I got sick and had shitload of free time which I used to to check out all the mid range 4th gen girl groups

  • And here's how I'd rank them in terms of potential.


    Okay, now to elaborate a little:

    Kiss of Life is just WOW, these girls should be up there on the very very top, I am not exaggerating. If Kpop somehow fails this group then the industry is hopeless.

    H1Key managed to land a hit song and what's important not to fumble it with the follow up release, at least not quality wise. So I keep open mind about this group. FiftyFifty would be one tier above but due to uncertainty had to be lowered, but still, Keena is getting a lot of positive attention nowadays it seems. If they find right members, FF can be saved.

    Tsuki gave Billie such a huge handicap and they've been wasting it ever since then, the next comeback will probably be their last change before the decline begins and Cube just dropped the ball so bad with Llghtsum, the basically made second CLC, even the music checks out.

    Weekly, CherryBullet and RocketPunch, don't think these ones need elaboration really. Cherry Bullet released two amazing singles in 2021 and 2022 but it was just too late. Weekly has an identity crisis and Rocket Punch is a Woolim group, company that is very good at surviving on mediocority.

    Remember those groups from 2nd and 3rd gen that were getting a lot of international attention but all we could do was to wait and hope that Korea embraces them because we impacted little? EvergIow and SecretNumber seems to be stuck in that timeline. Somehow international sales have grown but these two groups are still acting like 2nd gen groups with international hype. I'm assuming their fans mostly come from that one region we can't name, cause blinks start throwing tantrums, who are very loud online but not monetaraly.

    PurpleKiss is the one groups that people call "underrated" the most and I really don't see it. Their songs just aren't great, I am sorry. Members might be talented by the songs are mid af.

    And lastly, who let Jaden Jeong cook not once but twice??? As if Loona 1.0 was super successful mofo decided to create another one? I am not gonna swear at him, it is the people who fund him that are dumb af. TripleS will be a massive failure.

  • Dreamer95

    Changed the title of the thread from “I got sick and had shitload of free time which I used to to check out all the mid range 4th gen groups” to “I got sick and had shitload of free time which I used to to check out all the mid range 4th gen girl groups”.
  • Notable mentions aka my own personal choices with almost no potential: Clgnature and Woo!ah!

    Both have pretty good songs and the fun bright concept that I like, plus the members are cute. If I could just grant success it'd be these two, but their agencies can't do them justice.

    Edited 2 times, last by Dreamer95 ().

  • Generally, I agree with your analysis.

    1. KISS OF LIFE is the future of non-big-4 kpop. 4 very talented and versatile idols made a fusion of energy. Clever management by Lee Hae-In under the legendary ex-CUBE CEO Hong Seung Sung can rule their boat to the highest waves of kpop, taking (along with STAYC) the place of the 1st non-big-4 girl group.

    2. You are right that Billlie and LS were kinda wasted. I think the former is still have a chance to climb up to premier-league which could not be said about the latter. Lightsum has incredibly talented members, however, mentally poor management would not leave them any single chance (mentioned above HSS has left the cube in 2020). Somehow, CUBE decided to wrap them in a cute concept which is absolutely a mess.

    3. I think Quarter Quarter will be the one hit wonder, no way they can repeat an international success no matter their smart CEO can do. That was once per life chance they missed due to their greedy parents.

    4. I would not say TripleS will become a failure. Rather they will take LOONA's place with a moderate success in tier B gg list. It will be enough to survive, especially when you literally sell NFT-air to your fans, that cost zero dollars to produce.

    "You can troll on your main and we have plenty examples of that" (c) Ves


  • TripleS have the two best songs of all of 4th gen.


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  • I think TripleS has potential, but most of the K-Pop community is still apprehensive with the rotation system.

    Let me share this bop:

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  • Sound nothing like New Jeans.


    I quite like Generation (the song) but you can't be as stupid as to suggest there's not some influence of what NJ had debuted with only a little bit prior, to that song.

    If you think it sounds nothing like New Jeans, particularly their debut stuff, you are simply lying to yourself, for real. I don't even like NJ. I'm not going to be listening to much of NJ. But cmon man.

  • My 4th generation faves did not even make the list.

  • Disagree with almost everything

    I am assuming by "potential" you mean Commercial Success?

    if so lets be real, none of these groups are "High Potential" none will ever be 4th Gen Leaders or even a Top10 currentGirlGroup that die is already cast

    Who is the supposed fanbase of Fifty Fifty? Koreans didn't even like them before the Controversy and International Fans are going to steer well clear of that mess going forwards that doesn't leave many people

    Swap Lightsum and Weeekly

    Cherry Bullet and Rocket Punch were never going to be Commercially successful so they should just be in the No Potential tier with the rest

    TripleS and Purple Kiss have potential to survive their contracts, Break even financially and potentially have members re-sign that is about as much as any of these groups have and surely the same goes for Secret Number and Everglow although I have no knowledge of their Financial situation

    My Tiers would look something like this;

    Potential being Wasted - Weeekly, Billlie

    Potential already Wasted - Lightsum

    No realistic "Potential" - Kiss of Life, Everglow, Purple Kiss, H1-Key, Secret Number, TripleS, Cherry Bullet, Rocket Punch, Classy

    Only "Potential" is the royalty's from their past songs (oh wait those go to the former CEO) - FiftyFifty

    I actually really like every single one of these Groups (or did), their Commercial Success or lack there of means little to me in how I judge whether I like them or not

    My personal preference;

  • Disagree with almost everything

    I am assuming by "potential" you mean Commercial Success?


    This is one of the the most idiotic takes on this forum so far and I've engaged with many idiots throughout the years, that says a lot.

    First of all, how do you define "commercial success"? FiftyFifty already achieved the commercial success as far as I am concerned. Even the the website for dumbasses called "wikipedia" know that pasted-from-clipboard.png

    Having one hit song or album already puts you in there.

    But nah, that's not what I meant by "potential", I mean a proper long term success, even if not at the very top.

    if so lets be real, none of these groups are "High Potential" none will ever be 4th Gen Leaders or even a Top10 currentGirlGroup that die is already cast

    Yes, I wouldn't necessarily set a metric but Top10 sounds about right. You can disagree, not gonna argue with that.

    Swap Lightsum and Weeekly

    Nah, the agency matters afterall. Cube sucks but it is still a company that gave us Gidle, BtoB, Beast, 4minute. Even with their less successful groups, they at least didn't give up on them like other agencies would. They promoted CLC and Pentagon till the end and even BtoB flopped for 3 years before gaining recognition. So that aspect of Cube I like and it will benefit Lightsum long term.

    Cherry Bullet and Rocket Punch were never going to be Commercially successful so they should just be in the No Potential tier with the rest

    That is just bullshit, nobody debuts a group without aiming for commercial success, which literally means "making money", you really seem to be confused about this term.

    TripleS and Purple Kiss have potential to survive their contracts, Break even financially and potentially have members re-sign that is about as much as any of these groups have and surely the same goes for Secret Number and Everglow although I have no knowledge of their Financial situation

    TripleS can break even for their company but not for the members themselves, judging by how many of them there are. With 5 member group selling 50k albums would've been fine, 100k pretty awesome. But with that many members they need to sell at least 200k to make something in the end. This is another Loona in the making, with even less hype and less creativity. It is a money laundering scheme.

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