Is Jennie the only it girl from 3rd gen thriving right now?

  • The lies fit into that one stupid and inaccurate op tryna drag ladies to put another up when these women probably stan each other.

    First based on hwasa's past 24 hours alone:

    Naver seems to have written a lot of articles about her debut for a flop.

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    She's got a Tommy jeans cf out like just a few hours ago lol. The same brand that had beyonce, usher and so on.

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    Hwasas charting pretty well last time I checked in china

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    in sk

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    Her visuals from her relay dance was trending like hours ago

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    There's more but I'll never get to the rest at this rate.

    For twice a gg that has had no solo debut 6 years into their damn career despite their vocalists nayeon and jeongyeon making it to Gallup for 3 consecutive years. Nayeon and tzuyu even topped it for 2 years lol. I'd say they are doing pretty damn fine.

    Tzuyus instagram selfie landed on navers main page just the day before.

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    Her magazine cover sold out 12 to 13 times so much so that the price had to be increased and they had to get 3rd party help to delivery the magazine. Don't even get me started on everything she's sold out.

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    She trends every other day on Korean platforms and has landed on navers main page for for doing nothing.

    I think this knet quote sums up nayeons relevance for years now. Icon through and through.

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    For Jennie yep. She's the undisputed cf queen for 3rd gen and was called directly called suzys successor. It girls of the 4th gen certainly are emerging like wonyoung, Yuna, winter/Karina, few other big 3 or other it girls will pop onto the scene for sure but I'm feel jennie will effortlessly rule over 4th gen like Suzy/Iu ruled over the generations. She's plastered on every street in sk, has that it factor and deserves all the love she gets and more.


  • in Korea yeah

    but overall Lisa and Rose are there as well with their sales :)

    also in terms of CF's market really changed a lot this year because Brave Girls, aespa, and STAYC bagged many deals

    We are talking in Korea rosé and Lisa are definitely not touching Jennie in Korea

    Neither brave girl aespa and stayc have an it girl yet I can see Karina and winter in the future

    Jennie is everywhere in Korea she is bagging some of the biggest Korean brands

    And solo was huge

  • The way tzuyu was like the biggest 3rd gen female idol even bigger than Irene wasted potential I’m so sad -

    Ikr. Luckily Tzuyu's still pretty popular, even now she makes it to naver main page for breathing, is the only kpop idol to make it on the list of the most demanded faces for ps in Japan, and sold out stuff like many times over but 2016 tzuyu/debut tzuyu was truly insane.

    Like girlie despite being a foreigner topped Gallup and Google searches and her cfs were everywhere in sk. Now she's being shoved in the corner with bad outfits and weird makeup and had her first magazine cover as a visual ffs like a month or two ago. She was right in calling jyp a bitch.

    Every time I think about Twice I just wanna beat JYP with a ruler.

    There's still time but jyp wants to work the group to the bone with group stuff instead of giving all the members good solo activities. Rv did solo promo the best this gen. I'd say BP too since all of them are basically it girls in their own right...


  • no such thing as 3rd or 4th gen it girl

    Jennie is now the it girl period

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    Will Blackpink’s Jennie dethrone Bae Suzy as Korea’s ‘CF queen’?
    The K-pop idol signed three new brand endorsements this year, and they all have an important thing in common – they used to belong to Bae Suzy

  • We are talking in Korea rosé and Lisa are definitely not touching Jennie in Korea

    Neither brave girl aespa and stayc have an it girl yet I can see Karina and winter in the future

    Jennie is everywhere in Korea she is bagging some of the biggest Korean brands

    And solo was huge

    that second part was just about changes in CF market

    but there is easy explanation to it

    aespa, STAYC, and Brave Girls probably were demanded but SM, HighUp, and Brave didn't expect crazy high payment for participating in commercials

    when in comparison girls like Jennie, Suzy or IU are for sure the ones which would get higher payments

    so there were a lot of cosmetic brands, or ramyon brands, or clothing brands which just went for other options which are creating buzz but were in their 'financial reach'

    btw dunno if I written it all well in terms of proper English lol

  • honestly I think JYP should have pushed Nayeon she had the potential back back then as much as Tzuyu has a lot of popularity then she isn't korean "it girl" implies that

  • While I agree Tzuyu 100% could have been way bigger than she is now, I’m not sure that’s what Tzuyu herself wanted back in the aftermath of the flag scandal.

    If you watch her behavior since then, she’s usually trying to avoid speaking when Twice is on variety. She can be naturally funny but she’s also very shy. Plus she isn’t fully fluent in Korean. I’m not sure that thrusting her even more into the spotlight on her own would have been the most responsible thing to do.

    If you ask me, Nayeon and Sana both have good reason to resent their management. Sana has so many viral moments, speaks Korean very well and was the most popular idol with men for a good while. She could have been an it girl. And Nayeon’s potential goes without saying.

  • While I agree Tzuyu 100% could have been way bigger than she is now, I’m not sure that’s what Tzuyu herself wanted back in the aftermath of the flag scandal.

    If you watch her behavior since then, she’s usually trying to avoid speaking when Twice is on variety. She can be naturally funny but she’s also very shy. Plus she isn’t fully fluent in Korean. I’m not sure that thrusting her even more into the spotlight on her own would have been the most responsible thing to do.

    If you ask me, Nayeon and Sana both have good reason to resent their management. Sana has so many viral moments, speaks Korean very well and was the most popular idol with men for a good while. She could have been an it girl. And Nayeon’s potential goes without saying.

    Tzuyu did say she wanted to try acting one day tho..heck it's sad that her visuals are mentioned in Kdramas but she doesn't have her solo acting debut yet

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    But I totally get where your coming tho. Sana and nayeon are insanely popular. Jyp should utitlise their solo potential to the max.

    honestly I think JYP should have pushed Nayeon she had the potential back back then as much as Tzuyu has a lot of popularity then she isn't korean "it girl" implies that

    Tzuyu made it to Gallup on her debut year and 2 other years. 2yeon made it to Gallup for 3 years consecutively. So heck yeah they are are popular. I think nayeon and tzuyu even topped it for female idols if I'm not wrong and Sana and tzuyu ranked #1 and #2 in the army poll of 2019.

    I didn't understand your question. If your implying tzuyu wasn't an it girl back then your kinda wrong. She had several successful cfs even a few solo cfs falling at her feet months after debut, she was trending on her debut for her visuals on a massive scale in sk. The increase of tourism of Taiwan and sk was credited to the "tzuyu effect" So yeah she was huge back in the day

    Tzuyu, the mascot of TWICE, the top girl group in Korea, contributed to the 'friendship' exchange between the two countries."

    쯔위 효과? 대만-한국 관광교류 ‘우정’ 훈풍…8월 방한객 작년의 3.1배
    한국관광공사는 올해 8월 한국을 방문한 외국인 관광객이 166만 4303명으로, 메르스사태를 겪었던 지난해 8월에 비해 55.6%, 2014년 동월 대비 14.5% 늘었다고 25일 밝혔다. 작년 8월 방한외래객은 107만여명으로 2014년 동월 대비 26.5% 감소한 바…

    If I'm misunderstood sorry about that. Some users tend to token Stan other members to push another down so just added stuff to prevent that nonsense.


  • she was probably one of the most popular female idols then for sure (I'm not denying her huge popularity) , however I don't think she can be considered an it girl because she isn't Korean that's what I was trying to say.

  • she was probably one of the most popular female idols then for sure (I'm not denying her huge popularity) , however I don't think she can be considered an it girl because she isn't Korean that's what I was trying to say.

    Ohhhh ok ok! Yeah even I'm not sure about that tbh....

    I think they are cuz 2pms nickhun was Thai but he was considered an it boy with taecyeon if I'm not wrong......but yes your right too...koreans are nationalistic and do favour south Korean idols more...


  • Will she become a star on her own if she wanted to be solo in America?

  • Hwasa kinda flopped with her comeback

    Irene got replaced by Winter/Karina

    Nayeon never really made it to the top

    In the meantime, Jennie is still relevant doing the bare minimum in SK

    I would say it's too early to say hwasa flopped. Soloist always take a while to rise on the charts. At This time when Maria was released ppl were saying it flopped but look what happened.

    Give hwasa a week or two then we'll know how her comeback will fare. She needs to start promotion and once she does rising is inevitable.

  • Iirc maria was top5 on every chart after first day itself? The charting till now is tragic after coming from a song like that. Maybe she waited too long to release? It may rise with more exposure?

    🌸ꗥ~ꗥ🌸 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐀 🌸ꗥ~ꗥ🌸

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  • Iirc maria was top5 on every chart after first day itself? The charting till now is tragic after coming from a song like that. Maybe she waited too long to release? It may rise with more exposure?

    i think she lost a lot of her hype lately. i dunno if brand rep is super accurate but you can see on there her ranking has been falling and it does seem like people talk about her less these days

  • honestly I think JYP should have pushed Nayeon she had the potential back back then as much as Tzuyu has a lot of popularity then she isn't korean "it girl" implies that

    I think Nayeon is more popular than Tzuyu in korea. Isnt it? Nayeon has all the quality to be IT girl, and JYP is stupid for not letting that to happen

  • I would say it's too early to say hwasa flopped. Soloist always take a while to rise on the charts. At This time when Maria was released ppl were saying it flopped but look what happened.

    Give hwasa a week or two then we'll know how her comeback will fare. She needs to start promotion and once she does rising is inevitable.

    I noted how Maria or even Twit took some time to grow/take off. But being an IT girl, shouldnt your song chart very well given that you're popular at the moment and people tend to check your song out?

    No hate on Hwasa though, and i wont even deny she is not an IT girl because she is so popular. But im just curious the charting doesnt seem to correlate. Remember Jennie Solo? It literally got All Kill cause people were so interested to check the song out.

  • I noted how Maria or even Twit took some time to grow/take off. But being an IT girl, shouldnt your song chart very well given that you're popular at the moment and people tend to check your song out?

    No hate on Hwasa though, and i wont even deny she is not an IT girl because she is so popular. But im just curious the charting doesnt seem to correlate. Remember Jennie Solo? It literally got All Kill cause people were so interested to check the song out.

    well jennie in particular is just that popular!! I dont think any other female solo can compare other than her own band mates!

    I'm not sure why charting for soloist like hwasa is like that. My theory is that hwasa just has a smaller fan base then jennie so her initial charting wouldn't be great till the gp started pushing the songs after they are exposed to it through promotions? Keep i mind the melon charts did change. But my general view is that bp has much more public interest and fan base. Other soloist even if they are popular need time to move up the charts.

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