I don’t get it, what is wrong with that?

Why kpop stans pretend their faves don’t care about charts and award.
Whether they care or not, it seems like the stans probably care a lot more.
Whether they care or not, it seems like the stans probably care a lot more.
Always stans care more but that isn’t the topic anyways.
Tons of artist have said “stream my /our music please” or “please support I/ we worked hard” but people act like if there is something wrong with it and even the fans act like their faves never said such a thing.
So if I have my own life to worry about and my own struggles I care about, why would I waste my time arguing with kpop stans about charts and who's faves are better or more successful. I don't live my life through my faves.
But I do wish all the best for them and I'm happy when they're doing well. (if they're not doing well, that's also ok)
And of course my faves are happy if they chart or get an award, but if they don't they also have their own lifes and other things that makes them happy.
+ don't have time to follow the stats of other people's favs, I just check out new music, some content etc
Tons of artist have said “stream my /our music please” or “please support I/ we worked hard” but people act like if there is something wrong with it and even the fans act like their faves never said such a thing.
Why ask their fans to stream their songs when they've got 'gp' streaming their songs. I think that's what's happening. 🤷♀️🤷♂️
Of course they care, but I personally find it very tacky when they make it obvious that they care too much or that they want to achieve certain things that are usually related to sales, because that puts pressure on fans and is kinda manipulative. So I prefer it when they keep it to themselves and let fans "work" on their own terms and pace.
it's as simple as people thinking "if my fave doesn't have it" than they think/say its not relevant or doesn't matter
What I find more confusing is how some kpop stans claim charts don’t matter but then find them writing essays on how their faves deserved something at award shows
This is because Award Shows shouldnt be about sales, they're supposed to be given to the "best" not the "most successful".
I also don’t know, it’s kpop, all companies regardless of size expect their groups to have sales or any sort of success so they can profit and the group can survive, so all groups care about charting and sales.
Kpop fans acting like they’re fans of a local band formed by friends will never not be funny.
it's as simple as people thinking "if my fave doesn't have it" than they think/say its not relevant or doesn't matter
This is because Award Shows shouldnt be about sales, they're supposed to be given to the "best" not the "most successful".
It has always been base on numbers and will always be, therefore fans will always complain, we are running in circles
This is because Award Shows shouldnt be about sales, they're supposed to be given to the "best" not the "most successful".
Yes, and “the best criteria” need to be according to me, not others lol
Do you care about about charts and awards ?
I want the best for my faves and consumption shows through charts.
i agree with you, but i don't think kpop stans pretend? like i feel like its all about how you look at it.
there's nothing wrong with wanting to do good on charts, but it depends on how you say it. kind of like how the txt thing happened. the way he said it could be easily misinterpreted as throwing shade or whatever, which is some cases is totally understandable way to react as a fan.
I want the best for my faves and consumption shows through charts.
Well yeah that's the only way to know if an idols is successful or not
This is because Award Shows shouldnt be about sales, they're supposed to be given to the "best" not the "most successful".
best varies for people so success is a better measure to give out awards my best song is not your best song
BP please care about sales & charts....
This is because Award Shows shouldnt be about sales, they're supposed to be given to the "best" not the "most successful".
That's going to spark even more debate among kpop fans
Of course they want to chart - it means their work is being recognized.
But the problem is that some fans act as if charting is the only thing that matters. If a song doesn't chart then it shouldn't exist.
The last thing you will want is for everyone to be making only top 40 music. That would kill all diversity in music.
This is because Award Shows shouldnt be about sales, they're supposed to be given to the "best" not the "most successful".
How you define the "best" as people have different taste. Sales and streaming are an indicator on how much people love that song and reflect to what people like to hear the most.
I think they care and they should, they just aren't really losing sleep over it
i have the hardest time figuring whether some kpop fans are overzealous or whether i am just selfish for only caring about my personal enjoyement and entretainment without stressing and obsessing over stats and sales
I remember a while ago, there was a thread asking about how every person consume music when their faves release new music. I answered that sometimes i obsess over one song and stream nothing but that song for weeks on end, so sometimes i takes me too long to go through and entire album and give each songs its due attention and finally decide on favorites. So, the op of the thread quoted me saying that they used to do the same until their leanred that spotify filters that kind of streams and considers it spam so they stopped doing it and instead are now streaming a selection of different songs to make sure that every stream counts for their faves.
i was like-
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