Is the forum dying ?

  • Where's the good old time when threads could reach 10-20 pages of discussion for a random subject about kpop

    Now all we are seeing as a thread is " X group is the first...."

    We no longer see good threads about kpop in general

    And most of the thread can't even reach 2 pages

    That's so sad

    I guess AKP will never be like the old times since the purge of users we had recently

    Even in term of event we don't see any new events anymore

    New versions for old badges have been on hold for months and months now

    No new Q&A with kpop groups like last year

    All we have is LE badge event and it doesn't seem to help generate more activities on the forum, i even feel that LE badge event makes less noise than they used to do

    Am i the only one who have this feeling that the forum is "left abandoned" and slowly dying ? Or is it a feeling share by other user ?

    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

  • This kind of thing usually got pushed by achievement thread to 2nd page or 3rd page where almost no one bothers to check on

    Yeah that's what i mean most of the thread now aee achievement thread

    Tbh i feel that even User mentality change, before it felt like users were more "open" to kpop

    Now it feels like user are acting like clusters who only focus on their bias group and that's it and are not open to kpop in general like it used to, or even talk about more general subject in kpop

    It feels very center to their bias group and that's all

    Which is also killing the forum

    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

  • Well, I returned after quite a while, because there seems to be less dumb fighting.

    Not that me being here raises the level of this forum or anything :sweat:

    Well fighting is the most normal thing for a forum

    You can't put people from different horizon and different opinion and expect them to all go in the same way

    It's normal that different opinion clash at a moment

    But now the forum and the thread make ends up looking more like a news site with each group activity

    Than a real kpop forum where people discuss and you see different pov

    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

  • 1. Lack of recent comebacks of big groups

    2. Fans of older groups tired after seeing kids wiping all records out

    3. No new static badges, seems like there is also no more interest into limited badges as well

    4. Many users got banned for things which became "illegal" at certain point, but nowadays those things are possible to do

    5. Overall many people now comment directly on akp website under articles because even if they got banned there, they can just create new account right away, and they ain't losing anything like badges, etc.

    6. Forums in general seem to be on decline, here is latest threads tab from the one of rival forums, literally 0 replies even in Brave Girls thread, which here on akp forum at least got some proper discussion


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  • Yeah, I came back after 4 years and the forum is dead as hell. I miss the Blinks vs Armys and Blinks vs Onces fights, they kept the forum alive.

    People can say whatever they want but nobody can deny

    That is boring when user are forced to go the same way than the majority just because they don't want to be dislike

    And aren't able to share their negative opinion about groups

    Just because they are successfull

    I miss users who had guts to speak their minds and didn't need to kneel to get the approval of the majority

    We need more genuine, honest user who aren't afraid to make a thread to say what they think is bad with a group

    Just because no groups is totally flawless

    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

  • Kpop as a whole has gotten boring though. 4th gen groups are literal toddlers and are handed everything on a silver plate, how is that enjoyable? Fans used to see their favourite groups grow and achieve more over the course of years and now it's the standard for a freshly debuted group to have dozens of brand deals and collabs. Sure, the Big 3 were always at an advantage but as Kpop got more popular, the disparity between big labels and small labels has increased.

  • I think that's a general issue that haunts Kpop forums (I used to be like that too when I was younger, so I'm throwing no shade at anyone).

    Any remark about a group is a personal attack to fans, making it impossible to have honest discussions without sugar coating everything. That's what happens when fans establish excessive bonds to their idols and fear for their image at all times. Like it's not that deep, at the end of the day your idols are swimming in money and are unbothered by what a random user on a random forum has to say. That of course doesn't mean that people can be misogynistic, racist etc. to idols they don't like.

    I wish Kpop fans were more like Western stans, not being constantly bothered by divergent opinions and just enjoying the music.

  • This thread is a fucking poltergeist - it keeps cropping up to haunt this place every so often.

    When there's lots of activity, most of it is fighting and then people complain about the prevalent toxicity and lack of peace. They say it drives everyone away.

    When there's peace, people complain about boredom. They say it drives everyone away.

    And let's not get started on too much moderation and not enough. They say it drives everyone away.

    I think I've summed it up. Now back to our regularly scheduled program.

  • oh hello!

    How's the news with BG?

    and also ARTMS?

    Hello 🥰

    The news absolutely made my day. I was still following bg since they allways said they didnt disband and only left the company. But i basicly missed everthing else Kpop related.

    Next thing i have to do is check Out got7 and fiftyfifty since they are now their new brother and sister groups. 😂

    About artms... As far as i know Chuu is still fighting BBC.

    I have some hope left the other Girls who left the company will also join. :clown:

    Vivi and hyunjin still stuck at BBC. ;(

  • I'm for the anarchy me

    Peace is boring, like who want peace , people who wants it can avoid thread with drama and fighting

    But a forum where it's just peace is boring, because it mean that people will not share their real opinion and be honest just to not trigger certain fandom

    When i consider that when you sign up to a forum you accept that people share different opinion about different act and have different perception of the world

    Especially when guild and group thread are make for this

    For a fandom to cluster themselves in the adoration of their bias without being disturb

    And people saying that it drives people away are lying because we clearly saw the difference in term of activity on the forum

    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

  • Yeah I hope Vivi and Hyunjin could be set free.

    Also do you interested in tripleS? Their far siblings

  • Am i the only one who have this feeling that the forum is "left abandoned" and slowly dying ? Or is it a feeling share by other user ?

    I agree with you.

    But a lot of cool people were banned or left due to adms' management and decisions. And forums aren't cool enough anymore to get new users easily, so the old loyal userbase should've been more valued.

    In my opinion, things started to go wrong when everything was made to kill the Guilds' activity. It used to create a sense of community, people used to make friends and having people they like here stimulated other users to come back everyday.

  • Yeah I hope Vivi and Hyunjin could be set free.

    Also do you interested in tripleS? Their far siblings

    I have heard some orbits on discord said the same about Triples. But the last kpop news i recognised was h1-key Rose blossom and woah Rollercoaster.

    As i said i now have to get back uptodate. now Fiftyfifty comes first. Hope i find time for tripples on the weekend. 😅

  • I have heard some orbits on discord said the same about Triples. But the last kpop news i recognised was h1-key Rose blossom and woah Rollercoaster.

    As i said i now have to get back uptodate. now Fiftyfifty comes first. Hope i find time for tripples on the weekend. 😅

    Wow rose blossom and rollercoaster are... Few months ago..

    Yes, enjoy fiftyfifty!

    Oh next week, one of tripleS unit, Krystal Eyes will have a debut!

  • And forums aren't cool enough anymore to get new users easily, so the old loyal userbase should've been more valued.

    Agree about forum not being cool anymore to attract more user

    But even the user still active on the forum aren't active, like i saw so many time threads with 10 users reading it and none comment

    It's not just a problem of new user

    Tbh i have a more neutral opinion about guild

    I can see the good thing about guild system with the community, the sens of competition for event etc...

    The bad thing is that some people just locked themselves in the guild and were never seen on the main forum and trying to interact with thread

    Guild are great when user can keep things in perspective

    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

  • I agree. Chaos bring interesting discussions. The more people argue, the more people appear to give their own opinions. I like that. As long there's no insults, it's fine.

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • OP is mad they cannot be toxic and attack groups they hate, how sad.

    oh sweety you're cute

    if there's one thing people know about me on AKP

    is that whatever i have to say toxic or not nothing will prevent me from saying it

    and i never keep my tongue in my pocket, even if people don't like it :)

    i'm actually the only person there who doesn't care about peace or anarchy because i would still be posting whatever i want :)

    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

  • You contradict yourself honey and yeah I know what you want exactly, you ain't fooling me. :finger-heart:

  • You contradict yourself honey and yeah I know what you want exactly, you ain't fooling me. :finger-heart:

    well you know what ? i actually doesn't really care about what you think or think that you know

    so the last thing i have to say to you sweety is

    continue to be ........... with me, I love seeing irrelevant people giving me so much of their attention it's really flattering :)

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    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

  • I don't know I personally think it's better when there is less negativity in this forum though, we can still enjoy being here without being toxic or shady (not necessarily about you op) but in general I don't feel people need controversial opinions to be entertained. But hey that's my opinion.

  • it's boring tbh

    discussions about kpop with kpop enthusiasts are not welcome

    people are here just for talking about their own favs in threads who look likes like their shells

    even me, because as I said the primary point of the forum is gone

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