Posts by chilltime

    what happened before Feb 16? Min heejin was desperate for more control but she had no intention of making another 50-50. Couldn't this have been handled quietly? Is this a failure of hybe's multilabel system that the sublabels are not as independent as they want to be when making the final decisions?

    I dont like Hybe at all but I really fail to see Min Heejin's point in all this. Her main complain against Hybe seems to be about the fact that another girlgroup debuted before hers and when I see it might have been upsetting for her, Hybe are perfectly in their right to develop the business strategy they want. NJ even ended up being the more successful group,which makes her complains look even sillier to me.

    I am starting to wonder if the overwhelming support she has been getting isn't less knetizen siding with her cause (whose legitimacy is really dubious) , and more them rallying against Hybe defacto as a result of a built up frustration toward the company's domination and business model in recent years.

    In any case, both sides just seem really greedy and selfish. It is pretty obvious this whole issue is just battle of egos and this is sickening to see how the idols who had no say in any of this will end up being the main collaterals to this vain war.

    No matter how silly the complaint, the real problem here was the hurt ego of hybe which started to get rid of min heejin. the complaint itself was done privately.

    Dumbest take is actually pretending obstacle is something which can stop talented individuals and pretending it's something gender specific only thing. Also another dumbest take in never actually reading or understanding what is written there, in life there is no one way to success or one place to succeed, people have options. So don't judge others without actually understanding what their simple words mean.

    I dont think I have to judge someone's intellectual capabilities in a public forum, and I don't have problems when someone else tries to judge mine, but atleast some grace and intellect is bare minimum i expect so it makes me think and reflect on my views on things and life in general, not some hollow collection of words.

    How gender discrimination affects a person can vary based on the context of the situation and her own responses to the harassment or discrimination that occurs. Not every women may respond or cope with gender discrimination in the same way.

    While some people may feel more confident in their ability to assert their right to equal treatment, others may be more fearful of taking action—a struggle that can also often be influenced by compounding marginalizations, as well as considerations such as the woman’s role in the company and who is perpetrating the discriminatory act(s).

    Plus, every country is different in the way they treat women. you are probably living in a better society to have that level of ignorance.

    No not everyone (even if its been quite a few this so far this year already). Its just that with a song like Spot thats so hyped and dominates the charts so fast, it would normally be a given that it would get PAK on the next youtube update (every sunday). But the newjeans song is by the looks of it currently doing a stupid amount of views on youtube south korea, 3x the streams compared to Spot, which means it will for sure block any chance for spot to get #1 this week on youtube, and most likely the weeks after that as well.

    Newjeans song being exlusive to youtube for a month also means that many users who would normally stream it on some of the korean services will be going to youtube now instead which will keep streams high for the mv.

    The window for pak is usually not more than 2-3 weeks at most, so the chances of Spot achiving a PAK is pretty slim right now.

    wow 3x in korea? but on youtube overall, it's almost equal so that's surprising. Spot will get the gaon no.1 tho so pak would have been nice but it looks very unlikely with the newjeans' release in only one platform.

    Paks used to be hard because realtime no.1s were so hard to maintain for songs before.

    I guess we can close the thread thebadguy

    chilltime (who must be the Shaman) looked into the future spoiled the ending of the drama

    My emotional investment is as dead as Hybe's reputation in Korea right now

    no, but seriously some hybe stans are saying hybe should let newjeans leave with mhj because things might get awkward in communication. Their little hybe family won't be the same anymore. what are they on about? we are talking about 5 girls worth billions of won in value just walking out the door just like that?