What is your personal SOTY, Album, Artist and Rookie of the Year 2024?
SOTY: Day6 Happy
Album Of The Year: IVE SWITCH
Artist Of The Year: I don't think anyone can argue with me that Day6 has one of the most phenomenal years ever. For a group fresh out of military that is usually doomed to nugudom, Day6 break that curse and is bigger than ever
I wonder how or IF any of the "big songs" of 2024 will still be charting in the top 10s or top 20s of the chart in 2029 or 2031 because that is exactly what Day6 did, charting a 2017 and 2019 in the top of the charts which BY THE WAY ARE STILL IN THE TOP 20 DESPITE THE COMEBACKS OF GD BIG BANG AESPA JENNIE ROSE.
This year is Day6 year
SOTY: aespa - Supernova
AOTY: Jaehyun - J or Irene - Like a Flower. Still need to decide. For groups, it's xikers - HOUSE OF TRICKY: Trial And Error
ArOTY: aespa
Rookie of the year: NEXZ. if they don't count, then TWS and ALL(H)OURS.
soty - Aespa - Mine - cuntiest of cunty songs, I'm addicted to it
aoty - Aespa - Armageddon - Supernova, Armageddon, Mine, Live My Life. Prologue, Melody - yes please
aroty - Aespa - record breaking run with Supernova, variety of hit after hit, sold out concerts, international growth, impact beyond just music with endorsements and other activities
Sure, let's do this, the last time I did this, it did go well.😂
My criteria are this: Songs and Albums released in 2024, so from January till December and not only Title Tracks! For ROTY, they have to be at least 1 year old with at least 5 songs released! For SOTY, I will pick 5, because it's not easy to pick just one!
AOTY: IU - The Winning or Moonbyul - Starlit of Muse
SOTY: IU - Love Wins All, Solar - BLUES, Hwasa - ROAD, Moonbyul - Dark Romance, Taeyeon - BLUR
ArOTY: IU, Taeyeon, Moonbyul and Solar
ROTY: Young Posse
SOTY - for me personally Burn It by FT Island
External Content www.youtube.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.Album - Whitree by Woohyun
External Content www.youtube.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.AOTY - according to whom i listened to the most this year it has to go to FTIsland they released some of the best music personally this year.
External Content www.youtube.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.Rookie - it's a tie between ASC2NT and Nomad...ASC2NT finally debuting with 3 dgna guys and getting that second chance they deserved...and Nomad owning their own company and doing everything themselves and releasing such great music deserves to be noticed.
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Song of the year- Magnetic by Illit
Artist of the year- Aespa
Album of the year- Fourever by Day 6
Rookie of the year- Illit
For me:
Song of the year - Flowers by aespa, Love Warning by Twice and Blur by Taeyeon
Album of the year - Twice's Dive, IVE's Switch, aespa's Armageddon, Taeyeon's Letter to Myself, Tzuyu's AbouTzu
Artist of the year - aespa! Armageddon and Whiplash were amazing albums and in general, aespa were a highlight of this year for me, as I discovered their bsides.
Rookie of the year - I don't really follow newer groups but I quite like Starlight by Nexz, so I guess them?
Sorry, I can't choose only one in each category, it's impossible for me.
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