[theqoo] Current situation of NCT albums being illegally dumped in the streets by the fans


    (T/N: In Korea, it's illegal to litter)
    "On top the Myeongdong's City Record, in front of exit 6, someone bought 2 boxes (of CDs), removed all the photocards and threw away the boxes and left.. Please dispose your trash. How can you just throw them away?"

    Earth-yah, I'm sorry

    original post: here

    1. Even the fans don't want their albums..

    2. From now on, please stop with the random photocards. I'm so sorry towards the earth. Don't put the fansign coupons in real albums and just let fans buy the fansign coupons instead

    3. People are talking about competition or whatnotㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ seeing posts like these in the Hot category every day doesn't make you embarrassed?

    4. F*cking detestable. Even if my bias' fandom did that, I would f*cking hate it

    5. Seriously, can they sell photocards instead of albums at this point?... That's why the sales numbers these days just feel like a bubble and I can't trust them. This is so problematic

    6. It makes me wonder what's different from this and sajaegi? Also, if you're gonna throw this away, why do it in the streets?... That's why the fans are called empty brains tsk tsk

    7. NCT again??

    8. But I think that all idols fans do that though

    9. This fandom is just of another levelㅋㅋ

    10. Why are the fans calling "diversion"?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ seriously, it's my first time seeing a fandom doing so much mental gymnastics

    11. Huh? But this is not only done by NCT. It's an issue affecting all the industry

    12. NCT will be so sad if they see this... in fact, their fans must also be sad when they saw them dancing to the earthquake. Same same

    13. ? They should at least throw the albums to the trash bin;;;; what is this;;;;; What a nuisance;;;;;;

  • This is so bad… like all that waste, these people really don’t care about the environment.

    If you don’t want the album’s donate them or sell them on an online platform… everything is better than this !!!

    This is really a big problem in Kpop and not just with NCT… images like this can be found everywhere from different Groups…. I also agree that album and merch should be separated!!

  • It's not even for the photocards... it's the fansigns. How else do you think the saesangs keep getting into the fancalls? Someone got into so many fancalls in these last two months that they "ran out of questions" :huuh:

  • This is so bad… like all that waste, these people really don’t care about the environment.

    If you don’t want the album’s donate them or sell them on an online platform… everything is better than this !!!

    This is really a big problem in Kpop and not just with NCT… images like this can be found everywhere from different Groups…. I also agree that album and merch should be separated!!

    The best solution is simply not buying albums in excess but these people are nuts

  • also I love that Haecan called them out for jacking up the price of the photocards and posted his photocard selfie to Bubble. Taeyong and Jaehyun always post their photocard selfies too. :pepe-hehe:

  • These dumbasses on qoo always find a way to shade nct

    This is not NCT exclusive issue tho, from army to blink to 4th gen fandoms like stay do this

    this must be a fansite bc just them but so much to get on fansigns and photocards are as or more expensive than albums now

    Also no companies will do anything bc it's count as money and sales for them in the very end

  • I always wondering what people did with all these albums once they were done.

    There used to be Japanese Twice fans on YouTube who would buy 100 albums just to make sure they got their faves hi-touch card. What happened to those albums afterward? Can we at least learn to recycle?



  • breh.... Korea has second hand stores galore too like DONATE THEM OR SELL them to a second hand K-pop store there, you won't get much for them but still it is better than leaving them in the streets

    Yes they can do that but the problem here in Korea is a large majority of places don't want them, they don't see kpop albums especially an excessive amount of used one's to be worth anything, remember those second hand stores are a business they need to make a profit and having a huge stock of something that won't sell is wasted space, all this does is leave trash disposal as someone else's responsibility the main reason fans dump it at charity or on the street.

    I Know people want to bash NCT because it happened this time with their album but This happens with every kpop group yes even our beloved BTS because everyone does all the practices that lead to this. This is how most including our most popular groups have an artificial popularity in charts etc is because sales are fan boosted due to their unhealthy obsession not because someone liked the song so bought an album no they liked the song but wanted whoever it is to be king of music so a good amount of fans go out and buy several of the same album and the rich fans go out and buy hundreds or thousands to boost and to get all the photocards and the tickets needed to get into fanmeets let me remind you EVERY KPOP GROUP DOES THIS.

  • Fan signs and all those fan calls should just be crossed out and should be independently set up from album sales

    But I’m sure nothing will be done as always. The companies don’t care because those album bragging rights and money are way important.

    They should adopt that BB method of 4 albums restriction

    just an fyi 4 albums restriction doesn't work. at least on hello82 it's 4 albums PER ORDER. they can still go back and order but up to a maximum of 4 albums in each order it's not 4 per person. they just had an autographed ateez album up wasn't even posted for a minut eand it was sold out someone literally showed buying 20 of them total in 5 different orders. people will do anything to get what they want and mind you the autographed albums were a random 1 member autograph you weren't guaranteed to get 8 different ones.

  • Just sell photo cards and fansign coupons separately from albums at this rate. This is so disrespectful and irresponsible.

    This would be ideal but remember kpop is a business like any other and the agencies etc look to exploit it I don't care what group you Stan they all do it including BTS every group does this crap every agency does it because guess what? All those album sales translate into $$$$$ and sajaegi, except this form of it isn't seen as bad since its fans doing it🤡🤡🤡 and not the agencies. But again every group is doing it even our most popular one's

  • just an fyi 4 albums restriction doesn't work. at least on hello82 it's 4 albums PER ORDER. they can still go back and order but up to a maximum of 4 albums in each order it's not 4 per person. they just had an autographed ateez album up wasn't even posted for a minut eand it was sold out someone literally showed buying 20 of them total in 5 different orders. people will do anything to get what they want and mind you the autographed albums were a random 1 member autograph you weren't guaranteed to get 8 different ones.

    Yeah it’s true it won’t stop them. But it’ll be harder to bulkbuy and discourage most of them.

  • Yeah it’s true it won’t stop them. But it’ll be harder to bulkbuy and discourage most of them.

    not when they can still do it. like i said on hello82 it's 4 per order, they can still bulk buy it will just be in seperate orders. it's not stopping anything.

  • not when they can still do it. like i said on hello82 it's 4 per order, they can still bulk buy it will just be in seperate orders. it's not stopping anything.

    Hello82 is not gaon though.

    I made 2 points

    1. For those who bulkbuy to help their faves win music shows and chart high, the Restriction is for them.

    The BB system works by restricting albums counted per card and per IP. So unless you can access several cards and get into different networks, only very hardcore fans are gonna be involved

    2. For those who bulkbuy for photcards and fansigns,

    this point was for them.

    And also with the companies selling the photocards and doing the fansigns raffle independently

    The only reason why these fans buy these albums in the first place is more about the pc. You think they are gonna bulkbuy when there are no photcards??

  • Yes they can do that but the problem here in Korea is a large majority of places don't want them, they don't see kpop albums especially an excessive amount of used one's to be worth anything, remember those second hand stores are a business they need to make a profit and having a huge stock of something that won't sell is wasted space, all this does is leave trash disposal as someone else's responsibility the main reason fans dump it at charity or on the street.

    I Know people want to bash NCT because it happened this time with their album but This happens with every kpop group yes even our beloved BTS because everyone does all the practices that lead to this. This is how most including our most popular groups have an artificial popularity in charts etc is because sales are fan boosted due to their unhealthy obsession not because someone liked the song so bought an album no they liked the song but wanted whoever it is to be king of music so a good amount of fans go out and buy several of the same album and the rich fans go out and buy hundreds or thousands to boost and to get all the photocards and the tickets needed to get into fanmeets let me remind you EVERY KPOP GROUP DOES THIS.

    Oh I am not bashing the group at all I am mad at the fans who do this instead of selling, donating or recycling them. I love NCT.

    Micah Forever Benny's Smoll Bean


  • why dont they sell the unsealed album i wonder?

    I buy 20+ copies of Lalisa to collect photocards but was able to sell all the unsealed albums at half the price. There are people out there who are willing to pay for album with no inclusions (especially kids/ students)

    I agree. Like I’m a working adult but with my current situation I have no chance buying their album.

    But we have a site here for reselling stuff and I seen lot of people putting it up for sale for much cheaper. Yeah, sometimes no photocards with them but I’m not interested in the cards anyway. Also some sellers have a selection on cards you can choose from who are not their favorite and they provide the list in pm what you can choose from.

    Like I’m planning to buy an Exo album and the seller told me I can choose from Chanyeol, Chen, Xiumin or Ateez, Oh my Girl cards too.

    I wish they would do something like this. It would take longer to sell them on but it would be helping other people and the environment.

  • Oh I am not bashing the group at all I am mad at the fans who do this instead of selling, donating or recycling them. I love NCT.

    Oh i know I had seen others who were brain dead idiots bashing NCT because of this lol something every group does 🤡🤡. I just happened to get both points across as i originally quoted yours in response about reselling the albums as alot of thrift/ second hand stores here in Korea are a business like any other they need to turn a profit and used kpop albums are dead space you don't want your limited storage space at your business taking up by crap that won't sell that's essentially money wasted as the space could have been given to something that would sell.

  • Oh i know I had seen others who were brain dead idiots bashing NCT because of this lol something every group does 🤡🤡. I just happened to get both points across as i originally quoted yours in response about reselling the albums as alot of thrift/ second hand stores here in Korea are a business like any other they need to turn a profit and used kpop albums are dead space you don't want your limited storage space at your business taking up by crap that won't sell that's essentially money wasted as the space could have been given to something that would sell.

    Oh okay lol I thought you thought I was bashing a group for their fans doing silly things ^^

    Micah Forever Benny's Smoll Bean


  • you talked about billboard and people being restricted to 4 albums, i told you hello82 counts for billboard and while there's a restriction for 4 per ORDER they can still bulk buy. I am not talking about gaon or hanteo, and they count for both of those as well. I'm informing you that even though you say there's a restriction there really isn't at least in this one example. it all has to do with people can still bulk buy no matter what. I don't care about all that nonsense i was giving you an example.

    ATEEZ [ZERO : FEVER EPILOGUE] (BILLBOARD) - hello82 exclusive – hello82.shop

    they absolutely count for gaon and hanteo




    My point still stands, whether there's photocards or not. People will bulk buy if it gets them into a fan sign, video calls etc. This one doesn't have any of those extra options. But people still mass buy.

  • Where I am, we have certain areas at community centres and malls where people can leave their old books and cd/movies etc and others can take or borrow them. Not saying that bulk buying is not a problem but isnt leaving it for others to take if they want it not better than just throwing it in the garbage?

  • In the past people use to sell this for cheap to international fans. Like $5 + shipping. Guess people don’t do that anymore?

    Unrelated but the photocard idea is one of the most ingenious idea in Kpop. Bad for the environment but good for making crazy amount of $. It literally cost pennies to make one and people buy a whole $20 album just for it.

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