Alright, before throwing at me the placement of klaxon on some irrelevant korean chart put your guns down for a moment and let me clarify that I'm referring mostly to their spotify numbers and the fact they are underperforming tremendously for a current top trendy girl group in a lot of areas, outside of that they are doing more than fine and are by no means "flopping".
Gidle celebrated their 6th anniversary recently and they are still a very trendy popular 4th gen girl group, they were the first 4th gen group to make any noise on 2018 at the peak of kpop as a genre when 3rd gen was dominating so much, after that they felt flat and were just kinda there for 4 years, not doing bad but they were not a main actor at all. Then on 2022 they released tomboy and started they era as a high tier girl group, following with another 2 big hits nxde and queencard, it was a more or less 2 years period they had a renaissance.
But it seems that is over, super lady gave us the first warning and what a warning, that era is still a hit but despite they blooming in sales for example you could already see a storm forming. So here is the thing, their spotify numbers are actually a complete flop, a flop at such scale I can barely believe is possible:

rn they are doing 300k daily streams for klaxon, and they never surpassed the 400k range, this is way worse than their 4th gen competitors, even below Ive that has been underperforming on spotify for 2 eras now. Not only they are way below a 5th gen girl group like kiss of life but even a low tier girl group like dreamcatcher managed to gain 200k streams on their main track, gidle for a moment was doing barely better than dreamcatcher!! This doesn't feel real, I can't believe this. Even Twice worst japanese release of all time, dive managed to get 500K and 400K streams for some days and is currently less than 80k streams, this is crazy.
How do you get from a big hit like queencard to flop in this catastrophic manner so fast? This is painting a very bleak future for them and in consequence 4tg gen girl groups, for gidle career this could be the sign that their big hit trilogy was just a momentary period of success and they are now returning to what they really are, and for 4th gen gg, as the first one to make it into the public eye, starting to flop in this manner could be the first sign of the end.
Personally I think 4th gen girl group have at best 3 more years as the main attraction and this year is proving it, newjeans career crumbling tremendously, ive underperforming since baddie era, itzy in a state of induced coma since years, now gidle flopping, like we have aespa and lesserafim as the only ones in a "positive state" and yet I would prefer to wait until the december and their next releases to conclude they are indeed on a positive state. But prepare for the end 4tg gen stans, is coming fast for you all.