Hello, this is to introduce Stays (and maybe even some non-Stays) into a project that one of my favorite Stay YouTubers made and I think they might want to check out. It is called "Here To Stay" and they made it into two parts. The first part includes members Bang Chan, Lee Know, Hyunjin and Felix and was released five months ago. The second part includes members Changbin, Han, Seungmin and Jeongin and was released less than an hour ago. So, what is the project? I'm glad you asked.
What this YouTuber (Lex) did is make each member their own song! When I say this, I mean she made all of them entirely from scratch (to the best of my knowledge anyway). The instrumentals, the lyrics and her singing and she even compiled the clips playing in the background. When Chan said Stays were talented, he was not kidding. They actually sound really good too! My personal favorite is Constellations, but the others are good too. I'll link all of the songs she made here in case you'd like to check them out, which I highly recommend.
Before I do that though, she made a highlight medley for each part, you can listen to a short clip of each song and see if it sounds good enough to listen to the full song. Also, all of the songs she made are softer, ballad type songs, so if you don't typically like those types of songs, you may not like her songs as much, but they're still worth checking out for how heartwarming and good the lyrics are alone. The songs are all clean to the best of my knowledge, so no need to worry about dark topics or cussing here (if that is a concern of yours). Not to mention the fact that she loves the group so much that she put probably at least dozens upon dozens of hours of work to have each member their own song takes a lot of dedication and hard work and I found it really sweet of her to do. Here are both her highlight medleys:
Here To Stay: Part 1 - miraculex - Here To Stay: Part 1 Highlight Reel - YouTube
Here to Stay: Part 2 - miraculex - “Here To Stay: Part 2” Highlight Reel - YouTube
Now, for those of you interested, here are the full versions of each song (listed in age order from oldest to youngest, not release date):
Bang Chan (방찬) - Angel (Here To Stay: Part 1) - YouTube
Lee Know (리노) - You Know (Here To Stay: Part 1) - YouTube
Changbin (청빈) - Genius (Here To Stay: Part 2) - YouTube
Hyunjin (현진) - Lovely (Here To Stay: Part 1) - YouTube
Han (한) - Breathe (Here To Stay: Part 2) - YouTube
Felix (필릭스) - Constellations (Here To Stay: Part 1) - YouTube
Seungmin (승민) - Dandelion (Here To Stay: Part 2) - YouTube
I.N. (아이엔) - Baby (Here To Stay: Part 2) - YouTube
Also, the best part is that due to time zones, I think it might still be I.N.'s birthday in Korea, so I'm sure this is a wonderful birthday present for him. If not, it's not off by that much and it's still cool that his song was released so close to his birthday, if not on it. Now, for the real questions Stays: how are we going to bring this to Chan's attention? I hope he's able to check them out one day because I'm sure he'd love them all. Have a great day/night!
P.S. Before I forget, she also made a song for Hyunjin when he was on his hiatus. I think it's one of her first original songs she posted on YouTube. Like with the "Here To Stay" project, she did everything herself. Here is that song if you want to check it out too:
Hyunjin (현진) - Come Back Home - YouTube