Produce groups in reality were a waste of time and didn't help most members of those groups build a big career solo or in group ?
I also have this same kind of thinking especially when it comes to 70-80% of the contestant or even the top 10. Only a few of them getting success and others still nugu. The successful one is even gone as a soloist just like Somi, Sejeong, Chungha, Kang Daniel and etc..
The only one that getting a hell of a profit is of course the producer/creator of this show. If that scandal didn't get exposed, they will keep exploiting that profit.
i think produce was just unfair to those who make the final cut. imagine being a member of wanna one and for a year you’re competing directly with the likes of exo and bts, you’re receiving a few daesangs here and there, selling millions and then your contract ends and you go back to your old life either as a forgotten soloist or in a nugu group... how do you even come down from a high like that?
They probably won't make any tangible from their idol carrier if they didn't win the produce show. At least they get to have a taste of success. I wonder where the likes of Kang daniel or Chungha or Sejong will be without produce. For the big 3 it might be a waste of time but for groups from very small companies, it is a chance for them to put their name out there.
Hah, not in Japan
Ok mostly ...
I mean almost all groups formed after PDJ are kinda successfull now and many even reached #1 and #2 in the Japanese album charts and single charts so far and the winner-group is curently having 4 trophys from award shows in their first year where 1 comes even from a Korean award show
Ah yeah ...
Produce in Korea will never
I will only talk about IOI and Wanna One. X1 disbanded just too fast and the controversy overshadowed the group completely as we could see by their very premature disband. And iZone will only start their post disband period, so we can't say anything the
For IOI companies wasted their potential using them as attractors to very bad groups . Chungha went solo and did well, Somi just waited too much if she debuted as soloist right after the disband she would have enjoyed a sucessful career even if short therm. Sure not all girls there had the star quality to be soloists but I'm sure at least half of them would do much better as soloists. For instance Sejeong was the most public-friendly IOI member who had the potential to release countless hits and what they have done with her? Wasted her in Gugudan like... wtf
For Wanna One I think besides Jisung who needed to rush a military enlistment and Guanalin who had conflicts with Cube all of them had relative sucessful endeavours. The problem is some of them never hold any sort of star power to create big solo careers in first place, like Jihoon, you might like the guy, but his appeal was always very limited. He can't sing and is barely a rapper, his popularity comes mostly from his cuteness and his looks (he's the most handsome in W1 imo along with Ong) because even in varieties he used to be awkward as fuck
But overall every single IOI and Wanna One member enjoyed much more sucess they would ever archieve without their TV shows besides maybe Somi who was in JYP
So yes the group was absolutely NOT a waste of time. If anything they give an opportunity to idols who were destined to be 3rd tier idols (or maybe wouldn't even debut at all) to have their 15 minutes of fame, reach their dreams and make some money when doing this
tbh I kind of agree. What's the point of making a group to "promote the members" when they all go back to nugudom once the group disbands? Only 1 or 2 members see real success post-disbandment, but even Kang Daniel isn't as successful as he was in W1(in terms of CFs and deals ofc).
Members debuting in a group eventually drive most of the K-fans away, so the members from Produce groups have to essentially start from scratch once they re-debut. I'll go as far as to say nothing would've changed if they hadn't debuted under IOI\W1\X1, in most cases.
This was probably just a way for Mnet and some other companies to make a quick buck at the end of the day.
The Produce show itself was kinda helpful in terms of promotion, but the actual groups were not.
And this entire franchise is most likely the main reason why KPOP is so saturated. The industry was always saturated but it's WAY more apparent and Produce is one of the main reasons why that's the case. Debuting a project group with 11-12 people, and then all of them debuting in a new group or as a soloist + all the trainees on the Produce show debuting ASAP so they don't lose the hype is definitely going to saturate the market in one way or another. That's a different story tho.
Hah, not in Japan
Ok mostly ...
I mean almost all groups formed after PDJ are kinda successfull now and many even reached #1 and #2 in the Japanese album charts and single charts so far and the winner-group is curently having 4 trophys from award shows in their first year where 1 comes even from a Korean award show
Ah yeah ...
Produce in Korea will never
Japan has music shows win too ?
Harsh but true.
The companies surely felt more confident debuting a group with a produce member. But escaping nugudom rarely happens.
i think produce was just unfair to those who make the final cut. imagine being a member of wanna one and for a year you’re competing directly with the likes of exo and bts, you’re receiving a few daesangs here and there, selling millions and then your contract ends and you go back to your old life either as a forgotten soloist or in a nugu group... how do you even come down from a high like that?
Just got to learn to stand up back and clap for the bigger groups. The downfall tho.
I hate produce for what they did to some groups. IN MY PERSONAL OPINION Victon was JUST finding their sound, they were finally getting somewhere with nostalgic night etc, and then BAM they force shoved Seungwoo into produce claiming if he didn't go the group would disband. IN MY PERSONAL opinion I disagree that they would have disbanded if he didn't go. I think they were finally finding their path and they are what they are now. It hurt the group to have Seungwoo go, but the members held on the best they could. Aside from it being horribly rigged and bullshit, I think most the companies were being selfish idiots. Nu'est is an amazing group and they did some shit to them that they didn't deserve. I'm glad X1 didn't last long. And I'm glad the idiots involved are being punished for what they did. And some of those members are doing well, whether in their old groups or new ones (such as Dongypo in Mirae).
I just hate these types of shows in general. I'm also glad to see some of these "produce types of people" about to debut in Omega X. Those types of shows make you get attached to people only to see them get hurt or not make it and it just sucks. I'd rather watch some reality show for a group about to debut then one where you get attached to someone and watch them either make it or not make it in the end. The Flack a ton of groups got for making it in the end and people hating on them saying they were put together wrong and members were unfairly left out etc, just isn't right. No one should be put through that.
This i am not sure about. There is a reason the company send these members to produce and debut the groups later. Money is the biggest reason obviously. Maybe the nugudom of these groups is more exposed to us because of produce members.
I hate produce for what they did to some groups. IN MY PERSONAL OPINION Victon was JUST finding their sound, they were finally getting somewhere with nostalgic night etc, and then BAM they force shoved Seungwoo into produce claiming if he didn't go the group would disband. IN MY PERSONAL opinion I disagree that they would have disbanded if he didn't go. I think they were finally finding their path and they are what they are now
So u don't think Victon benefited too much from produce? Because one user above wrote that it gave the group a boost.
Nope i don't agree with that. I think they were finally finding their sound once they came out with the album that contained Nostalgic night and went up from there. I don't feel produce had anything to do with it. Especially when every member has the potential to be a soloist and has even written their own songs and has their own solo on the latest album. All of them are capable of bringing their own attention to the group.
i partly agree
as an individual some of them may not get that much attention but they at least get some
Well just like how the groups are temporary their success is the same but we do have to acknowledge that without Produce and the group from the show none of these trainees, ex-members and members would be where they are now.
Nuest had a revival from the show, Sejeong payed not only her trainee debt but the members of Gugudan’s debt with the IOI money and Sunghoon would most definitely ended up like his HOTSHOT bandmates, disbanding with nothing to their name if he didn’t join Produce and became a Wanna One member.
Even though Produce is rigged it handed them a plate of success and a new start compared to their lives before. It’s why so many join the show in the first place because of their current situations. So it’s honestly not a waste of time.
This i am not sure about.
There is a reason the company send these members to produce and debut the groups later. Money is the biggest reason obviously.
Maybe the nugudom of these groups is more exposed to us because of produce members.
yes but also to bring attention to the their group (hopefully post produce) I mean even a bit of exposure doesn't hurt right?
and my point is we will never know what the behind the scenes decisions are at their respective companies right? does the idol get included because they were on produce or not or what the group composition is before or after produce...all that information is unknown to the public...
and of course it's about money...everything is about money lol
because there are so many unknown groups we've probably never heard of but if they come out of produce then we maybe give them a chance or listen to their songs to see if they are actually good?
tbh I kind of agree. What's the point of making a group to "promote the members" when they all go back to nugudom once the group disbands? Only 1 or 2 members see real success post-disbandment, but even Kang Daniel isn't as successful as he was in W1(in terms of CFs and deals ofc).
Members debuting in a group eventually drive most of the K-fans away, so the members from Produce groups have to essentially start from scratch once they re-debut. I'll go as far as to say nothing would've changed if they hadn't debuted under IOI\W1\X1, in most cases.
This was probably just a way for Mnet and some other companies to make a quick buck at the end of the day.
The Produce show itself was kinda helpful in terms of promotion, but the actual groups were not.
And this entire franchise is most likely the main reason why KPOP is so saturated. The industry was always saturated but it's WAY more apparent and Produce is one of the main reasons why that's the case. Debuting a project group with 11-12 people, and then all of them debuting in a new group or as a soloist + all the trainees on the Produce show debuting ASAP so they don't lose the hype is definitely going to saturate the market in one way or another. That's a different story tho.
On what basis do you base yourself to say that kang daniel isnt as successful as hes used to be in term of cf? Since his solo debut he endorsed/ had collaborations with puma, pepsi, givenchi, kakao friends mexicana chicken, KKT to name only the really big brands he worked with ...Most of these are bigger deals than what he got during w1. And this without the push or the backing of a big company since he is now on his own and independant. So i wonder where is the assumption that he s not doing as well with cf coming from?
yes but also to bring attention to the their group (hopefully post produce) I mean even a bit of exposure doesn't hurt right?
and my point is we will never know what the behind the scenes decisions are at their respective companies right? does the idol get included because they were on produce or not or what the group composition is before or after produce...all that information is unknown to the public...
and of course it's about money...everything is about money lol
because there are so many unknown groups we've probably never heard of but if they come out of produce then we maybe give them a chance or listen to their songs to see if they are actually good?
All post-ioi groups except WeMe would have debuted anyway. DIA and WJSN debuted before IOI and both Gugudan and Pristin’s lineups were already decided and started having activities shortly after ioi debuted. The groups obviously didn’t do that good but I doubt DIA or Gugudan would have received close to any attention if it wasn’t for Chaeyeon and Sejeong.
All post-ioi groups except WeMe would have debuted anyway. DIA and WJSN debuted before IOI and both Gugudan and Pristin’s lineups were already decided and started having activities shortly after ioi debuted. The groups obviously didn’t do that good but I doubt DIA or Gugudan would have received close to any attention if it wasn’t for Chaeyeon and Sejeong.
i can see where you're coming from with respect to IOI...btw are you looking forward to their 5 year reunion my friend?
All post-ioi groups except WeMe would have debuted anyway. DIA and WJSN debuted before IOI and both Gugudan and Pristin’s lineups were already decided and started having activities shortly after ioi debuted. The groups obviously didn’t do that good but I doubt DIA or Gugudan would have received close to any attention if it wasn’t for Chaeyeon and Sejeong.
So they were send to produce to gain more popularity for already debuted group? Wjsn is doing okay in the long run.
The goal of having Chaeyeon and Huihyeon competing on P101 was most likely to bring attention to DIA who’s debut hadn’t been very successful.
For the Pledis and Jellyfish trainees they were there to raise hype for their future groups (just like most of the contestants). Both agencies were already close to ready to debut their new groups.
Yeonjung was added to WJSN after she debuted with ioi. Starship had just debuted wjsn and probably didn’t wanna debut another girl group right away so Yeonjung was added to give the group a bit of extra hype. Wjsn is the group who was the least effected by having an ioi member. Yeonjung was one of the less popular ioi members, Wjsn was gaining popularity on their own already (+Cheng Xiao was popular).
The main problem with the post-ioi groups were that they weren’t that good. Gugudan for example had a fair share of hype before debut because of P101 and their song debuted high on the charts... but nobody liked the debut. It wasn’t what people had been hoping for and their comeback recieved way less attention.
Kang Daniel would never had the chance to debut without Produce 101 as his agency was broke without any plan to debut anyone. He said it himself, he planned to go live in Canada with his aunt and even already bought the plane ticket when he got the opportunity to participate to Produce. He chose to participate to get a chance to perform on stage once before accepting to say goodbye to his dream. He ended up earning a popularity he never expected and debuting in the final group, so his plans changed completely. It changed his life completely as his family didn't have any money, he himself started working at 15 years old to help his family, he used to live in goshiwon. Now he is solo artist selling 300k+ albums every comeback, CEO of his own entertainment agency, have several CF endorsements contracts, live confortably, bought a house to his mom... So I'll not say it didn't help
On what basis do you base yourself to say that kang daniel isnt as successful as hes used to be in term of cf? Since his solo debut he endorsed/ had collaborations with puma, pepsi, givenchi, kakao friends mexicana chicken, KKT to name only the really big brands he worked with ...Most of these are bigger deals than what he got during w1. And this without the push or the backing of a big company since he is now on his own and independant. So i wonder where is the assumption that he s not doing as well with cf coming from?
I meant in terms of general public interest, he used to be everywhere in Korea, routinely top surveys, etc.
My point was he's not as big anymore as he was in Wanna One, and the same goes for most members of Produce groups.
Chungha and maybe Sejeong are quite literally the only Produce members who's public image elevated to a great extent after their project group disbanded.
I can't disagree. Most of these Produce group stars are gonna end up nowhere, hollow shells of their former glory. They're gonna go from living in luxury apartments with their own rooms, kicking back in the VIP suites of MCountdown, going on paid vacations where you just gorge yourself silly on free food and go paragliding, and selling almost 3 million records in two years and charting in the top 10-25 on Gaon, to the painful, stress inducing life of a rookie nugu group. Crammed in sardine can dorms, living off vending machine choco pies, and kicking back in the janitor's closet of The Show.
Disbanding Produce groups at the peak of their power and success is literally the flaming heights of idiocy. Do these labels not understand like the literal core principle of Kpop (fan engagement and investment in the GROUP)?
If Msnake and the nugu labels were smart, they would have worked out a fair deal where the labels get more revenue in exchange for taking on more of the costs associated with each Produce group. Keep the group going until they actually run out of steam on their own.
I can't disagree. Most of these Produce group stars are gonna end up nowhere, hollow shells of their former glory. They're gonna go from living in luxury apartments with their own rooms, kicking back in the VIP suites of MCountdown, going on paid vacations where you just gorge yourself silly on free food and go paragliding, and selling almost 3 million records in two years and charting in the top 10-25 on Gaon, to the painful, stress inducing life of a rookie nugu group. Crammed in sardine can dorms, living off vending machine choco pies, and kicking back in the janitor's closet of The Show.
Disbanding Produce groups at the peak of their power and success is literally the flaming heights of idiocy. Do these labels not understand like the literal core principle of Kpop (fan engagement and investment in the GROUP)?
If Msnake and the nugu labels were smart, they would have worked out a fair deal where the labels get more revenue in exchange for taking on more of the costs associated with each Produce group. Keep the group going until they actually run out of steam on their own.
Oh no these stars end up nowhere hollow shells of former glory. Meanwhile Sejeong getting lead roles in dramas since debut, tons of variety, Chungha biggest 3rd female gen soloist, Ong Seungwoo lead roles in dramas and movies, Kang Daniel biggest male solo artist, Park Jihoon another popular drama actor, Kim Yohan lead role in drama 1 year into his career, etc etc
Activities as a group member isn't the end of their career. There's tons of acting activities, variety, CFs, modelling. You're just so close-minded that because they're not in your face 24/7, you think they're flopping in their basements doing nothing when every produce member have their own projects going on
I can't disagree. Most of these Produce group stars are gonna end up nowhere, hollow shells of their former glory. They're gonna go from living in luxury apartments with their own rooms, kicking back in the VIP suites of MCountdown, going on paid vacations where you just gorge yourself silly on free food and go paragliding, and selling almost 3 million records in two years and charting in the top 10-25 on Gaon, to the painful, stress inducing life of a rookie nugu group. Crammed in sardine can dorms, living off vending machine choco pies, and kicking back in the janitor's closet of The Show.
Disbanding Produce groups at the peak of their power and success is literally the flaming heights of idiocy. Do these labels not understand like the literal core principle of Kpop (fan engagement and investment in the GROUP)?
If Msnake and the nugu labels were smart, they would have worked out a fair deal where the labels get more revenue in exchange for taking on more of the costs associated with each Produce group. Keep the group going until they actually run out of steam on their own.
Not really, minus those extremely popular one like Sejeong, Somi, Kang Daniel etc most of them still got a job and are doing well, not as well as Produce period I agree but still well enough.. You people need to stop thinking just because they don't have ''international'' popularity = going to flop in life...
It treated my fave Sungwoon very well so i'm glad he went. Had he not gone he would've most likely be in the same position as the rest of his group mates from the now disbanded Hotshot.
I honestly think a lot of the lacklustre careers afterwards can be attributed to bad management post produce group.
Oh no these stars end up nowhere hollow shells of former glory. Meanwhile Sejeong getting lead roles in dramas since debut, tons of variety, Chungha biggest 3rd female gen soloist, Ong Seungwoo lead roles in dramas and movies, Kang Daniel biggest male solo artist, Park Jihoon another popular drama actor, Kim Yohan lead role in drama 1 year into his career, etc etc
Activities as a group member isn't the end of their career. There's tons of acting activities, variety, CFs, modelling. You're just so close-minded that because they're not in your face 24/7, you think they're flopping in their basements doing nothing when every produce member have their own projects going on
Wut? I have no earthly idea who Seungwoo, Jihoon, or Yohan are.
Daniel and Chungha are literally the only two names i recognize and that are actually doing as well as their Produce groups did.
As for all the other names you mentioned, including Sejeong, i can guarantee that they would give up all the stuff you named if they could go back and remain as popular and beloved as they were during their Produce reign.
Wut? I have no earthly idea who Seungwoo, Jihoon, or Yohan are.
Daniel and Chungha are literally the only two names i recognize and that are actually doing as well as their Produce groups did.
As for all the other names you mentioned, including Sejeong, i can guarantee that they would give up all the stuff you named if they could go back and remain as popular and beloved as they were during their Produce reign.
Lol Yohan is member in nugu boy group (wei)but he was center of X1 so they re disband with 5 months activities like group .cause producer rigging scandal...sad end carrer
Jihoon was former wanna one but he is known soloist but changed for other carrer
Seungwoo was former #wannaone but idk her current job now ..
it did help for them not to be complete nugus but it's hard to retain 100% or even 50% of the attention given when they were a produce group
I meant in terms of general public interest, he used to be everywhere in Korea, routinely top surveys, etc.
My point was he's not as big anymore as he was in Wanna One, and the same goes for most members of Produce groups.
Chungha and maybe Sejeong are quite literally the only Produce members who's public image elevated to a great extent after their project group disbanded.
So hes getting all those high profile cf deals all by himself but doesnt have public interest?
hes not as trendy but hes still an household name. It is weird to expect someone or something to stay super trendy for years (trends are meant to die down at some point) but it doesnt mean they're not doing well anymore. cf deals, brand reputations, tv guesting invitations and ratings, etc(he does well in all of these) are actually better and more objective indicators
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