will you're not going to pay me back?

    12. The court is way too harsh... he paid close to 600 million won in living expenses

    The court worked with the evidence available, in this case, it was as non-existent.

    14. The article says "The report also found that Nayeon and her mother made purchases of 115.61 million won on a credit card in A's name over a six-year period from March 2009 to February 2015." so I don't think that Nayeon is unrelated to this? I'm guessing they used it for living expenses, but she's successful now so she should pay him back....

    Doesn't work that way. If I suddenly become rich, my childhood friends family can't just expect me to pay back the money they used to take me out to eat, just because im suddenly in a position where I can afford to.

    16. If he's paying them to live, they should repay him back. It's all thanks to him that they didn't live in poverty.

    This was not a quid pro quo situation.

    17. If she's been using his money from an young age, she should pay it back. Sigh... I don't know if they were all living together though

    Hope you realize at the time, she was a kid, barely know what's going on in the world. Could not have, and would not bave the mental capabilities of entering into an agreement to repay money back in the future.

    19. It doesn't matter if they are married or not. Any relationship should be treated the same. Is this really the right ruling?

    Should every one of my exes pay me back for the time and money invested in the failed relationship?

  • mate nayeon ain't your "ex" anything lol


    If Nayeon is ever enter into a relationship with another guy, she better pay me back for all the money I've spent on albums, lightsticks, concerts, and travel expense.

    It wasn't free money, it was paid with the expectation that we'll be together one day. If it didn't work out, then I want my money back

    *end sarcasm*

  • to be fair only 1/9 of what you paid unless you're claiming to be an akgae

  • It's almost like people are assuming he knew Nayeon would debut lol?

    He started giving her mother money in 2004? Nayeon didn't even join JYPE until 2010. So, you're telling me for those 6 years before JYPE, he was funding everything with the idea Nayeon was going to debut, join one of the biggest GGs in KPOP history, and become a megastar? Nah, the math ain't mathing.



  • You're a dude!!? :wow::skull::eyes:^^

    I had no idea lol. :clown:



  • to be fair only 1/9 of what you paid unless you're claiming to be an akgae

    No... technically, there was no option to buy album with just Nayeons photo cards.. which means whether its to get everyone's card or just hers, the cost to do so is the same.

    Likewise, I couldn't pay to see concert just with her in it. The cost to see her was going to cost me the same regardless.

    So I want my 9/9!!!

  • It's almost like people are assuming he knew Nayeon would debut lol?

    He started giving her mother money in 2004? Nayeon didn't even join JYPE until 2010. So, you're telling me for those 6 years before JYPE, he was funding everything with the idea Nayeon was going to debut, join one of the biggest GGs in KPOP history, and become a megastar? Nah, the math ain't mathing.

    Exactly, he didn't give the money as a loan

    Most people who's been in a relationship knows this. You pay for things out of love, not with the expectation of it coming back. And if this loan was over 12 years, it wasn't a loan...

    My previous relationship, besides usual expenses, my ex had a handicap sibling. I bought stuff for him, took him to doctor when needed and paid. I did it out of care for her family. You can even argue I did it for brownie points, for face, etc. Whatever reason I did it for, it wasn't because I was expecting it to be paid back to me. I'm not going to go back to ask her for all that back...

  • No... technically, there was no option to buy album with just Nayeons photo cards.. which means whether its to get everyone's card or just hers, the cost to do so is the same.

    Likewise, I couldn't pay to see concert just with her in it. The cost to see her was going to cost me the same regardless.

    So I want my 9/9!!!

    fine remember last week or so I revoked your naytion card?

    well after this I can finally return it back to you but unfortunately knowing the akgae that you are your once card is now revoked!!!

  • you really didn't know fdblink was a dude?

    he claims to be nayeon's wife/bf in like every other thread lol

    I identify as LSM!!!

    No, I didn't lol.

    I have only seen them refer to themselves as Nayeon's wife.

    It wasn't until today that I even looked at the gender tag.

    To be fair, I assume everyone's a chick unless they establish early on that is NOT the case. ^^



  • fine remember last week or so I revoked your naytion card?

    well after this I can finally return it back to you but unfortunately knowing the akgae that you are your once card is now revoked!!! i have to say something because if I don't then I'll be locked as an akgae...

    I have never displayed akgae behavior, I only have strong bias tendencies :siptear:

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